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    1. Have anyone got any suggestions what to do when there is no response to trying to open second window of the game? Its been working for many months and suddenly over night my game crashed. Since then every time one client is running and I try to open another window it doesnt react. I followed every advice here and searched internet for days, cant make it work. There are no viruses, no changes to PC, followed every step in folder to fix game crash.
    2. Salut, Am o problema ciudata, nu mai functioneaza o parte din taste, respectiv : H, F10, F11, F12 Solutie va rog?
    3. @ADMIN I write this because I have reported this in OLDSQUAD Messenger community previously in the past asking at least to be investigated, but no response until now. If you are in Kalima 7 and the Kundun spawns on the last spot in Kalima 6, you will get teleported randomly with the message "Don't stay inside the Kundun" message. Hunch: Despite being a whole different map, this might be generated due to the fact that K6 and K7 might be set up on the same sub-server, therefore, the same settings / rules apply. I attach below some photos where this happens and proof that the Kundun is not in K7, but you still get teleported despite that the Kundun is alive at the same coordinates in K6. As you can see, pictures are taken up to max 1 minute away one from each other and in the first one it's obvious the error message (considering the rate the mobs are being killed in the area and the radius, that message could not have been displayed more than 1-2 seconds, therefore, low chances of knowing while you have being teleported if you're not there to see it). Kindly check and provide us with an update or a solution, as it's not ok to stay farming Kalima7, and randomly to be teleported and stopped from killing just because in Kalima6 the Kundun spawned at the same coordinates. This is a bug and should be at least investigated. Regards, Lucifer
    4. How much time we need to play in this broken patch ? I tired for trash PVP where all server put a ton of HP for survive from piece of shit RF and combo BK. What a stupid habit to made a trash balance and avoid any fix of it ? 30 ppls fight and no one cant kill no one, only broken RF or BK can do something and stunned/iced guy can die, but wait, we have SM witch infinity Teleport... Fix need ! Fix Teleport Ally SM RF decrease 50% PvM RF decrease 50-70% Attack Success Rate(PvP) to avoid build witch 3-8k agi and ton of DMG (they will invest 15-20k in agi and decrease one shot ability) BK - Rise def witch 30-40% and decrease combo DMG witch 30-40% if they will have enough def to survive without a ton of HP they invest in dps. explain: BK have 110-120+k HP if any other class put stats for kill him, they die just from ref, but if u put stats from survive ref, u cant kill him (no enough DPS) and here i don't say anything about their combo.
    5. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward). Rizzen Suggestion type (server/website/forum). Server Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough). Overpowered Stun: The Blade Knight (BK) class can spam Twisting Slash, resulting in frequent and prolonged stuns. Gameplay Imbalance: Players are incentivized to invest heavily in Vitality (Vit) and rely on Twisting Slash, reducing the diversity of combat styles. Event Dominance: In events, BKs dominate by spamming Twisting Slash, leading to a lack of strategic depth and variety. How the suggestion can bring value. Encourages Combos: By nerfing the stun effect of Twisting Slash, BK players will need to utilize a broader range of skills and combos, aligning with the class’s intended playstyle. Skill Variety: Players will explore and master different skills and combinations, making the game more engaging and challenging. Equal Footing: Other classes will have a fairer chance in both PvE and PvP scenarios, reducing frustration and increasing enjoyment for all players. Event Diversity: Events will become more diverse and competitive, as BKs will no longer dominate simply by spamming a single skill. Reduced Monotony: By discouraging a single-skill reliance, players will experience more dynamic and varied combat. Skill Development: Players will develop better overall skills and understanding of the game mechanics, leading to a more satisfying gaming experience. (Optional) How would you personally implement your suggestion (your vision). Adjust Stun Duration: Reduce the stun duration of Twisting Slash to make it less overpowering but still useful. Introduce Cooldowns: Implement a cooldown period for Twisting Slash to prevent spamming. Skill Synergy: Enhance the effectiveness of other BK skills to encourage their use in combination with Twisting Slash. Nerfing the stun on Twisting Slash addresses a key imbalance in the game, fostering a more strategic, fair, and engaging environment. This change not only enhances the individual player experience but also contributes to the overall health and longevity of the game community.
