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  • AndhorRebo

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    Everything posted by AndhorRebo

    1. Hi! Thx for replying @Bangladesh Do you know how many of us are there?
    2. Hello! Since yesterday's patch, I am unable to run the game. The PS Gameguard anti-cheat program detects some virtual machine stuff (Error: "virtual machine has been detected"). After hours of searching the internet for a fix on this, I still have no solution for it. (even on psdevs.com.br I couldn't find any explanation of what that error relates to or how it can be mitigated). Some sites (different games) suggested that even having VMware tools installed could be the issue - so I uninstalled it and deleted anything related to that (files, folders, registry entries, app data, local data etc). The game still does not work... Can you please help me on this one? Thank you.
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