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    1. At the moment, you can park a DL near selupan, and summon your party to gate, after it dies inside selupan. If somebody comes to kill you, you switch character, and log back when you need to summon. If that is done with a DL that has a bit VIT + DD set, its impossible to be killed. Suggestion - Add teleport to safe zone, after character switch, as it happenes during medusa fight. - If that's not possible, add same mechanic that gens has, where, after somebody attacks you, or you attack somebody, warp/switch is not possible for X seconds.
    2. Hello to everybody! This guide is mostly addressing to the new players of MU, but not only! After watching the videos about MU online on YouTube, many of you might question yourself about the gameplay. I will try to describe the gameplay and what you have to do. First of all, we'll start with some details about the gameplay as a genre: In MU Online, like in most MMORPGs, players have to create a character among seven different classes and to set their foot on the MU Continent. In order to gain experience and thus to level up, a player needs to fight monsters (mobs). MU is populated by a large variety of monsters, from simple ones like goblins and golems, to frightening ones such as the Gorgon, Kundun or Selupan. Each monster-type is unique, has different spawn points, and drops different items. Outside of a duel, PvP fighting is possible but "discouraged". When one player attacks another, a self-defense system is activated, in which the attacked player may kill the aggressor within a time limit. Self-defense is also activated when a player attacks an Elf's summoned creature. Outlaws have disadvantages during game play, depending on their Outlaw level. At the start of the game the players can choose between four different character classes - Dark Wizard, Dark Knight, Elf, and Summoner. Players can unlock a Magic Gladiator, a RageFighter and a Dark Lord as they progress. Each class has its specific powers and items. As characters level up and complete quests, they can transform themselves into stronger classes. Each progressive class change grants, gain access to new spells, skills, weapons and wings as well as an associated change in appearance. Mu Online has a built-in chat system that allows all visible players to easily communicate via text. Users can add custom players to their Friends List in-order to make it easy to keep in contact with one-another. I will start with the the "mechanical" part of the game, then we'll talk about the gameplay. Like most MMO games, characters in MU can use many different kinds of magic and special abilities. Each character has its own set of spells and some weapons may be enchanted in order to provide the character with a specific spell. Casting a spell costs MP (mana, or magic point) and sometimes AG or stamina. *** http://image.webzen.net/Mu/guideImage/gameSystem/img_baseinfo_1.jpg http://image.webzen.net/Mu/guideImage/gameSystem/img_baseinfo_2.jpg Some hot-keys: At the beginning you need to access your stats and inventory. You can do this by pressing C(here the level is displayed, your stats, etc) and V (inventory). In inventory you will find 2 rings, from where you can drop some nice starting items, but you can throw them on level 40 and on level 80. Each item occupies a number of slots from inventory. Above these slots you can equip items for your character, taking into account what you can wear and what you can not. Below you will find the amount of Zen that you posses. The Zen is used for teleporting, buying items from shops, item crafting, etc. There is a "plus" button too, it is the extended inventory, which drops in Karutan2. You can also sell items to shops for Zen. As you progress in level, you will unlock the "Repair" and "Store" options, also included in the inventory screen. - This should happen really fast. By unlocking the Repair function, you don't need to go to the BlackSmith shop anymore to repair items, you can do it by yourself (zen is used). By unlocking the Store function, you can sell items to other players for zen. Just drag and drop the item that you want to sell into the store and set its price(right click). You can choose your store name too. F - Friends / mail function, from level 6 H - Event planner, displays the starting hour for some events D - Multitask bar, where you can request a player to Trade / Buy Store / Party / PM/ Request to join Guild etc., by selecting the wanted option and right click on the player Enter - Chat Printscreen button, saves the screenshot directly into your MU folder->Screenshots, no other software needed F1 - Help Box, press F1 in game for even more very useful hot-keys. You can press multiple times F10 - 3D Camera ON/OFF F11- Reset 3D Camera F12- Minimize the game M - Warping Menu A - Master Level, after completing Quest 3 Z - In-Game Clicker B - Gens Menu (for Gens members) G - Guild Menu (for Guild members) P - Party Window (for Party members) Start your chat message with ~ for party chat / @ for guild chat / @@ for alliance chat / $ for gens chat If you want to buy Healing Potions, Mana potions, some items/spells , you need to search the safezones of some cities for NonPlayerCharacters that are selling these things for zen. You have an account Valut(Stash), where you can deposit your items. These items can be shared with your characters from the same account. It is located in almost every safezone of a city ( Safety Guardian is the name of the NPC). You can also find the Chaos Goblin in Noria, for some combinations (upgrade items from +9 to +15 / creating wings / etc), Lahap in Elbeland, for stacking the jewels. In the upper left corner, the coordinates for the current map are displayed. Players can choose to team up with other players in a "party", in which players cooperate against enemy monsters to share and increase exp and loot. *** Characters: Dark Wizard: Dark Wizards study the mystical arts, crafting the elements of nature into powerful spells such as Fireballs, Aquabeams, and even Ice Storms. They have the highest Energy of all the character classes. Points per level: 5 (usually, this attribute -for all characters- can vary with +-2, depending on the server type) Starting Strength: 18 Starting Agility: 18 Starting Vitality: 15 Starting Energy: 30 Life/HP: 60 Mana: 60 Life per level: 1 Mana per level: 2 SD per level: 0.5 Dark Knight: These dedicated warriors train endlessly to perfect their sword techniques. They channel their high Agility and Physical Strength stats into direct and area attacks like Twisting Slash, Death Stab and Rageful Blow. Points per level: 5 Starting Strength: 28 Starting Agility: 20 Starting Vitality: 25 Starting Energy: 10 Life/HP: 110 Mana: 20 Life per level: 2 Mana per level: 0.5 SD per level: 1 Fairy Elf: The fairy elves are skilled in both archery and magic, combining the two to provide both offensive and defensive support. Their abilities include special arrow attacks as well as the power to Buff the Attack and Defense for themselves and others. Points per level: 5 Starting Strength: 22 Starting Agility: 25 Starting Vitality: 20 Starting Energy: 15 Life/HP: 80 Mana: 30 Life per level: 1 Mana per level: 1 SD per level: 0.5 Summoner: Summoners, whose bloodline have been preserved since ancient times possess a natural gift in manipulating magical powers and communicating with another world. By using special scrolls, Summoners can summon mysterious monsters. Through their constant prayers and meditations, Summoners can incapacitate enemies by compromising their weaknesses. Points per level: 5 Starting Strength: 21 Starting Agility: 21 Starting Vitality: 18 Starting Energy: 23 Life/HP: 70 Mana: 40 Life per level: 1 Mana per level: 1.5 Magic Gladiator: Upon reaching a certain level (based on the server type -Inception / Phoenix-, this level is ~150-200), the Magic Gladiator is unlocked. These warriors combine spell and sword, bringing both to bear in the defense of MU; their arsenal includes abilities of both the Dark Knight and the Dark Wizard classes. Points per level: 7 - this is the advantage of choosing an MG at level that level Starting Strength: 26 Starting Agility: 26 Starting Vitality: 26 Starting Energy: 16 Life/HP: 110 Mana: 60 Life per level: 1 Mana per level: 1 SD per level: 0.5 Dark Lord: At the same level for each server, the fearsome Dark Lord is unlocked. Riding into battle on his steed, he is a terrifying force that summons his Dark Raven and Dark Horse to do his bidding. He is the only character with the Command stat. Points per level: 7 Starting Strength: 26 Starting Agility: 20 Starting Vitality: 20 Starting Energy: 15 Starting Command: 25 Life/HP: 90 Mana: 40 Life per level: 1 Mana per level: 1 RageFighter: The Rage Fighter is a remnant and descendant of Kalutal royal knight. They are specialized for charge attack based on their physical advantage and use special buffs learned from Kalutan royal knight (same unlocking level). Points per level: 7 Starting Strength: 32 Starting Agility: 27 Starting Vitality: 25 Starting Energy: 20 Life/HP: 100 Mana: 40 Life per level: 1 Mana per level: 1 Dark Knight - is a warrior which deals good amounts of damage. He can be a tank too. Close range Dark Wizard - mage which deals damage from range. He is able to teleport, and has a lot of spells. Elf - Energy based Elf is a support character. The Agility Baset Elf is a good opp in Pvp. Summoner - mage, deals damage from range, has different buffs/debuffs and perks. Magic Gladiator - a combination between Dark Knight and Dark Wizard. RageFighter - warrior character, deals a lot of damage, close range Dark Lord - can use specific pets. Used as a both as damager and tank. HOT: MG / RF / DL can be unlocked at level 1 by purchasing VIP. We have tried to balance the power of the characters, so everyone can choose whatever class he wants. *** The main goal of this game is to reach level 400. Based on that, our community offers you multiple type of gameplay choices: Inception, Phoenix and the *Wormhole concept. We have some vaulted versions too (like Non-Reset, which might be back some day). Phoenix (Non-Reset with Optional resets type of gameplay): After your reach level 400 and finish your quests, you can farm your wanted items, you can go for Master Level (the 200th level is achieved by completing different tasks/quests), hunt events, PVP, etc. OR to reset to level 1 (you keep the items and ML), with a stats reset to level 1 (you get a low amount of bonus points, ~100) and you start over. There is a limited number of resets (~10). Inception (Multiple Resets type of gameplay): Same as Phoenix, but at level 400 you can reset you character to level 1 in order to start with a bigger amount of bonus points(~1000). Usually there are around 35 resets possible. *Special *WormHole: The WormHole Concept, also known as Inception's kid, is a low term server (~60 days) where the gameplay is mostly the same as the one from Inception, but with limited access to some game items/features, and after some time (~50 days) you will be able to transfer your character to Inception. It is basically a wormhole for those who arrive later on Inception but want to still hit the top. You can find all these servers here -----> https://mu.oldsquad.ro Choose the right one for you ! **Note: Phoenix's exp rate is lower than Inception's, because we had to create balance for all the gameplays. *** After you have joined MU and you