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    Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/14/2025 in Posts

    1. Bennyto


      3 points
    2. Doink

      Cyclone changes discussion

      I would like to invite other BK players to chime in and post their opinion about the cyclone changes. I don't have much time to play anymore so I'm basing this off of limited testing time. At the moment I'm not sure what was the intended purpose or the vision behind the change. 1. It doesn't work as a solution to making bk a viable killer in teamfight environments. - Before this patch, cyclone would cause both the caster and the target to move, throwing aim off of for allies who are trying to focus down a target. ->Now it places the bk directly on top of the target and depending on unknown factors people hovering their mouse over the pair of characters only get the option to attack one of them (so cycloning an enemy that is iced/stunned results in shielding them with your own body and generally getting eliminated by your own team before you get the chance to move). 2. In bk 1v1 matchups, the random movement increased the skillceiling - players had to aim to land their skills, certain combos had greater knockback further increasing the need for precise aim. Now both players instantly end up inside of each other. It's impossible to tell what the individual characters are doing, who got stunned, who got staggered etc. one can only guess based on in game sounds. On top of that it now looks terrible when 2 bks fight 3. When chasing with the new cyclone, sometimes right click completely stops working against certain opponents (spotted in todays arena, many people were immune to cyclone while others could be attacked just fine, casting other spells or left clicking didn't help) 4. Cyclone bug (walking back to the original position the character was on before casting cyclone on the enemy) is still happening regardless the change.
      3 points
    3. We are not responsible for your personal fights my man . And it s not a scam , scam is when you fool someone , you trusted the account to someone , you take full responsability . Scam you can call when helldrake promise us not more fights for sign of lord, than go 11:59 and register 2 k signs .
      3 points
    4. I totally agree with you. The cost of mix seems high for the percentage of success(token) and the benefit of the damage gain from the physical damage weapons doesn't seem that much. Another thing i would like to add is that huge percent of the elf's on this server play with crossbow(because of it's benefits),can we get an Old Crossbow too?
      3 points
    5. DeepHouse


      rip hermit https://imgur.com/a/ImWOxuG
      2 points
    6. Haha, another post from Donkey—yet you're still trying to dodge the main topic. Is this screenshot supposed to be proof that I was talking behind your back? Every screen you send i will send 2-3x back - as you wish https://ibb.co/rKZMG9T3 @AlmightySM @Endorphin https://ibb.co/rVvssCs @Lucifurr https://ibb.co/rR85DJ97 @Azir Just so you understand, Doink... you keep diverting the topic, and you get a response. Unless you have actual proof related to the topic I started, consider this a warning—if you want to make it personal and bring up unrelated things, remember that you also trusted me with some delicate info. Keep it on-topic.
      2 points
      2 points
    8. @ADMIN we understand the nerf 4% to the dmg , we understand the nerf of 25% pvm , all good . But why touch the defense and hp ? Bring it back to the era of no one playing rf? It`s no problem i change class, but you ruin a class. Especially these new old weapons , wizz classes get a boost, pshysical classes get almost nothing
      2 points
    9. @ADMIN if u see this topic dont forget about CS participants/ ally. 30 is too much and even on officilal info u wrote its 25. About RF what can I say... non playable.
      2 points
    10. I do care, I want the classes to be balanced, not necessarily my class to be the best And it seems like this patch generally gives the edge to wizardry, while leaving phys damage a bit behind.
      2 points
    11. Spawn


      2 points
    12. Garbage

      BL Apokalypse

      https://imgur.com/rXox4hU My report is against Apokalypse, McDonald said some bad stuff too but Apokalypse here is just mental.
      2 points
    13. Garbage


