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We are taking requests only on forum / Facebook. Discord is something optional, made for you, in order to offer other ways to comunicate between yourselves, not with the staff. I am not using discord and you were never advised to request anything using discord, so please use the official methods for a request.
Why dont you take your toxic behavior and remove yourself from the server. Pathetic.
This seems like it is targeted. Knowing Maus this has nothing to do with helping players. Just tricks to get people muted more often.
Abis joined the community
Bennyto reacted to a post in a topic: GION - Complaint
- Yesterday
Dominic started following GION - Complaint
we cry so much :)) " cause there are people to be helped, people that play on this server, people that feel ignored until the "moderator" decides to reply to their answers/complains/requests whenever he feels like" - @Lucifurr wants to help ppl :)) - cryy Maybe if u post less u feel less ignored
Obraznicc started following GION - Complaint
@Lucifurr Good point ! for example when i went home in romania from germany on holiday i left my fenrir in inventory i think or something like that, i cant acces the game on facebook coz in 2025 we still use facebook to chat ... aham ! NOT ! and i took the other choice DISCORD ! and i asked @Gion if he can check what happend exactly so i asked him on discord on 06.01.2025 and i still dont have an answer on that! So i think you did the right think oppening this topic @Lucifurr maybe now someone will check our problems or we will get warned, because why not! Another example ! today i putted password on my char, i locked it and probably by mistake i pressed another key, i mean not probably bcs the password right now its worng, so i took my mother's phone and askled him on Facebook, in my mind it was ok if on discord no one give duck on forum it takes from 2 to 10 days my last hope was facebook, i think it passed more then 8 hours and no one give a duck about our problems! @ADMIN@Gion guys dont get us worng we are frustrated because we want to play but sometimes it seems like NO MANS LAND ! i get you guys you work alot... probably more then us but we need someone to be here if not all the time at least 1 time per day online ! to ask us how it goes, to answer if we have a problem, to fix our problems ! PLEASE @ADMIN @Gion do something guys !
Lucifurr started following GION - Complaint
Hello all, I did not know what topic to put (because it's not listed there in the whole list, so I selected a random one just for the sake of argument) I have also posted in your general chat of your official discord, but no one ever gives a duck about our opinion. I will post the evidence here, cause there are people to be helped, people that play on this server, people that feel ignored until the "moderator" decides to reply to their answers/complains/requests whenever he feels like: Therefore, @ADMIN @Gion i request please a rule that for every request / issue / complaint ever raised, to receive at least a response within 24 hours since it was risen, because it's inadmissible to wait up to 49-72 hours to receive a response which was done in the same day. P.S: I can understand we all have our personal lives, but to take 30 minutes to at least check the complaints received on the same day they were submitted (and not wait 3 days for punishment) is a decent thing to ask as a mutual respect move. I am kind of tired to submit tickets to forum (or hear issues of others sending you messages in OldSquad Community) and no one takes any action. Please do the needful and at least show interest for your player based community who is here to have fun. Please show interest to people who constantly invest time or money on your server. PLEASE CONSIDERATE HELPING THOSE WHO NEED, CAUSE WE ARE NOT JUST MONEY OR STATISTICS. Yours honestly,
Johnny joined the community
BachuS started following foreign language/BL on post Warmachine
vizarhali joined the community
Luigi89 joined the community
SugarRush joined the community
- Last week
Lucifurr reacted to a post in a topic: CenzzurA - Racism
ADMIN started following Transfers from Inception - Sprint 5
Hello, Inception Sprint 5 will be over today, 11th January at 19:00 GMT+2 (Server Time). At that moment, Inception will be removed from website and you won't be able to leave Lorencia safe-zone and / or make new trades, etc., but the server will remain online for 7 more days (until 18th January around 19:00~23:59 GMT+2 - so you can finish the transfer process). In order to transfer to Genesis you need to have at least 5 resets when it's over. If you have the requirements, you just have to write /transfer [NewName] [Genesis/Inception] from the Character you are transferring, where [NewName] = the name you want to have on Genesis and [Genesis/Inception] is your credits transfer option (if you choose Genesis, 100% of your Inception credits will be moved