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  • UnliSabaw

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    About UnliSabaw

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    1. Hello everyone, I just wanted to jump in and add my experience with the community-driven Discord. Like many others, I was a newbie who initially struggled to find my footing in the game. The official Forum, while helpful in some ways, didn’t offer the sense of community I was looking for. It wasn’t until I joined MagicGagi's community server that things really changed for me. The players there, especially veterans like Doink (aka Doink the all-knowing 🤣), have been incredibly generous with their time and knowledge. The fun events, helpful tips, and camaraderie have kept me engaged and excited about building my character. Magic’s initiative has truly made a difference – the opportunity to interact with experienced players and get that extra push as a beginner made all the difference. I’ve now come full circle, passing on the knowledge I’ve gained to newer players, just like the veterans helped me. Seeing how much this community has grown and how it’s improving player retention, I strongly believe adding a link to this community-driven Discord on the official website could be a game-changer. It would give new players a real chance to connect, ask questions, and find the support they need to stick around and enjoy all the content MU has to offer. Let’s continue working together to make MU great again. This Discord initiative is a step in the right direction. Cheers, UnliRice/UnliSabaw
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