      1 point
    14. Garbage


      You provoked people, it's not valid report.
      1 point
    15. Garbage


      You provoked people, it's not valid report.
      1 point
    16. Well, i agree with doink about most, tested duel/tf, duels are worthless to even to do and in teamfights you are a buffer in best case scenario tank+fen with left click, but most bks wanna cyclone or combo so they cyclone into enemy, denying the party to deal dmg nor ice elf have proper impact(you get iced inside mostly and enemy elf just runs). Also another example of cyclone experience example cyclone into iced target which is focused by other ally guild members not in party with you get you teamkilled mostly. Dueling elfs is like a beatdown to face 3 times over again, i can go so on.. So the bk gameplay is nah, should do a radius on cyclone from char it is cycloned to ? Like it wont cyclone straight into it, i think the pushback thingy was good skill metrix tbh, now when i duelled with doink only ice combos you get sometimes bug/teleport, while chasing or trying to reset fight example.. Also i feel like cyclone sometimes stops working as mentioned by doink or you just right click cyclone from a position to a target (in range of course) and it doesn't cyclone, feels like texture block or some.. Would think about bk adjusts
      1 point
    17. @DeepHouse "The greatest fools are those who meddle in affairs that do not concern them." I looked up the definition of a scam for you: A scam refers to a dishonest scheme or fraud designed to trick someone into giving away money, property, or personal information. It typically involves deception to gain something unfairly or unlawfully. A scam can take many forms, such as fake offers, deceptive business practices, or fraudulent online activities. In a broader sense, when someone is accused of "scamming," it often means they are deceiving or cheating others for their own benefit. .... Now imagine you’ve spent all this time working your way into an opposing guild, only to break them from the inside, using all the information you gathered to steal their items. And then you still talk about liking a fair game?
      1 point
    18. I’m just waiting to dig up all these sweet little postS in about six months. Because you’ll pull the same scam, just with a ‘new squad’ . As the philosopher Seneca once said: ‘The people you managed to deceive aren’t fools – they’re the ones who trusted you and never imagined you’d stoop to lying.’
      1 point
    19. Actually this is not a valid proof. Send a video where you open discord and the same exact chat so we can see if its really there. You can make a dummy discord account with a name and dp picture, make a "real" chat part but edit in the sidepanel for real persons discord profile/name. A video is more solid proof. So you can start with that, otherwise this is just an elaborate lie between Doink and Benny to make believe that Dominic actually gave an account info blatantly to Benny. Video needs to come from you, because if Dominic deleted his side of messages, a video from him wont be able to prove that chat happened, but you can. You have a screenshot, you can now record the screen. Edit: You can easily prove once and for all with that video. You shouldnt just laugh react to it. If you wont do it, the screenshot is probably fake.
      1 point
    20. You are not responsible,for me to lose my items, you are right. Why are you posting here exactly? "haha you got your items stolen"?
      1 point
    21. i see..admin and gion really interested to voice of community .. "please report bug and miss configuration"... write on official channel and not in discord.. there are so many post on forum and no one answer.. ty for listen ur community so.
      1 point
    22. Dear Dominic, when u want to blame someone, u have to count with consequences.I didnt want to solve the problems on forum, but it seems, this must end now and forever. As i said u a lot of times, u r biggest drama queen, manipulator, making only chaos and drama between players. I pray for all who believed u this story, it just showed who is like a sheep in your herd. https://imgur.com/a/lDofmFv
      1 point
    23. and that you just did you little gipsy. The lowest of the low little "tards" out there. i remember you posting on discord a massive post about quitting blah blah friends blah blah and love you guys blah blah,, only the next day you were already in bed with the enemy lol. you can play where you are comfortable but don't come trying to look high and mighty and all righteous when we all know what a piece of poop you are , along with your denigrated friend ,the parking officer.
      1 point
