Hi, maybe this solution will help someone.
I have laptop but i use secondary monitor only, after Maintenance i can't connect to server with error https://imgur.com/a/vXm9uPc
How i fix it, before u start the game press Win+P and choice PC screen only https://imgur.com/a/AFqiaBg
After that i run the game without any problem
I don't want to create another topic, so i will put my ideas here.
MG i think will be better to decrease his dmg with 20% and increase his debuff with 20%,(current dps will be same) maybe this will help him to be useful in team fights vs tanks.
Queen set on sum, need to repair or change applied lvl (200) on arena and IT. in this events she lose 20-30% defense. its cause lvl, this set start to work only after 383-385 lvl