Character name: MataGeckos (SM)
Server time: 13:00 UTC
As you can see in the pictures provided, the % amount of DMG Absorption of the Soul Barrier is 32%.
My ASM is level 284 with stats: 80 (str) - 1013 (agi) - 15 (sta) - 408 (ene).
I tested my ASM Soul Barrier with my DL on Rakleon's Walkers, and these were the results:
Damage on DL without SB: 433.
Damage on DL with SB: 399.
I made 5 more tests and the DMG results were accurately, so i made the calculations to see what was the effective absorption on this server:
DMG that should have received with SB on: 1 - 0.32 = 0.68 x 433 dmg = 294,4 dmg.
Effective % of absorption my DL received: 399 dmg x 100 / 433 dmg = │92,148 - 100│= 7,852 % Effective dmg absorption.
It would be great if any dev can check this out, cause it makes SB virtually useless in this server.