    24. Everything you're saying right now is complete nonsense. Are you just good at lying, or is this what Benny has been telling you? Either way, you have no proof of any 'false statements' on my part. "You've been constantly bugging me to make cici and knightmare stop trashtalking you" - you lost your mind? Or short memory? - we fuking enjoyed the trashtalk. what are u talking about? You're a thief, and it's laughable that you're still trying to deny it—when you're 100% guilty. ("I stole your items but its justified because i left some of my chars to someone in your guild"?) Here is the screenshot you requested as proof of the theft: https://ibb.co/SwBp87Nh. If you want more you ask Gion to give you/benny the logs. "you kept making up new accusations and getting people to harass me on discord." -- Now if u dont have any proof of your own then perhaps go back to listening the stories from benny... "I believe this defamation streak you're on won't stop any time soon and I don't have the time to indulge in your constant mind games, this is the last time I'm giving you attention. Generally when making claims such as framing someone as a "scammer" it's expected to provide solid evidence of the "scam" that took place." And yet you keep stealing, day after day. "Constant mind games" is trying to listen to all three of you and make sense of the chaos you create together. You are disgrace.
      1 point
    25. Hello, Today at 18:00 (hour subject to change) GMT+2 (Server Time) we'll have a global maintenance on our systems. Genesis will be down for 45~120 minutes. You will also have to either update the client via Launcher (after Maintenance is over) or download the new Genesis client that will be uploaded after the maintenance, in order to continue playing. The following update will be up on Genesis after the Maintenance is over: Changelog: [ADDED] New end-game objective: Old Weapons. These are a new type of Socket Weapons, one for each class, as follows: SM: Old Staff BK: Old Sword ELF: Old Bow MG: Old Sword (SMG) / Old Staff (EMG) DL: Old Scepter SUM: Old Stick RF: Old Claws They share the same restriction as the Wings level 4 (can't be traded, vaulted, sold, etc.). They always come with 5 socket slots. Staff & Stick have +10% more wizardy damage % (at +15) compared to previous Socket weapons. The rest of weapons have 20%~30% more static damage compared to previous Socket weapons. They can only be obtained via a new, special Old Weapons Mix, that requires the following materials: 4x Old Jewel. 8x OldSquad PvP Artifacts. 8x OldSquad PvM Artifacts. 90x Jewel of Harmony. 1x specific Token (based on class). 1x specific Exc. 380 Weapon +15 +ADD16 (based on class). 1.500.000.000 Zen. Note: The mix has 100% chance to succeed. [ADDED] New special Tokens that are needed in order to mix Old Weapons. There are 3 available tokens as follows: Alpha Token - used to create Old Staff & Old Claws. Sigma Token - used to create Old Sword & Old Bow. Omega Token - used to create Old Scepter & Old Stick. Tokens can only be obtained via a new, special Tokens Mix, that requires the following materials: 2x Old Jewel. 3x OldSquad PvP Artifacts. 3x OldSquad PvM Artifacts. 90x Jewel of Bless. 90x Jewel of Soul. 30x Jewel of Chaos. 30x Jewel of Creation. 2x Socket Weapons (any) +15 +ADD16 (both must be the same weapon). 500.000.000 Zen. Note: The mix has a 25% chance to succeed, giving you a random Token. The Tokens can be traded & vaulted. Final note about the mixes: You must use the specific Token & 380 Weapon for your class, in order to mix the Old Weapon for your class. Example: To mix an Old Scepter, you need to use Omega Token & Soleil Scepter. Example2: To mix an Old Bow, you need to use Sigma Token & Sylphid Wind Bow. [UPDATED] Reduced Gaion Event maximum time for each zone from 7 minutes to 4 minutes. [UPDATED] Now in order to enter Gaion Event, all party characters must be in Lorencia Safe-Zone. [UPDATED] Now in order to enter Gaion Event, you need to be in a party of at least 3 characters. Note: If you try to "dodge" the requirement and enter the event with less than 3 characters in party, you will be teleported out of the event and lose the entry & invitation. [UPDATED] Now when you enter Gaion Event, you'll have all your character buffs removed as well as Scroll of Wrath, Scroll of Wizardry & all Elixirs effects removed. You can re-apply them once you enter the Event (and you need to re-apply them each time you enter the Event, if you want to use them). [UPDATED] Increased SUM PvP Damage by 6%. [UPDATED] Increased MG PvP Damage by 2% & reduced PvP damage received by 5%. [UPDATED] Reduced RF PvP Damage by 4%, reduced PvM Damage by 25% & increased PvP damage received by 6%. [UPDATED] Reduced RF HP gain from Vitality from 2 HP / per VIT point to 1.8 HP / per VIT point. [UPDATED] Increased BK PvP Damage received by 5%. [UPDATED] Reduced BK HP gain from Vitality from 3 HP / per VIT point to 2.6 HP / per VIT point. [UPDATED] Removed the push-back effect from Cyclone & Cyclone Strengthener