to Genesis, if you choose Inception, 20% of your current credits will remain on your Inception account for the next Inception Sprint and none will be transferred to Genesis). Example1: /transfer TestBK genesis -> Will transfer your character to Genesis with the new name as "TestBK" as well as 100% of your credits to Genesis. Example2: /transfer TestDL inception -> Will transfer your character to Genesis with the new name as "TestDL" and 20% of your current credits will remain on Inception account for the next Sprint. Note: Minimum 4 characters, maximum 10 characters for name. Note2: Only alphanumeric characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9), no special characters/symbols or so. Note3: The new name you choose must not be taken already on Genesis by someone else. Note4: The 2nd argument can only be genesis or inception (with any combination of upper/lower letters like GeNeSis, INCEPTION, etc.) What is transferred: Character's Equipment (with all content) Character's Inventory & Extended Inventory (with all content) Character's Store (with all content) Character's Zen The jewels and zen that you have in Jewel Wallet & Zen Wallet Main Vault (0) content (including the zen) ATTENTION!!!: The Main Vault (0) from Genesis will be REPLACED with the one from Inception, so make sure to have your items moved from Main warehouse (0) to warehouse (1) or (2) on GENESIS before transferring! Character's Master Level will be transferred BUT it will also be reset after transfer. ATTENTION!!!: All of your character skills will be RESET after transfer, if you had any ML! 100% of your Inception's credits (if you choose to transfer them) - else you will retain 20% of your credits from Inception for the next Inception Sprint (and none will be transferred to Genesis). What else is included with your character: HoFs Fruit Points Mercenary Squad Stats What is not included in the transfer: Secondary warehouses content (1-5) Web Warehouse content Market content Old "stats" of your character (like PvM Rankings, CS stats, etc.) Gens Status & Stats Observations: You need to have at least one free slot on Genesis account (same account) in order to transfer - command will let you know. After the transfer is complete, your character & account from Inception will be blocked and the credits/jewel & zen wallets you still have will be set to 0 (the account will be unblocked on the next Inception Sprint). You will be transferred with level 400 and the reset based on the transfer table. You will have 25 stats + the sum of points based on your new reset & genesis points as unused points, that you can freely add. Note: They aren't 100% accurate but once you do your first reset on Genesis they will be 100% accurate. I will remind you once again the transfer table for the resets & level: Cheers.
I seriously don't know what made you hate me so much but reporting it and showing everyone your shitty behavior is the least I can do. Also, I am amazed at how much time you are eager to waste to continuously kill me on spots. My 2 chars are almost full so it's nothing more than a minor inconvenience. But I guess you just need it to release your hatred.
Bennyto started following BADBLOOD aka Bennyto, bad language
make more screenshots, i dont care u r garbage player, garbage person, i wish u just unlucky in your real life.. thats all
Virulent started following BADBLOOD aka Bennyto, bad language
One stolen WW and the guy wants my family dead, huh....
jucator started following [OSP] Weekly Events, Monthly Competition, Legends Group
Apokalypse - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
It is not actually racism, but it is enough to boost CenzzurA's mute with another 12 hours, on top of those 24 that he got minutes ago. Locked.
cici - muted for 48 hours just because you thought nothing can happen because the forum was down. Locked.
Gion reacted to a post in a topic: cici Racism
This one is not working. But the other screenshot is enough for GrimReaper to be muted for 24 hours. Locked.
CenzzurA - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
Since the forum was down, we could have accepted the evidence from that date, as we did with other reports. But edited screenshots do not match the idea of a report. The idea of a report is not to screw over your enemy while you are behaving the same, it is to report someone that bothers you while you are minding your own business. This is not the case here. If the screens were to be ok then the report would have been ok as well. Locked.
Ichi - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
Cut out of context and me being unpolite towards you was reasonable at the time.
Treispe joined the community
jadorone joined the community
noober01 joined the community
BL in cc7 hour ago @Gion
@GionAnother strike for racism on forum.
so u admit u are a nazzi pig yes? i thought so....nazzis are not allowed here. go to hell!
Yet he continues
- Another day, same typical behavior....