    6. Hi there please help, cant start playing because of this. tried to rename the folders and all that, but still shows me there is a problem with html.upfile file. tried like everything but still wont work, maybe anyone can help with this please?
    7. why did you mute me today too??? are you senile I received 180 minutes of mute on that day, today I woke up to 1700 minutes of mute again, are you crazy??? what do you have
    8. Hello Admin and everyone, i am trying to connect to the game (Genesis). i got this error. Please tell me how to solve it. Thank you.
    9. I don't want to get this in too many words and make anyone to bored, so I will be straight as a train track: 1. As you have imposed the 10% tax for credits (on market only), I suggest raise it to 15% and make it applicable for credits and Zen purchase/sell as well (jewels not needed as they are being already burned as hell in mixes for old-exe, old jewel, upgrading and etc.) 2. Profanity words in /post only who can do the admin jobs a little bit easier as per following: -whoever uses profanity words in /post chat which is global, regardless if it's English or any other language (won't say the list here because they can be found online) = automatically muted by the server PWN FILTER 30 minutes on Character + IP -whoever uses racist language words that can be detected by the system (along with variations of it) = 2-4 hours of automatically mute on Character + IP This might help admins with their help and leave to review only the most serious cases to be reviewed by admins. 3. Also, I request that every response given by the admin since the topic was created to be in less than 48 hours since creation (except for Bank Holidays which can go up to 72 hours) *I know each of us has a job in real life, but when it comes to posts, I think up to 48 hours since creation is a decent time to provide at least the first answer or a resolution* For the 3 ideas presented, please let me know what can be implemented, and if no, a reason why. Thank you
    10. Character name: Silence Suggestion Type: M - wrapping menu Problem: Levels for wrapping not correct. When chose the menu for wrapping the levels that we is with DL/MG/RF are not as the levels that we need to wrap. If you select the menu with one of those characters it shows that your able to warp to maps that you still don't have level for and you go to Lorencia bar. Fix: If its possible the correct levels to be writhed on the menu. Problem: If you select the menu with one of those characters it shows that your able to warp to maps that you still don't have level for and you go to Lorencia bar How it brings value: Correct warp level on the menu will be a lot beter than to get all the ti to Lorencia bar.
    11. Character name:ZotacVIP Suggestion type:Server, Genesis Hello there! I play on this server since 2 weeks ago and I saw that you can actually farm Fenrir items only in Kalima6. WHY?!?! I mean there are only some 6-8 spots (that are occupied almost non-stop) right? Well, If a "newbie" would like to farm something it's kinda impossible (even for those who have for example 25 resets because you can't kill the other afk players farming on spots due to 20 reset difference). It's simply not fair for the other players. Why don't you leave it normal in Crywolf (and without fixed spots) so everyone can play & farm equally? Leaving it as it is you admins only privilege the pro players.