skills. Note: This change should reduce the desync situations related to BK skills (visual bugs of "flying" bks across screen, BK's moving back during Combo, etc.) Note2: This is only an experimental change. It can be reverted anytime if its effect will prove to be more negative than positive, so feel free to send feedback to Gion. [UPDATED] Teleport Ally now has the same cooldown as the normal Teleport (5.5s). [UPDATED] Reduced the amount of REF effectiveness (damage) in PvP from 80% to 60%. [UPDATED] Slightly reduced the stuck rate of SM, ELF & SUM when taking damage (basically a buff to non-fenrir usage). [UPDATED] Increased EXP for 0-55 RR and 1 GR by 100%. [UPDATED] Increased EXP for 0-55 RR and 2 GR by 200%. [UPDATED] Released 10 extra Master Levels (up to 260) that have insanely low EXP rate. [UPDATED] Increased the ML Exp for level 230~250 by 100%. [UPDATED] Buffed Medusa, Selupan, Bloody Witch Queen, Balgass & World Bosses. [FIXED] Kundun players position-check to happen on the same map of the spawned Kundun only (instead of both k6 and k7 in the same time). [FIXED] Queen Gloves requiring 385 internal level to be "active". [UPDATED] Test Server with the current Genesis characters formulas & tweaks. [UPDATED] Buffed HP of the following monsters: BoK+1 Monsters: +250% HP. BoK+2 Monsters: +200% HP. BoK+3 Monsters: +150% HP. BoK+4 Monsters: +100% HP. BoK+5 Monsters: +50% HP. Budges: +150% HP. Derkon: +100% HP. GGD: +50% HP. WW Orcs: +150% HP. WW: +200% HP. Nightmare, Kundun, Death King, Cursed Dragon: +100% HP. [UPDATED] PvM Points received: GGD from 15 Points All Participants to 6 Points All Participants. Nightmare from 25 Points All Participants to 8 Points All Participants. Bloody Queen from 20 Points All Participants to 10 Points All Participants. Kundun from 25 Points All Participants to 8 Points All Participants. Medusa from 40 Points All Participants to 12 Points All Participants. Selupan from 50 Points All Participants to 15 Points All Participants. [UPDATED] Credits obtained from the following monsters: Rabbits from 4 credits / kill to 3 credits / kill. WW Orcs from 5 credits / kill to 3 credits / kill. BoK+1 Monsters from 3 credits / kill to 2 credits / kill. BoK+2 Monsters from 4 credits / kill to 3 credits / kill. BoK+3 Monsters from 5 credits / kill to 4 credits / kill. BoK+4 Monsters from 8 credits / kill to 6 credits / kill. BoK+5 Monsters from 12 credits / kill to 9 credits / kill. [UPDATED] You can now convert PvM Points into PvM Artifacts: PvM Rankings have been fully reset. You can now get 1x PvM Artifact for every 300 PvM Points. You can use the new command "/pvmpoints" any time you want to convert PvM Points into Artifacts. Note: You keep your PvM Points after each conversion, but you need to farm new points to get new artifacts. [UPDATED] Mercenary Squad: Mercenary Squad have been fully reset (you need to rejoin Mercenary Squad if you want to participate in it). Now only characters with 1 GR & 50RR+ or 2 GR (and any RR) can join the Mercenary Squad. You now get a dynamic chance to obtain 1x PvP Artifact (in your inventory) after completing a Mercenary Quest (or Repeling a Mercenary) as follows: 7% + (Mercenary Points * 0.25%). Example: If you have 2500 Mercenary Points, your chance for PvP Artifact is 13.25% (7+(2500*0.25/100)). Example2: If you have 6000 Mercenary Points, your chance for PvP Artifact is 22% (7+(6000*0.25/100)). Note: You need to have at least 1200 Mercenary Squad Points in order to have a chance for Artifact (both for quests and repels). Note2: Your target must have at least 1200 Mercenary Squad Points when you are repelling a mercenary in order for you to have a chance for Artifact (even if you have 1200+ Points yourself). Note3: When repelling a mercenary, the Artifact chance is based on your target mercenary points, not your own points. If you win a Challenge on your own Quest, you get an extra 4% chance for the PvP Artifact. The extra chance is only applied for the one that starts the quest, not for the repeller, even if he wins the challenge. Added a Mercenary Squad Decay as follows: Every day at 03:00, all mercenaries that have more than 1000 Points will lose 25 + 1% of Mercenary Points. While it is a small amount of points for *active mercenaries, those that are inactive will suffer a constant hit on their Points. Cheers!
      1 point
    26. I don't want to create another topic, so i will put my ideas here. MG i think will be better to decrease his dmg with 20% and increase his debuff with 20%,(current dps will be same) maybe this will help him to be useful in team fights vs tanks. Queen set on sum, need to repair or change applied lvl (200) on arena and IT. in this events she lose 20-30% defense. its cause lvl, this set start to work only after 383-385 lvl
      1 point
    27. https://imgur.com/XCd15ic
      1 point
    28. BachuS

