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    Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/09/2025 in all areas

    1. Garbage

      BL Butcher

      https://imgur.com/a/SPOQBtv With timestamp: https://imgur.com/5w4RLf7
      2 points
    2. https://imgur.com/a/CSfDYOe With timestamp: https://imgur.com/xdxhL7X Threatening to kill family members and dropping bombs, I dont think that is appropriate behaviour.
      2 points
    3. BachuS

      bl xploziv

      https://imgur.com/a/Zj4oo55 have fun!
      1 point
    4. BachuS

      bl SantaCame

      1 point
    5. DeepHouse

      BL Butcher

      Lewl , that was fun to read , damn destroying this garbage just in a few phrases . He should rename recyble-bin after this conversation . The ''wanna look smart guy'' was exposed, he`s just a nerd 🤢
      1 point
    6. Damn

      BL Butcher

      This is a fancy way to say that you are afraid of "consequences"? And how would we know that you are not barking in /post when you are hiding inside a garbage can? There are a lot of people that are posting others, so post everyone as much as you want, but show some dignity, be yourself. You have nothing on me personally, so you are locked in there with yourself, the smell must be awufull, like garbage, pity and fear maybe?
      1 point
    7. Damn

      BL Butcher

      Knowing that you have the same behaviour as the people you post, you choose to go incognito. You are afraid that your behaviour might ruin your "super-garbage-man" identity? "Every person who has not corrected their behavior will get the same attitude back. I dont need to be nice because you all aint." You don t see anything wrong in those 2 phrases? So basically what you said is "every person have to correct their behaviour because if they don't, I am going to act just like them"? So you are just posting people like you, but you don t give others the chance to do the same? You are just a hypocrite trying to act smart, the lowest of them all, take yourself out for good. Thanks!
      1 point
    8. Garbage

      BL Butcher

      Well since you enjoy bullying people, I enjoy taking out the trash. If you werent such a pussy living with your parents, maybe you would have turned out to be a nicer and more considerate person. If you act like a bully, I act like one too. So the only person who must look into a mirror is you.
      1 point
    9. Butcher

      BL Butcher

      nice joke, u should check mirror first and after post on forum T_T, sad feels like I am back to kindergarden T_T, are we allowed to post here others for same behaviour? or dog is not considerate insult? well guys life is hard take an helmet, peace out! P.S your username describe a lot about you, nice one I commend you T_T
      1 point
    10. Garbage

      BL RobyNebunu

      1 point
    11. Garbage

      BL Butcher

      Dont cry. Instead you can better your behaviour on server and not be such a prick.
      0 points
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