have already chose a character, it's time to go kill some mobs for level up. You can only kill just a few monsters with your bare hands. You will need spells, items, potions, and, the most important thing, another players. You can create 2 accounts which can be connected at the same time, so you can start with multiple characters (much easier for you to level up, farm, etc.). I suggest you to read the info for your chosen version of server on forum. First you jump in the game, click the Elf Soldier (Shadow Phantom Soldier) to receive some bonus damage/defense, then you go to kill some mobs for level up. After killing some mobs, you will notice that you are not killing fast enough, so you need to search for some spells. Maybe you will find some in the shops. You can find shops in many maps, in safezones. You can buy some starting items from there, and some potions of healing and mana too. Shops are NPCs which are selling items to you for a certain amount of zen (zen is dropping from mobs). After you find some spells (don't worry if you won't find too many spells in shops, the most of spells are dropping from mobs in certain maps/spots) you can level up easier. By the time you are leveling up, you must also search/obtain better items. There are items designed for each class (as well as spells). Items are classified as follows: -Weapons: On each weapon the damage and the required stats are displayed if you move your cursor on it. *Note regarding required stats: the game will sometimes display a smaller required number than the real one, unfortunately unfixable atm, but you can check the required stats on the test server: Swords/Blades/Maces/Staffs/Scepters, each designed for a certain class. Tip: There are 2 types of damage received from weapons: normal damage, and wizardry damage(rise). If your character is a "warrior" type character (Dark Knight, Strength Magic Gladiator, etc), the damage that you are looking for is the normal one, written at one or two handed attack power. But if your character is a "mage" type character (Dark Wizard, Energy Magic Gladiator, Summoner, etc), you need to take into account the wizardry damage, not the normal attack power of the item. -Set Items: Armors/Helmets/Boots/Gloves/Pants/Shields. each designed for a certain class, having the defense and the required stats displayed if you move your cursor on it. Some of the items are normal, just as listed above, while other items can be Excellent items (like the normal items, but here some options are added to the item, for example Increased Damage for weapons and decreased damage for set items. These options are upgrading the normal items to excellent items. You can not add or remove any options from an item), Ancient items (normal items with lots of extra options, organized in sets of multiple items -you need to find more items from a certain set in order for the options to be active-) and Socket Items (special items, on which you can add your desired options in the free slots). Each kind of item is obtained in a different way, more details about the drops and item tiers at the Info&Rules section (Make sure that you are reading the right topic for your previously chosen server). -Rings / Pendants : Rings are used like set items and pendants are giving bonus damage. A much easier way to level up is when you are AFK, and we have a clicker implemented in our client, press Z in-game. If you want to upgrade an item, you need jewels. You can farm most of the items/jewels by participating at in-game events (Chaos Castle, Blood Caste, Devil Square, Invasions, etc). Some of the events can be used for leveling up too. You will team up with some players to compete against other players at these events. You can create / join a guild. A guild is your "team" of players. After teaming up with your guild mates, you will unite your forces with them to conquer the Land of MU. There are lots of hot features and events for guild members. *** Types of jewels: -Jewel of Bless: directly increasing the item level, also used for some mixes -Jewel of Soul: directly increasing the item level, also used for some mixes -Jewel of Life: used to increase the ADD option of an item, and sometimes for some mixes -Jewel of Chaos: used in mixes, it's the key jewel for almost any mix -Jewel of Creation: used in mixes -Gemstone: unrefined Jewel of Harmony -Jewel of Harmony: used to add the harmony(yellow) option, and for some mixes -Jewel of Guardian: used for Purple Option Mix *** Upgrading items: You can upgrade the level of an item by using some Jewels (Bless, Soul). Let's say that you are a Dark Knight and you have found an Excellent Lightning Sword +luck +opt. The damage shown is 89~97.For example, if you want to increase the damage of the sword (thus the level of the item) you can drag a Jewel of Bless into the item. Now the item level is +1 and the displayed damage is 92~100. You can upgrade your items up to +15. You can use Jewel of Bless to upgrade your item to +6, 100% chance of success. You can use Jewel of Soul to upgrade your item from +6 to +9, or from +1 to +9, but here the chance of success is not 100% (your item level can go back from +2 to +1, +7 to +6, +8 to + 7, etc, or from +8 to +0). If you want to go higher with the level of the item (+10, +11, .. , +15), you need to go to the Chaos Goblin in Noria(180 100) and hit the Regular Combination button, then give your +9 item to the Goblin, besides a Jewel of Bless, a Jewel of Soul and a Jewel of Chaos. Attention : A chance of success will be displayed by the Goblin. If your combination fails, your item will disappear. For the +11 combination you will need the +10 item + 2xJewel of Bless + 2xJewel of Soul + 1xJewel of chaos and so on, up to +15. *There is a special talisman used to make the item remain in case of a fail, but you will find it during gameplay. Now if you have a Jewel of Life(JOL) you can drag it into an item to upgrade its Additional Damage/Def (ADD). If you don't have the ADD option, then the JOL will create it (+4). If you add another JOL the add might go to +8, but it can downgrade the item too, just like Jewel of Soul does. *** Item options (for better understanding the difference between the item classes) : You will find items in the game. Let's say that you find a Small Axe (with the displayed damage 1~6) - this is a normal item. Normal items can have only 2 kind of extra options: Luck and ADD(Additional Damage/Defense) But if you find an Excellent Small Axe, by picking it up you will see that an Excellent option is displayed (like damage decreased for set items and Increased Damage for weapons). This "excellent" option is what makes a normal item to be an excellent one. You will also notice that the damage for Excellent Small Axe is 31~36. Excellent items can have Luck+add+max 2 exc options (and minimum 1 exc option). Ancient items: Items dropped in specific locations, organized in sets (an ancient set can have different items) for activation. For example, the Hyon Set for Dark Knight has 4 components: Hyon Sword + Hyon Helm + Hyon Gloves + Hyon boots. If you only have 1 part of the set equipped, no ancient options are active. If you will equip another part, the first ancient option will be activated. If you equip the 3rd part, 2 option are active, and when you equip the final part, all the ancient options will be activated. You can combine the ancient sets for various options (Hyon+Vicious). Socket items: items dropped in specific locations (level required: 400). These items are normal items (can have Luck and ADD) with some empty slots, slots that you can fill with your chosen options. You need to craft specific items for filling these slots. Plus, if you have a Jewel of Harmony, you can drag it into a normal or an Excellent item (not working for ancient/socket items) to add the harmony option to the item. You can increase the level of the yellow option by adding Higher of Lower Refinery Stones into the item. You can obtain these stones from Osbourne(Aida), by transforming some random items. You must increase the level of the item if you want to use refinery stones. For example, if you use a JOH for yellow option and you get let's say Damage Decrement Increase. If your item level is 0~9 you will have DDI 3%. If you upgrade your item to +10 you will be able to use a refinery stone to upgrade the DDI to +4%, and so on until +13. At +13 your DDI level will be 7%. These are the default values, you might encounter different upgrade level requirements for different yellow options on our servers. There are several harmony options, so in order to remove your harmony option (if it's shitty), to be able to add another one, you have to go to Jerridon in Aida. Even more, if you have a Jewel of Guardian (dropped in specific locations), a jewel of Harmony and a 380 level item, you can go to the Goblin(Noria), hit the Item Option Combination, then combine these 3 items for obtaining the 380 Purple Option. *Options on Excellent items: An Excellent item can have a maximum of 2 options (some exceptions when you use Lord Mix). For Set items: -Increase Max HP +4% -Increase Max Mana +4% -Damage Decrease +4% (received damage) -Reflect Damage +5% -Defense Success Rate +10% (mobs only) -Increase Zen after killing mobs +30% For Weapons: -Excellent Damage Rate +10% -Increase Damage +2% -Increase Damage + lvl/20 -Increase Speed (Wizardry) +7 -Increase Life after killing mobs +8/mob (for weapons) -Increase Mana after killing mobs +8/mob (for weapons) *Options on ancient items: Each ancient set has its own options, and there are multiple sets for each class of characters. Example of bonus options for Hyon Set (BK): -Increase Defensive Skill +25 -Double Damage Rate 10% -Increase Skill Attacking Rate +20 -Increase Critical Damage Rate +15% -Increase Excellent Damage Rate +15% -Increase Critical Damage +20 -Increase Excellent Damage +20 Note: These options will activate once you equip each item. *Options on Socket items: Adding options into a Socket item is not an easy job, since these items can be equipped at level 400 (end-game items). I suggest you to skip this step for now, and come back again at the right time (when you will actually own a Socket Item). The maximum number of slots for a Socket item is different for each server. For this tutorial, let's consider that the maximum number of slots is 3. You must add some "Seeds", containing options, into these items. Let's suppose that we have have in inventory an ordinary Socket item (Royal Armor for DL) +3 empty slots (the item can have luck and ADD, but it does not matter). There are 6 types of seeds, each type having its own possible options: Type Options Fire Attack/Wizardry damage increase (pro rata to level) Attack speed increase Maximum attack/Wizardry damage increase Attack/Wizardry damage increase Water Defense success rate increase Defense increase Shield defense increase Damage reduction Damage reflection Earth Stamina increase Wind Life auto recovery increase Maximum Life increase Maximum Mana increase Automatic Mana recovery increase Maximum AG increase AG value increase Lightening Excellent damage increase Excellent damage rate increase Critical damage increase Critical damage success rate increase Ice Skill damage increase Attack success rate increase Item durability increase First of all we need to craft a Seed. We can find the Seed Master in Elbeland(45 240), and choose the Seed Extraction button. For the Seed combination we need: any kind of ancient item +4(no ancient rings/pendants) + any kind of excellent item +4(no exc rings/pendants) + 1 Jewel of Harmony + 1 Jewel of Creation + 1 Jewel of Chaos. I have used a Mist Helm +4(ancient item) + an exc Dragon Armor +ref + 1 JOH + 1 creation + 1 chaos. All the seed extractions will have an 80% chance of success. When it fails, all the jewels will disappear and Ancient and Excellent items will randomly downgrade to level 0~2. I just got an Increase Max Life Seed. The next step is to combine the Seed with a Sphere (which drops at specific locations). The better quality(level) the sphere has, the stronger option it will induce. Let's consider the max level for the sphere to be 4. Take the Seed, the Sphere, 1 chaos , 1 creation back to the Seed Master and hit the Seed Sphere Assembly. When it's successful : A seed sphere will be created. Once this is mounted to a socket item, it will give the item that special option. When it fails : All the items that were put into combination will disappear. I have used a level 4 Sphere, and now my Seed in Sphere is Increase Maximum Life +8%. For level 3 sphere: Increase HP +7%, 6% for level 2 and 5% for level 1. After you got this, all you need to do is to mount it to the item, with 100% chance of success. Go to the Seed Researcher in Elbeland(50 240), choose the first option and you got it. You can also remove Seeds from Sockets at the Seed Researcher. !!! The Bonus for Socket items: You will get some bonuses if you place the seeds in items as it's displayed in the next table: As you see, some bonuses have a chance of success. So if you've placed the seeds as it's written in the table and your item is not showing the bonus, you can replace one random seed with the same seed or the same type of seed. *** About Pets: Pets are used by players to get more damage / defense. The pets are mostly used only in PvE (because they die fast PvP), but not only. What pets can you find / craft: -Guardian Angel, can be found. Bonuses by equipping a Guardian Angel: Absorb 20% of Damage; Increases max HP +50. Minimum level required: 23. Careful, this pet dies fast PvP ! -Imp (Satan), can be found. Bonuses: Increase Damage +30%. Min req lvl: 28. Dies fast at PvP too. -Demon, can be found. Bonuses: Increase Damage +40%; Attack Speed +10. Min req lvl: 28. Dies fast at PvP. -Horn of Uniria, can be found. Bonuses: Increases the moving speed. Min req lvl: 25. Dies fast at PvP. -Horn of Dinorant, needs to be crafted at the Chaos Goblin (Noria). You need 10 Horns of Uniria and a Jewel of Chaos (75% success rate). Bonuses: lets you fly ( if you don't have wings and you need to go in Icarus); Increase Damage +15%; Absorb 10% of Damage. Min req lvl: 110. Dies fast at PvP -Horn of Fenrir, needs to be crafted. The Fenrir is the most powerful pet from MU, and it can be used for PvP (it dies pretty hard). For the crafting, you need multiple items. First of all you will need craft 5 Fragments of Horn. A Fragment of Horn can be made by combining 20xSplinter of Armor + 20xBless of Guardian+1 Jewel of Chaos (the splinter of armor and the bless of guardian are dropping in certain maps, usually KalimaX or Crywolf depending on the server) at the Chaos Goblin with 60% success rate. After you have 5 of this Fragments of Horn, you will need to search again that map for 10xClaw of Beast. Take the Claws and the Fragments of Horn and 1 Jewel of Chaos to the Goblin and combine them all together for a Broken Horn (50% chance of success). If you got the Broken Horn, you are at the last step. You need to combine this Broken Horn with 3 JOLs and 1 Jewel of Chaos (30% success rate). If you combination succeeds, you will get the most desired Horn of Fenrir (Red). The Red Fenrir does not offer any advantages, besides the maximum moving speed and some Pvp advantages. Yet. If you want your Fenrir to increase your stats, you will need to go through another combination. You can choose (based on your actual stats) if you want your Fenrir to "protect you" (Blue Fenrir), or if you want it to increase your damage (Black Fenrir). For the Blue Fenrir (absorbs 10% of damage) you need your Red Fenrir, 5 JOLs, 1 Jewel of Chaos and 1 Set Item+4 +4add minimum (armor/gloves/shield etc). The combination has 79% chance of success. If you want the Black Fenrir (Increases Damage +10%), you need to replace the Set Item with a Weapon, same 79% chance. There is a Golden Fenrir too, a pet which can be won by participating at Staff Events. I left a link at the end of this tutorial. You can restore the Fenrir's HP by dragging a Jewel of Bless into it. For the rest of the pets, you can do nothing to heal them up, for now. *** You can evolve your character by making some special quests. Usually you have to do these quests in order to be able to use better spells and better gear. First Quest: In order to Upgrade your class, you have to be at least at level 150, then Warp into Devias then go to Sebina the Priest (Devias, 185 30). This quest is available only for Dark Knight, Dark Wizard, Elf , and Summoner. In the first part of this quest you will be asked to find the "Scroll of Emperor". This quest item is usually dropped in LostTower 1~3, by killing mobs. After finding the Scroll, for part 2 you will be asked to find another item, which usually drops in LostTower 7 and sometimes in Tarkan/Aida. After finishind the quest you will upgrade as follows: Dark Knight into Blade Knight (BK), Dark Wizard into Soul Master (SM), Elf into Muse Elfe (ME) , and Summoner into Bloody Summoner (BS). Marlon Quest: Located random in Devias(185 30) or Lorencia(130 85) or Noria(170 90) or Atlans(20 25). Again available only for BK, SM, Elf, Summ. At level 220, you need to complete this Marlon Quest, in order to be able to get 6 points per level instead 5, from now on (or 4 instead of 3, depending on the server). You will be asked to find the "Ring of Honor", which usually drops in Tarkan. Now there is a part two of this quest, but available only for BK. The players will need to find the Dark Stone (drops also in Tarkan).After delivering the Dark Stone to Marlon, the BK will learn to do a combo. Combo is the specific skill for the BK class, and you can do a Combo by combining some spells (without failure). The basic Combo is done by using the Weapon Skill + Twisting Slash Skill + Death Stab skill. You can explore more combinations of skills. MG/DL/RF can not do this quest at all since they already get 7 points per level. Warning: It is almost mandatory to do this quest since your first reset, since you cannot get the lost points back if you do reset. Third Quest [Hard]: Now this quest is available for all classes and it can vary depending on the server type. You can start the first part at level 380 by going to Apostle Devin, Lorencia, near bar. He will tell you to bring 3 items: - Flame of Death Beam Knight, dropped only by the Death Beam Knight in Tarkan2 around 175 215 - Horn of Hell Maine, dropped only by the Hell Maine in Aida2 around 115 65 - Feather of Phoenix, dropped only by Phoenix of Darkness in Icarus around 40 200 That's the hardest part of the quest, the items can be dropped in few hours to few days. After delivering the quest items, you will be asked to be level 400 in order to proceed. The Apostle will tell you to kill 20 x each monster from Barracks. The NPC for warping into Barracks is situated in CryWolf(60 235) or near Lorencia Bar. For the third part you will need to kill the Dark Elf in Refuge. So you will need to head back to Barracks, and to go to the Refuge Gate at the end of Barracks(120 170). Inside you will find the Dark Elf. By finishing the 3rd Quest, you will evolve, and you will unlock the Master Skill Tree (Press A). You gain master points by killing specific Master Level (ML) mobs. Maximum ML : ~200 !!! I strongly recommend you to test each upgrade of the skill tree (and not only) on the Test server in order to make sure that you will actually obtain the desired result! *** About the in-game events: -Chaos Castle: You can find the invitation for Chaos Castle (CC) at the shop from Lore Bar (Armor of Guardsman is the item). As you can see if you click on the Invitation, there are 7 CCs, 1 for each different level range. This invitation works for any level -only for CC, for other events you will need to craft the right invitation for your level- . Inside CC you will have to wait until registering stops (multiple players can join), and you will have a specific skin (so it will be quite hard to distinguish the players from mobs). Mobs have a very high chance to drop jewels inside CC. There will be a total of 100 characters (players+mobs), and the last standing man is the winner. The winner has a reward (from jwls to ancient items, etc). So you go CC for farming items/jwls. -Blood Castle: For Blood Castle (BC), you need to craft the right invitation based on your level (check server details for the required levels, or simply ask a player). Let's say that you have level X and you need the BC Y invitation. You need to find Blood Bone +Y and Scroll of Archangel +Y. Take these 2 items and a Jewel of Chaos to the Goblin in Noria, hit the Regular Combination button and voila. Then right click on the invitation when you are in safe-zone to Warp into BC. There the main goal is to cross the bridge, destroy the gate, and destroy the statue that will appear up on the throne, after killing some mobs. The player that destroys the statue will acquire the Weapon of Archangel, and he need to bring it back to the starting zone and click on the Archangel to get the reward and end the event. You can team up with your party against other players/parties. The experience gained in BC is being usually doubled, so you can use this event for level up too. -Devil Square: Just like for BC, you will need to craft the right Devil Square (DS) invitation for your level. You will need Devil's Eye, Devil's Key and a Jewel of Chaos for your Goblin combination. Inside DS the experience gained is being doubled, and the mobs might drop some end-tier spells, besides jewels and ancient items, etc. You can team up with your party for a faster kill. This event is used for leveling up. -Golden Invasions: From time to time, some maps will be invaded by some Golden Creatures (a message will be displayed on global chat). You need to find and kill these Goldens in order to receive some rewards. One of the basic rewards for killing these Goldens is the Box of Kundun (BOK). The level range for BOK is 1 ~ 5, depending on the level of the Golden that you have killed. By dropping this BOK, you will find an Excellent Item. Hunt more Goldens for finding all the items / weapons from a set. Details about spawn points and drop list at Info for each server. Also, check the server info for more invasions, like Rabbits, White Wizard, etc. -Illusion Temple: Once the event start has been announced you have 5 minutes time to go to the Illusion Temple NPC (Elbeland 55 240) and register for the level/reset range you are in. The event consists out of two teams(randomly generated - max 2 teams of 5 ppl) who will try to get as many items from the Stone Henge NPC as possible. Once a player has received the item he will be slowed. Returning the item to the base camp will get the team 1 point. The players will not be able to use their skills in battle. They will be granted skills only when killing adversaries. Also the players look will change just like in chaos castle. When you enter you are warped inside the waiting room until illusion