    12. 1-Hi there, i suggest to increase the global chat post to 1 mil zen cost/post becouse there are to many spam posts, bad language post argues between players in global chat, messages that are constantly repeating in a short period of time. 2-Another problem i've seen is that guild notice message doesn't work, why? fix it. 3-when you are texting and tipe "O" that window puping up, it's annoing, fix it. 4-Guild master assistant cannot accept players in guid, what it's purpose then? just to be there without no function? fix it. 5-EE elf is useles, ok i got it, but it alterate characters and gameplay experience. 6-Fenrir items drop maps had been alteretade, and also for other items i understand, from crywol, to kalima 6, WHY? to offer benefits to old players who keep Full stats characters to farm? and nobody else can farm? right?:)) 7-BC and DS levels also alterated, and BC entryes limited, again WHY? You don't play with us every day, we play, so let us play,. 8-I would be nice to add some credits reward from RR and GR, i dont know if you have it, haven't notice it. 9-Make BC and DS every 2 hours, who's ideea was to make it every 3h? it nonsense, it's ruins the gameplay activity and fun, again, you don't lvl up with us day or night, we do it, so let us play. 10-MAKE/CREATE A WEBSHOP from where we can buy exc items with credits, how the hell you expect from new players to compete with those old players who have FO sets+15 and FO wigs lvl 4+15?, there will be no chance to defeat them in any competition with items from market or in game events...it's madness for nerw players and monopol and preferences for old players. When a new player come and see this, he's going away becouse he will realize that he will never be able to defeat those FO characters with lvl 4 wings. I guess you like to hold the server with 20-30, same old players, same old players with FO sets wings, rings, pendants, who nobody new can ever beat them in CS or events! 11-It would be nice if you implement for the server that max lvl of wings will be lvl 3, lvl 4 is already to much. 12- most of spots in rakleon and other high lvl maps are holded by characters who already have lvl 400 and cannot do anything about that, what you wanna do about that? we w8 few days until that character realise he is lvl 400 and decide to reset and free the spot?, try to do something about that. You can disable "original position" from muhelper, so we can be moved by earthstrike(DL), lightning(SM) or weapon skill(BK). 13- and there is another thing, 2 credits /vote? :)))) c'mon, only good thing in here is the weekly reword, but not that substantial, you could raise it to 5 cred/vote, if you want more ppls get involved to vote. 14- Why ingame events are with limited time? leave it so we can enjoy finding them, not underpresure... 15-Why firsts 5 reset sistem for new players doesn't work? 1st at level 350 y typing in game command: /reset 2nd at level 360 3rd at level 370 4th at level 380 5th at level 390 6th and all the rest at level 400 16- We could use few, or more spots in Rakleon. In the end, i just wanna say, that we are very few players on server, many of them who plays with 2 chars and others plays with 4-5(throught VPN), bring some joy in game.... I know there will be nothing to do about those above, but i brought them on table to think about it, making a better server.
    13. Character name: Endorphin Suggestion type: Genesis server Suggestion content: Hello everybody! If you check https://oldsquad.ro/forum/forum/151-player-reports-warns/ you will see that there are many complaints about BL. Many of them cross the limit of common sense (one of them is Dominic's post about AlexMG) because the rules are not good. For any kind of swearing, the accused receives a maximum of several hours of chat silence for the first bad behavior. Playing with the same people everyday in this permanent server, I suggest drastically increasing the punishments. Many times people dont report these trash talking because they know what will happen... just mute for few hours.I am sure that if these swear words were about you, you would give permanent bans without blinking. Let's narrow this difference down a bit. How the suggestion can bring value: If a newcomer sees these discussions on the post, I'm sure he will give up playing. If the punishments are high, reporting will become rare, because they will not risk being punished. How would you personally implement your suggestion: For BL/Racism 1st offence = 1 day ban on the first 2 main chars 2nd time = 2 days ban on the first 2 main chars 3rd time = 4 days ban on the first 2 main chars 4th time = 4 days and so on
    14. Hi, I want to suggest Explosion Blade lvl 380 wep for MG to be done in one hand. I think it's fair since for sm, bk, dl, sum, all weapons are one handed and can be combine with a second weapon or shield. While for MG all power slash magic weapons except Runebastar sword, seed wep are two handed. Without a doubt, Explosion Blade is the best PVM weapon combo with the Muren Set. But I believe that one can also think about this issue, how not to lose MG from dmg for pvm. Like add pvm dmg for Power Slash spell. But in the case of my suggestion, I think it would improve the look of the MG. And maybe it would make this sword attractive for players. Let's not forget that together with Sylph Wind bow cannot be used for statue combination. Which makes it unusable, but it's actually a good weapon.
