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    Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/27/2024 in all areas

    1. Hello, On 29.07.2024 (Monday) at 19:00 GMT+3 (Server Time) we'll have a global maintenance on our systems. Genesis will be down for 45~120 minutes. You will also have to either update the client via Launcher (after Maintenance is over) or download the new Genesis client that will be uploaded on that day after the maintenance, in order to continue playing. The following update will be up on Genesis after the Maintenance is over: ! IMPORTANT UPDATE: We're changing our servers rules (for both Genesis & Inception Sprints) as follows: Rule 2 & 3 (Insults & Racism): 1. Character bans are now removed as part of the punishment(s). Players will no longer get banned on Characters for either Insults or Racism. 1.1. Warns are no longer given for any type of reports, as well as old warns are no longer taken into consideration. 2. Now any type of insults, bad and/or abusive language, direct/indirect racism, etc. towards players will be punished with MUTE on Account(s) + IP from 6 hours up to 120 hours, as long as it is correctly reported. 2.1 The amount of MUTE time will now be decided based on case-by-case scenario and/or gravity (and/or previous history/antecedents) at the sole discretion of the staff. 2.2 Any decided MUTE time is final and can be different compared to similar situations. 2.3 Contesting a MUTE decided by staff in order to create dramas (accusing of giving an either too big or too small MUTE time) can get the involved contestant(s) banned and even HWID+IP banned, without further explanations. 2.4 The "provocation" part of the old rule is now removed. Instead, if the one who reported did also used bad language/insults towards the reported one (even if they were "smaller" or indirect), both the reported one and the one who reported will be MUTED. 2.5 The deadline for reports is 24 hours from the moment the BL/Insults/Racism happened, reports that pass the deadline will not be taken into consideration. Rule 5 (Selling for Real Money): 1. When reporting a seller for real money, no matter what it is involved in the initial offert (be it only an item, multiple items, or the account/character itself), the one that reported will receive the entire account that is banned for the real-money selling. 2. There's now a deadline of 24 hours to report a seller for real money, from the moment the initial sell proof/offert is created that you are presenting to the staff (not counting any ulterior discussions/proofs needed, only the initial one). 2.1 If the deadline of 24 hours is passed, you will no longer receive anything for the report, but if you report it past the deadline, the person & his accounts will still be banned. Rule 7 (Insistent Non-English Messages in /post or Gens Chat): For the players-made reports, the punishment is from 3 hours up to 24 hours, at the sole discretion of the staff. For the real-time staff catches in-game, the punishment is from 30 minutes up to 3 hours, at the sole discretion of the staff. Changelog: [ADDED] Released 2nd Grand Reset: If you reach 1 GR, 55 resets and level 400 you now unlock the 2nd Grand Reset. In order to do the 2nd Grand Reset you need to type /grandreset. Rewards for 2nd Grand Reset 2x PvP Artifacts & 2x PvM Artifacts. 2 weeks of Golden Fenrir (that can't die). 2x HoF Badges. 50 extra free points for each new Reset after the GR [that are accumulated up until 50 resets, where you'll have 2500 extra stat points compared to 50rr chars with only 1 GR]. 160 extra free points for each new QReset after the GR, between 50 and 55 resets. [so at 1 GR and 55rr you'll have 3300 more points compared to 55rr chars with only 1 GR]. Improved quests rewards when doing them again. Extra +1% Damage for every reset after 50rr. [with a total of +15% at 2 GR and 55RR]. [!] Higher top position. Requirements for 2nd Grand Reset Your character on Server 1 (Normal Maps). Level 400. 1 Grand Reset. 55 Resets. 