temple starts, when it starts teams are putted together 'alliance' and 'illusion' team. Teams are random meaning u cannot chose your ally nor your opponent. In illusion temple the purpose of the game is to capture the 'illusion temple ball' located in the north and in the south of the map you must return these to a container at your starting place Note: your running speed while carrying the ball will decrease dramatically making u slow and easy to catch When the ball carrier is killed he drops the ball. When you return the ball to your starting place your team will gain 1 point. Max points: 7 When you kill an opponent you will gain 5 killpoints, this being your personal score and not from the team. These points are to use special abilities inside illusion temple. Magic shield order: 5p. Function: Prevents 100% of DMG, duration 15 sec; Resistance order: 5p. Function: Paralyzes the enemy for 15 sec; Tracking order: 10p. Function: teleports you to the Ball; Freeze time: 5p. Function: Takes enemy 50% of SD. Once the event starts, players who are in are assigned to a random team and get a team uniform. For each opposing player killed, the killing team gets five skill points which can be spent to temporarily improve their character during the event. On top of killing other players, there are 2 statues located in the event map, each holding an event ball. Each team's base also comes equipped with a pedestal, where players can bring back the event balls for points. Once a ball is taken from a status, both statues disappear. They reappear again once a team returns the ball to their respective base. The first team which is able to return the ball seven times first wins. So not only is it important to kill the opposing team as much as possible, but to also gather as many event balls as possible while preventing the opposing team from doing the same. The ball carrier will move in slow motion, so it's important for his or her teammates to work together to protect the ball carrier from the opposing team. Once a ball carrier is killed, disconnected or leaves the event, the ball will fall to the ground and is able to be picked up by any player on either team. -CryWolf Event: This event happens twice a week. In CryWolf is a Statue with some pedestals. At the beginning, at least one ELF has to stand on a random pedestal during the whole event. The last ELF mustn't move or die, because the event will be canceled. The Kundun army will spawn, and the rest of the players must defeat the army, and protect the Elves on pedestals and the Statue. Each mob kill has a nice reward, plus, if the event is finished, the WHOLE SERVER will get some bonus exp (for example, on Phoenix you get 15% bonus exp after finishing CW event). -Refinery Tower: Refinery Tower is the place where you can refine Gemstones, and turn them to Jewels of Harmony (with an 80% chance of success). The Refinery Tower entrance is located in Kanturu Relics(140 185). Sometimes the refinery is open(meaning that the Refinery Event was finished before by another player/s). If you find the Refinery Tower closed, you have to complete the event. First of all, you will need a Moonstone Pendant equipped, which drops in the same map from regular mobs. After acquiring the pendant, you have to wait for the gate to be opened. Once you are inside, you will fight Maya's hands and minions. After defeating them, you have to face the boss, Nightmare, which drops nice rewards when killed. After Nightmare is killed, the Refinery Tower will be open again for everyone for a certain amount of time. -Castle Siege: This event has a dedicated topic, since our system is unique. Check the forum info for your server ! *** -Wings: Wings are special items that can be obtained by farming and upgrading another items. There are multiple kind of wings: Small Wings, Level 1 Wings, Level 2 Wings, Level 3 Wings, Level 4 Wings. The rate of success for wings is influenced by the items that are used. For example, the small wings will be dropped from one of the rings that you will find in your inventory when you first log in to the game. You need to be at least level 80 to be able to drop this ring. For Wings lvl 1 you need to combine some low tier items at the Goblin(Noria). Wings level 2, 3, 4 are just upgrades from wings lvl 1, and you need to acquire certain items for each upgrade. I will give an example of basic Wings lvl 1 combination: Careful, DL / RF cannot equip any level 1 Wings ! Below you will find info about some jewels too. First you need to go to the Goblin(Noria), hit the Chaos Weapon Combination button. For this combination you'll need an item at least +4 and +4 Additional Dmg/Def (add). I suggest you to use an item dropped by a Medal. But you can also upgrade an item to +4 (or more) using Jewel of Bless and Jewel of Soul. You can upgrade your item to +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6 with Jewel of Bless in a 100% safe way. Just drag it into the item. You can't go higher than +6 with Jewel of Bless. From +6 to +9 you will need to use the Jewel of Soul, but here the chance of success is not 100% (your item level can go back from +2 to +1, +7 to +6, +8 to + 7, etc, or from +8 to +0). If you want to some Additional Damage / Def (ADD) for your item, you need to use a Jewel of Life (JOL). By dragging the JOL into the item you will sum +4 ADD. If you drag another JOL your item will go to +8 ADD, etc. Careful, the JOL can also downgrade the ADD (from +4 add to +0, +12 to +8, +12 to +0, etc). Max ADD on items: Usually +28 Max ADD for Goblin: +16. If you upgrade your items up to +16, your general chance for Chaos Combinations will be increased. If you exceed +16 ADD (+20, +24, +28), your item ADD will be count as 0 or smth. So for our Chaos Weapon Combination we need an item at least +4 and +4 add and a Jewel of Chaos. You can raise the levels of the items for a better chance of success. I have used a Plate Helm +8 +12add for a 62% chance of success, then I used a JOL to upgrade the add to +16 for a 100% chance of succes and the Chaos Weapon has been created. I got it +2 and +0 add. For the next step we need again our Chaos Weapon to be at least +4 and +4 add. You can upgrade your current Chaos weapon with Bless, Soul and JOL or you can go for another combination. I'll go for another combination. Damn, I got a new Chaos Weapon, but this time it's +1 and +0 add. Better upgrade the previous one from +2 and +0 add to +4 and +4 add. For step 2 I will use the +4 and +4 add Chaos weapon to create the wings. Click on the Goblin, and hit the Regular Combination button. Now insert your Chaos Weapon and a Jewel of Chaos to create the wings. But wait, my chance of success now is only 11%. I will upgrade the Weapon to +5. Meh, not good, 13%. I will upgrade the ADD to +8. 19%. We need more. Wait, there says that if I add a Jewel of Bless or Soul to the combination the rate will increase. Let's see. 24% with a Jewel of Bless. 28% with both Bless and Soul. We need more. There says that we can add a +4 and +4 add item to increase the rate. I will find another item. I just got a Lightning Sword +5 and +4 add. 46%. I need a better item. By the time I got me another Lightning Sword +7 + add 4. Let's try the combination with this new sword. 68%. And if I add my old Lightning Sword +5+add4 I get 86%. I just hit the Combine button, and I got some Wings Level 1 for Elf. If your combination succeeds, you can get Wings of Satan (for Dark Knight / Magic Gladiator), Wings of Heaven (Dark Wizard / Magic Gladiator), or wings of Elf, random. Now we can equip our wings (if they're matching our class), or we can trade them. Wings level 2 are just an upgrade from wings level 1. Now DL and RF can create their own wings(capes). If you want to upgrade your lvl 1 wings to lvl 2, you will need a Feather (for BK, SM, MG, ELF and Summ) or a Crest of Monarch (for DL / RF). Both the Feather and the Crest of Monarch can be found in Icarus by killing mobs. Your need 1st quest to be able equip these wings. I suggest you to raise the add of the Wings to +12 or +16 for a higher chance. I have a pair of lvl 1 wings of Elf +1 +12 add, 1 chaos and 1 Feather. My chance is 53%. There it says that I can add again an item to increase the rate. But this time it has to be an Excellent item. Luckily I already have a Skull Shield +7 +luck +add8 +zen and I get a 87% chance and I got some Summoner Wings level 2 +HP. Again, the wings will be random (in case of success). For DL / RF capes use Crest of Monarch instead of Feather. Wings level 3 For wings level 3 you need 3rd quest in order to be able to equip 'em. You need these items for your Chaos Combination: -Condor's Flame: has a very low drop rate in Swamp -Feather of Condor: you need to craft this item -1 Jewel of Chaos -1 bundle of 10 Bless -1 bundle of 10 Soul -1 Jewel of Creation -an Excellent item +9 +add4 at least The max rate of success for Wings level 3 is 40%. Feather of Condor combination ingredients (max rate of succes 60%) : Wings lvl 2 +9 +add4 (you don't need more for wings) + Ancient item +7 +add4 (at least) + 1 Jewel of Chaos + 1 Jewel of Creation + 1 bundle of 10 Soul. Tip: always use +16 add on items for the best success rate at Chaos Combination (where the ADD does matter for the combination) I suggest you to use high-tier ancient items (Hyon Sword or/and Gywen Bow) at least +9 +add16 for a higher chance. For example with Wings of Dragon +9 +add4, 1 bundle of 10 soul, 1 chaos, 1 creation and 1 Hyon Sword +9 +add16 I get 30% chance of succes. If I add another Hyon Sword +9+add16 I get 60% chance of Succes. Another way to increase your chance is to upgrade your ancient item to +10. With only 1 Hyon Sword +10 +add16 I get 53% chance of succes. After crafting the Feather, we can go back to our basic combination: Condor's Flame, Feather of Condor, 1 Jewel of Chaos, 1 bundle of 10 Bless, 1 bundle of 10 Soul, 1 Jewel of Creation and an Excellent items +9 +add4 at least. For this combination I have a Rune Blade +9 +add16. My chance of success is 25%. I suggest you to use MG weapons for this combination. I can upgrade my Rune Blade to +10 for a 38% chance of succes or bring another Exc item +9 +add16. If your combination succeeds, you will acquire a pair of random Wings level 3 (Capes for DL / RF included now) with random options. I just got a Cape of Emperor +ignore for DL with 38% chance of success. When it fails : All the items that were put into the combination will disappear. For Wings level 4 we have a special topic, please check it out. *** About Gens: Maybe you have noticed that you can not access the "Battle" maps. That's because on these maps only the members of Gens are allowed. Gens is a PvP system, and you can earn contribution points and reward from PvP against the opposing Gens. There are 2 Gens families: Vanert and Duprian. You can join any Gens family by going to the special gens NPC, near Lorencia Ring. After you have joined a family, you will free PK the opp family in the battle maps, and you can't see opps names on battle maps. *** We also want to offer you the best gameplay, so we have created a Special Series of Events, made by staff. More details here ----> https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1651-osp-weekly-events-monthly-competition-legends-group/ This is only the basic guide for you to start.We strongly recommend you to browse the info for your server! Google is sometimes a good source too.  I will let this topic open for any questions .
