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  • Ashido

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    Posts posted by Ashido

    1. @ADMIN my personal toughts/suggestions:

      Remove add luck option on 380 armor, weapons, ancient items, socket items, and 3rd wing. That kind of stuff with easy luck  + blacksmith module for easy +12, + easy upgrade +13~15 (higher % compared to early stages with very small % to fail) is game breaking even if i have read how much restricted are the sources to get those items. Still very easy to max once acquired with add luck and black smith module. (i know you can't use blacksmith module on 3rd stage wings but even only add luck is huge)

      Remove stat reset, it make incredibly easy to exp full vit - almost full vit chars, agi SM, Debuffer Summoner ETC ETC for CS and lose the purpose of the low exp settings. Already for mastery skill tree is a huge help, you can build for easier ML levelling then switch over for PvP or PvM but it would be fine if is only for ML.

      6000 credits for 28 days silver vip service, almost 60€ is very high. I would like to support the project but i won't with those prices, or if i will with modules only.



      I can create an account for the non-res now and start voting and get credits? or it will be a different account for non reset server?

      I have read about no regular AA weapons drops on map but only exist the excellent version, where is possible to get the excellent version? BoK +5? also a full BoK drop list would be much appreciated before the start.

      Have see you mention a poll for decide if IP/HW restriction will be 2 or 3 but don't see anything on non-reset section, is somewhere else? do we know if will be 2 or 3?

      What's the purpose for progessive CS rewards? LOT isn't that good levelling map, why don't just open CS after 1 month or so after server launch?

      Can you confirm me that the ingame command that allow to see you other ppl ingame character from same IP works ONLY if the character targetted by the command is outlaw/murder?

      Sorry for any english mistake, is not my mother language.

      Thanks in advance for your kind reply.



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