1.800.000.000 Zen. 2x2 inventory space for Golden Fenrir. Extra info The EXP rate for 0-55 resets is a linear EXP with a 10% rate of the normal (NON-GR) EXP. The Quests are reset, you can start them again at 50 resets & all restrictions/requirements for the Quest System are being kept once you start them again. Note: After reaching 50 resets you must use /qreset again in order to progress to 55 resets. You keep the same amount of bonus % Damage as you had before the 2nd GR (earned from qresets & 1st GR). Each new reset after 2nd GR costs 200.000.000 Zen. [UPDATED] Quests System on 2nd GR: Objectives: Quest 1: Kill 110x Bloody Monsters Quest 2: Kill 3x Golden Budges & 5x White Wizards Quest 3: Win 3x Illusion Temple Events Quest 4: Kill 70x 'little' Rabbits Quest 5: Finish 9x Doppelganger Events Quest 6: Hunt down 4x Death Kings Quest 7: Kill Goldens: 30x BoK+1, 24x BoK+2, 20x BoK+3 Quest 8: Hunt down 3x Nightmares Quest 9: Give David 1x Old Box 2 and 2x Old Box 3 Quest 10: Kill 16x Derkons Quest 11: Finish 7x Imperial Events in less than 200 seconds Quest 12: Win 5x Chaos Castle Events Quest 13: Kill 65x BoK+5 Goldens Quest 14: Hunt down 8x Kunduns, 8x Witches, 5x Cursed Dragons Rewards: The first 2 quests from each tier will now reward you with: 25% chance for 1x DD Seed in Sphere. 10% 1x Old Box 5. 32.5% 1x PvP Artifact. 32.5% 1x PvM Artifact. The Quest Skip times on the 2nd GR quests are 4/6/8 days, based on quest tier. [UPDATED] Reduced the Zen cost of Resets between 0 and 50 when having 1 GR from 150kk per reset to 60kk per reset. [UPDATED] Increased the EXP of 0-55 resets & 1 GR by 50%. [UPDATED] Reduced the Quest Skip times on 0 GR from 1/2/2 days based on quest tier to 1/1/1 days. [UPDATED] Reduced the Quest Skip times on 1 GR from 2/3/4 days based on quest tier to 1/2/3 days. [UPDATED] Highly increased the HP & DEF of CC7 monsters. [UPDATED] PvP Artifact from CC7 can now be obtained ONLY by remaining the only character alive (basically it is no longer given as part of the CC win that can happen when time's up, and more than 1 character is still alive). [ADDED] You can now convert PvP Artifacts into PvM Artifacts and vice-versa. You need 2x PvP Artifacts and 500 Credits to get 1x PvM Artifact. You need 2x PvM Artifacts and 500 Credits to get 1x PvP Artifact. You can use /changeartifact <pvp|pvm> command in order to make the conversion, as long as you meet the requirements. Typing "/changeartifact pvp" will convert 2x PvP Artifacts into 1x PvM Artifact. Typing "/changeartifact pvm" will convert 2x PvM Artifacts into 1x PvP Artifact. This conversion is not meant to be a feasible, easy way to get access to the needed Artifacts, but more of an expensive, desperate way to get the missing Artifacts when you have too many from a specific type. [UPDATED] Increased the Enrage damage of Dark Mammoth & the Soul-Link Enrage damage of Dark Iron Knight. [UPDATED] Now when Dark Mammoth initially spawns, all characters in its 15x15 range are moved to lorencia. [FIXED] Anti-Hack error window getting stucked when trying to open a 3rd instance of the game. [FIXED] Anti-Hack closing the connection after ~3 minutes of reconnect time, it now allows up to 20-40 minutes of reconnect time, before closing the connection. [UPDATED] Maximum points in a single stat is now 30k instead of 27k. [UPDATED] Chain Drive Strengthener (ML) now also increases Chain Drive range from 2 to 3. [UPDATED] Reduced the PvP damage received by RF by 20%~40% based on attacking class. [UPDATED] Slightly reduced the stuck rate of RF when taking damage. [UPDATED] Increased the effects-power of Mana Shield, Sweal & EE buffs (CS) on RF. [UPDATED] Now if a BK has a mace & fenrir equipped, it can no longer damage other players with TS. [UPDATED] Increased the PvP damage received by BK by 10~30% based on attacking class. [UPDATED] Reduced BK's PvP damage by 10%. [UPDATED] Increased BK's Combo damage by 33%. [UPDATED] Reduced the stuck rate of BK when taking damage. [UPDATED] Increased the effects-power of Mana Shield & EE buffs (CS) on BK. [UPDATED] Cyclone Strengthener (ML - BK only), Slash Strengthener (ML), Falling Slash Strengthener (ML) & Lunge Strengthener (ML) now also increases the weapon skill range from 2 to 3. [UPDATED] Increased SM's Teleport cooldown from 4 seconds to 5.5 seconds. [UPDATED] Increased SM's PvP damage by 8%. [UPDATED] Reduced the Poison Resistance (ML), Lighting Resistance (ML) & Ice Resistance (ML) increases from 1.2%~9% to 0.38%~2.5%, since the actual resistance increase is way bigger than the % values. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage % inside Chaos Castle by 14%, now matching the Duel % damage. [UPDATED] Increased Fire Slash debuff duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds. [UPDATED] Increased Fire Slash debuff max rate from 20% to 25%. At some point in the future (probably winter), there will be new mix(es) for new obtainable items that will also use Artifacts, as well as more ways to obtain Artifacts. Cheers!
      4 points
    2. ImaWhore