    3. Hello, On 10.09.2024 (Tuesday) at 18:00 GMT+3 (Server Time) we'll have a quick global maintenance on our systems. Genesis will be down for 30~45 minutes. You will also have to either update the client via Launcher (after Maintenance is over) or download the new Genesis client that will be uploaded on that day after the maintenance, in order to continue playing. We're doing this maintenance mostly to update the AH to its newest version, since we heard some problems with some of you on this current version (hopefully they are fixed in this AH update). Changelog: [UPDATED] Buffed IT spawned mob damage to make sure it always kill on spawn despite current player stats. [UPDATED] Buffed World Bosses overall damage (both base & enranges) to make sure it remains relevant on current player stats. [UPDATED] The initial move from spawn zone of world bosses has been added to the Gens & PvP bosses as well, just like on the Non-PvP one. [UPDATED] Now characters in off-attack in the World Bosses range will be auto-moved to Lorencia during the WB fight. The following changes will also be up on Genesis to match the Inception changes: [UPDATED] Karutan2 map now requires level 320 instead of 300. [UPDATED] Changed the levels of the following monsters: Kentauros Warrior (Kanturu 3) from 96 to 94. Gigantis Warrior (Kanturu 3) from 98 to 96. Genocider Warrior (Kanturu 3) from 101 to 98. Crypta (Karutan 2) from 97 to 100. Crypos (Karutan 2) from 100 to 102. Condra (Karutan 2) from 104 to 105. Narcondra (Karutan 2) from 107 to 108. [UPDATED] Nerfed Kanturu3 monsters to match the rest of the monsters in their tier. [UPDATED] Spots changes: Aida 1: 175x 20y spot is now a Death Tree only spot (instead of Death Tree + Forest Orc). 185x 95y spot is now a Death Tree + Forest Orc spot (instead of Forest Orc only). 235x 35y spot is now a Death Tree + Forest Orc spot (instead of Forest Orc only). 210x 110y spot is now a Forest Orc spot (instead of Death Rider). 235x 100y spot is now a Forest Orc spot (instead of Death Rider). 235x 130y spot is now a Forest Orc spot (instead of Death Rider). 235x 160y spot is now a Forest Orc spot (instead of Death Rider). Tarkan 1: 90x 35y spot is now a Mutant + Bloody Wolf spot (instead of Bloody Wolf only). 70x 60y spot is now a Bloody Wolf only spot (instead of Bloody Wolf + Iron Wheel). 80x 90y spot is now a Bloody Wolf only spot (instead of Bloody Wolf + Iron Wheel). 55x 90y spot is now a Bloody Wolf only spot (instead of Bloody Wolf + Iron Wheel). 35x 65y spot is now a Bloody Wolf spot (instead of Iron Wheel). [ADDED] 6 new spots in Raklion: 75x 115y - Ice Giant + Collutin 65x 85y - Ice Giant + Collutin 65x 145y - Collutin 35x 135y - Collutin 30x 105y - Collutin + Iron Knight 35x 70y - Collutin + Iron Knight [UPDATED] Now all spots have the same amount of monsters (there are no longer spots that have -1 mob compared to the better ones). Cheers!
    4. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward): Don't need a reward, hard work to make this possible was done by others, not me. Suggestion type (server/website/forum): Website Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough): Hello, for the past few months a bunch of players started a community driven discord, functioning as a free market, focusing on giving new players a community to get knowledge from and giving them the opportunity to get recruited by the big guilds and experience endgame content. It's already greatly increasing player retention thanks to the work of the players who scout for newbies and propagate the server in game. The official discord server is quite dead, the phone number verification system discourages most people from participating in discussions on the official server and it really functions more as a hub for official statements by the Oldsquad staff than a place that brings the community together. Most servers have an official discord that functions similarly to what the community driven discord has achieved but on top of that people are able to speak their minds freely without the fear of getting banned or punished. It greatly increases player retention as due to the afk nature of the game many new players wrongly assume the server is dead or barely alive when they join, then leave after a couple of resets never to return. Ever since MagicGagi has started this initiative to hoard all new players in one place, giving them the opportunity to interact with the veteran players on their oldsquad journey, ask questions and form connections with others, player numbers started rising and new people who previously left before they got a chance to get to the endgame started staying. I think adding a link to the website with an invite to the community driven discord (with a disclaimer saying it's unmoderated by the oldsquad staff) might greatly improve player retention and make the game feel more alive. Almost everyone I talked to assumed the server is dead upon joining the official discord and a big chunk of players didn't even manage to find the invite link to the official discord. In this day and age most game communities congregate on discord so it would be a big step up if oldsquad supported this initiative. Here is an invite link to the discord, you can check the state of it for yourself and make your decision based on that. https://discord.gg/jepmShvrZK How the suggestion can bring value: mentioned above
    5. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward). Hellsing Suggestion type (server/website/forum). Server Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough). Today, when a player switch character on PVP maps or events it bring them to the same place with sd regenerated and if they were ice arrowed they back without ice. In addition people abuse the switch character to add summon dark lord to the party and keep him of. My suggestion is on battle maps & PVP invasions, once a player switch character he will be teleported to the city. How the suggestion can bring value. Fair PvP, Non abusing game features. (Optional) How would you personally implement your suggestion (your vision). I think that you have the ability to detect when the invasion is PvP or not, and also if the user in battle map or not - and once he switch character you just spawn him in city cords.
    6. Character name: Ligma Suggestion content: Hello, Due to the afk nature of the game communicating, meeting people and finding guilds is rough, mainly for new players. A discord server would allow potential new players and old players alike to communicate better, advertise guilds, trade more efficiently and give new players a place to quickly and conveniently ask questions about the server. An active discord server would also showcase that the player count number isnt just an arbitrary bloated value which most servers use but that there is an actual dedicated community backing it up. I personally struggled a lot doing research until i discovered that this is in fact the only mu online server that isnt a cashgrab buy an elaborate passion project thats actually worth my time and even the first time around I played it took me weeks to find a guild (I assume most guilds and players have been playing together for years at this point and have pre-established groups before the servers even launch).
    7. I'm trying to run the game and it won't let me, it tells me to update the client and even after installing everythin g again it won't let me and I can't find anything written related to updating the client...
    8. Hello, On 22.02.2024 (Thursday) at 17:00 GMT+2 (Server Time) we'll have a global maintenance on our systems. Genesis will be down for 30~90 minutes. You will also have to either update the client via Launcher (after Maintenance is over) or download the new Genesis client that will be uploaded on that day, in order to continue playing. The following update will be up on Genesis after the Maintenance is over: [ADDED] Custom Socket Set for RF (Tigris). [ADDED] Custom Socket Claws for RF (Devast Claws). [UPDATED] Increased PvP & PvM damage of RF by 10%. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage of AE by 16%. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage of SUM by 7%. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage of MG by 5%. [FIXED] Item Glow of Lilium set & stick. [UPDATED] Increased base EXP by 20%. [UPDATED] Increased EXP for 51-55 RR and 0 GR by 150%. [UPDATED] Increased EXP after GR by 160%. [UPDATED] Released 20 extra Master Levels (up to 250) that have insanely low EXP rate. [UPDATED] Nerfed quests difficulty on 0 GR: Quest 1: Kill 35x Bloody Monsters Quest 2: Kill 1x Golden Budge & 2x White Wizards Quest 3: Win 1x Illusion Temple Event Quest 4: Kill 25x 'little' Rabbits Quest 5: Finish 2x Doppelganger Events Quest 6: Hunt down 1x Death King Quest 7: Kill Goldens: 10x BoK+1, 8x BoK+2, 6x BoK+3 Quest 8: Hunt down 1x Nightmare Quest 9: Give David 1x Old Box 2 Quest 10: Kill 5x Derkons Quest 11: Finish 2x Imperial Events in less than 300 seconds Quest 12: Win 1x Chaos Castle Event Quest 13: Kill 20x BoK+5 Goldens Quest 14: Hunt down 3x Kunduns, 2x Witches, 2x Cursed Dragons [UPDATED] Reduced the quest skip times on 0 GR: Quest Tier 1: 1 day Quest Tier 2: 2 days Quest Tier 3: 2 days [UPDATED] You can now sell in Market for up to 2000 credits/item. [UPDATED] Now Market sales in Credits have a 10% tax. [UPDATED] Now Gambles with Credits have a 10% tax. [UPDATED] Arena Tournament - Now only TOP3 based on total personal points (of all 3 Team-KotH rounds) are counted as winners of the day/tournament, and are qualified for Last Laugh (instead of entire team that reached last round). [UPDATED] Arena Tournament - Old Box 5 chances on weekly rounds: Being eliminated after 1st Team-KotH round - 3% chance for OB5. Being eliminated after 2nd Team-KotH round - 5% chance for OB5. Being eliminated after 3rd Team-KotH round - 8% chance for OB5. Being part of the winning team but not in TOP3 - 12% chance for OB5. Winners of Team-KotH - 50% chance for OB5. [ADDED] New end-game objective: OldSquad Artifacts. There are 2 types of Artifacts: PvM Artifacts - they can be obtained from Selupan, Medusa, Weekly Imperial, Dark Mammoth & Dark Iron Knight: Selupan: 50% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward. Medusa: 50% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward. Weekly Imperial: Having 7~23 Points = 1x Artifact as extra reward. Having 24+ Points = 2x Artifacts as extra reward. Dark Mammoth: 1x Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 10% chance for 1x Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. Dark Iron Knight: 50% chance for 1x PvM Artifact / 50% chance for 1x PvP Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 5% chance for 1x PvM Artifact / 5% chance for 1x PvP Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. PvP Artifacts - they can be obtained from CC7, Arena Tournament, Castle Siege NetWorth, Dark Giant & Dark Iron Knight: CS NetWorth: Having 1500~2499 NetWorth = 1x Artifact. Having 2500+ NetWorth = 2x Artifacts. Arena Tournament: 0% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are eliminated after the 1st Team-KotH round of the weekly events. 8% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are eliminated after the 2nd Team-KotH round of the weekly events. 15% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are eliminated after the 3rd Team-KotH round of the weekly events. 25% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are part of the winning team of the 3rd Team-KotH round but not in TOP3 personal points. 1x Artifact as extra reward if you win a weekly event (TOP3 personal points from a winning team). 1x Artifact as extra reward if you survive the 1st round of the Last Laugh from Sunday (LMS round). Bonus +1x Artifact as extra reward for TOP3 winners of Last Laugh. CC7: 25% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward for the winner. Dark Giant: 1x Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 10% chance for 1x Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. Dark Iron Knight: 50% chance for 1x PvP Artifact / 50% chance for 1x PvM Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 5% chance for 1x PvP Artifact / 5% chance for 1x PvM Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. Artifacts are not tradable/storable/etc. [ADDED] New special Accessories obtained from Artifacts Mix: Old Pendant of Wind (Physical DMG) Old Pendant of Water (Wizardry DMG) Old Ring of Ice Old Ring of Wind These are Excellent Ancient Accessories that have both normal exc. options as well as Ancient Options. If you have 2 different Old Accessories equipped you'll gain +12% EDR. If you have 3 different Old Accessories equipped you'll gain +12% EDR and +6% Double Damage. Note: Having the same Ring equipped twice does not count for 3-Set options. They are obtained ONLY from Artifacts Mix. They can normally be traded & stored, without restrictions. They will always come with level 0, 4 random Exc. options and between 3% and 5% HP Recovery. [ADDED] New Artifacts Mix: Requirements: 6x PvP Artifacts 6x PvM Artifacts 120x Bless (4x Bundle 30x) 120x Soul (4x Bundle 30x) 90x Life (3x Bundle 30x) 60x Creation (2x Bundle 30x) 60x Chaos (2x Bundle 30x) 30x Harmony (1x Bundle 30x) Zen Reward: 1x Old Accessory as follows: 33% chance for Old Ring of Ice. 33% chance for Old Ring of Wind. 20% chance for Old Pendant of Wind. 14% chance for Old Pendant of Water. [UPDATED] Buffed Medusa, Selupan, Balgass & World Bosses. [UPDATED] Test Server with the current Genesis characters formulas & tweaks. You can expect a 2nd GR release somewhere during Summer, that will require at least 1 GR & 54 resets. Cheers!
