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  • Bloodnight

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    About Bloodnight

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    1. I posted this in guild discord as well, but here it is: sm staff increase 10% is applied to base dmg. take the following scenario: 10k edr base dmg (no staff) 24.5k edr (with inberial 145% wiz) 25.5k edr (with the new staff 155% wiz) So the diff between 24.5k and 25.5k that is 4.08% overall increase, not as much as you'd expect... Now we'll have to see how much of a difference the melee weapons make...BB or other similar high-level weapons add more melee damage than listed in game, so the 20-30% increase is bigger than it looks on paper, it might actually bring it closer to that 4% of SM dmg gain...I guess they factored this in when they did tests (if they did tests for this). The 25% chance to succeed is still bad
    2. 25% chance is absurd...some will get lucky and have 2-3 weapons day1, others will fail 20 times, just like for fenrir, and with high investment as well...
    3. I know I'm late to the party, but as a BK that tries to combo, I found that my biggest "enemy" is the "skill-jump" bug - where you try to use cyclone, either you or your enemy moves/get pushed, and then your character ends up walking back to the target and the combo window "expires"...this personally pushes me to play a boring build - a lot of hp and ref to get rid of some of that RNG and ensure my survival long enough to land a combo or 2....which I also think it's an unbalanced build because having 130k+ hp and 40-50% ref is just insane, but it's the only counter against these glass cannon classes that can right click you to death before you get near them, especially with the bug I mentioned... That being said, I think that with skill-jump bug out of the game, you could actually catch people and combo them as they run and take advantage of eventual mace stuns and maybe build more towards combo than hp-ref...one way I found was using mace skill instead of cyclone...but let's be real, everybody hates mace skill and how that feels in combos...but I might have to resort to that, as I'm still getting used to the playstyle on this server. Idk though if this skill-jump bug can even be fixed, I remember seeing it on other clients as well, but at the same time I have a feeling it wasn't so prevalent...
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