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    1. https://www.captiongenerator.com/2213731/NONE-start-new-Phoenix-server rip kekw
      13 points
    2. This interview is about Makiavelli, one of the best Magic Gladiator players that Old Squad has ever had , he is ranked top number one on Magic Gladiator reset ranking, Blood Castle rankings, and second ranked on hall of fame main (he owns 10 Hall of Fame trophies at this moment), and he is also a stage breaker. Reporter: "Hello, Makiavelli ! At this moment you are ranked as number one on MG reset rankings, on Blood Castle and second ranked on hall of fame, congratulations! " Makiavelli: " Hello, Reporter, and thank you! " Reporter : " Can you reveal us your name and age? " Makiavelli : " Of course, my name is Marius and I`m 28 ." Reporter: "How much time do you spend/day playing mu OldSquad (average)? " Makiavelli : " When I play mu I`m very dedicated and I play it a lot, that`s why after every DB I play I usually take a break for atleast a few months in which I don't even touch the PC " Reporter: "What do you do in real life for a living?" Makiavelli: "I`m a dentist. " Reporter : "When did you start to play Mu Online? " Makiavelli: "I can`t remember exactly, but I think around 2004. " Reporter : "How did you find OldSquad ?" Makiavelli: "I think my friend RedBuLL was the one who told me about OS in 2015 or 2016. " Reporter :"What nicknames did you have in the past?"" Makiavelli:" I`ve had Makiavelli for years, krazee before that, many others in the past." Reporter: "Since 2015 when you started to play OS, have you played on any other servers? Makiavelli:"I only had an attempt to play other server which opened while i was waiting for OS and as soon as OS was ready i played them both at the same time. There was a conflict in the antihacks of the servers or something like that and sometimes my client would get closed so I couldn`t afk properly. The decision was very easy to make, i quit the other server and stayed on OS, which is the only server that i would play now. " Reporter :"Why did you choose this server?" Makiavelli:" There`s a lot of work put in this servers since it started and I like the settings more than any other server I`ve ever played and even though I`d very much like to play a S14 I only enjoy mu on OS in the last years so im willing to play it even on S6" Reporter: "Do you have any VIP activated? You have this VIP since you started Inception?" Makiavelli:"Yes, I have PRO vip activated since it first came up, before that i juggled between dealer and hunter, depending on the stage of the game. " Reporter: " How did you manage to achieve so many hall of fame trophies? Can you reveal us "the secret"? " Makiavelli: "You just have to be active and have proper builds/gameplay: either for PVP (arena) or PVE (BC/DS/CC). Testing is the key to everything, someone beat you in something, either pve or pvp event, go to test server and find out what happened - you can at least do as good as he did . " Reporter :"Since you are top one Magic Gladiator player on the server, can you reveal us a few tips about Magic Gladiator pvp build? Can you reveal your stats ?" Makiavelli: "My stats were constantly changing untill I found what I think is the perfect stats build for sMG , a build that allows me to do proper PVE/PVP and also hold a switch at CS and I think its fair on servers with reset limit or non-reset that players make their own builds. I`ve never asked anybody about their build and I don`t want to reveal mine either. About pvp build, it`s easy to find the best one by testing builds in duels on pvp servers." Reporter :"What advice would you give to a player playing on this server for the first time, what should he do to get to the top places? How should he build stats on Magic Gladiator in the beginning ?" Makiavelli:"sMG can be better than eMG in everything, except holding a spot, so my advice is to go sMG since you can find a nice party to take care of the spot killing, also considering there is a bonus xp in party. To get to the top places you should find a stable party with people that you trust so you can share your accounts and try having somebody online to take care of the party most of the time. You should not skip any bc`s/ds`s, you got 3/24h so it shouldn`t be so hard if you organise your time properly, and if that is not enough, you should get a PRO vip that let`s you go 4 times into these events. If you can't find a stable party you can still do it on your own, it`s gonna take more of your time but it can be done. " Reporter :"What characters do you think are the best on pvp ? Makiavelli:" "In my oppinion any character that is played well can be very good in pvp but if I have to choose 1 class, it`s gonna be BK." Reporter :"You are number one on Blood Castle rankings, can you tell us how have you accomplished that?" Makiavelli: "Well, I`ve only missed very few BCs since the server started and I`ve always been high ranked in resets so my damage was always above average, allowing me to take the statue many times." Reporter: "Several weeks ago you were ranked number on on main reset rankings with a decent gap between rest of server, what happened?" Makiavelli: "I`ve had some time off, had a long vacation in which I lost a lot in ranks, but the gap you`re talking about helped, so I never got far from the first places." Reporter: " Do you still have have a permanent party ? Makiavelli:"Yes, I still do have a permanent party with @Sparkle, @mafy, @Mu3rte, but it's not like it was in the beginning. Some are doing resets, some are doing ML, but we help each other, and I see it as a stable party. " Reporter: " What happened to your old mates, RedBuLL, RuSuLeTzZz, TzaPusHH , MasSacre and Obraznic ?" Makiavelli:" RedBuLL had a lot of work to do from the beginning of the server, he just wanted to play it with us cause he loves this server and he likes playing with us, as I do with him, but not long ago he decided it`s not worth to spend the little time that he has for himself staying on a PC, but he is still around to help whenever we ask for it. Rusuletz quit game because of many reasons that I don`t want to speak about, but mainly because he started working and he is the kind of player that either plays active or doesn`t play at all. I`m that kind of player too. Tzapush ... you would have to ask him, I have no idea what happened there, temporary insanity or something. Obraznic tryied to sell a set for real money and he got banned, he did not have the approval of any of us and that`s all I have to say about this. Massacre didn`t have much time from the begining, but he started playing after I`ve asked him to several times so his presence here was shady from the start." Reporter :"Why Rampage disbanded? " Makiavelli: "A lot of players quit, some players tried to sell for real money and got banned, the energy there wasn`t good anymore. We disbanded it and choose to take it easy for a while, now we have a very nice group, here in H4RDC0RE the energy is really nice, and it`s a pleasure for me to play with these guys. We are not as strong as we were when we were winning the castle siege, but we are getting there, we didn`t abandon the fight for castle, nor will we. " Reporter : " Do you read the News Paper ? " Makiavelli:"Yes, I enjoy reading the newspaper, it`s something special that I haven`t seen anywhere else. " Reporter : " Do you believe in superstitions? Do you think that the Castle is Cursed? " Makiavelli:"I don`t believe in superstitions, but I find this amusing and I enjoy reading the posts though. " Reporter : " Did you see what happened to the guilds that held the castle? If it is not the "curse" (which can be defined by greed, selfishness and pride), what could it be to destroy the most of the guilds in that way?" Makiavelli: "The more you win it, the less you want it. The more you lose it, the more you want it.That`s how i see it. " Reporter: " Squadron is your enemy guild now?" Makiavelli:"Yes, they are our enemy guild this database, even though we have played together in the past. I still have friends and people I respect in that guild, even thought they did not take attitude when the administration of Squadron did some very shitty things like show 0 respect to my party, which helped them before and this database too, or steal items and credits from Snajper when they found out he was going to join us. After these events, and others, and losing CS several times to us, what they did is even more mind blowing to me - they allied with ATTACK and then deny several times that they did until Colossus confessed it all on forum and they didn`t even pay them what they promised for their help from what I know. It was not even only the normal help to come and play against us ,they were killing their GM and the GM of their secondary guild to make points.Everything is allowed at CS so we never said that this is not fair, but these are some stains on their chicks and I`d like people to remember it. " Reporter : "There are rumors that the ATTACK guild is allied with HARDCORE, are they true?" Makiavelli :" We are not allied and we never were, I remember some of them wanted to help us after Squadron mocked them and they offered their services but nothing synthesized." Reporter: " Do you think that your guild can win next Castle Siege? " Makiavelli : "I know they can be defeated in the next siege, we beat them before and we could have beat them a lot more times. They did not win because they were too good, they won because we messed up big time on so many different occasions, and it is only our fault we lost but server`s still up and going, as I said before, we have a nice team now and I have high hopes that we`re gonna win the next castle siege. Nobody is crying