    9. Bangladesh


      Character name: oTTo Suggestion type: Server Suggestion content: I noticed an unfair advantage in using fruits for DLs, CMD fruits have the same chance of prepare but only DLs use them. Due to this, DLs receive fruits at a huge discount. And in other cases, fruits are simply useless and people cannot get rid of them. I suggest either reducing the % of fruit preparation or increasing their quantity for DL. What would be better is to make sure that any class can use them and receive a random stat. Thank you for your consideration.
    10. Hello, Tomorrow at 14:00 our hosting company will go through a global maintenance, replacing older hardware and updating the softwares. All of our services will be down for around ~2 hours. The 2 hours are an initial ETA, services may be back faster or later compared to the initial ETA. Cheers.
    11. In volume mixer I set the main.exe volume to like 20% (as the in game volume slider does not work) but whenever I change maps or zones, it resets to 100% and blasts in my headphones. Can this be looked into?
    12. Hello, Tomorrow, 10.10.2023 (Tuesday) at 18:00 GMT+3 (Server Time) we'll have a global maintenance on our systems. Genesis will be down for 15~45 minutes. There will also be a new client for Genesis that you will have to get in order to continue playing. Cheers!
    13. i dont know what is this i dont understand
    14. Pvp dark lods with build stats and skill tree
    15. Char: ShotUp, TeKilla, Killah, Ragnarok Type: All Started adding new stuff at the bottom, not on the numbered list. Must Fix / Should Fix / Ideas & Suggestions: Some exc items do the same dmg as normal items; Some items on test server have different damages from Inception; There is a painting in Devias store (Izabel) with another server's name; We should be able to find ancient items by their names in Web Market, instead of typing the gear name and checking the ancient box; A must fix is the 3-second DL Chaotic issue; A third vote server could be added, since there are a few more good top lists (ex: www.arena-top100.com/mu-private-servers/); If not many people are voting for the server, increase reward of vote from 2 credits to 5; Some emotes are missing, or with other names, ex: /honor, /kneel, /charge, /clap; Add the Rageful blow to combo again, and don't make it a PvM ability; Make CC by reset. I think it was, at some point, don't know why it was changed back; Chaos Machine: 10 Guardian Angel = Angel (don't remember the name) & 10 Imps = Demon. Some items have different damages ingame and in web market; Add 1 more Giant to Lorencia Golden Invasion; Add drop to Medusa & Selupan in "Inception Official Information"; Gold medal drop rate of +5/6 items too high; Rare sets should be tradable; Add socket items to test server; Find a solution for trash excellent items; Zen drop rate is too low; Fix Command DL; Make capes reduce damage correctly (Low levels); Add something that tells us who killed us (ingame or website); Transfer credits from Inception to Genesis should be 100%, maybe only until a certain amount (1-5K credits); Allow adding jewels to Web Wallet from "packed jewels"; Add messages on website; Allow warping with store open; Add a new moderator / staff member; Should be able to /post at lvl 1 after first reset; Should be able to add items to webmarket at lvl 1 after first reset; Allow more than 2 clients per IP - But only 2 clients per server; If rare sets not tradable, then disable the chance of dropping it and other people catching it; Allow rare items to be placed in vault, or somewhere else; Make rare items always drop with dd, hp and reflect; There are some / many items that have different damages from the website to the game; The Char / Race "Dark Wizard" is written as "Dark Wizzard" with 2 Zs on the website; Inception could go up to 150 days; Inception chars should automatically transfer to Genesis if the player doesn't choose neither transfer or keep creds for next Inception; Players should be warned by email about transfer windows (in case it's not automatic); Inception should have socket set also. Just not the last missions and wings; Fix the bug that closes the game after being open for like 1-2 days; Make bigger Rankings list on Genesis; When the server has a low population (as is the case of the present Inception), improve the XP from lvl 0-250/280/300; Maybe allow 3 accounts per IP; On Genesis, Jewel of Life should go up to Add+28; Wings 4 could be tradable for people 50rr+; If Wings 4 not tradable, add a Chaos Machine mix to add 2nd Wing4 option; 50+ quests 3, 6, 9 and 12 should have another reward other than the possibility for reset; Ancient Rings and Pendants do not show +5 or +10 stamina in Web Market; Make a consumable that can be created with 50 or 100 of each jewel; Reduce drop rate of Condor Flame a little bit; Every new player in Genesis could start with some set +9 - +13 +L +DSR; Every new player in Genesis could choose to lvl up normally or start at reset 30. (Or increase the xp by a lot); Mention everything that's different on this server from the original, on the "all about the server" post, or on a new post; Elf Triple Shot has Visual and Damage freeze bug. Explanation: Exc items should always do more dmg than normal items (only AA doesn't, I think); They need to be correct, so that we can successfully and correctly test. Or I may have the idea that an item is better than the other, because it is in test server, and then in real server this item is worse.; This just looks bad; Instead of having to search by Guardian and ticking the ancient box, it would be much better if I could just type "Aruan". This way, Gywen items wouldn't show; II know it's become very hard to fix it. But it should never leave your fix list; More vote servers = more visibility for the server; If more people vote, we rank better and more players come. Also, if the reward is higher, noobs (don't play seriously) that don't donate will be able to have some credits as well; I miss doing some emotes that were available in GMU; Makes no sense to remove Rageful from combo. BKs can also double combo with ice skill. / If BKs become OP because of that, just reduce dmg; It's better 1-5rr player to fight against 5rr smurf (maybe 2/3 players can kill the smurf) than 1-5rr fighting against 15-20rr, not even 100 newbies can kill the higher rr guy; Guardian Angels have essentially no economic value. This would give them some value. Also, it's something to be done with angels and imps, some people have many of them by now. And it just makes sense (it's actually like that on some servers); For example, Alba bow exc +11 in web market had the same damage as normal alba bow +11, but ingame the damages are different; Lorencia is bigger than Elbeland. So if Elbeland has 5 Rabbits, Lorencia should also have, at least, 5 Giants (instead of the current 4); In the "Inception - Official Information" post, the drop for Medusa, Selupan, is still "TBA". It should already say what the monster drops; I am not sure if I'm just "unlucky" or gold medal drops way more +5 & +6 items than +7/+8. If it indeed has a higher rate for +5/6, then the rate should just be the same for every level of item because, at the time people are dropping gold medal items, there's already many people with exce+dsr or exce+dd that don't need it. So, if the rate is just normalized, the noobs that don't yet have exc, will be able to have a better set to compete with others; Rare items should be tradable because for some classes they are the best set, while for others they aren't, but the rare set is way harder to get than the others. Put maybe a 1 trade limit, or something. But it should be tradable. There are already some socket items, but I don't think anyone has yet found the secret to drop them with 5 sockets and different elements; Something could be done with trash excellent items. Lower Refining Stone is no good, so people just throw excellent items away. They are still rare items, so something could be found to put them to good use; I still catch all medals to sell and still use Rudolf, and my zen is going down. You should either greatly improve Rudolf's zen increment, or increase zen drop (at least in swamp or something). Otherwise, it is almost mandatory to have an alt char farming zen, which at this point in late game makes no sense; -EDIT- Zen drop is crazy low. I just started a new inception season, with only 1 char. With1-3m I go afk some hours in Tarkan, I come back I have almost no money. Makes no sense to be losing money while the game goes. In Aida maybe, but even there doesn't make sense. I've seen some people saying that command DL doesn't work correctly. Not sure if it's true, but I think I also saw GMs on that discussion saying CMD DLs are not meta. Make CMD DLs great again; Basically, when we were all 1/2/3 resets and had mini cape, using capes made us use more HP potions than without capes. Capes should always reduce the damage we take, not make us use more potions. This doesn't make sense; Most of the time we can't see who killed us, due to "anomaly event" messages, or because we were in Karutan 2 and when we die we basically change server so the killer message can't be seen, etc etc. It would be great if we always could see who killed us; Some people worked super hard for their credits without ever donating, and seeing them reduced to 50% is a waste. This can be maybe avoided by buying items with credits and selling them back for credits when they reach Genesis, so it doesn't make much sense in my eyes. Until, at least 1-5K credits, we should not be deduced any when transferring - Additionally, especially after the first transfer, there are loads of people with thousands of credits in Genesis, so why cut in half when transferring from inception?; Having to break / part jewels before adding them to the wallet is a lot of unnecessary work; It would be cool if we could message each other's accounts on the website. It's practical for negotiating, or simply talking without going into the game; It's lame that we got to close the store every time we want to warp. Stores are useful in the beginning of Inception servers, for example. And having to close them and open again, sometimes leads to people forgetting or not opening at all; Admin used to be way more active in the old days. A new staff member could be a nice addition to the server; It's pretty annoying that we can't do our life "normally" for a while, after we reset. The lvl 50 for /post and 100/ for webmarket should be only during reset 0; Same as above; It would be much cooler if we could play on both servers at the same time, with 2 accounts. Should be maximum 2 clients per IP per server, not just per IP; It's pretty stupid that the set can't be traded (which means it is a personal achievement), but other people can throw it in the floor and let you catch it. Many people are building the set like this and doesn't make sense. Either make it tradable, or disable this option; Some people only wear the rare items once the set is complete. Having to carry the set in the inventory until complete is pretty lame. We should be able to keep it in the vault, but not trade it in web market; It's sad that one has to drop rare set parts multiple times to get the best options. The set is already extremely hard to make even if those 3 options come included. Only the 4th option should be random; There are items whose damage is x ~ y on the website, but then in game it's z ~w (such as