      Quick question

      How do you reset you character once you hit 400? Sorry just kind of a dumb whore😅
      4 points
    3. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward): Doink Suggestion type (server/website/forum): Website Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough): - using the web wallet to store jewels is a really great way to have an accurate overview of your jewel balance, instead of your jewels being scattered all around different wares/characters/alts. The main issue is withdrwaing the jewels, if you're crafting anything it gets very time consuming withdrawing 10 jewels at a time and then waiting out the incredibly long cooldown before you can withdraw 10 more. With many mixes requiring 400-500 jewels, this turns into a huge ordeal. Increasing or better yet fully removing the withdrawal limit (There is already a check in place which prevents withdrawals if you're out of ware space) would completely eliminate this issue and greately improve user experience. How the suggestion can bring value: Improving user experience
      4 points
    4. Gion

      Grand Master Skill Tree

      Some of the attributes in the skill tree are not working as they should (developer problem) so we blocked it in order for you not to lose precious points. I would suggest you to test the master skill tree on the test server before actually completing it.
      3 points
    5. OCBEminem, Marius, I don't believe a word from what has been said. I've helped you with items and you talked to me as being the owner of the account with all the information about yourself, your family, your YouTube channel, your LoL "career" etc while trying to scam me at the same time. You had the audacity to school me on behavior for refusing to give you an item for free after the slew of free items I gave you. I don't know if anyone has reported you or not, but here you go: I may have conflict with some of the players here, and that is fine. It is inevitable really. But your kind is something special, something nobody should face, regardless of how shitty they are. That said, there is no place for you here. If you miss MU go make your own server where your clan can scam eachother and see who can be the most creative at it. I bid you adieu dawi-
      2 points
    6. Error

      Quick question

      2 points
    7. Bad photo editing skills, don't be upset and re-edit your posts. The decision remains, we do not need such players.
      1 point
    8. Gion

      'Official' Spam Topic !

      Please advertise, this is the message for racists
      1 point
    9. how is this racism if the asian culture actually eat bugs ?
      1 point
    10. like the title says i like being treated like a whore i love it when people degrade and humiliate me (only me tho i don't endorse it toward anyone else) and i hope more people do it either through here , dm's or in game ☺️
      1 point
    11. Blank


      Please Ban all of OCBD IP and HWID. This behavior is unacceptable really. No use playing with this kind of people. Pushing the blame to someone who don't exist. It's retarded. We don't need these kinds of player.
      1 point
    12. Considering the fact that they acted as other guilmates and they scammed a lot of people in very short ammount of time (as far i as i know they did that with all guilds), since they can't give anything back to repayfor their mistakes, their excuses mean nothing, so i hope he remains banned, otherwise this can turn other people easily into doing the same. It's like somebody stealing your money then giving you an apology without giving you the money back. If they went to admins for checking logs and starting giving ppl back their stuff, that might have changed things, but all they do after masive scam is just apologise so no thanks, keep ur apologies and ur ban. That's all folks.
      1 point
    13. ur useless then go rope asap
      1 point
    14. 1 point
    15. Gion

      Chukimuki BL

      Small insults used before makes the reported one ineligible for a warn, but since this was on global chat => daddyChuki muted for 6 hours. Locked.
      1 point
    16. Chukundah

      Quick question

      1 point
    17. ImaWhore

      Quick question

      thank you so much☺️
      1 point
    18. Doink


      The association of Oinks and their MINIOiNks begs to differ. Everyone is welcome to have their opinion but in the end it's subjective. Most people play multiple characters with different names. It's an advantage during times of conflict and it allows them to act as multiple personas and aid them in subterfuge. In our experience, majority of random encounters the Oink legion had with MINIOiNks grouped up made people laugh and brightened their day . Not many people partake in goofy antics such as roleplaying anymore, it used to be an inseparable part of mmos. Nowadays most people incline to trashtalk, toxicity and in this game in particular, powertripping. If the Oink syndicate can brighten up peoples days merely by existing in contrast to all the hate and negativity in this game, it's worth putting ourselves at a disadvantage instead of adopting aliases.
      1 point
    19. Gion


      Basically this is a personal choice of the player to actually display his name. Different names and there would be nothing looking weird. Since we can never know when a player is using multiple devices/internet connection unless he wants us to know there is no apparent resolution for this.
      1 point
    20. Gion


