With the LoT opening on next CS it will turn into ancient-monopoly, they will be the only ones to get ancient thus leading to outperforming everyone on events. Other players on server don't have alternatives to farm ancients (CC and Lerencia-Kundun is really poor option). Would have been better if it was fixed sooner so people would farm some ancient and have chance vs CS winners, but I guess better later than never.
Haven''t seen Ancient in DS even once, ADMIN pls test if its ON. Comparing to Non-reset where you get Ancient every 1-2 DS, here I got 0 from 10 DS.
Have to agree with Devex, only 2 tips that I think 90% players know - use correct grammar and add space before ''+''. I hope you can expend it more and add some advanced things, maybe some tips on how to configure helper on EE as some people seem to struggle and other information.