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  • ClidorOven

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    Posts posted by ClidorOven

    1. Why are you repeating my words ? As i mentioned it was a pointless post , but still i wanna show how your Boss is when he gets mad and starts pm me on discord lol and starts insult...., stop crying about racism and being victims when in reality you are the ones who are racist and bully!! And yes ramsterdam was unfairly banned i give you that , dirty mexicana is not a reason to be banned on the context he said. I can count by 1 hand how many good guys are in Legacy , because most of you guys are just dissapointement popooo in form of a human being.

    2. HELLO THERE, Good morning all , I dont see Psycho harming no one  in here , he can speack freelly , and use any word he wants as long he doesnt reference to none of you or any bad situation , AND in the SS i dont see him referencing your name before or after the OVEN  word , so stop cry and go play the game you are not the center of attention..  i can talk about my mother oven , dads oven , my friends oven , there is no wrong on that , you guys are just  trying  your best to get people ban for stupid reasons.

    3. Stop acting like a kid man, you are over 40 years old , you should be ashamed....

      So after you die 1000000 times during this night , you just cant handle like a man and you need to go discord and talk shit because afraid of ban? hahaha

      This LIDOR  cant handle the game like a normal person, this guy , is the same guy who auto entitles himself of "boss" and cry about racism.

      For me a boss, is someone dangerous and Classy at same time, and not like this guy how i show in SS. I know this is discord but everyone know this is real Clidor. I know this wont  ban this guy , but atleast i can show how low of a person this guy is.

      I show you how this Lidor(Onewar) is in reality.

      PS: my profile pic is sus sorry.....









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