for the castle but it's a thing of honor." Reporter :"What do you suggest to improve on NewsPaper ?" Makiavelli: "I don`t see myself in any capacity to give advice on how to improve a newspaper. You are doing a great job, just keep on doing what you`re doing and all is good,or at least that`s how I feel about it. " Reporter: "On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you like Inception?" Makiavelli:"I like non-reset servers and I`ve played an amazing non-reset here on OS that I'd give 10. I`ve had bad thoughts of Inception at times, like when the aRF was 2hitting everybody and at an immense range, but watching the big picture now I see some very interesting stuff made with builds. Many people are crying that some chars are OP but if you pay attention you will see that they are OP only in front of other classes, or even if they outpower all other classes is just for a limited amount of time. For example at first was BK and MG, after that it was aRF, updates made and now is vRF instead of him, SM also got really strong, people already got some + 15 sockets and once slots will be filled with seeds, vRF will take a step back, and DL/SM/Summ era will begin. BK will always be at least a good tank. I don`t want to miss this opportunity to congratulate all OS team for their hard work with an accent on mercenary and gens systems, I like them a lot. " Reporter: " What would you change to this server? What do you expect from the following servers?" Makiavelli:"I guess I`d eliminate some of the Premium options on website like Change class/Change Name, I`d make the online Blacksmith at a max item upgrading of + 11, remove the add luck option completely, cause in my opinion, it makes one of the best options in game be worthless to any very active or willing to donate some money players in game. Some new systems were installed this db and although they are very nice they created a few bugs, some of which were already solved fast or a compromise solution has been found for them for example the case of BC bug, so what I expect from the following servers is two things : 1:the same dedication of the team to solve major problems and 2: Season 14 as fast as possible on OS. Reporter: " What do you think about this new rule related to the sale of items / accounts for real money? The buyer receives free of charge what the seller offers if he reports to Admin." Makiavelli :" This rule can be very unpleasant for some players who have done nothing wrong and I know this for a fact because it has happened to me when some players from our team got banned for this reason and all the items,even a very high character at that time ended up in the hands of the players who we were playing against. Some would say that it is my fault for choosing the wrong guys to play with but everybody should know by now that people can hide their true faces very well so I don`t consider it my fault. Although this rule can be unpleasant for people who don't deserve it, I fully agree with it because I don't see a better way to stop this real money market." Reporter: "So you are against "black market" ? Makiavelli :" I don't have anything against someone who would sell/buy character/items on black market but these are the rules and I think it would be best for everybody if there wasn't a black market." Reporter: "There are some rumors on the server that say VIP affects the concept of "play-to-win gameplay", what do you think of these rumors? Can a player who is active reach the top without donating? " Makiavelli :" I don't think VIP affects the concept of "play-to-win gameplay", first of all because the stages system help a lot all the players who are behind and secondly because there is a market where you can trade basically anything for credits or consumables, so if you are a good merchant you can always have VIP without spending any money. When someone spends years on a project that he shares, I find it normal that he should receive some compensation for his work and I know that these days very few people would give something if they don't receive something in return, for example they like some artists but they have never bought an album to support the guy, online is so easy and cheap. I buy albums of my favourite artists just to support them even though I got all the songs in playlists on Youtube and I also donate when my VIP period is over,even if i have credits, because I see it as a support to the server, and I can also use the credits I already have for other stuff that I need." Reporter: "Thanks for this interview, Marius, I wish you a Happy New Year, filled with health and accomplishments on all plans!" Makiavelli: " Thank you! It has been a privilege for me, and I wish you and all OS players a Happy New Year!" This was one of the most complex interviews I ever took !!! It could compete with Ganja's or Zutto`s ( I followed Ganja more then 6 hours into all events and I was waiting for Zutto's interview since Phoenix mid game until Inception mid start ), so he deserves the room in NewsPaper Hall of Fame because he is one of all time best Magic Gladiator players that Old Squad Ever Had!!! I wish to all News Paper readers a Happy New Year and I hope that the Goddess of Fortune will bring them all the luck and to fulfill their pure desires !!
      13 points
    3. Hello, We are starting some big & nice things to motivate you guys on being active on this community and also to bring you a competition and lots of fun! 4-5 days per week (from monday to sunday) will bring you 1 different event that will be hosted by @Gion.The time range when the events will be held will be between 16:00 and 00:59 Server Time. None of the events will be announced prior to their start, the qualifiers will just spawn on cities when the Event does start. One of the events from each week might start at any hour (outside of the 16:00-00:59 interval). We have introduced a brand NEW rewarding system (OldSquad Points). For additional info, please read further. List of the weekly events: Russian Roulette Death Roll Black Jack Game of War Each of this events will bring you the normal rewards of the event + OS Points depending on your performance (Place/Score,etc.) What are OS Points? OS Points are our new competitive points for which we made a new interesting system and competition. Each month there will be big rewards for first players with the most OS Points and also a default reward for a minimum amount of points. (1st place of the competition will get a GOLDEN FENRIR) How can you obtain OS Points? You will be able to obtain OS Points by: - Winning / Participating (at) weekly events from server (Black Jack, Russian Roulette, Game of War, Death Roll) - the 4 events listed upside. - Posting hand-made guides on forum (if the guide is accepted you gain a nice amount of OS Points). - Inactive feature for now - Winning some forum events. - Inactive feature for now Competition System The "OldSquad Golden Months" competition is our biggest monthly competition that involves any kind of player from this community that is active. Resets/Level DOESN'T matter, so anyone can participate even if he started the game yesterday. Your main objective is to gather as many OS Points as you can, participating at as many tasks as possible that gives you points and working your ass out for our big prizes. Points will be given as following: - For weekly events : 1st place - 25 OS Points, 2nd place - 20 OS Points, 3rd place - 15 OS Points, 4th place - 11 OSP, 5th place - 8 OSP, all the other places / participants from main events will get 5 OS Points. - Any good & accepted Hand-Made Guide (to be adapted to our community / settings / gameplay, etc.) will earn you 5-15 OS Points, depending on the quality. - Inactive feature for now - Forum events can bring you from 1 to 5 OSP depending on event. - Inactive feature for now The 1st place (winner of the competition) will also enter the "Legends" group. We are still developing this system and only time can improve it as much as possible by adding new things or removing others. So we'll see how it goes, we hope that it will be a nice thing to motivate you. ***You can check the OSGM Rankings on the website, click Rankings, then hit OldSquad Golden Months (you have to select your server, too). At the end of the month, if 2 players are having the same amount of OSP, the number of participations will do the shootout. Legends Group Legends is our new Forum group where the "legends" of OldSquad will be listed.To be a legend means: - Being an oldie member of this community with some achievements (like 1st full char on different editions, impressive performances during an edition, etc.) - but only if the player is still active on this community he have the slot on legends (players that did some achievements for 1-2 months and then left doesn't have any right for this group). or - Being a retired member of staff that helped this community with visible things not only with the name. or - Proving loyalty to this community and also remarkable performances on game or remarkable contributions to this community (apart from staff). or - Winning 1st place of the new "Golden Months" competition. What "advantages" has this group? Firstly, it's the fame (that even if it seems underrated is still something that people like to have on the online zone). Secondly, the members of this group are more trusted from us on their reports and also have a bigger word to say on major changes or ideas as they have enough experience here to know what's better or what's not good. And the last thing, members of this group will always have a "priority" on the vote polls (like if there is a situation of 50%-50% on a vote poll but one of the choices have more "legends" votes, that option will win). Good luck!
