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  • Shutter'

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    Posts posted by Shutter'

    1. 1 hour ago, ADMIN said:

      There are 3 cases that could happen no matter if there was a disconnect after or not (server was still up & running normally, just the connection was attacked):

      1. You succeed the item -> you get it back after reconnect and / or it is missing, in case where I could help.
      2. You don't do anything with the item (you don't press mix) -> you get it back in your inventory after reconnect - can't disappear.
      3. You fail the item -> you don't get it back in any case.

      Your case was the 3rd, I can't help in such case, you're basically asking me to refund an item that you lost on Machine, should I expect everyone to ask me the same and return them every fail of item?

      When you added the item you assumed the risk that it has 35% chance to fail, no matter what happens with server, in your case it failed, you knew that it can happen.


      To GM / Admin :


      If your system say so, that my Bow Mix failed, so be it. I won't cry all day begging for that bow. Your system lag is really getting on my nerves. What a great timing to get DC problem during Mix without seeing End Result. Worse is that I can clearly see my items inside Chaos Machine till I decided to close client after long minute of waiting and trying to put items back on Inventory but immovable.


      Consider this Topic Closed. I hope this will never again, that I write on this Forum each time I got Bugged in game.


      Thanks and God bless, Shalom.


    2. 1 minute ago, Shutter' said:

      Sir when i make a Topic about my Gaion Sunday Event without getting a reward Gion says i just need a proof that something wasn't right or theres a bug.. Now that i do have proof and also on my Given time of screen shot u can analyze its same time for Server Down, you says i Failed Mix.. How can i accept that sir when I didn't even seen end Result on my Client. All chars Got DC..


      8 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

      You failed the mix.

      Ive Even told my Guild whats going on, thats why they are helping me follow up this topic.. Even players chats on post about multiple DC not 2x even 3x or more,.. here's another Screen Shot to support my Concern..




      Please kindly review...

    3. 4 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

      You failed the mix.

      Sir when i make a Topic about my Gaion Sunday Event without getting a reward Gion says i just need a proof that something wasn't right or theres a bug.. Now that i do have proof and also on my Given time of screen shot u can analyze its same time for Server Down, you says i Failed Mix.. How can i accept that sir when I didn't even seen end Result on my Client. All chars Got DC..

    4. 1 minute ago, Shutter' said:

      what was that Admin?

      U mean my Bow Mix Failed? How could that happen without me Seeing End Result cause of DC problem earlier. I can't just accept on my side that my bow failed mix.. ITems didn't even Dissappeared and it was shown on my Screenshots. 


      With all due Respect Admin and with all humility, can u please just return my bow and jewels so i can use it for my Elf.

    5. 3 minutes ago, minimal.ro said:

      use TOCA next time, don't be greedy

      yoh Bro, are u admin or no? Please dont ruin my post... what im trying to point here is that my items got Stucked.. Ive click Mix but no End Result if Success or Fail.. Old Squad System can justify my statement.. ive ups that bow through Chaos MAchine from +10 - +12 and also click Mix button for +13.. but it only Sparks and Shine as a sign of Mixing but nothing happened,, Its during the Server Down time on my Screenshot i put Red Box on chats and server Time.. Thats the time Server Down happened .. ALL DC and i cant Even Retrieve my items on Chaos Machine? Do u understand now? 


      Please Help me, Do not bash or make some comments that would not support my Problem.

    6. Hi Admin / Gion,


      Its me again, My Bow Got Stucked on Chaos Machine when i Mix it.. I clicked Mix but item still on the Chaos Machine they just Shined and Spark and remains in there.. Problem is its bugged / stacked.. now i do have proof for it.. Please retrieve my Bow i need it for my Main Char.. This Happens During System Down.. It happened twice "System Down"...  On the attached picture, ive pm my friend saying "nabug pa pre [in Filipino]" meaning "item got bugged"..  then i also chatted "sobrang lag [in Filipino]" meaning " too much lag"...

      Please see attached link for your reference... Hope you can help me this very evening... i need my bow back...


      Thanks And God bless,


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