    15. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward): Doink Suggestion type (server/website/forum): Genesis Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough): vRF got overbuffed and is currently outperforming every killer/dps character by such a large margin it's pointless to play anything else as a killer/dps. they have the best PVM performance in game without having to alter build from PVP - their pvp and pvm builds are the same after 2nd GR the tweaks to fix RF performance ended up scaling VRF burst damage so high they oneshot every other character besides excessively high vitality builds while being quite tanky themselves. There is no counterplay, running doesn't work as VRF sticks to targets way better than other melee characters and unlike getting iced by an ice elf you can not react with teleport other as the burst is too quick. On top of that they have built in undispellable ice from their mobility + burst skill - chain drive. This forced everyone to play insanely high vitality builds to have a chance of survival in group fights high vitality is only available for RF in CS resulting in vRFs dominating every other class. Tanks die in 2 hits, everything else in 1 hit. 15k vitality elf with blue fenrir, mana shield, swell and rf buff gets onetapped (chaindrive + pss skill) in CS with no counterplay by a single rf. Thanks to RF not suffering from the pitfalls of BK and SMG it is possible to assemble a pack of coordinated ragefighters and oneshot everything in your way. The only possible counter to a strat like that is another pack of ragefighters. Killer bk is supposed to have a similar role to VRF but unlike VRF it suffers from AOE reflect from combos and cyclone "walk back" bug pigeonholing it into a tank role (even with the 10-30% incoming damage increase). With 15k vit cap a single combo in a clump of people oneshots the BK. To top it off landing consecutive combos on the same target in a mass group fight is incredibly hard to pull off, meanwhile VRF gets all the perks of combos with just having to hold right click and cast 2 spells off cooldown in no particular order or timing while getting undispellable ice procs and sticking to target with minimal effort Ice arrow on the RF doesn't work - they can pounce on you through ice and keep moving with chain drive - full tank Ice elf outside of CS with close to 30k vit, blue fenrir, mana shield and swell died in 2 hits with DD procs... the best and only counter to VRF as of now is VRF... We have entered a heavily dominant VRF meta where other dps classes mostly serve to buff up the RF. Every time a class gets this dominant and oppressive it negatively affects the overall gameplay and forces players to metaslave and play whatever is OP. Unless ragefighter is tweaked to fall in line with other classes we are looking at everyone being forced to play ragefighter until the next big patch (3-4 months) in order to stay competetive. Class and build diversity along with a lot of horizontal progression elements are one of oldsquads biggest selling points, most other servers function in a way where certain classes are garbage while 1-2 classes outperform everything else. I'm 100% sure it is possible to find a middleground where vRF does not over or underperform. We went from vRF being useless in PVP to being the singlehandedly easiest to use and strongest pvp and pvm class in game in a single patch. How the suggestion can bring value: restore character diversity and viability (Optional) How would you personally implement your suggestion (your vision). Carefuly tweaking vRF pvp and pvm damage, potentially nerfing ignore defense. Ideally in a way so ragefighter still stays the melee assassin character/tankbuster it's meant to be but with possible counterplay.
    16. There are a few people, will not give names, that are abusing this bug 24/7 during boss fights and castle siege. How it workes When you are in party with SM, you don't click your party member to mass teleport, you click urself. (you need to be in the same guild) What happenes You can use teleport/mass teleport with almost no cooldown. Now make a tankish reflector SM build, abuse this, and your almost unkillable. (you can pretend on post later, that ur skilled) How to fix Make it not usable on urself, as its suppose to work. If this is not possible, add a cooldown to it. Video showing the bug in action
    17. Hey When im trying to start game i get this error? Just startet playing a few days ago with no problem. 9 hours ago everything was fine. Thanks in advance
    18. today at morning IT we all got disconected and recived warns, we were 9 players in. Please analyze this TY!
