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  • bk4ever

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    Posts posted by bk4ever

    1. We have around 12 active members and are looking for an alliance. PM me if your interested. Again, my guild doesn't plan on going to CS for now, but that can change if enough of my members want to go -- we will have to remake guild I think.

    2. Hi all,


      I'm starting a new guild called DUELZ. First though, a little bit about me:

      I live in CA, USA. I try to live a balanced life with work, hobbies, and church. I can't make it to CS on Sunday. If my guild mates want to go to CS, we can re-create guild or something with a GM that can go (or figure something out).

      I've been playing MU off and on for about 10 years. i used to play on GMO back when K2 owned Mu Online and the official game was better imo. I also played on Twilight MU for a while back when there were more players.


      BK is my favorite char (just read my forum name lol). SM is my second favorite, and MG my third.

      Now about the guild:

      Primary purposes in mind i have for the guild is:
      1) Duel each other for fun! Test your build and skillz!
      2) Socialize when possible
      2) Train and get stronger in parties
      3) Contribute to the economy
      4) Hunt and events

      guild rules:
      1) be courteous and respectful of players in guild and outside of guild as far as it depends on you. That said, if you need to defend yourself from PKers or need help with KS that you did not start that is your right.

      2) share all drops in guild party. This is a little hard to enforce, but ill do my best. If an SM item drops and an SM wants it for example, give it to him. This doesn't apply if you aren't in a party. Help each other with this. If there is a conflict and I have 1-2 witnesses that is enough to enforce it.

      3) if your active but have a life (like me) try to afk and check in every once and a while.

      4) Alts are acceptable but you can only have 1 main and 1 support in guild. I mean you can have either 2 supports, or 1 support and 1 killer (pvm or pvp)

      5) Speak English in guild chat. You can speak any language you want in party or alliance chat as long as your courteous.

      PM me / mail me in game if you want to join! or message here. Anyone can join even if your 0rr.


    3. I am a BK almost 2RR looking for a guild. I love being social in game -- which i think is one of the reasons why I stick to MU.


      I am active, but I work and have weekend responsibilities. I am usually on in the evenings (6:30pm or later PST) and will train afk and check in when I can otherwise.


      I like to hunt, do events, and duel (though im not quite strong enough for these things yet).


      Castle Siege is a lot of fun and good for guilds, but I am not able to attend because I have a time conflict every Sunday during CS. I take real life seriously, so if this is a problem for your guild don't add me.

      (P.S. Admins not sure if I should have put this in the guild section because it seems like GMs post there)




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