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  • Sikuz

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      Sikuz reacted to Phantomel in Question about W3 combination   
      You don't have to act ironically towards me, just cause I'm active on forum and I'm telling you what everyone thinks but they won't talk just because you use to give those kind of answers  I didn't ask for an exact date, we were hoping to get one response such as - in one week, one month w/e. People are camping golden spawns, also I didn't say that the spawns are set on x,y coordinates, I'm aware that it has some RNG to it as well, but some spots get more spawns than the others. As I said, its just weird having just 4 w3 on the server considering the number of flames that are being dropped, and considering that jewels are a huge problem right now, it REAAAAALLY hurts when you get a fail. I won't continue this discussion since you feel personally attacked by a question meant for other players.
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