      Hello, dear Whore! So, as the sub-forum name is stating, this is a free chat thus you can't be restricted from using this game unless you get disrespectful towards the other players (not 100% sure about my events, but m'yeah).
      1 point
    21. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward): Doink Suggestion type (server/website/forum): server Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough): As we all know mu online is a heavily gear/level based game. That's not a problem in competetive sprints but for the more laid back permanent server it creates a barrier of entry for new players - having to spend 3-6 months grinding pve before you get to compete in your first boss fights is a sufficient deterrent for most new players as is. In the previous update we got old rings, which I believe is not the right direction in the long run. Vertical progression adds new content for the veterans of the server but only deepens the gap potential new players have to overcome before being able to compete in almost any event or participate in pvp. Old rings are a perfect example of vertical progression - new items are released and they blow old items out of the water (power creep) - making the grind even more dissuading for new players who are wondering whether it's worth it to spend 6 months grinding before they get to the endgame. In contrast to that, horizontal progression adds new content, new items and goals to grind for for everyone, while not making the previous items obsolete and not extending the time new players need to sink into the game before they can become relevant/competetive. Meanwhile vertical progression creates an even bigger gap between veterans and new players as to obtain artifacts necessary for crafting old rings one must be able to be competetive in both pvp and endgame pve. A working example of horizontal progression on oldsquad are excellent ddi sets versus socket sets - both are viable and have their use, what determines which option is better for you is your class, build and playstyle. Same thing with grand reset giving only 3k stats and 5% extra damage - technically vertical but it's in a similar spirit to horizontal and a good direction to make the game playable quick instead of gatekeeping content behind months of afk farming. How the suggestion can bring value: Help new players stick around and keep the player numbers healthy long term while still giving people goals to grind for. Less barrier of entry for new players, more build variety. (Optional) How would you personally implement your suggestion (your vision): If old rings were implemented as horizontal progression, they could perhaps have less defensive stats and less hprec than best in slot rings obtainable from budges, trading the defensive bonuses for more offensive stats (dd, edr, etc). This would make them best in slot for pve and for killer characters while jewelry obtainable from budges could stay best in slot for beefier characters who benefit more from extra dd/hp/ref/hprec. Not saying to change old rings now but I think it would be more healthy if future content was made with all of this in mind.
      1 point
    22. I dont have any specific ideas what to add for the progression but the overall idea is good. Support.
      1 point
    23. DoruRupeTot, please go outside and learn to enjoy simple things, bro. It seems that the drug abuse has affected your way of thinking.
      1 point
    24. Not a bad idea. I think the best way to achieve this is to use what already exists in the game. I.e. the exc sets and weapons, 380 sets and weapons etc. Make them competitive with the socket items based on individual character stats - 380 sets are pretty much there already, but they are 1 per class. Exc sets are many, including the rare sets. And this to be achieved once items are made + 15. At lower tiers, they can still be "weak". So it would give the players the options to all look different and still be top- farm for 3 opt sets etc.
      1 point
    25. Hello! I already did one guide for Vitality Rage Fighter and since then I didn't posted anything. Here I will represent you my vision of "Strenght Magic Gladiator". You all know that this is early game PVP Beast and also high capabilities of PVM. 1. Introduction What does SMG lack? You all know its the AG. Early game you can use 2x One Handed weapons with special options (EDR/2% or both) or just high damage ones (non excellent), or simply you can use the specific SMG weapons who have Powerslash skill. First I will explain you the benefits of both (you can keep them both in your inventory and switch depending on the situation). 1.1 Weapons of choice. 1. Using two weapons will provide you burst at early levels if there isn't good two handed wep at your hands (focus on having EDR++ on each wep). This will give you high damage burst at PVP but keep in mind when you get out of AG - you are history, so don't use this method for PVM. 2. Using two handed weapon with Powerslash (even not excellent one with options) will give you medium damage burst in PVP and high damage burst in PVM. Many people neglect Powerslash but it is proven that it works in Castle Siege as well. It is a good AOE high distance skill which can help you control the Castle. You can literally melt people if you have one EE guarding you back with SD regen. 1.2 Weapon examples You can pick up any Excellent one handed weapon with EDR++ . (Early game PVP) Excellent Rune Blade +Luck+ 2% DMG (Early/Mid game both PVP/PVM) Excellent Sword Dancer +Luck+ 2% DMG (Early/Mid game both PVP/PVM) Excellent Divine Sword of Archangel +L+EDR+2% combined with Rune Bastard Sword (Mid/Late game both PVP/PVM) Rune Bastard Sword with 5 sockets +Luck. (Mid/Late game both PVP/PVM) 2. Armor This is something which will unleash a discussion. My experience proves that in early game you don't need high defense gear. Depending what you really gonna do will make the difference. If you go straight for PVP my suggestion is to head for low tier excellent set or mix of sets. For example you can start with Bronze, Brass, Dragon with Damage Decrease and Reflect. Now here is the trick, you don't have to complete the same set since in early game you are really depend on the options. Luck is needed so you can land more Critical Hits. Late game you start with forging your set to +11 so you can get the bonus and then continue till +15. Damage Decrease as yellow options on the set are needed when you reach this part of the game. If you head for PVM then you head for rare (medals or hearts) set with Additional Defense and luck. Brass Set +Luck+DD+REF (Early/Pre-Mid PVP) Brass Set +Luck+HP+REF (Early/Pre-Mid PVP) Ancient set Gaion Storm Crow (Mid/Pre-Late PVP/PVM) - picking Gaion will make preparations for having Rune Bastard Swords which are the Best in Slot swords for SMG. Ancient set Muren's Storm Crow (Mid/Pre-Late PVP/PVM) - picking Muren's will force you to use Two Handed weapons so you can take the bonus and it is easier to get the set. Volcano Set (Late PVP/PVM) - equipped with two Rune Bastard Swords is kinda the Best in Slot gear you can have in late game. 2.1 Rings Preferred rings by me are 2x DD+REF or mix of DD+REF and REF+HP. At early game you can go with one option rings but prefer to have DD and if your gear doesn't contain Reflect, try to get one from your second ring. 3. Stats Here is the real deal. Since many of you will think "Why you added 130 energy?", the answer is simple - Scroll of Ice - this is probably one of the most important Spells at early game so you can reach long distance people and control the map. 3.1. High STR - with this build you can land huge damage with slower Attack Speed. You can use this build in early/mid game with 2x One Handed weapons for PVP (PVPArena, Castle Siege and etc). This points are calculated for level 400 with additional Fruits and total of 2863 points. 3.2 High AGI - this is something special I've tested few times on live editions and I was doing pretty good with medium but sustained damage. My recommendation is to use either Muren's or Gaion Storm Crow so you can compensate the lack of STR with the Double Damage. 4. Short basic tips about PVP Gameplay. It is not easy to be a SMG. Your most important thing is positioning so you can land proper Fire Slash. As far as I remember the radius of Fire Slash is 1 yard so you have to be careful. That works for invasion/bosses as well. Your play style is simple Single Targets - Ice > Cyclone (if you are equipping One Handed Sword which will allow you to jump on the target easy, also works for focusing the GM in CS if its DL) > Fire Slash Multiple Targets - Try to position yourself and just spam Powerslash if more than 5, if no - you can get closer and use Flamestrike. You can divide your play style on two while in CS: Mostly SD drainer and diversion Focus on killing specific targets - Stampers, clearing the Crown, killing opponents EE's and the GM who wants to take the crown. 5. Some small calculation as always with the following items: 5.1 Some statistics with the damage inputs at level 400(+200ML) and the equipped set. 5.2 Some data on Vulcanus Cruel Blood Assasins and Selupan 6. Master Tree I will post the PVP orientated Master Tree in 3 steps - 0-50 ML; 50-100 ML; 200 ML. My first 50 points should be spended like this: PVP Defense Rate - 10 PVP Attack Rate - 10 SD Increase - 10 PVP Defense/Attack Rate +5 on each SD Regen - 10 (preparation for Increase Defense) 50-100 Points: Divided on two choices you can pick up one of these: Increase Defense - 20 Attack Success Rate - 10 Cyclone - 10 Weapon Mastery - 10 Increase Defense - 20 Increase One Handed Sword - 10 Increase One Handed Sword Mastery (for Attack Speed) - 10 PVP Defense/Attack Rate - +5 on each Final 200/200 Points: So far this is the final build which you head for. It is not easy to farm everything but head for this type of game style. Pretty simple and fun to play Class. If you have any questions regarding this build I will help you with pleasure. I remind you again - this is my play style and it is not official MU WEBZEN build you MUST follow. Regards, Voyager
      1 point
    26. Doink