    19. Hello there. I hope we can make this server a better place to play. I have few suggestions. 1st. I think we should limit the member in the guild for CS purpuse. Last few weeks maybe months were a total desaster. My idea is very simple 10 Members in main guild and 10 in secundary guild. If you can gather 20 each side or even 3 guilds we could have a decent game. Or 15 people in one guild no alliances.We will avoid people with multiple accounts and VPN`s to leave afk every single week (a short check can show you that multiple people have 3-4 accounts connected) 2nd. Every abuse or cheat should be punished more severe. Very hard to try to enjoy an event when multiple people join events with multiple chars and leave afk. 3rd. Maybe @Gion could make again a soccer event once a week and maybe bring back the mountly event so new people can have acces to some rewards also. 4th. DMG on ene+str RF to be reduced. It`s a game breaker to have a char that can 1shot a spot and ks every single spot. Multiple people abusing this build in order to ks (check K7 and kr2) few people with 5-6 maybe even more rf`s leave afk on a spot and you can`t farm anything. Probably a very bad experience for new people also. 5th. Mute system should be changed to warn system/ban system as is 2 much toxicity from everyone. 2 much spam on post. Also an idea will be to increase the zen post .(maybe people will stop spaming..including me). Thanks . I hope for some good feedback not drama and arguing. Only a normal conversantion with arguments can make the server better. Regards Alegz.
    20. Hi, I keep getting this error for past two days. I can connect with one account, not the other one. There is nothing in my processes, tried with vpn and without. Different compatibilities, restarting several times. Couldnt find anything here or their website. Playing on Win 11, no viruses. Any ideas? Thank you
    21. My question is, why does someone get 2 consecutive penalties and someone doesn't? Is the "oldsquad" now encouraging racism? softening at the rules for them, ignoring their shit? What happened to the world? Why Pain get 2 consecutive warns for his words in same day https://imgur.com/a/AclKnat But shity racist dosen't ? although these are 2 different episodes not connected with each other that happened on different days. https://ibb.co/G7r73Xw
    22. Hi, I want to know how many beam knight I still need to kill. After killing one all i see is exp. People say that quest status should appear automatically where the exp is displayed, but it does not. I am at loss.
    23. Hello! Since yesterday's patch, I am unable to run the game. The PS Gameguard anti-cheat program detects some virtual machine stuff (Error: "virtual machine has been detected"). After hours of searching the internet for a fix on this, I still have no solution for it. (even on psdevs.com.br I couldn't find any explanation of what that error relates to or how it can be mitigated). Some sites (different games) suggested that even having VMware tools installed could be the issue - so I uninstalled it and deleted anything related to that (files, folders, registry entries, app data, local data etc). The game still does not work... Can you please help me on this one? Thank you.
    24. Hello, On 29.07.2024 (Monday) at 19:00 GMT+3 (Server Time) we'll have a global maintenance on our systems. Genesis will be down for 45~120 minutes. You will also have to either update the client via Launcher (after Maintenance is over) or download the new Genesis client that will be uploaded on that day after the maintenance, in order to continue playing. The following update will be up on Genesis after the Maintenance is over: ! IMPORTANT UPDATE: We're changing our servers rules (for both Genesis & Inception Sprints) as follows: Rule 2 & 3 (Insults & Racism): 1. Character bans are now removed as part of the punishment(s). Players will no longer get banned on Characters for either Insults or Racism. 1.1. Warns are no longer given for any type of reports, as well as old warns are no longer taken into consideration. 