      11 points
    4. Hello, OldSquaders! Hope y'all had a nice & safe summer. We're ready to bring you a new great journey into our MU world! We've been working on the past weeks to finish the next edition of Inception, an edition that is bringing a lot of new & fun things as well as a lot of balance features and tweaks to keep the competition level high, as we all seek to. Inception's 4th edition will be officially launched on Friday, 25 SEPTEMBER, at 19:00 Server Time (GMT+3). MOBS will spawn at 20:00 Server Time (GMT+3)! Official Info Topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/993-inception-official-information-many-details-about-server The Test Server will be released for public starting from next week. As we're always striving for, we expect this Inception edition to be the best to be seen yet in our community. Some of the new things that this Inception edition will feature: Council Group Council will be the "voice of the players" for this Inception's edition. We will interact directly & actively with members of the Council for a better game for everyone. Note: We'll try to have at least 1 representative for each *bigger* guild as a member of our Council, as well as people that had / will have contributions in terms of feedback/suggestions/bug reports/etc. New Stage System Now after a stage is completed it will no longer affect others (the exp of that reset goes back to the same exp of the previous reset). Now apart from the Stage breakers (first 3 people to finish a stage) that will keep their own reward, there will be rewards for everyone that progressed through stage based on the level they had when the stage was completed. Now the EXP boosts for newbies will be added after each stage completion (and will benefit everyone who is not in top 100 at that moment). Important: The players that finish a stage won't be able to continue leveling until the stage is officially over for everyone. A stage will be officially over after 12 hours since the 3rd player finished it. Exception: If the 3rd player does finish the stage between 15:00 and 22:00 server time then the stage will be officially over only at 10:00 next day (due to sleep interval). This is meant to assure the next stage will be more fair in terms of competition. So, by progressing through the stage you'll win both rewards and a better position to compete for the next one. Dynamic Characters Balance Now after each stage, we'll be adjusting the characters that either OVERPERFORM or UNDERPERFORM in either PvP or PvM at that stage of the game. The adjustments will be based on the Council's feedback. Duel Gamble System Fight your enemies and/or friends for bets in jewels/credits. Winner get em' all. More info about it you can find on Official Topic -> PvP System -> Duel Gamble System. Imperial Guardian V2 along with weekly rankings for speed-run records of parties Enjoy a harder Imperial event alongside personal rewards, extra optional rewards as well as weekly rankings for speed-running competitions in teams of 5 different classes. More info later. OldSquad Soccer System & Soccer Nights Had a bad week? No problem, @Gion will guarantee you have a fun experience on our Soccer Nights to make it up (hosted usually in weekend). No friends/guild needed. Everyone will be part of a random-made team based on the registration pool. Extra Warehouses ingame Starting from this edition, players will be able to access multiple warehouses on the same account. Basically, you will have your *MAIN* warehouse as usually, and you'll gain access to extra (empty by default) warehouses where you can deposit your things: Non-VIP characters do have 2 extra warehouses. Dealer & Hunter VIP characters will have 3 extra warehouses. Professional VIP characters do have 4 extra warehouses. In order to access such extra warehouses you need to type the command /ware (0/1/2/3/4) where the number = warehouse number. Example: /ware 0 (will switch to your main warehouse, which is always set by default and after each relog). Example2: /ware 1 (will switch to your 2nd warehouse). Note: Characters that had VIP and it expired will no longer be able to access the extra warehouse(s), but items will not be lost, they can be accessed back after you renew your VIP. Note2: The Game Warehouse from Website does use ONLY the *MAIN* warehouse. Improvements to the Mother-Kid concept to make it more feasible towards (re)populating Inception Lower wait-time for transfers, faster peace Wormhole, additional transfer options for those that started Wormhole later but managed to make enough resets. Separated sub-server for gens maps (Server 2) to improve performance Extra things: All the improvements, fixes & new features that were added since Phoenix's start up to now have been adjusted accordingly and added to Inception as well. Now you can get DDI% (from harmony) only from item level + 11 (instead of + 9). Note: Maximum DDI% per item is now 5% instead of 7% (1% at +11, 3% at +12, 5% at +13). Credits reward for submitting a Guide and have it accepted. Credits reward for submitting a Suggestion and have it accepted & implemented. IMP now increases damage / wiz damage with +12% instead of +20%. Demon now increases damage / wiz damage with +18% instead of +30%. Now there's maximum 4 GM boxes that can be obtained by each loser of CS. Now if the GM of team with lowest points at CS has quitted, the 2nd lowest points team will receive the periodic Life Stones. + many other things that you can find by reading all of our info as well as playing the test & the official game. We're here for an EPIC edition, hope you're too! #MakeMUGreatAgain!
      10 points
    5. Our next project will start somewhere at the beginning of September. OldSquad - Inception - The 3rd edition of the old Max30RR server. Inception is the server where everything started in our community, and we're working on a bigger revamp of it, bringing new systems and features for you to enjoy. A fixed date for the start will be announced at the end of August, along with full info about the server. So, make sure to be free at the beginning of September to start a new journey in our world! Stay tunned on our site & forum for news. OldSquad Team. #MakeMUGreatAgain!
      10 points
    6. Hello, As initially communicated, starting from this autumn OldSquad will have a big restructure. Phoenix will no longer exist on OldSquad, at the end of the current edition, its section and hall of fame will be the only things left from it. The core from Phoenix will be moved to our new, separate S17 project that we have started preparing its base ground. Genesis - this will be our new, permanent main server. A 150~500x resets server focused mostly on end-game content, a server that will remain online without any editions or wipes for as long as OldSquad will remain online. Easy early-mid game, prolonged end-game, maybe grand resets and other different end-game activities that will be decided later on. Inception - major changes to how Inception will be operated. It will no longer be a standalone, long-term server. Since most of you quit before or after reaching end-game, Inception will no longer have an end-game. There will be no more wormhole, sockets, wings level 4 or quest system + extra resets. Inception will have only 25 resets under the same stage-system as before (and all the content up to 25 resets). Inception will now run under "Sprints". There will be 2 Sprints per year, each Sprint will last 4 months (120 days). At the end of the 4 months, characters will be moved to Genesis. Players can choose to either continue the end-game on Genesis (if they want to experiment sockets, w4, quest system, more pvp, etc.) or join the next Sprint from 0 on Inception. There will be the option of either moving 50% of remaining credits to Genesis or 10% of remaining credits to the new Sprint, based on where players do choose to continue. We'll also have a new HoF made for Inception Sprints where people with different, set goals will be shown (first CS winners, all CS winners, first w2 mixed, first w3 mixed, first +15 item, etc). The development of S6 will be cut moving forward. We'll continue to offer support and fixes (where needed), but our focus will no longer be on S6. There may be some improvements/quality of life from time to time, but that's it. Inception will be exactly as it was last edition, only moving the fixes / quality of life we did before and during Phoenix. Since we're no longer interested in its development, if there will be any good suggestions from players (especially before Inception Sprints release, but also during them) that are highly appreciated by more than few players, and that are related strictly to gameplay aspects (not credits/donations/premium functions) we MAY implement them, no questions/arguments asked from our side. Schedule for 2022-2023: 09 September 2022 - Inception Sprint #1 release - ends on 07 January 2023. 11 November 2022 - Genesis release. 07 January 2023 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #1 to Genesis. 13 January 2023 - End of the transfers. 27 January 2023 - Inception Sprint #2 release - ends on 28 May 2023. 28 May 2023 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #2 to Genesis. 04 June 2023 - End of the transfers. 04 June 2023 - September 2023 pause. September 2023 - Inception Sprint #3. OldSquad will remain active on this formula for as long as there will be players left interested in this project and the project will remain feasible business-wise. It may be the last year or it may continue for more years, all based on your interest.
      9 points
    7. Reporter

      [Interview] ADMIN

      Hello everyone, I know that many of you have been waiting for this interview for a long time, so, as I promised you on Phoenix, let's get inside the mind of the most important man who devotes his time building for us new servers with lots of futuristic and interesting updates and manages, for so many years, the most stable and the most beloved servers on the market : Reporter: " Hello, Admin! To begin with, I want to thank you for all the effort you put into this server, because you successfully manage to bring us so much joy that we have only experienced in youth " Admin: " Hi there, I'm pretty happy if my work has brought up good memories about this game!" Reporter: " Can you reveal us your name? " Admin: " My name is Alex. " Reporter :" How old are you?" Admin: " I'm 23 years old. " Reporter: " Before you were server administrator and owner, you were a mu player. Can you tell us when did you started playing this wonderful game?" Admin: " I've started playing this game in the 3rd grade (so, around 14 years ago), finding it randomly on a website. It fascinated my kid brain and in few years (around 3-4) it started to be a real 'hobby' for me, playing hard-core for top on each new server, having a dedicated guild formed by loyal players." Reporter: " Have you been a player on this server?" Admin: " I've played at start of 2017 a little, to raise competition, as situation was bad at that times in terms of competition and had to personally rescue it. " Reporter: " Do you think about starting to actually be a player on your server?" Admin: " Nah, for me MU was either all-in (top, guild, active 12/24) or none at all, since I can't do the first one anymore I'm no longer interested in this game but I love working on it and making it the best around all the rest. " Reporter: " Since you built OldSquad have you ever played on another Server to steal configuration ideas or to copy the good stuff that other servers have?" Admin: " I didn't touched MU since 2017 except