      BK stun on twisting slash

      Again, if stun is considered an unfun mechanic by the majority of the community I'm all up for removal as long as BK is adequately compensated with a different feature that allows him to stay competetive and viable in 1v1 and teamfights, ideally making bk gameplay less frustrating and less based on luck - it has always been a character that lets the users skill shine, luck based mechanics are the antithesis of what BK represents. On the other side of the coin, every single class bar RF doesn't have to deal with stagger while essentially almost permastunning BK in fights (if you happen to cyclone a DL or Elf and get under them you are effectively permastunned, maybe 1 in 10 fights I manage to get out of that positon), yet when they get stunned suddenly it's an unfun mechanic. As of now even with stun it's incredibly painful to play this class in 1v1s without fenrir. If you do decide to go full ref tank to survive group engagements without fenrir you're still unable to catch up to mounted people and stun them, I have yet to see an umounted ref bk in a teamfight have any sort of impact apart from being a hard to kill buffer. If he gets on you you just walk away, there is nothing he can do to catch you. Even if he had 1k attack speed and you are oblivious enough to let an unmounted bk walk up to you, he will get staggered from ref, making it impossible to keep a target stunned for long - just walk away. It would be incredibly funny to see how teamfights will look like with no disabling abilities, ice ring +4 paired with potions of soul mean everyone will be unkillable and SM will become S tier . Perhaps buffing ice elf would fix this issue and give elf a second playstyle.
      1 point
    27. Dominic