      bl on post Lucifer

      https://imgur.com/a/VNwt1Sq cica is idiot pt ca am luat statuia
      1 point
    29. BachuS

      bl xploziv

      https://imgur.com/a/Zj4oo55 have fun!
      1 point
    30. Gion

      bl xploziv

      xpl0ziv - muted for 24 hours +3 forum warns. Locked.
      1 point
    31. Garbage

      Mammon racism

      1 point
    32. Garbage


      https://imgur.com/a/n57iSDL Not very nice language in global chat talking abour rape and raping homosexual people. /posted to correct sub-forum.
      1 point
    33. Spawn


      Roby already did it, i made this post for Gion, coz he requires compliance with the rules
      1 point
    34. Hi K6 have limit of 25 pk kills. This person who kill 2 players , they no have pk points. He kill them from hour... Pls tell me this is bur something normal? Because then i fight in k6 make 25 pk points and can't do more. It's time to clean some buggers, few times i see speed hackers!!! Bk 0 rr 1lvl kill players with 2 gr, and this bk even no have items. Pls someone explain me ho its posible to not get pk points. https://imgur.com/a/yBsp4b4
      1 point
    35. Just to clarify: The limit is bypassed if there is a fight for a spot or fight with KS'ers. The condition is that the attacker must have a full party (4 or 5 members) and at least 3 other party mates must be in his 6x6 zone (to be marked as eligible). If the conditions are met the attacker can bypass the limit of kills. Its the same thing Butcher is abusing in swamp just to bully other people because his mom allowed him to buy a third laptop+vpn for the total 6 chars he has logged. Calling people npc while acting like the biggest npc ever in game and irl. My boy hasnt touched grass since 2017.
      1 point
    36. Admins can ban buggers and hackers... 100 pk points in k6 and he continue... https://imgur.com/a/pNCAzGU
      1 point
    37. Try to write email to WebZen and Elon Musk, i think Admin here don't have competence to resolve it
      1 point
    38. xpl0ziv

      bl xploziv

      Esti un gunoiu si-o sa ramai un gunoi si scursusa serverului
      1 point
    39. Bennyto


      its bad if u r homosexual? Didnt know..i m gay too
      1 point
    40. BachuS

      bl SantaCame

      1 point
    41. DeepHouse

      BL Butcher

      Lewl , that was fun to read , damn destroying this garbage just in a few phrases . He should rename recyble-bin after this conversation . The ''wanna look smart guy'' was exposed, he`s just a nerd 🤢
      1 point
    42. Damn

      BL Butcher

      This is a fancy way to say that you are afraid of "consequences"? And how would we know that you are not barking in /post when you are hiding inside a garbage can? There are a lot of people that are posting others, so post everyone as much as you want, but show some dignity, be yourself. You have nothing on me personally, so you are locked in there with yourself, the smell must be awufull, like garbage, pity and fear maybe?
      1 point
    43. Damn