tests/support/events on our servers. Our objective is to innovate as much as possible, not stealing other's ideas, but others have stolen ideas from us " Reporter: " Can you reveal us your past nicknames(on your server or other servers you have played)? " Admin: " My most stable nickname was rEaDy. Used it for MU, DOTA1/2, WoW, HotS, Underlords. I played as Fenrir here once." Reporter: " How and when did you decide to create your own server? You did it alone?" Admin: " I've been running online communities since really young (around 14-15 years), owning CounterStrike servers & more. But the idea of OldSquad started just from an ambition. As I said, I was already bored of all the trash-servers I was playing with my guild, changing them weekly due to either Pay2Win aspects, bad balance or boring gameplay, so I told myself if I can't find what we are looking for, I'll just create one, with my own ideas and features, based on my experience. The fact that my domain was IT also helped a lot. But I never thought it would have such success, I just tried my best to create something unique & nice, as I always wanted to play." Reporter: " Since you opened the server many years ago, I bet you have had many battles, with hackers, cheaters, etc. How do you manage to keep the server stable after all these attacks? " Admin: " In the Internet era, security is a big aspect, we've encountered a lot of 'bad-guys' in these years, we've been through really bad times because of them, and I doubt that this will ever end, because it's a sensitive thing, that even the biggest companies around the world does have problems with, not saying a small private gaming server. But with patience, hard-work and support from our providers, we'll do our best to keep our project as stable as possible." Reporter: " How much time do you spend daily (on average) working behind "the curtain" to keep the server stable and bring game upgrades?" Admin: " I don't have a stable schedule, one day I can work 1 hour and other day I can work up to 16 hours, it all depends, but the average I would say 6-8 hours/day, except dead periods like summer when activity is really low so I don't have much to do. " Reporter: " Some people have judged you, some say you are too proud, you get angry quickly and you have often shown disrespect, how do you comment on this?" Admin: " I'm that kind of person that can be the greatest dream or the worst nightmare, depending on the people I face. I'm still a person behind the 'ADMIN', and I'll always act naturally, no matter the subject. I hate trash-talkers, but also ass-lickers. I've interacted with over 1000 different persons during these years, and the most people have 2 faces, which I also hate and it some-how 'marked' my own character. " Reporter : " In the past I heard rumors that you sold items for money "on order" to some players, is it true?" Admin: " On the first server, the Season 4 one, I made such compromise, as we didn't had any VIP-System or credits system to sustain the server, and I was running out-of-student-funds to continue the project, so I had to do such thing in order for the project to survive. " Reporter: " Last year I heard players saying that you open new servers every 3-4 months just to make money, how do you comment on these accusations?" Admin: " The concept is pretty easy to understand. We'd love to have a server that lasts a looot of months (active, of course), meaning no extra work for us and just focusing on a single product. But, sadly, it's not the case, it was proved multiple times that people leave the game after few months, no matter how good the server is (they are just getting bored, and I understand somehow, looking at me when I was a player). But when one competitive guild leaves, it creates a hole in the gameplay, de-motivating the other competitive guild to play. So it creates a chain-leave between competitive players, leaving mostly casuals, or new players on server, that are also de-motivated to sustain a 'dying' server, which means basically close to 0 donations after first 2-3 months. Taking into account that costs to sustain such community, at this level, there are 4 digits in euros per month, I personally can't afford holding them alone, so we use the other servers/editions to sustain the older ones. It's easy to judge without seeing the full picture, from people that are just looking at themselves, wanting the best for them, no matter the circumstances, but it's not that easy, and in the end it's about us first and the future of us, not about them, people come and go, OldSquad remains. " Reporter: " I know that during these years you had ups and downs with the server, have you ever been so disappointed by the bad mouths that you want to shut down the server? Can you reveal some of these moments to us?" Admin: " Up to 1 year ago I was really sensible, knowing how much I work for this community and people always throwing shit at me when the things went bad, appreciating only when the things were as they want. But I stopped caring about such things and I started just to focus on my goal, ignoring such people/comments. I don't think I ever wanted to shut down the server, there were moments of uncertainty, but that moments have never reached that point. " Reporter: "When was the time when you had the greatest joy / fulfillment related to the server? Can you describe it to us?" Admin: " There were, multiple times, especially after fixing/solving a game-changing problem. But, I think the greatest moment was to see 3 really good and balanced guilds/alliances fighting at a Castle Siege, I think one of the first CS-es from our previous Max30RR." Reporter: "In these years, I'm sure you have had players you have admired or appreciate... What did you like about them? Can you name them?" Admin: " I don't think it's about admiration/appreciation, it's just about liking a mentality. I liked a lot of players during years, many of them proved to be double-faced, sadly, but there are still enough people with mentality that I like, especially those that know how to address a problem/issue without crying and bringing both arguments and solutions to the discussion. Some of them are DIEE, salam (Aqvila) and more." Reporter: "What kind of players do you respect and what kind of players make you the most upset?" Admin: " As I said previously, I do respect brained people that know how to address problems and, also, the realistic ones that look at things with realistic eyes, without exaggerating or saying things far from truth (example: I lost upgrade at + xx multiple times, your game is bugged/rates are not true!). I don't suffer criers and trash-talkers, I have more empathy for a hacker than for those kind of persons." Reporter: "Have you ever had a time to make a decision (ban someone or something) and then regret it? How did you proceed next?" Admin: " Just like any person in my position, I made both great decisions and bad decisions, usually the bad decisions are impulsive (not taking the time needed to think about them, just a fast act). A decision which I regret was on Phoenix, where I banned few players without thinking, when the "sessions-problem" was happening - even though it was not their fault, despite being their account, didn't thought that the actual robber was just on their accounts. I declined their request to re-think their ban at first, acting impulsive, but then, the next day, I thought a lot about it, and realized that it was not their fault, so I contacted them and apologized for my acts, unbanning them and giving them few days of VIP for free as compensation." Reporter: "Can you tell us what were the biggest problems you faced on Phoenix? I remember that at one point donations did not turn into credits, how did you repair the situation?" Admin: " To be honest, Phoenix had the least problems from all our projects, and also had the best gameplay (in my opinion). The only "bigger" problem on Phoenix was the problem with sessions, where people would be logged in on different accounts on website. We fixed it in the end by forcing sessions to stick to IP, so on any IP change they would log-off automatically. There was also the problem with Paypal credits, but that wasn't a problem from us, it was simply their API being bugged for some days, until they fixed it, not sending the callback to our (and any) website when the payment was completed, so the website wouldn't give the credits without Paypal confirmation of payment, despite it being done." Reporter: "At one point, if more than 500 players were logged (on Phoenix start), there were lots of lags and disconnects, and the AFK players had to be disconnected, what happened? How did you fixed the situation?" Admin: " Ehm, almost forgot about it, yes, it happened on first days of Phoenix, DataServer was restarting every 10 minutes after reaching more than 500 players online, causing disconnect-reconnect to players and also a small roll-back. While we were testing different possibilities of solutions, we had to keep the players under 500 so it won't disturb server with disconnects, so we were staying in low maps and looking for AFK chars from towns to disconnect, in order for the new active players to join and the number to remain < 500. In the end, the only thing that fixed it was to switch to a different windows version on our machine, as most probably something was corrupted inside, nothing else was working out." Reporter: "Last year you had to ban most GR0M members, how hard was it for you to make this decision? Did you know what impact this action had on OldSquad, and yet you took it ..." Admin: " GROM was always a double edged sword. The good part was that they were very active and they were creating competition on server, the bad part is that they were always the ones to do shits, when they were losing. Starting from CS anti-games, dramas, up to hacks and in the end, bug-abuses. To be honest, I never regretted a second, when the ban came, as I was completely sure that our community will be much healthier and less toxic without them. And it was proven on Phoenix, atmosphere was great without them. I'll always stick to my principle that quality is more important than the numbers." Reporter: "Have you been approached by GR0M members after this decision? Can you tell us what they said?" Admin: " Ofc, after the ban some of them came with insults, others with threats, others with trash-talks about us, just GROM things, but ofc nobody have fully read their messages, facebook block works like a charm. Then, when Phoenix started, few of them asked me to unban GROM, just like on Inception start, but it won't happen. 