      BK stun on twisting slash

      Man u wanna just reduce stun.... That will be stupid. You ever chased SM with teleport or any char with fenrir? You not getting this BK lifestyle - If u keep posting here, please let us know your BK charname - isnt it you skippy? @WhoKnows seem to just wanna nerf BK because he cant go against it. He wont reveal his true character names either so why would we even listen to him. If every new player start complain about top DL/SUM for being too powerful - are they right to come here asking for other classes to be nerfed? Would be funny if it turns out that @WhoKnows is DL/SUM who cant go against bk...
      1 point
    28. Dominic

      BK stun on twisting slash

      I do feel sorry about RF - is probably harderst char to compete in this server. Nevertheless, i do believe doink has good points and well written review. I hope admins will find a way to balance things out, This FenrirBK was born first because being able to be useful in CS but turned out to be op in overall duels. @Gion if its possible look into that stagger ("stop") problem and try find some sort of solution to this - if that can be changed i think reduced stun could be considered. Its is too hard to land a combo against high speed characters.
      1 point
    29. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward). PACQUIAO/MagicGagi Suggestion type (server/website/forum). Server Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough). Increasing the zen digits/value/total amount while on Store Mode: Limiting it to 99,999,999 means limited items to sell in-game. Maybe making it able to sell an item for at least 1 Billion to 1.8 Billion zen would benefit sellers/buyers. How the suggestion can bring value. Encourages Players: This will help the economy in-game. Less Hassle: Players that need the immediate item via zen trading would opt not to go to web market IF the item is available at some players posting store in-game. More Interaction between sellers/buyers. (Lorencia is like a ghost town to be honest, by doing it the Lorencia will be much more alive than ever before.) How would you personally implement your suggestion (your vision). Making patches/updates.
      1 point
    30. Gion

      BK stun on twisting slash

      The default game is non reset - everything that happens after resets is a kind of a "surprise", as it was never designed for resets. So the high attack speed, high stun due to the high attack speed, etc. are surprise elements which we have to, somehow, balance. Keep posting your input, it helps a lot!
      1 point
    31. Dominic

      BK stun on twisting slash

      Where does the "FULL VIT" come from haha. @WhoKnows Generally yes, bk has swell that it increases hp but it also lasts for very short time. While bk has to swell, u have the BK stunned for 3 seconds instead (buff procedure takes long time ) Have you tried run around in teamfights with no fenrir? Try catch opponents who wear fenrirs while they just keep runing and poking you. There is hardly chance to finish 3 combo before players with fenrir can just run away from you very easily. Also.... Why dont u come out and reveal your true character names :)) Rizzen hasnt played for ages...
      1 point
    32. Doink


      Karutan 2 has decreased jewel drop rates as it's a non pvp map. So does Kalima 7 and aida 2. Try levelling in pvp maps or better yet do devil square - lots of jewels drop in devil square.
      1 point
    33. WhoKnows

      BK stun on twisting slash

      @Doink I really like the long post and is explaining the real situation what is happening even if some like it and some don't. I would love to play my BK on combo's that is for sure and regarding the points that I mentioned, it is just my own opinion and the benefits that I personally think would make a difference for BK character. This is the reason why I posted in suggestion to hear many other opinions and once more, I appreciate you taking the time to explain in detail all the different points. p.s Let the BK be a BK and not a one standing character using twisting slash only to stun target.
      1 point
    34. Doink

