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  • alegzander

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    alegzander last won the day on September 7

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    About alegzander

    • Birthday 02/12/1988

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    • Guild: Squadron

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    1. @Garbage by saying that he deserve it you just promote racism :)) wow.. i will not even try to explain you. I can`t belive what you just said , Speachless.. wow...
    2. this garbage...give him a price :)) when superstar is calling almighty big white pig..you don`t make a post? :))) or when others talk shite..on post :)) . Gion should give u job mate..get some fresh air time to time..will help for your hate.
    3. @Endorphin they will not understand your sarcasm.
    4. Is so funny that everyone claims to want to play cs every week and everyone sceam on post where are the other guilds every sunday. But when we ask to make it lower numbers everyone change the topic . So do you want to play cs every sunday with multiple guilds? or you just want to play afk every single sunday you and you alts with Vpn. I don`t get it. Just be a man and say. We are affraid that we can`t dominate the server at this stage if we go lower the numbers of the guild members and all good. We wait till we can gather more than 20 people for cs so we can compete also. Also nobody stops players to come with ideas here. We talk 2 much nonsense. Reasons are simple. You are affraid to lose. We can`t gather your numbers to compete. Conclusion is also simple. You don`t want to play cs. Fair enough, is not in your best interest to lose, but don`t come here and pretend you can beat us with any numbers when you can`t agree with lower numbers. You only win because of numbers. Strategy and skills not invelved at all. Take care. Enjoy another week of winning cs.
    5. @BananaVrf have no chance vs dl...vs summoner don`t think he beats bk even ae beats him. No idea what are you talking about.. it`s very easy to kite him. Yes big dmg..but dies very fast.
    6. maybe you guys dont want to have any action cs . fair enough. soon we will be even lower as people will start the other server again. will be a monotony on the server.
    7. @Blank mate ok is in our advantage to play lower numbers on cs because we dont have many people as you. You are just trying to say that you can`t compete if we are lower in guild or what? Also nobody will stop you to make another guild to try to be competitive. You should be able to win regardles even if you are 20 or 40.. We dont have enough active people for that event. If you consider that no cs is better for the game, feel free to support the game that is now and you dont need to support my idea. End story. Every sunday most likely you will play a friendly game betwen you guys and you 5/6 alts connected on VPN and make more pvp and more boxes. Everyone will be happy .
    8. :))) @Doink mate do you have different personalities for all your chars? WTF are you talking here? What do you smoke? apart from you and maybe 2-3 people nobody doent have more than 2-3 chars here.. and clearly nobody will put that much effort just to ks. Good on you go don`t have other better things to do. You play with 10 chars on ks :)). This is a game...not a life style. Clearly you put more effort in a game than in real life. For that I will just ignore everything that you post as is irrelavant .
    9. @Doink ks??? said the guy with 10 rfs on all the non pvp maps on ks :))) mate u have no right to talk about anything..your game play stinks .
    10. Hello there. I hope we can make this server a better place to play. I have few suggestions. 1st. I think we should limit the member in the guild for CS purpuse. Last few weeks maybe months were a total desaster. My idea is very simple 10 Members in main guild and 10 in secundary guild. If you can gather 20 each side or even 3 guilds we could have a decent game. Or 15 people in one guild no alliances.We will avoid people with multiple accounts and VPN`s to leave afk every single week (a short check can show you that multiple people have 3-4 accounts connected) 2nd. Every abuse or cheat should be punished more severe. Very hard to try to enjoy an event when multiple people join events with multiple chars and leave afk. 3rd. Maybe @Gion could make again a soccer event once a week and maybe bring back the mountly event so new people can have acces to some rewards also. 4th. DMG on ene+str RF to be reduced. It`s a game breaker to have a char that can 1shot a spot and ks every single spot. Multiple people abusing this build in order to ks (check K7 and kr2) few people with 5-6 maybe even more rf`s leave afk on a spot and you can`t farm anything. Probably a very bad experience for new people also. 5th. Mute system should be changed to warn system/ban system as is 2 much toxicity from everyone. 2 much spam on post. Also an idea will be to increase the zen post .(maybe people will stop spaming..including me). Thanks . I hope for some good feedback not drama and arguing. Only a normal conversantion with arguments can make the server better. Regards Alegz.
    11. yeah ..looks like i talk alone. have a good night.
    12. @Garbage let`s be adults. We talk here about dominic and senka.Why you guys all the time change topic about things that already happened and got punished.We talk about today. If you consider that people from HC are same. Feel free to make a post . You post people non stop from a ghost account. At least have some guts and be yourself. I`m not here to argue about past. I`m talking about today and today 10-15 people non stop bully cici.
    13. mate stop this act.. the guy is alone. you guys are like 10-15 people non stop on post bullying him. I`m not going to teach you how to act in society or cici. You can do as you wish. This post is about dominic being homophobic and bullying cici. If u want to make another topic about cici saying nonsens , feel free. If he deserves a mute hope he gets it. In this case things are simple . You and dominic are homophobics . Mute will do if @Gion decide so. If not..probably is ok to do that on post. We move on to the next day and other nonsense from server to the forum. We all are adults and act like kids. All good.
    14. @Dominic thing is very simple...you guys are allowed to cry when people say facts. Like the food that some people are eating in different parts or the world. But when you acting like bullies and shame people it`s ok..because it`s coming from you. people get banned or muted for less and for saying facts. You should get muted for sure for being homophobic. Even if he likes men or whatever.. that dont give you the right to shame him on post.
    15. why would i care who send you sms..thats your bussines not mine. I have no idea why u guys are bullies non stop on post...or game play.
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