2 of them passed by on Inception with new IP's / devices, but not for long." Reporter: "Everyone says donations are making a big profit for you, is that true? Can you reveal us numbers?" Admin: " There is of course a profit, but not even close to how much a mediocre IT guy would take at a normal job, for the same time allocated. And that's because one month can have a good profit, but the next 3 months can have 0 profit, and even minus, in terms of project costs. Not even talking about the responsibilities that I have and the multitude of domains except technical domain I must touch, learn and master, including Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Q/A, Support, compared to a standard job. What I personally did for almost 4 years alone is usually spread in teams of enough members. But as long as I am doing what I love to do, I still prefer it over any normal job, as long as there is still a profit." Reporter: "What has been the hardest decision you've ever made since you created OldSquad? Did you consulted anyone? (detail, please)" Admin: " That's a good question. There were a lot of hard decisions, from decisions to try new things out (like stages, dynamic exp systems, the now well known Current of no EEs, etc.) up to decisions of nerfing a lot the VIP exp, closing NonReset project, giving Max50RR a second chance on this new formula of mother-kid server, etc. On some of the decisions I consulted Legion. Probably the hardest decision I ever made was to start the project from 0, on different files, after it was hacked in 2017, instead of quitting it. But I believed in my dream of creating the best MU community for the hard concepts." Reporter: "Can you give us more details about this "mother-kid" project? There are rumors that you wanted to quit max 50 resets because it was a failed project. " Admin: " Max50RR was the first and only non-hard server we made, with a medium experience. I don't think it was a true fail, as it was pretty popular, but the fact that it only lasted for 3 months of active play, and almost completely dead after those 3 months, was clearly a sign that it's either not our niche or it simply can't work on the long term, due to the fast-paced game, where people complete it pretty fast. As we don't like to work on a project that only stay alive that long, we just wanted to quit the project and focus on what lasts longer. But one day I was thinking about how we can increase even further the life-span of our servers, mainly Max30RR, and came up with the idea of mother-kid concept. In this concept, the players that got bored of Max30RR in time and quit it, have an alternative to join it, with higher character and gear, by playing on such seasonal Max50RR, that lasts only for 100 days, and then being transferred to Max30RR to continue the journey. Basically, in this way, we're encouraging both old players to rejoin it and also new players to join our community through Max50RR, while Max30RR players just stick to Max30RR, without strong reasons to join Max50RR and leave Max30RR. It's something totally new that it's worth at least a try, I'm not completely sure it will be a success, but at least it can be marked as "tried". Only time will tell." Reporter: "Where do all these innovative ideas come from?" Admin: " I guess it's a combination of brained person, huge dedication, big experience with the game as a player and the will to be the best in what I do, in this case, our servers. Some ideas come out of nowhere, some ideas come late in the night, when I try to sleep, some ideas are just a result of multiple brain-storms in multiple days." Reporter: " Since Inception started, I've had moments where I saw over 600 characters online, how does it make you feel when you see your work giving fruit trees?" Admin: " I can't say it does not feel good to see big numbers, but for me it's much more important the overall quality of gameplay than the numbers. If the quality is right, numbers will be no matter what, but the opposite can't be true." You all know i have interviewed some VIPs on Phoenix and on Inception servers, so here are their questions for Admin, I know that some answers have already been given by the admin through updates in game, but it is my duty to put them all on the sheet and let the admin to answer, if you solved the problems please detail . " Catarina: "Some time we kill boss and we don't get rewards....or boss left map when invasion is not finished, try fix that" (it is not actually a question, it is a message, but it was his wish) Admin :" I guess it was fixed on some of the updates." Ganja :" Why EEs are banned from IT, when SM has just as much impact, as MS has 39% abs, and ERF can buff party to 4k hp ?" Admin : " We've came with the solution of personal-buffs-only in IT, to match the concept. " Ganja : " Can you make an event like Loren Deep, but really weak mobs in there, so newbies can kill them and get items, maybe like CW event but for new players? Admin: " We've thought about it, but nothing serious yet. " Ganja: " Can you get more GMs, to be more involved with community? I am not talking about auto events like 20 questions, there is a lot of fun stuff a GM can do. " Admin: " I don't like to depend on others, especially on people I don't know/trust. There are always discussions about favoritism & fairness, which I want to avoid. But Gion is filling that gap anyway. " Ganja: "Can you improve navigation for help section on forum? Maybe add a Getting started FAQ or something ?" Admin: " We've made some changes to forum, we're still open to ideas to improve it. " Coco : " Why I failed so many feather and w3? Are the chaos machine rates for real? Can you change CS time to Sunday and reduce it from 2 hours to 1 hour? " Admin: " Bad luck bro, there is no point in showing 'fake' rates when I can just show lower-rates if I want them lower, nothing holds me from doing that. Time was changed to Sunday, CS will always last for 2 hours." FKingCunt: "What can you do to have more people on server? What can you improve about CS to be more interesting? What can you improve in gameplay/bugs? " Admin: " We do everything we can/know to have more people on server(s), the problem is that the player-base might be getting lower, not our efforts. CS is already interesting, it just needs enough competition for it, mainly at least 3 guilds participating, constantly. We're constantly improving the gameplay and fixing any bugs we can fix. Some bugs are just un-fixable. " Javaraya :" Please use donations to buy new season GS files, I want to try and play the new things. " Admin: " We did it already. 2020 may bring it officially. " Almighty : " How much time you spend working on OldSquad all projects weekly?" Admin: " I already answered such question in the interview. " Aqvila : " When will the next non reset edition come? Admin plays the game as a regular player? Did Admin had any servers before OldSquad? " Admin: " It will come on S14, somewhere on the next year. I don't play. I had one tentative of season 2 server long time ago, when I was running a CS community, but nothing serious. " DIEEEEEEEE :"Why I am so unlucky??( kidding) I have no question for him." Admin: " Cheers, mate! " RedBuLL :" Admin, when season 14 will be released?" Admin: " It will take a lot, we must first learn everything is included in S6+ (and as a tip, the difference between 97d and season6 is much smaller than difference between s6 and s14) from the perspective of players, before actually working on it, else it's just a bunch of random things throwed up together. If we'll ever release our non reset project on S14, we must make sure that it will be an incredible experience, not just "another s14 server". " Zutto: "Free Chuk , No but seriously... What are your plans right now if your got any to work out the speed issue classes are having? " Admin: " The only bugged skills are Chain and Chaotic, nothing else. The only elegant solution we currently have is to make Fire Scream and Blast their replacement, by cloning their stats. More info in the new patch. " Reporter: " Thank you very much for your time and for your honest answers , I will do my best, as always, to bring the truth to light and to animate the forum, as I promised you since Gion "hired me" . Admin: " Thanks for the interview, hopefully things are more clear now. Keep up the good job! :)" On the record : when I accepted this "job" as a reporter I expected to write and do everything that goes through my head(I am free to do this anyway) but I was hit by the professionalism of these people Gion, Admin and Legion and I was shocked, the first thought was to give up the job (as some of you know, I do not speak or write the perfect English Language, but when I get involved and I put my soul into what I do I don't give up easily and I'm glad I got to know these people who are probably much more stubborn and perfectionist than myself ) and I can not give up easily, so I managed to earn their trust and with small victories, I managed to do this job to rise to the expected heights, I am the second hired reporter and, believe me, if you do not put your soul into what you do, you have no way to have support and succeed in everything!
      9 points
    8. The last week was intense, the fights from Discord moved to the forum and, finally, into the game. The Squadron remained in the same position, proud, strong, unbeatable. Some fights took place for the only "big boss" that can be beaten right now: Nightmare. As far as I know, the score is equal to the battles between Rampage and Squadron for this boss (from what I've heard, they met and fought only twice), although RAMPAGE being more active they defeated Nightmare 7 times versus 1 time by the Squadron side. So, Rampage received as a "gift" from the other guilds on the server, 6 Nightmares in the last 10 days... Now let me tell you what happened at the Castle Siege, this event that can lift a guild on the heights of glory, or destroy it in just a few days with the help of the merciless curse: The big event came, sunny Sunday arrived with the greatest peace, so far on the server, the strongest guilds were making their strategies, SD potions were created faster than the new players were making zen, these warriors were preparing for the hottest Castle Siege in Inception's history, time was passing out slowly and the Siege started. Squadron, had the experience and unity on their side and the advantage of been defenders against the RAMPAGE guild ... Rampage started the assault, with a little help from the Assasins guild (Those Assassins who have been silent so far, started playing their card in this poker game called Castle Siege, they gave a helping hand to those in RAMPAGE, borrowing them a top player: KAMA3, I'm curious what they had won?),so, Rampage gives the first assault and overwhelms those in the Squadron right from the beginning, from the first attempt they manage to conquer the Castle, Squadron did not stepped back , they returned very quickly and recovered the loss. Everything was crazy, it was like jumping into a horror carousel for the first time, the fight seemed to last forever and nothing seemed to be lost for any of the guilds, until someone (I heard it was mafy ) found the "Achilles heel" and crushed Zutto for the first time on Inception and the Squadron started to shake.This guild that seemed invincible began to bleed from the wounds caused by RAMPAGE, the latter, feeling the "smell" , attacked like sharks and defended as a compact stone wall. Time runs out quickly and RAMPAGE gains precious points ... the fight ended, the pride of the Squadron was shattered and RedBuLL ripped the crown from Voyager's head. Now, the Squadron, from the Hunters becomes the prey and eagerly awaits the next Castle Siege to prove that it was a simple mistake, instead RAMPAGE, who have felt the taste of Squadron's blood, begin to believe superiors, same arrogance that (some voices say) haunted Squadron until they fell. Will Squadron have the power to return? Was it the Curse that overcame them or their arrogance? There are rumors that just a few days after the conquest of the castle, internal battles began to appear inside RAMPAGE. What the hell!! No guild holds the secret antidote against this Curse? Lands of trials only brings terror and chaos to the guilds that manage to be sufficiently united to conquer the Castle, but can't they resist greed? To these questions, time will probably answer us soon. I still hope to see that the evil can be defeated and that a guild sufficiently united will manage to break this evil Curse that kneels the guilds as a straw house is crushed by a tornado.