2. Now any type of insults, bad and/or abusive language, direct/indirect racism, etc. towards players will be punished with MUTE on Account(s) + IP from 6 hours up to 120 hours, as long as it is correctly reported. 2.1 The amount of MUTE time will now be decided based on case-by-case scenario and/or gravity (and/or previous history/antecedents) at the sole discretion of the staff. 2.2 Any decided MUTE time is final and can be different compared to similar situations. 2.3 Contesting a MUTE decided by staff in order to create dramas (accusing of giving an either too big or too small MUTE time) can get the involved contestant(s) banned and even HWID+IP banned, without further explanations. 2.4 The "provocation" part of the old rule is now removed. Instead, if the one who reported did also used bad language/insults towards the reported one (even if they were "smaller" or indirect), both the reported one and the one who reported will be MUTED. 2.5 The deadline for reports is 24 hours from the moment the BL/Insults/Racism happened, reports that pass the deadline will not be taken into consideration. Rule 5 (Selling for Real Money): 1. When reporting a seller for real money, no matter what it is involved in the initial offert (be it only an item, multiple items, or the account/character itself), the one that reported will receive the entire account that is banned for the real-money selling. 2. There's now a deadline of 24 hours to report a seller for real money, from the moment the initial sell proof/offert is created that you are presenting to the staff (not counting any ulterior discussions/proofs needed, only the initial one). 2.1 If the deadline of 24 hours is passed, you will no longer receive anything for the report, but if you report it past the deadline, the person & his accounts will still be banned. Rule 7 (Insistent Non-English Messages in /post or Gens Chat): For the players-made reports, the punishment is from 3 hours up to 24 hours, at the sole discretion of the staff. For the real-time staff catches in-game, the punishment is from 30 minutes up to 3 hours, at the sole discretion of the staff. Changelog: [ADDED] Released 2nd Grand Reset: If you reach 1 GR, 55 resets and level 400 you now unlock the 2nd Grand Reset. In order to do the 2nd Grand Reset you need to type /grandreset. Rewards for 2nd Grand Reset 2x PvP Artifacts & 2x PvM Artifacts. 2 weeks of Golden Fenrir (that can't die). 2x HoF Badges. 50 extra free points for each new Reset after the GR [that are accumulated up until 50 resets, where you'll have 2500 extra stat points compared to 50rr chars with only 1 GR]. 160 extra free points for each new QReset after the GR, between 50 and 55 resets. [so at 1 GR and 55rr you'll have 3300 more points compared to 55rr chars with only 1 GR]. Improved quests rewards when doing them again. Extra +1% Damage for every reset after 50rr. [with a total of +15% at 2 GR and 55RR]. [!] Higher top position. Requirements for 2nd Grand Reset Your character on Server 1 (Normal Maps). Level 400. 1 Grand Reset. 55 Resets. 1.800.000.000 Zen. 2x2 inventory space for Golden Fenrir. Extra info The EXP rate for 0-55 resets is a linear EXP with a 10% rate of the normal (NON-GR) EXP. The Quests are reset, you can start them again at 50 resets & all restrictions/requirements for the Quest System are being kept once you start them again. Note: After reaching 50 resets you must use /qreset again in order to progress to 55 resets. You keep the same amount of bonus % Damage as you had before the 2nd GR (earned from qresets & 1st GR). Each new reset after 2nd GR costs 200.000.000 Zen. [UPDATED] Quests System on 2nd GR: Objectives: Quest 1: Kill 110x Bloody Monsters Quest 2: Kill 3x Golden Budges & 5x White Wizards Quest 3: Win 3x Illusion Temple Events Quest 4: Kill 70x 'little' Rabbits Quest 5: Finish 9x Doppelganger Events Quest 6: Hunt down 4x Death Kings Quest 7: Kill Goldens: 30x BoK+1, 24x BoK+2, 20x BoK+3 Quest 8: Hunt down 3x Nightmares Quest 9: Give David 1x Old Box 2 and 2x Old Box 3 Quest 10: Kill 16x Derkons Quest 11: Finish 7x Imperial Events in less than 200 seconds Quest 12: Win 5x Chaos Castle Events Quest 13: Kill 65x BoK+5 Goldens Quest 14: Hunt down 8x Kunduns, 8x Witches, 5x Cursed Dragons Rewards: The first 2 quests from each tier will now reward you with: 25% chance for 1x DD Seed in Sphere. 