      BL Butcher

      Knowing that you have the same behaviour as the people you post, you choose to go incognito. You are afraid that your behaviour might ruin your "super-garbage-man" identity? "Every person who has not corrected their behavior will get the same attitude back. I dont need to be nice because you all aint." You don t see anything wrong in those 2 phrases? So basically what you said is "every person have to correct their behaviour because if they don't, I am going to act just like them"? So you are just posting people like you, but you don t give others the chance to do the same? You are just a hypocrite trying to act smart, the lowest of them all, take yourself out for good. Thanks!
      1 point
    44. For quite a while, @Bennyto REDBLOOD/BADBLOOD played here, trying so hard to win at something—but nope. So, what’s the next step? Stealing items from someone, thinking that might finally give you an achievement? I hope the items you stole help you finally win something. I really hope your life is better now. PS, i lost first fenrir on sunday 23rd because i forgot i shared pass to Doink last year for one gaion run.... After sunday 23rd i put lock on the char... Admins should look into it how you bypassed it. Anyways this is for all the server to see what all benny is capable to doing to ruin ppl game. His brother @Apokalypse apparently doesn’t talk to his brother Benny at all or is unwilling to help retrieve the items. But hey all he keep repeating is "I LIKE FAIR GAME". And for Donky Doink who said past is past and i can trust him with NOT sharing stuff that we talked about - yeah suggon deeznuts you too @Doink. no surprise u have all these issues irl you are double sided snake that is worried about ppl talking behind his back but yet calling himself NOBLE man and shares something that he promised to never do. "benny doesnt have access to my discord", "i dont have anydesk" - i guess you are part of it so you shared it to him. Enjoy my items. - Oh right - You dont play? Who knows maybe doink helped with benny writing some scripts for unlocking the /lock code. Some of us know u are good at this shit. Sadly it was my mistake to set it for only 4 digit code which supposedly has 10 000 combinations only and server doesnt have cooldown for typing /lock code in game... And when Benny keeps repeating that it's my karma that made him steal my items —please provide some facts or enlighten us. What exactly have I said or done to you or anyone in the game that justifies this or makes up for all my supposed wrongdoings? Im sure u still wouldnt do that because all of which you are full - is SHIT. I’m guilty of trash talk, but even then, I don’t pick targets at random—it usually happens with mutual interest. All my in-game enemies or anyone I trashtalked—I always had some level of respect for them. But never for those who steal. I guess I’m not here to farm, nor do I want to fight wars with people who steal and antigame. For quite a while i enjoyed the fights only but i not gonna farm again to get back to competitive for people that like to steal. Yes yes yes.. eventually its my own fault for sharing password to Doink who was in our guild management for quite a while - just dissapointed he turned out to be such a backstabber. Peace out. This post just to inform everyone and help avoid similar situations in the future.
      0 points
    45. Spawn

      helldrake/ ghostface

      care out, Gion will come and warm u, he didn't care about any racist words except this. Double standards works everywhere
      0 points
    46. 0 points
    47. You care about that?😅 I feel like I'll be the only RF soon😂😂
      0 points
    48. Dominic


      https://ibb.co/Rpzb3Y58 Report for badblood. I'll forgive Almy - hes just mad about losing gaion =)
      0 points
    49. OMG, I can’t believe you actually faked a Discord chat. I’ve been trying to get messages through to all of you via other people because we’ve been blocked and banned from each other since last year. We DID NOT talk on February 23rd. The last message I sent you was on December 31st, 2024—so stop lying. I’m sure you’ve been feeding Doink false info, making him think I’ve been talking trash behind his back. https://ibb.co/mrC0P0vg For Doink - "waiting for gion to check logs and match HWIDs. Even if you or dom changed IP while fake transferring items off to alts, logs will clear things up " Will you tamper the logs afterwards and post false info here again? When you asked for proof, I gave you proof. Now, do the same—send me screenshots of whatever you claim I said behind your back. Anything at all. I doubt you have any… unless it’s just coming from Benny’s mouth. BTW, Doink, you’re good with IT—you should be able to tell if Benny's screenshots are edited or not. That is, if you actually want to find out the truth. Hints: https://ibb.co/nN3bkDVd https://ibb.co/s9nqV0gR https://ibb.co/4nGT8b4Z (edited parts in pink/purple) They are tampering info to make them look justified. Since when can you send messages on Discord without a mutual server or being accepted as a friend? You didn’t do a good job faking that. (also again, the dates..."member since") And why the hell would I trade you my items (2x Fenrir and a pendant)? So you’d stop what? Trash-talking or killing AFK players? What a joke.
      -1 points
    50. I admitted I made a mistake by sharing it with someone I trusted—who, by the way, was also in our guild management. But don’t start bringing up the rules now. You don’t have to return my items, but this just proves you guys are fine with scamming. That also means you’re okay with an unfair game. First, it’s trash talk—now it’s a scam—what’s next, cheating? Do whatever it takes to win the game right?
      -1 points
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