      9 points
    9. Hello to everybody! This guide is mostly addressing to the new players of MU, but not only! After watching the videos about MU online on YouTube, many of you might question yourself about the gameplay. I will try to describe the gameplay and what you have to do. First of all, we'll start with some details about the gameplay as a genre: In MU Online, like in most MMORPGs, players have to create a character among seven different classes and to set their foot on the MU Continent. In order to gain experience and thus to level up, a player needs to fight monsters (mobs). MU is populated by a large variety of monsters, from simple ones like goblins and golems, to frightening ones such as the Gorgon, Kundun or Selupan. Each monster-type is unique, has different spawn points, and drops different items. Outside of a duel, PvP fighting is possible but "discouraged". When one player attacks another, a self-defense system is activated, in which the attacked player may kill the aggressor within a time limit. Self-defense is also activated when a player attacks an Elf's summoned creature. Outlaws have disadvantages during game play, depending on their Outlaw level. At the start of the game the players can choose between four different character classes - Dark Wizard, Dark Knight, Elf, and Summoner. Players can unlock a Magic Gladiator, a RageFighter and a Dark Lord as they progress. Each class has its specific powers and items. As characters level up and complete quests, they can transform themselves into stronger classes. Each progressive class change grants, gain access to new spells, skills, weapons and wings as well as an associated change in appearance. Mu Online has a built-in chat system that allows all visible players to easily communicate via text. Users can add custom players to their Friends List in-order to make it easy to keep in contact with one-another. I will start with the the "mechanical" part of the game, then we'll talk about the gameplay. Like most MMO games, characters in MU can use many different kinds of magic and special abilities. Each character has its own set of spells and some weapons may be enchanted in order to provide the character with a specific spell. Casting a spell costs MP (mana, or magic point) and sometimes AG or stamina. *** http://image.webzen.net/Mu/guideImage/gameSystem/img_baseinfo_1.jpg http://image.webzen.net/Mu/guideImage/gameSystem/img_baseinfo_2.jpg Some hot-keys: At the beginning you need to access your stats and inventory. You can do this by pressing C(here the level is displayed, your stats, etc) and V (inventory). In inventory you will find 2 rings, from where you can drop some nice starting items, but you can throw them on level 40 and on level 80. Each item occupies a number of slots from inventory. Above these slots you can equip items for your character, taking into account what you can wear and what you can not. Below you will find the amount of Zen that you posses. The Zen is used for teleporting, buying items from shops, item crafting, etc. There is a "plus" button too, it is the extended inventory, which drops in Karutan2. You can also sell items to shops for Zen. As you progress in level, you will unlock the "Repair" and "Store" options, also included in the inventory screen. - This should happen really fast. By unlocking the Repair function, you don't need to go to the BlackSmith shop anymore to repair items, you can do it by yourself (zen is used). By unlocking the Store function, you can sell items to other players for zen. Just drag and drop the item that you want to sell into the store and set its price(right click). You can choose your store name too. F - Friends / mail function, from level 6 H - Event planner, displays the starting hour for some events D - Multitask bar, where you can request a player to Trade / Buy Store / Party / PM/ Request to join Guild etc., by selecting the wanted option and right click on the player Enter - Chat Printscreen button, saves the screenshot directly into your MU folder->Screenshots, no other software needed F1 - Help Box, press F1 in game for even more very useful hot-keys. You can press multiple times F10 - 3D Camera ON/OFF F11- Reset 3D Camera F12- Minimize the game M - Warping Menu A - Master Level, after completing Quest 3 Z - In-Game Clicker B - Gens Menu (for Gens members) G - Guild Menu (for Guild members) P - Party Window (for Party members) Start your chat message with ~ for party chat / @ for guild chat / @@ for alliance chat / $ for gens chat If you want to buy Healing Potions, Mana potions, some items/spells , you need to search the safezones of some cities for NonPlayerCharacters that are selling these things for zen. You have an account Valut(Stash), where you can deposit your items. These items can be shared with your characters from the same account. It is located in almost every safezone of a city ( Safety Guardian is the name of the NPC). You can also find the Chaos Goblin in Noria, for some combinations (upgrade items from +9 to +15 / creating wings / etc), Lahap in Elbeland, for stacking the jewels. In the upper left corner, the coordinates for the current map are displayed. Players can choose to team up with other players in a "party", in which players cooperate against enemy monsters to share and increase exp and loot. *** Characters: Dark Wizard: Dark Wizards study the mystical arts, crafting the elements of nature into powerful spells such as Fireballs, Aquabeams, and even Ice Storms. They have the highest Energy of all the character classes. Points per level: 5 (usually, this attribute -for all characters- can vary with +-2, depending on the server type) Starting Strength: 18 Starting Agility: 18 Starting Vitality: 15 Starting Energy: 30 Life/HP: 60 Mana: 60 Life per level: 1 Mana per level: 2 SD per level: 0.5 Dark Knight: These dedicated warriors train endlessly to perfect their sword techniques. They channel their high Agility and Physical Strength stats into direct and area attacks like Twisting Slash, Death Stab and Rageful Blow. Points per level: 5 Starting Strength: 28 Starting Agility: 20 Starting Vitality: 25 Starting Energy: 10 Life/HP: 110 Mana: 20 Life per level: 2 Mana per level: 0.5 SD per level: 1 Fairy Elf: The fairy elves are skilled in both archery and magic, combining the two to provide both offensive and defensive support. Their abilities include special arrow attacks as well as the power to Buff the Attack and Defense for themselves and others. Points per level: 5 Starting Strength: 22 Starting Agility: 25 Starting Vitality: 20 Starting Energy: 15 Life/HP: 80 Mana: 30 Life per level: 1 Mana per level: 1 SD per level: 0.5 Summoner: Summoners, whose bloodline have been preserved since ancient times possess a natural gift in manipulating magical powers and communicating with another world. By using special scrolls, Summoners can summon mysterious monsters. Through their constant prayers and meditations, Summoners can incapacitate enemies by compromising their weaknesses. Points per level: 5 Starting Strength: 21 Starting Agility: 21 Starting Vitality: 18 Starting Energy: 23 Life/HP: 70 Mana: 40 Life per level: 1 Mana per level: 1.5 Magic Gladiator: Upon reaching a certain level (based on the server type -Inception / Phoenix-, this level is ~150-200), the Magic Gladiator is unlocked. These warriors combine spell and sword, bringing both to bear in the defense of MU; their arsenal includes abilities of both the Dark Knight and the Dark Wizard classes. Points per level: 7 - this is the advantage of choosing an MG at level that level Starting Strength: 26 Starting Agility: 26 Starting Vitality: 26 Starting Energy: 16 Life/HP: 110 Mana: 60 Life per level: 1 Mana per level: 1 SD per level: 0.5 Dark Lord: At the same level for each server, the fearsome Dark Lord is unlocked. Riding into battle on his steed, he is a terrifying force that summons his Dark Raven and Dark Horse to do his bidding. He is the only character with the Command stat. Points per level: 7 Starting Strength: 26 Starting Agility: 20 Starting Vitality: 20 Starting Energy: 15 Starting Command: 25 Life/HP: 90 Mana: 40 Life per level: 1 Mana per level: 1 RageFighter: The Rage Fighter is a remnant and descendant of Kalutal royal knight. They are specialized for charge attack based on their physical advantage and use special buffs learned from Kalutan royal knight (same unlocking level). Points per level: 7 Starting Strength: 32 Starting Agility: 27 Starting Vitality: 25 Starting Energy: 20 Life/HP: 100 Mana: 40 Life per level: 1 Mana per level: 1 Dark Knight - is a warrior which deals good amounts of damage. He can be a tank too. Close range Dark Wizard - mage which deals damage from range. He is able to teleport, and has a lot of spells. Elf - Energy based Elf is a support character. The Agility Baset Elf is a good opp in Pvp. Summoner - mage, deals damage from range, has different buffs/debuffs and perks. Magic Gladiator - a combination between Dark Knight and Dark Wizard. RageFighter - warrior character, deals a lot of damage, close range Dark Lord - can use specific pets. Used as a both as damager and tank. HOT: MG / RF / DL can be unlocked at level 1 by purchasing VIP. We have tried to balance the power of the characters, so everyone can choose whatever class he wants. *** The main goal of this game is to reach level 400. Based on that, our community offers you multiple type of gameplay choices: Inception, Phoenix and the *Wormhole concept. We have some vaulted versions too (like Non-Reset, which might be back some day). Phoenix (Non-Reset with Optional resets type of gameplay): After your reach level 400 and finish your quests, you can farm your wanted items, you can go for Master Level (the 200th level is achieved by completing different tasks/quests), hunt events, PVP, etc. OR to reset to level 