10% 1x Old Box 5. 32.5% 1x PvP Artifact. 32.5% 1x PvM Artifact. The Quest Skip times on the 2nd GR quests are 4/6/8 days, based on quest tier. [UPDATED] Reduced the Zen cost of Resets between 0 and 50 when having 1 GR from 150kk per reset to 60kk per reset. [UPDATED] Increased the EXP of 0-55 resets & 1 GR by 50%. [UPDATED] Reduced the Quest Skip times on 0 GR from 1/2/2 days based on quest tier to 1/1/1 days. [UPDATED] Reduced the Quest Skip times on 1 GR from 2/3/4 days based on quest tier to 1/2/3 days. [UPDATED] Highly increased the HP & DEF of CC7 monsters. [UPDATED] PvP Artifact from CC7 can now be obtained ONLY by remaining the only character alive (basically it is no longer given as part of the CC win that can happen when time's up, and more than 1 character is still alive). [ADDED] You can now convert PvP Artifacts into PvM Artifacts and vice-versa. You need 2x PvP Artifacts and 500 Credits to get 1x PvM Artifact. You need 2x PvM Artifacts and 500 Credits to get 1x PvP Artifact. You can use /changeartifact <pvp|pvm> command in order to make the conversion, as long as you meet the requirements. Typing "/changeartifact pvp" will convert 2x PvP Artifacts into 1x PvM Artifact. Typing "/changeartifact pvm" will convert 2x PvM Artifacts into 1x PvP Artifact. This conversion is not meant to be a feasible, easy way to get access to the needed Artifacts, but more of an expensive, desperate way to get the missing Artifacts when you have too many from a specific type. [UPDATED] Increased the Enrage damage of Dark Mammoth & the Soul-Link Enrage damage of Dark Iron Knight. [UPDATED] Now when Dark Mammoth initially spawns, all characters in its 15x15 range are moved to lorencia. [FIXED] Anti-Hack error window getting stucked when trying to open a 3rd instance of the game. [FIXED] Anti-Hack closing the connection after ~3 minutes of reconnect time, it now allows up to 20-40 minutes of reconnect time, before closing the connection. [UPDATED] Maximum points in a single stat is now 30k instead of 27k. [UPDATED] Chain Drive Strengthener (ML) now also increases Chain Drive range from 2 to 3. [UPDATED] Reduced the PvP damage received by RF by 20%~40% based on attacking class. [UPDATED] Slightly reduced the stuck rate of RF when taking damage. [UPDATED] Increased the effects-power of Mana Shield, Sweal & EE buffs (CS) on RF. [UPDATED] Now if a BK has a mace & fenrir equipped, it can no longer damage other players with TS. [UPDATED] Increased the PvP damage received by BK by 10~30% based on attacking class. [UPDATED] Reduced BK's PvP damage by 10%. [UPDATED] Increased BK's Combo damage by 33%. [UPDATED] Reduced the stuck rate of BK when taking damage. [UPDATED] Increased the effects-power of Mana Shield & EE buffs (CS) on BK. [UPDATED] Cyclone Strengthener (ML - BK only), Slash Strengthener (ML), Falling Slash Strengthener (ML) & Lunge Strengthener (ML) now also increases the weapon skill range from 2 to 3. [UPDATED] Increased SM's Teleport cooldown from 4 seconds to 5.5 seconds. [UPDATED] Increased SM's PvP damage by 8%. [UPDATED] Reduced the Poison Resistance (ML), Lighting Resistance (ML) & Ice Resistance (ML) increases from 1.2%~9% to 0.38%~2.5%, since the actual resistance increase is way bigger than the % values. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage % inside Chaos Castle by 14%, now matching the Duel % damage. [UPDATED] Increased Fire Slash debuff duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds. [UPDATED] Increased Fire Slash debuff max rate from 20% to 25%. At some point in the future (probably winter), there will be new mix(es) for new obtainable items that will also use Artifacts, as well as more ways to obtain Artifacts. Cheers!
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