the Sylph Wind Bow +9, it shows a much lower dmg on the website). This is a must fix, as it is totally misleading; This is purely cosmetic, but it could be fixed; One more month would be nice; People may stop playing the game near the end and regret not being here for the transfer in the future; In case there is no automatic transfer, players should have an option to activate email warnings for this reason; It doesn't make much sense that Inception has 2 of the best sets, but not one of them. Some chars may go to Genesis with the best set, while others must wait to get it in Genesis; I've tried changing some stuff in my computer to no avail. Maybe if I was a tech expert, I would be able to fix it, but I'm not. And like me are many other players that have this problem. If this was simply fixed in the client folder / installation or something, it would be much nicer; Would be cool to make top 200 or 300 or 500 on Genesis. It's a permanent server, so it will have lots of people. And like this we can recall other old players' names that are not on the top 100; Lvling to 250-300 is a very boring part for those many that are lvling up alone (when the servers have low population). We don't see anyone farming the spots, or if we find someone they have re auto off. The game gets boring until we find parties again, thus increases chances of quiting; By allowing 3 accounts per IP, it would "improve the player count" for new/outside players, and it would also fill up the maps more; Add +16 is too low. +28 is funnier/harder and also, would improve the price of jewel of life which is now 1/2 creds; Some people get Wing4 with just one option and they don't want the wings, so others could buy it; Or make some Chaos Maxine mix (easier than creating Wings 4 again) for adding the 2nd option on Wings 4. It's kinda unfair seeing people with the BIS wings and others that still need to trash theirs in order to get the BIS; The quests 3, 6, 9 and 12 of lvling up after 50rr should have another reward other than the possibility for reset. Otherwise people that don't care about the wait time, will just skip them without even trying; This doesn't have much use. But some players want the complete BIS (independently of impacting less than 0.01%), so it would be nice to know if the rings or pends in web market have +5 or +10 stamina; With this consumable, every jewel will always have value. People will always want to make it for CS and so. Maybe 5% crit, 5% edr, 5% double damage and 2% dmg. This way every single jewel will keep value. We could also have a defense consumable (hp, defense, pvp defense rate, etc) for another stuff that gets useless (trash exc items, guardian angels, imps, unirias/dinos, +10/+11/+12 items that were good and valuable in the begining with dsr and so, and others that I'm not thinking right now); Condor Flame costs between 10-20 creds. That's a bit low for an item like that. If the drop rate was reduced a little bit, the price could be more correct; So as to bring more players to start on Genesis, or so that they don't feel hard or bored lvling up alone, a new char could start with full DSR set. IDSR items are not worth anything anymore, so there's no problem people exploiting this; Same reason as above. Poeple could choose to lvl up the normal way, or jump to 30/40 rrs. Or the whole xp from 0-50 could be increased by a lot; There are some things that are different and not mentioned anywhere, and that's pretty stupid. Ex: There's no Auto SD recovery, attack speed is capped at 600, on elves str does more dmg than agi. And many other things; Elf Triple Shot is very useful for enemies that are not yet close to us. It should be working correctly. - H doesn't work anymore, but the message to check H to see event times still keeps appearing in the game. - Elves are shit in PvP, maybe they'd be better if they could use ice without needing 4k ene. Since also the missing rate is around 90% in end game (when people have ice resistance). - There should be some way to add the second wing 4 option (maybe paying almost the same as building a new wing again, or something). Because no1 will trash their W4 and make a new one, so many people will be permanently disadvantaged due to luck. Some people even quit when they get Wing 4 with only 1 option. - 0 to 5 or 10 resets is suuuuper boring. I created a new char and it sucked. I'd have quit if I was a new guy. We see no1 on the spots or maps, and we can only go up to some maps and survive, and they are all empty. Or we can try to find some spot and just party and stay away from the area, to come back and most time being dead. That's boring AS F*CK. Just make resets 0 to 5 easier, otherwise 9/10 newbies will not stay. - Grand reset and resets after the 55th don't seem to count for the ranking points. Make them count, it would more clearly show strength of players and guilds especially. - Str MG is pretty useless late game. Should be changed. - Arena player requirements should be reduced. For example: if only 2 players participate, the reward is a couple of jewels or credits. If more players, the rewards increase up to 10 players inside. As it is, arena is never played, basically. - Gaion and doppel could be made easier as well, so that 4 player team can do it. This would not have much impact, wopuld simply allow people not to wait hours or days to be able to find a team for Gaion. The faster guys would not mind also, they'd simply do it faster. - OB4 shouldn't drop Condor Flame anymore. It is worth so little, it makes us cry when it drops from the 2nd best OB. - After first rr, exp should be faster for the people under 1 rr. 300 to 350 is too boring. - If there was a way not to be able to whisper ourselves, it would be cool. Sometimes we are walking, whisper ourselves instead of other people. Or, in this matter, each whisper says who it went to. - Assistant Guild Masters should be able to add people to the guild as well, and kick also. - There could be a new feature for guild battle masters, something to make it interesting. - Readers, let us know if you agree/disagree with any suggestions. Best regards, Killa
    16. Items + Monster codes: https://mega.nz/#!YxwWWITD!7smMkIZo-hiTpXfNOBDfOqjLzwcGB5wiQ40Cb_DKfvc I came here to specifically post the excellent option codes which I found on RageZone and mufilecity . Weapons, pendants: Armor, shields, rings: And the commands below come from here: PS What are the commands for Ancient items? The regular ones don't work.
    17. geog


      Suggestion type - server Suggestion content - Interface - there are many beautifull interfaces out there were the spells and the hp and resource and everything else is neatly grouped on the bottom ,the cureent one seems dated and worse than even the original.I remember playing here back in the day and im pretty sure you had something else going ,il atach an example of a modern nice looking one but anything works. How the suggestion can bring value - purely estetic i guess dar poate ar atrage si
    18. Hello, Tomorrow, 23.01.2023 (Monday) at 16:30 GMT+2 (Server Time) we'll have a global maintenance on our systems. Servers will be down for 5-15 minutes. The reconnect won't be possible (most probably), so be online to rejoin when we're back. Changelog: GENESIS: Arena Tournament improvements: Minimum number of players in order for Arena to start is now 12 instead of 16. Maximum number of players at Arena - weekly rounds - is now 32 instead of 60. The last round of the weekly events is no longer a Last Man Standing round, instead, the Arena finishes after the 3 rounds and all players from the "surviving team" are now declared "winners". Note: Basically, there are only 3 fighting rounds now (instead of 4), all of them being Team-KotH rounds. The duration of each round is now 5 minutes instead of 4 minutes. Now there's an OB5 reward chance during weekly rounds as following: Being eliminated in 1st Team-KotH round - 4% chance for OB5. Being eliminated in 2nd Team-KotH round - 7% chance for OB5. Being eliminated in 3rd Team-KotH round - 10% chance for OB5. Winning Team-KotH - 60% chance for OB5. Now the Last Laugh participation/performance OB reward type is 100% OB5 instead of 15% OB5 and 85% OB4. Now the Last Laugh TOP3 OB reward type is 100% OB5 instead of 15% OB5 and 85% OB4. Improved OB drops: Old Box 1: Ring Exc / Wings LvL 1 (+0...+9) / Demon / 10x Invitations DS / Rare Helm. Old Box 2: Pend Exc / Magic Backpack (Extend Inventory) / 10x Invitations BC / Jewel Bundle (10x Bless/Soul) / Rare Gloves. Old Box 3: Jewel Bundle (10x Chaos/Creation) / PoH / Wings Level 2 / Ancient Tier 1 / Rare Boots. Old Box 4: Flame of Condor / Feather of Condor / Jewel Bundle (20x Creation/Gemstone) / Talisman of Chaos Assembly / Rare Pants. Old Box 5: Seeds (DD, HP, REF, EDR, CRIT) / Talisman of Luck (W4) / Old Jewel / Broken Horn / Jewel Bundle (30x Harmony) / Exc. 380 Weapon 1~2 options / Rare Armor. The player with most damage on Balgass will now receive 1x PoH. HP & Mana pots stacks increased with +50%: 23 Apples 18 Small Healing Pots 14 Large Healing Pots 75 Small Mana Pots 45 Large Mana Pots INCEPTION: Until Stage 2 is over, 380 Weapons are disabled from GM Box drop. The player with most damage on Balgass will now receive 1x PoH. Improved OB drops: Old Box 1: Ring Exc / Wings LvL 1 (+0...+9) / Demon / 10x Invitations DS / Rare Helm. Old Box 2: Pend Exc / Magic Backpack (Extend Inventory) / 10x Invitations BC / Jewel Bundle (10x Bless/Soul) / Rare Gloves. Old Box 3: Jewel Bundle (10x Chaos/Creation) / PoH / Wings Level 2 / Ancient Tier 1 / Rare Boots. Old Box 4: Flame of Condor / Feather of Condor / Jewel Bundle (20x Creation/Gemstone) / Talisman of Chaos Assembly / Rare Pants. Old Box 5: Old Jewel / Broken Horn / Jewel Bundle (30x Harmony) / Exc. 380 Weapon 1~2 options / Rare Armor. Gens reward for all stages: Until Stage 2 is over: First place from Vanert & Duprian: 3x TOCA & 30x Jewel of Harmony. HoF badge. 2nd place from Varnert & Duprian: 3x TOCA & 20x Jewel of Harmony. 3rd place from Vanert & Duprian: 2x TOCA & 20x Jewel of Harmony. 4th place form Vanert & Duprian: 2x TOCA & 10x Jewel of Harmony. 5th place from V & D 1x TOCA & 10x Jewel of Harmony. There are 25(50) extra rewards for top 5~30 players from Vanert and Duprian: 10x Jewel of Harmony. After Stage 2 is over and until Stage 3 is over: First place from Vanert & Duprian: 3x OB4 & 3x TOCA. HoF badge. 2nd place from Varnert & Duprian: 3x OB4 & 2x TOCA. 3rd place from Vanert & Duprian: 2x OB4 & 2x TOCA. 4th place form Vanert & Duprian: 2x OB4 & 1x TOCA. 5th place from V & D 1x OB4 & 1x TOCA. There are 25(50) extra rewards for top 5~30 players from Vanert and Duprian: 20x Jewel of Harmony. After Stage 3 is over: First place from Vanert & Duprian: 3x OB5 & 3x OB4. HoF badge. 2nd place from Varnert & Duprian: 3x OB5 & 2x OB4. 3rd place from Vanert & Duprian: 2x OB5 & 2x OB4. 4th place form Vanert & Duprian: 2x OB5 & 1x OB4. 5th place from V & D 1x OB5 & 1x OB4. There are 25(50) extra rewards for top 5~30 players from Vanert and Duprian: 1x TOCA. CS Participation reward OB type: Before Stage 2 is over: Old Box 2 After Stage 2 is over and until Stage 2.1 is over: Old Box 3 After Stage 2.1 is over until Stage 3 is over: Old Box 4 After Stage 3 is over: Old Box 5 Arena Tournament LL reward OB type: Before Stage 2 is over: Old Box 2 After Stage 2 is over and until Stage 2.1 is over: Old Box 3 After Stage 2.1 is over until Stage 3 is over: Old Box 4 After Stage 3 is over: Old Box 5 Cheers!