      BK stun on twisting slash

      Let me preface all of this by pointing out, that bk stun is glitched. It's supposed to last for 2 seconds, yet half the time it only lasts for 1 or less. I tested it with different rings/elemental resistances and the result was always the same... Now let me break down bk for you so you understand why it devolved into this cancerous braindead fenrir hold rightclick +Q +TS meta even in the 1v1s. 1v1s/Arenas Personally I play bk to combo and have entertaining fights where the players skill can shine, fights that don't revolve only around stat checking each other while holding left click + Q. Contrary to the popular belief of clueless macro BKs, a lot more is happening under the hood than just pressing 1,2,3 to get the optimal performance out of combo bk. Now if you do decide to spend 2-3 weeks in test server to figure out and get good at the mechanics of bk, you'll soon realize that the rest of the character roster is almost impossible to combo against, unless they get stunned. Why is that you may ask? Is it lack of skill of the bk? Low attack speed? I can assure you after playing max attack speed on 28ms ping and spending hours in test server figuring out if there is a way to combo through the stagger reliably, there is not. First of all, apart from rage fighter all the other classes get access to a mount, which eliminates stagger and gives them extra bonuses on top including higher movement speed to kite and reset from an unfavorable position. BK has none of that, you have to build tanky because by the time you reach lets say a DL, you're starting the fight with no SD and the DL can still knock you back once more. Getting low and want to reset a fight? Almost impossible to run against range characters as them hitting you quite often results in you being straight up unable to move. On MAX attack speed with the fastest possible combo, hitting a DL that's spamming deseier (which can't be juked, the radius is massive) or really any other mounted class with high attack speed, if you time your combo perfectly right as your stagger animation ends, it will still process only around 10-20% of the time. Why is that? The stagger frequency is faster than the maximum combo speed, thus your combo gets interrupted before you even finish it, even if your bk is running MAXIMUM attack speed. So your main source of damage - if you do everything 100% correctly and make 0 mistakes, is still based fully on luck. Either the combo processes or it gets interrupted, there is nothing you can do to influence the outcome. You have to play perfectly and in the end the result of the fight is fully determined by LUCK - either you get a lucky stun thus being able to actually hit a few combos before it ends or you get enough combos to process through the stagger to kill the enemy before they kill you, which if you're up against good players is incredibly rare and again - fully random. This makes all 1v1 matchups apart from Rage Fighter (which I never see anyone play, please for the love of god make that class viable for more than just DPS in hunts and buffing team) and BK mostly fully luck based, really boring and essentially turns them into a stat checking coin toss where the bk has to put in 100x more effort while still having lower odds of winning. You can of course build your bk around that but that results in a rock-paper-scissors problem, which other classes don't seem to suffer from as much. You build tanky with a shield to be able to survive the stagger fest and slowly work on getting an opening with a stun to actually use your main class ability? - Well if you build tanky enough to be able to survive the bursty builds you end up dealing incredibly low damage with combos. That is because you lose 10% damage from not dual wielding, all the bonuses of a socket weapon and to top it off falling slash (mace skill), requires far more attack speed than cyclone to make combo possible to use and it's still SLOWER than cyclone, despite dumping 4k extra points into agi. This destroys your kill potential but allows you to get an opening against most high attack speed mounted classes, giving you some, albeit very mediocre outplay potential. It won't help against glass cannon builds who will just outdps your defences and slowly kill you while you block, or instantly oneshot you the moment you let go of your shield and will do absolutely nothing against characters which bypass defense - rage fighters, SMG, BK combo. You decide to go for a high damage build to hopefuly oneshot the enemies before they oneshot you? - You're back to the coin toss gameplay, every single fight devolves into if you get lucky or not. Either way, you're not running a balanced build but a gimmick made to give you a chance to possibly win matchups against characters that hard counter you, while sacrificing a lot in other areas. SInce you can't change items inside of arena/gamble, you're forced to fully commit to 1 of these two builds and pray you don't come up against a character with a build that counters you - rock paper scissors. Fenrir build returns the coin toss meta, either you get lucky and get enough stuns to get the kill or you die to the superior damage of other classes. Is it healthy for the class or fun? No. Is it better than putting in 100x more effort than your opponent for the exact same result while running the risk of losing the whole event to a hard counter with absolutely nothing you can do to win? Absolutely. I'm all for making combo bk the better option, but as of now you're forced to absolutely play your heart out and play at a disadvantage compared to all the other mounted classes who can kite, reset fights by running away, get no stagger and get 10% dmg/DD on top of all that. Now regarding teamfights... In teamfights BK gets demoted to a support swell bot who helps by stunning the enemies. You have 2 options, either making your character useless for all sorts of content but teamfighting, going max vit/agi/ene with a mace and shield and being a swell bot that can't be killed but that also can't really do much in terms of stun considering any AOE damage or god forbid targetted damage will stagger you to oblivion, barely allowing you to attack to proc stun. Your other option is to have a more balanced build that allows you to experience other content in game as well, which absolutely requires you to be on a fenrir, otherwise you're dead meat. In non gens maps twisting slash on fenrir glitches out frequently, forcing the user to do various gimmicks just to be able to hit the opponent or only attack with left click, dealing minimal damage. In both cases this is a support BK who does not combo under any circumstance, unable to play dps/killer. Why is comboing bad in teamfights? 1. With a large amount of people on screen this ancient poorly optimized games performance drops to a point where combos become very unreliable. 2. Even if there was NO stagger and combos worked well in crowded areas, if you combo an enemy in a teamfight situation, you move the enemy and yourself. This causes every single one of the DPS players on your team to stop attacking as now both you and your enemy blinked away, at best trading the damage of your entire team for a single combo (with swell, erf buff and sm buff I'm not sure it's even possible to combo someone out by yourself, and with the nature of the combo it's impossible to use it in a team...), at worst having your own teammates killing you in the process. 3. You are chasing people who can't be staggered and have double the movement speed than you, with a measly 2 range gapcloser, good luck targetting someone and comboing them down... I would love if the best playstyle for bk was high skill high reward combo playstyle. In group settings bk gameplay gets very dull, all you can do is buff and support, but generally BK always shined in 1v1s where he could hold his own and had some of the biggest outplay potential if the user was skilled enough. As of now the only place where it's worth to combo is CC, where BK is indubitably the strongest character (apart from characters built to kill most mobs and then run for 10 minutes).
      1 point
    35. 1 point
    36. dawi