1 (you keep the items and ML), with a stats reset to level 1 (you get a low amount of bonus points, ~100) and you start over. There is a limited number of resets (~10). Inception (Multiple Resets type of gameplay): Same as Phoenix, but at level 400 you can reset you character to level 1 in order to start with a bigger amount of bonus points(~1000). Usually there are around 35 resets possible. *Special *WormHole: The WormHole Concept, also known as Inception's kid, is a low term server (~60 days) where the gameplay is mostly the same as the one from Inception, but with limited access to some game items/features, and after some time (~50 days) you will be able to transfer your character to Inception. It is basically a wormhole for those who arrive later on Inception but want to still hit the top. You can find all these servers here -----> https://mu.oldsquad.ro Choose the right one for you ! **Note: Phoenix's exp rate is lower than Inception's, because we had to create balance for all the gameplays. *** After you have joined MU and you have already chose a character, it's time to go kill some mobs for level up. You can only kill just a few monsters with your bare hands. You will need spells, items, potions, and, the most important thing, another players. You can create 2 accounts which can be connected at the same time, so you can start with multiple characters (much easier for you to level up, farm, etc.). I suggest you to read the info for your chosen version of server on forum. First you jump in the game, click the Elf Soldier (Shadow Phantom Soldier) to receive some bonus damage/defense, then you go to kill some mobs for level up. After killing some mobs, you will notice that you are not killing fast enough, so you need to search for some spells. Maybe you will find some in the shops. You can find shops in many maps, in safezones. You can buy some starting items from there, and some potions of healing and mana too. Shops are NPCs which are selling items to you for a certain amount of zen (zen is dropping from mobs). After you find some spells (don't worry if you won't find too many spells in shops, the most of spells are dropping from mobs in certain maps/spots) you can level up easier. By the time you are leveling up, you must also search/obtain better items. There are items designed for each class (as well as spells). Items are classified as follows: -Weapons: On each weapon the damage and the required stats are displayed if you move your cursor on it. *Note regarding required stats: the game will sometimes display a smaller required number than the real one, unfortunately unfixable atm, but you can check the required stats on the test server: Swords/Blades/Maces/Staffs/Scepters, each designed for a certain class. Tip: There are 2 types of damage received from weapons: normal damage, and wizardry damage(rise). If your character is a "warrior" type character (Dark Knight, Strength Magic Gladiator, etc), the damage that you are looking for is the normal one, written at one or two handed attack power. But if your character is a "mage" type character (Dark Wizard, Energy Magic Gladiator, Summoner, etc), you need to take into account the wizardry damage, not the normal attack power of the item. -Set Items: Armors/Helmets/Boots/Gloves/Pants/Shields. each designed for a certain class, having the defense and the required stats displayed if you move your cursor on it. Some of the items are normal, just as listed above, while other items can be Excellent items (like the normal items, but here some options are added to the item, for example Increased Damage for weapons and decreased damage for set items. These options are upgrading the normal items to excellent items. You can not add or remove any options from an item), Ancient items (normal items with lots of extra options, organized in sets of multiple items -you need to find more items from a certain set in order for the options to be active-) and Socket Items (special items, on which you can add your desired options in the free slots). Each kind of item is obtained in a different way, more details about the drops and item tiers at the Info&Rules section (Make sure that you are reading the right topic for your previously chosen server). -Rings / Pendants : Rings are used like set items and pendants are giving bonus damage. A much easier way to level up is when you are AFK, and we have a clicker implemented in our client, press Z in-game. If you want to upgrade an item, you need jewels. You can farm most of the items/jewels by participating at in-game events (Chaos Castle, Blood Caste, Devil Square, Invasions, etc). Some of the events can be used for leveling up too. You will team up with some players to compete against other players at these events. You can create / join a guild. A guild is your "team" of players. After teaming up with your guild mates, you will unite your forces with them to conquer the Land of MU. There are lots of hot features and events for guild members. *** Types of jewels: -Jewel of Bless: directly increasing the item level, also used for some mixes -Jewel of Soul: directly increasing the item level, also used for some mixes -Jewel of Life: used to increase the ADD option of an item, and sometimes for some mixes -Jewel of Chaos: used in mixes, it's the key jewel for almost any mix -Jewel of Creation: used in mixes -Gemstone: unrefined Jewel of Harmony -Jewel of Harmony: used to add the harmony(yellow) option, and for some mixes -Jewel of Guardian: used for Purple Option Mix *** Upgrading items: You can upgrade the level of an item by using some Jewels (Bless, Soul). Let's say that you are a Dark Knight and you have found an Excellent Lightning Sword +luck +opt. The damage shown is 89~97.For example, if you want to increase the damage of the sword (thus the level of the item) you can drag a Jewel of Bless into the item. Now the item level is +1 and the displayed damage is 92~100. You can upgrade your items up to +15. You can use Jewel of Bless to upgrade your item to +6, 100% chance of success. You can use Jewel of Soul to upgrade your item from +6 to +9, or from +1 to +9, but here the chance of success is not 100% (your item level can go back from +2 to +1, +7 to +6, +8 to + 7, etc, or from +8 to +0). If you want to go higher with the level of the item (+10, +11, .. , +15), you need to go to the Chaos Goblin in Noria(180 100) and hit the Regular Combination button, then give your +9 item to the Goblin, besides a Jewel of Bless, a Jewel of Soul and a Jewel of Chaos. Attention : A chance of success will be displayed by the Goblin. If your combination fails, your item will disappear. For the +11 combination you will need the +10 item + 2xJewel of Bless + 2xJewel of Soul + 1xJewel of chaos and so on, up to +15. *There is a special talisman used to make the item remain in case of a fail, but you will find it during gameplay. Now if you have a Jewel of Life(JOL) you can drag it into an item to upgrade its Additional Damage/Def (ADD). If you don't have the ADD option, then the JOL will create it (+4). If you add another JOL the add might go to +8, but it can downgrade the item too, just like Jewel of Soul does. *** Item options (for better understanding the difference between the item classes) : You will find items in the game. Let's say that you find a Small Axe (with the displayed damage 1~6) - this is a normal item. Normal items can have only 2 kind of extra options: Luck and ADD(Additional Damage/Defense) But if you find an Excellent Small Axe, by picking it up you will see that an Excellent option is displayed (like damage decreased for set items and Increased Damage for weapons). This "excellent" option is what makes a normal item to be an excellent one. You will also notice that the damage for Excellent Small Axe is 31~36. Excellent items can have Luck+add+max 2 exc options (and minimum 1 exc option). Ancient items: Items dropped in specific locations, organized in sets (an ancient set can have different items) for activation. For example, the Hyon Set for Dark Knight has 4 components: Hyon Sword + Hyon Helm + Hyon Gloves + Hyon boots. If you only have 1 part of the set equipped, no ancient options are active. If you will equip another part, the first ancient option will be activated. If you equip the 3rd part, 2 option are active, and when you equip the final part, all the ancient options will be activated. You can combine the ancient sets for various options (Hyon+Vicious). Socket items: items dropped in specific locations (level required: 400). These items are normal items (can have Luck and ADD) with some empty slots, slots that you can fill with your chosen options. You need to craft specific items for filling these slots. Plus, if you have a Jewel of Harmony, you can drag it into a normal or an Excellent item (not working for ancient/socket items) to add the harmony option to the item. You can increase the level of the yellow option by adding Higher of Lower Refinery Stones into the item. You can obtain these stones from Osbourne(Aida), by transforming some random items. You must increase the level of the item if you want to use refinery stones. For example, if you use a JOH for yellow option and you get let's say Damage Decrement Increase. If your item level is 0~9 you will have DDI 3%. If you upgrade your item to +10 you will be able to use a refinery stone to upgrade the DDI to +4%, and so on until +13. At +13 your DDI level will be 7%. These are the default values, you might encounter different upgrade level requirements for different yellow options on our servers. There are several harmony options, so in order to remove your harmony option (if it's shitty), to be able to add another one, you have to go to Jerridon in Aida. Even more, if you have a Jewel of Guardian (dropped in specific locations), a jewel of Harmony and a 380 