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  • Alex.

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    Alex. last won the day on May 14 2022

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    1. Feedback after playing genesis a few days: 1. CC meta is all about tank builds that just run. - to fix this, disable players from entering CC with antidotes, SD pots, and in the last 5 minutes, every character alive inside has all his potions deleted from his inventory 2. mercenary squad is irrelevant - personally, i like this system a lot, and i think that by only adding a small chance for DD seed lets say (1%) it would bring it back to life (or some other relevant item) 3. DS rewards are way to bad in ML DS - would be nice to see some other rewards added here, maybe a boss spawning at the end, to make the PVM builds shine 4. old rings, pendants make previous rings, pedants, WW ring irrelevant (should be nerfed, or should have stats changed so that normal rings + WW rings are still relevant). - maybe make the rings suitable for glass cannon builds 5. all classes should benefit less from VIT i will keep adding feedback
    2. this can be fixed by removing HP potions from everybody in CC when less than 3 minutes are left.
    3. thats not the full conversation, why don't u show what you have above ?
    4. @rigomctavish and scroll down to Special / HOT Features that you should KNOW!
    5. @Gion i personally thing this guys is abusing the forum to much, and should be punished. @OldWolf i was referring to credits my friend, can you please relax ? why didn't you PM me to get a price in real dollars if that was what i was doing?
    6. well, he is crying, but he has a valid point. solution would be, once engaged in PVP, you can't swap for X seconds.
    7. in the screenshots you provided, you are the first person to insult. you are calling him 'nobody' and a 'troll'.
    8. really not going to reply anymore, you guys are desperate for validation
    9. you are comparing insults, racism, with an affirmation that i made, that did not offend anybody in any way. and if you got offended by that, than its your problem. in order to catch somebody SELLING for real money, you must first pretend you are BUYING. i was pretending to BUY, to check if you accept or not. how else do you think all the people who got banned for SELLING items, were caught ?
    10. how about you look in the mirror a bit, and stop searching for external excuses. what kind of special treatment do i get ? i'm not breaking the rules. the one time sombody connected to my anydesk and trash-talked from my char, i got muted 12h, there was no 'special treatment' there
    11. when you can't win anything in game, you attempt some desperate moves in the forum. how can you compare somebody being racist with what i said? if you wanna play this stupid game, ill say that i was trying to bait you to sell your wings for real money. if u would have agreed, your wings would have been given to me, and you would have been banned. it doesn't work the other way around, unless you can prove that i gave you real money, but if you could, you would have already posted me. not gonna bother to reply here anymore. ill let Gion decide if your post its ban worthy.
    12. @Gion is this allowed ? he is insulting somebody's mother and pretending that he is giving an example. i don't think using quotes with an insult should relieve you of the punishment.
    13. you can't joke anymore. very cringe and desperate of you. not to mention that, if it was not a joke, i would have used the web to donate, and buy via market.
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