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  • ImaWhore

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    Everything posted by ImaWhore

    1. How is everybody doing in general
    2. i know im just a useless whore thank you
    3. like the title says i like being treated like a whore i love it when people degrade and humiliate me (only me tho i don't endorse it toward anyone else) and i hope more people do it either through here , dm's or in game ☺️
    4. I'm just curious because some people get there wings quickly whilst other take a lot longer I know wings are really good but I dont normally get them as fast as possible and when I try it takes me forever I'm just one unlucky whore 😅
    5. thank you so much☺️
    6. How do you reset you character once you hit 400? Sorry just kind of a dumb whore😅
    7. Hi I have been playing mu since s2 I know it's not a long time but I have been jumping between seasons but season 5 till 9 are my favourite I personally think that past 9 they have added to much stuff and are getting far to greedy
    8. ImaWhore


      i wont be disrespect full towards other i always treat everyone in high regard and thank you for informing me😊 im just saying that i dont care how people talk to me as long as its me and not someone else
    9. ImaWhore


      Hi I'm a whore who loves being treated like one and degrade i also love being humiliated so font be afraid to call me out and stuff apart from be being a big whore I'm also really talkative so feel free to dm I love talking to new people
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