    19. The rebirth of Phoenix #3 was a rough path as hundreds of players struggled to get the highest level as fast as possible in order to increase their rewards, for the creation of the first pair of wings to the excitement of getting your first drop of Blue Feather and crafting the first level 2 pair of wings. There's an insane battles in Icarus, you can see even three parties on 1 spot, fighting day and night to get that Feather/Crest, so they could start gearing up for the war that was inevitable at the first Castle Siege that allowed access to many benefits: Hardcore stood their ground as their roaster seemed to be more disciplined against the opponents , but the war is far from over, we are at the end of the Break 2 and things will become harder for every one as the creation of level 3 wings will be on everyone's mind, but this is not gonna be an easy task, as players will have to work together more than ever to achieve higher power and to advance through the ranks as fast as possible. If you've worked hard so far you will need to work even harder now to stay on top, as many will rise after the stage came to an end, and to start leveling up again, unlocking new BOSSES & GEAR along with the spoils of war that will be granted upon only the most strongest and most organized guilds & parties. Time has frozen in this stage, as always, everything is vague, many warriors are fighting but most do not understand why? Why am I doing this? Why am I trying, why do I do( everything I do ) if I don't have a party or a guild ?? That's exactly what you guys have to do, to get together, to make a perm, to make friends, the rest comes naturally, the top guilds guests will take you inside if you're "decently dressed". It's all about teamwork, well dressing up your party members, help your guild, your 'mans', and go Forward in top!!! This server is the real play to win version of MU online, of course many of you will say that you cannot win if you do not pay but let's see the facts: top 30 players since beginning are hard workers so they invest more than "money", they invested time!!! Remember that and they are actually the 'kingpins' of this game, they do not need to buy VIP cause they win it on Castle Siege, they do not need to donate for credits because they are active, they farm items and sell if you ( the rest of you) won't wake up! Advices : make friends, get stable pt (turn it into main party), join a guild and fight for supremacy!!! The beginning of Phoenix#3 was hard, it was about the most active and most determined players to get to top, HARDCORE again smashed all rankings because of their core but it is not all about that, they gain respect and developed a Strategy based on the main core, then they absorbed former Squadrons Core (Zutto, Waste, Fane, Avicii and FKinGCunT) and imagine that they did that just few days before TwoCheeks and his team announced the coming back thing. Hardcore won easy the first CS that counts with 20170 points, Neutral, the guild with our legendary Moldavian warriors are followers with 4687 points, Nosgoth, the guild from which we all had higher expectations, a guild made by former Diamond Core, got only 3818 points, they seemed a little disorganized, but on Inception they proved to be formidable opponents for those in Hardcore, and last but not least Squadron, this legendary guild seems to miss the players who left for Hardcore, that magnificent party composed of Zutto, Waste, Fane, Avicii and FKinGCunT, they also have lost a little ground in this server start, but in the future we hope to see again that great guild that is fighting with real chances to conquer the crown.
    20. Hello, I can't validate any votes on TopG . I receive this when is trying to validate my vote. ps: i don't have an account on TopG, however it is not required to vote, i vote through discord account. ps2: i cleared cookies, i even used different browsers and its the same. poza in link. https://ibb.co/1LYYRGC Am vazut ca este un topic dar de acum o luna Any news?
    21. character name - Chukundah suggestion type - server suggetion content - @ADMIN players in genesis soon will have all resets and farm all the avaiable content that in inception wont have ( sockets +seeds ) + will lvl way more the ML before we do in inception , by the time we transfer there in january we have farmed nothing here besides harmonys to save for until then, cause all the ancients we get from erohim cc are literaly no use for them besides those who come whit luck to mix condor, is getting to a point that content here is getting pretty limited as we make more resets and farm pretty much nothing usefull . i think many agree that a faster transfer or same content realease ( sockets+seeds ) would be a good way to keep up the pace whit both servers How the suggestion can bring value - keep up whit both servers in content + activity
    22. As the title implies, i want to address something that has been discussed before and is probably on everybody's mind. First, i would like to state that i don't think anybody is playing OldSquad for the fact that it is season 6, a season that is known for few bugs. I think everybody that is playing oldsquad, is playing because of the quality of the server that admin was able to create, his ideas, vision and most important because of the community and friends. Secondly, i think that there are no season 17 servers out there that could stand a chance in my opininon to a NewQquad server S17. I'm 100% sure that no changes or fixes to season 6 could ever bring to OldSquad the amount of players a S17 would bring and i honeslty believe that S6, the way it is right now is at its peak, but ofc if admin belives that it can get any better, who am i to say no. I would love to hear ur guys impression about the future of OldSquad and if you would like to move forward, play a new season and of course, play with a lot more ppl that would join.
    23. Dear Admin, let's talk on equal terms, there were a lot of accusations towards the community, in some you may be right, but in most you are mistaken. I've already written about it here and I won't waste my time looking for my post, but I'll say briefly, all your discontent and frustration from "us" is 99% your fault, it was you who ridiculed every idea that in your and only your opinion was terrible, you didn't give any explanations for your global changes in balance/class. You tried to make a Lineage (let's say) out of this old game MU Online. And what kind of community did you expect to get if for the most part only old players play here who know every inch of this game, who even before opening have access to the test server and know at each level where and how they will lvl-up. For this reason, new people don't stay here for long, and old people just leave. And those who stayed already know good and bad teammates. And here again what I said earlier, earlier in the same topic, you mixed 2 reviews with shit and praised the other just because their post is a "joke". People are just tired or afraid to write something to you, because this is an ADMIN, he is definitely authoritative and knows more about this game than 25-35-45-year-old uncles who played this game 5 times more than our ADMIN. As bitter as it may sound, but this is life, and since it was clear to most here and you confirmed it, it is also a commercial project. We all work not because we like it, but because we want to eat. And the better you do your job, putting up with all those responsible, the more profitable it will be. If you want to continue doing your job and for people to really appreciate it, listen to what people are telling you and not just blindly follow your ideas. Give them freedom of speech. Making a game for Zutto, who consistently spend $ 1k per project, you slowly lose another audience who first, appreciated your efforts, and then faced with the situation that they are even, and with the same money spent or less, they are zero in this "free2play" game.
    24. Hello, As initially communicated, starting from this autumn OldSquad will have a big restructure. Phoenix will no longer exist on OldSquad, at the end of the current edition, its section and hall of fame will be the only things left from it. The core from Phoenix will be moved to our new, separate S17 project that we have started preparing its base ground. Genesis - this will be our new, permanent main server. A 150~500x resets server focused mostly on end-game content, a server that will remain online without any editions or wipes for as long as OldSquad will remain online. Easy early-mid game, prolonged end-game, maybe grand resets and other different end-game activities that will be decided later on. Inception - major changes to how Inception will be operated. It will no longer be a standalone, long-term server. Since most of you quit before or after reaching end-game, Inception will no longer have an end-game. There will be no more wormhole, sockets, wings level 4 or quest system + extra resets. Inception will have only 25 resets under the same stage-system as before (and all the content up to 25 resets). Inception will now run under "Sprints". There will be 2 Sprints per year, each Sprint will last 4 months (120 days). At the end of the 4 months, characters will be moved to Genesis. Players can choose to either continue the end-game on Genesis (if they want to experiment sockets, w4, quest system, more pvp, etc.) or join the next Sprint from 0 on Inception. There will be the option of either moving 50% of remaining credits to Genesis or 10% of remaining credits to the new Sprint, based on where players do choose to continue. We'll also have a new HoF made for Inception Sprints where people with different, set goals will be shown (first CS winners, all CS winners, first w2 mixed, first w3 mixed, first +15 item, etc). The development of S6 will be cut moving forward. We'll continue to offer support and fixes (where needed), but our focus will no longer be on S6. There may be some improvements/quality of life from time to time, but that's it. Inception will be exactly as it was last edition, only moving the fixes / quality of life we did before and during Phoenix. Since we're no longer interested in its development, if there will be any good suggestions from players (especially before Inception Sprints release, but also during them) that are highly appreciated by more than few players, and that are related strictly to gameplay aspects (not credits/donations/premium functions) we MAY implement them, no questions/arguments asked from our side. Schedule for 2022-2023: 09 September 2022 - Inception Sprint #1 release - ends on 07 January 2023. 11 November 2022 - Genesis release. 07 January 2023 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #1 to Genesis. 13 January 2023 - End of the transfers. 27 January 2023 - Inception Sprint #2 release - ends on 28 May 2023. 28 May 2023 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #2 to Genesis. 04 June 2023 - End of the transfers. 04 June 2023 - September 2023 pause. September 2023 - Inception Sprint #3. OldSquad will remain active on this formula for as long as there will be players left interested in this project and the project will remain feasible business-wise. It may be the last year or it may continue for more years, all based on your interest.
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