      BK stun on twisting slash

      The fact that you die from twisting slash when my BK is combo BK (still working on it obviously. it was PVM up until a week ago), only shows you are a raging potato. Speaks nothing of Twisting Slash skill itself. You also die to tank SM- read the statement above again.
      1 point
    37. Dominic

      BK stun on twisting slash

      If u reduce the stun from bk u better add some dmg to make it actually a killer. Or somehow reduce "stop" rate from when u get hit. Cuz its pure annoying to catch them fenrirs while getting stops along the way. Yes, weapon skill can jump a little but damn try AIM in teamfights.... This topic is nonsense from ppl who played only few months here.... People who have been playing since beginning still not said any word?
      1 point
    38. Dominic

      BK stun on twisting slash

      Bro what are u saying, In CC bk can stun for 8 sec? Since when? I wish that would be 8 sec because SM will teleport like crazy. Maybe we wanna fix that teleport bug too? I know that some ppl use that "trick" to be able to teleport much more often that it should normally. DL and sm can outrun bk easily even if BK has someone killer as help - still unable to kill them teleporter SM characters. What 8 sec you talking about? - in CC - impossible... And again another player who doesnt main BK - do little testing on fenrir on your own and see if u can show us your perma stun? I want to see you kill that EASY with bk fenrir stun before u come talk here. Azir is the Emperror here - talking about being best dl of server while complaining about so many things like sd pots used in gamble, cc attended by more than 1 char - bk stun too often? Not one pro player has complained about bk stun as they can somehow counter it - its just those who cant figure out how will come and complain here.
      1 point
    39. dawi

      BK stun on twisting slash

      If you beat DL with summoner on non-gens map 1-1 without eRF buff etc, then that is one moob DL.
      1 point
    40. Hey @Devex I will send you the Calculator link cause it is hosted by another website. The one I had before its gone. I will ask @ADMIN to check it and if its virus free to upload it on Oldsquad. About the Summoner, well I never played this class, the next one I am gonna upload will be either ASM or ABK.
      1 point
    41. OldSquadMU - Genesis - Info ⇓ Basic Info Gameplay Info Old Box System & Rare Items Events Info Spots Info Drop Info & Economy System Chaos Machine Info Wings Level 4 System Special / HOT Features that you should KNOW! PvP System - All details & features Medals, Excellent (BoKs) & Ancient Tiers Castle Siege System (Unique System) Arena Tournament V3 - Most Complex PvP Event Extra Info Topics: Server RULES: Click Me Info about CREDITS: Click Me Everything about Characters Builds, Info & Buffs Formulas: Click Me + Many, many, many other things! Let's bring MU Online to the next level!
      1 point
    42. AlexMG

      Chukimuki BL

      Chukundah / Cursed / daddyChuki and all that jazz he has went a bit racist with a lot of bl this entire day, even tho he just a buffer out there. Make it 2k if you a real man Chuki or shut up. https://imgur.com/a/r49GShh
      0 points
    43. Azir

      BK stun on twisting slash

      The topic is very nice indeed! Its not about who is who, who can beat who and so on.. The player said (and many support that too) that in gens map/ CS / even CC / a BK with TS+stun can stun u for 8 seconds perma and u die from a Tank BK on TS just, imagine how overpowered and not normal is that. Maybe lets make Elf with stun on agility tank build - oh wait Ice arrow can be countered, just stun cant be. Or lets make DL on Tank + real speed on fire burst for crazy perma 10+ seconds stuns. Of course nobody will like it right? So yes, as a BK player too I prefer to have lower impact on my stun (duration/delay/attack speed on TS) in teamfights. My point is if I want to kill someone 1v1 =this should be a combo way, if I fight mass pvp then I should not be able to solo kill just with TS+stun.
      -1 points
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