Character name: Lanaya
Suggestion type: Server
Suggestion content: I propose that we implement a change in wing lvl4 creation as follows- the chance for a 2opt wing is fairly low, yet most people would like to have them. Some get very lucky on first try, some don't get lucky at all. My suggestion would be to implement a change where if one makes for example their 4th wing lvl4 (4-4) to have a guarantee for 2opt given the time, effort and resources spent on creating a new wing. I am sure there may be some resistance from people that got their 2opt from the first try, purely due to the fact that they wouldn't want others to share the same fortune.
How the suggestion can bring value: There are people that give up the game due to this very reason - they reached end-game content where every little thing provides an edge especially in PVP. So when they attempt this process for several times only to get the same disappointing result, they quit. Players help keep a server healthy and competition is the main driver. I think this feature would provide players with a sense of security that their efforts will pay off and provide the driver to keep pushing through. In return, more players would farm and battle harder to achieve their desired result.
Thank you for your consideration.