level item, you can go to the Goblin(Noria), hit the Item Option Combination, then combine these 3 items for obtaining the 380 Purple Option. *Options on Excellent items: An Excellent item can have a maximum of 2 options (some exceptions when you use Lord Mix). For Set items: -Increase Max HP +4% -Increase Max Mana +4% -Damage Decrease +4% (received damage) -Reflect Damage +5% -Defense Success Rate +10% (mobs only) -Increase Zen after killing mobs +30% For Weapons: -Excellent Damage Rate +10% -Increase Damage +2% -Increase Damage + lvl/20 -Increase Speed (Wizardry) +7 -Increase Life after killing mobs +8/mob (for weapons) -Increase Mana after killing mobs +8/mob (for weapons) *Options on ancient items: Each ancient set has its own options, and there are multiple sets for each class of characters. Example of bonus options for Hyon Set (BK): -Increase Defensive Skill +25 -Double Damage Rate 10% -Increase Skill Attacking Rate +20 -Increase Critical Damage Rate +15% -Increase Excellent Damage Rate +15% -Increase Critical Damage +20 -Increase Excellent Damage +20 Note: These options will activate once you equip each item. *Options on Socket items: Adding options into a Socket item is not an easy job, since these items can be equipped at level 400 (end-game items). I suggest you to skip this step for now, and come back again at the right time (when you will actually own a Socket Item). The maximum number of slots for a Socket item is different for each server. For this tutorial, let's consider that the maximum number of slots is 3. You must add some "Seeds", containing options, into these items. Let's suppose that we have have in inventory an ordinary Socket item (Royal Armor for DL) +3 empty slots (the item can have luck and ADD, but it does not matter). There are 6 types of seeds, each type having its own possible options: Type Options Fire Attack/Wizardry damage increase (pro rata to level) Attack speed increase Maximum attack/Wizardry damage increase Attack/Wizardry damage increase Water Defense success rate increase Defense increase Shield defense increase Damage reduction Damage reflection Earth Stamina increase Wind Life auto recovery increase Maximum Life increase Maximum Mana increase Automatic Mana recovery increase Maximum AG increase AG value increase Lightening Excellent damage increase Excellent damage rate increase Critical damage increase Critical damage success rate increase Ice Skill damage increase Attack success rate increase Item durability increase First of all we need to craft a Seed. We can find the Seed Master in Elbeland(45 240), and choose the Seed Extraction button. For the Seed combination we need: any kind of ancient item +4(no ancient rings/pendants) + any kind of excellent item +4(no exc rings/pendants) + 1 Jewel of Harmony + 1 Jewel of Creation + 1 Jewel of Chaos. I have used a Mist Helm +4(ancient item) + an exc Dragon Armor +ref + 1 JOH + 1 creation + 1 chaos. All the seed extractions will have an 80% chance of success. When it fails, all the jewels will disappear and Ancient and Excellent items will randomly downgrade to level 0~2. I just got an Increase Max Life Seed. The next step is to combine the Seed with a Sphere (which drops at specific locations). The better quality(level) the sphere has, the stronger option it will induce. Let's consider the max level for the sphere to be 4. Take the Seed, the Sphere, 1 chaos , 1 creation back to the Seed Master and hit the Seed Sphere Assembly. When it's successful : A seed sphere will be created. Once this is mounted to a socket item, it will give the item that special option. When it fails : All the items that were put into combination will disappear. I have used a level 4 Sphere, and now my Seed in Sphere is Increase Maximum Life +8%. For level 3 sphere: Increase HP +7%, 6% for level 2 and 5% for level 1. After you got this, all you need to do is to mount it to the item, with 100% chance of success. Go to the Seed Researcher in Elbeland(50 240), choose the first option and you got it. You can also remove Seeds from Sockets at the Seed Researcher. !!! The Bonus for Socket items: You will get some bonuses if you place the seeds in items as it's displayed in the next table: As you see, some bonuses have a chance of success. So if you've placed the seeds as it's written in the table and your item is not showing the bonus, you can replace one random seed with the same seed or the same type of seed. *** About Pets: Pets are used by players to get more damage / defense. The pets are mostly used only in PvE (because they die fast PvP), but not only. What pets can you find / craft: -Guardian Angel, can be found. Bonuses by equipping a Guardian Angel: Absorb 20% of Damage; Increases max HP +50. Minimum level required: 23. Careful, this pet dies fast PvP ! -Imp (Satan), can be found. Bonuses: Increase Damage +30%. Min req lvl: 28. Dies fast at PvP too. -Demon, can be found. Bonuses: Increase Damage +40%; Attack Speed +10. Min req lvl: 28. Dies fast at PvP. -Horn of Uniria, can be found. Bonuses: Increases the moving speed. Min req lvl: 25. Dies fast at PvP. -Horn of Dinorant, needs to be crafted at the Chaos Goblin (Noria). You need 10 Horns of Uniria and a Jewel of Chaos (75% success rate). Bonuses: lets you fly ( if you don't have wings and you need to go in Icarus); Increase Damage +15%; Absorb 10% of Damage. Min req lvl: 110. Dies fast at PvP -Horn of Fenrir, needs to be crafted. The Fenrir is the most powerful pet from MU, and it can be used for PvP (it dies pretty hard). For the crafting, you need multiple items. First of all you will need craft 5 Fragments of Horn. A Fragment of Horn can be made by combining 20xSplinter of Armor + 20xBless of Guardian+1 Jewel of Chaos (the splinter of armor and the bless of guardian are dropping in certain maps, usually KalimaX or Crywolf depending on the server) at the Chaos Goblin with 60% success rate. After you have 5 of this Fragments of Horn, you will need to search again that map for 10xClaw of Beast. Take the Claws and the Fragments of Horn and 1 Jewel of Chaos to the Goblin and combine them all together for a Broken Horn (50% chance of success). If you got the Broken Horn, you are at the last step. You need to combine this Broken Horn with 3 JOLs and 1 Jewel of Chaos (30% success rate). If you combination succeeds, you will get the most desired Horn of Fenrir (Red). The Red Fenrir does not offer any advantages, besides the maximum moving speed and some Pvp advantages. Yet. If you want your Fenrir to increase your stats, you will need to go through another combination. You can choose (based on your actual stats) if you want your Fenrir to "protect you" (Blue Fenrir), or if you want it to increase your damage (Black Fenrir). For the Blue Fenrir (absorbs 10% of damage) you need your Red Fenrir, 5 JOLs, 1 Jewel of Chaos and 1 Set Item+4 +4add minimum (armor/gloves/shield etc). The combination has 79% chance of success. If you want the Black Fenrir (Increases Damage +10%), you need to replace the Set Item with a Weapon, same 79% chance. There is a Golden Fenrir too, a pet which can be won by participating at Staff Events. I left a link at the end of this tutorial. You can restore the Fenrir's HP by dragging a Jewel of Bless into it. For the rest of the pets, you can do nothing to heal them up, for now. *** You can evolve your character by making some special quests. Usually you have to do these quests in order to be able to use better spells and better gear. First Quest: In order to Upgrade your class, you have to be at least at level 150, then Warp into Devias then go to Sebina the Priest (Devias, 185 30). This quest is available only for Dark Knight, Dark Wizard, Elf , and Summoner. In the first part of this quest you will be asked to find the "Scroll of Emperor". This quest item is usually dropped in LostTower 1~3, by killing mobs. After finding the Scroll, for part 2 you will be asked to find another item, which usually drops in LostTower 7 and sometimes in Tarkan/Aida. After finishind the quest you will upgrade as follows: Dark Knight into Blade Knight (BK), Dark Wizard into Soul Master (SM), Elf into Muse Elfe (ME) , and Summoner into Bloody Summoner (BS). Marlon Quest: Located random in Devias(185 30) or Lorencia(130 85) or Noria(170 90) or Atlans(20 25). Again available only for BK, SM, Elf, Summ. At level 220, you need to complete this Marlon Quest, in order to be able to get 6 points per level instead 5, from now on (or 4 instead of 3, depending on the server). You will be asked to find the "Ring of Honor", which usually drops in Tarkan. Now there is a part two of this quest, but available only for BK. The players will need to find the Dark Stone (drops also in Tarkan).After delivering the Dark Stone to Marlon, the BK will learn to do a combo. Combo is the specific skill for the BK class, and you can do a Combo by combining some spells (without failure). The basic Combo is done by using the Weapon Skill + Twisting Slash Skill + Death Stab skill. You can explore more combinations of skills. MG/DL/RF can not do this quest at all since they already get 7 points per level. Warning: It is almost mandatory to do this quest since your first reset, since you cannot get the lost points back if you do reset. Third Quest [Hard]: Now this quest is available for all classes and it can vary depending on the server type. You can start the first part at level 380 by going to Apostle Devin, Lorencia, near bar. He will tell you to bring 3 items: - Flame of Death Beam Knight, dropped only by the Death Beam Knight in Tarkan2 around 175 215 - Horn of Hell Maine, dropped only by the Hell Maine in Aida2 around 115 65 - Feather of Phoenix, dropped only by Phoenix of Darkness in Icarus around 40 200 That's the hardest part of the quest, the items can be dropped in few hours to few days. After delivering the quest items, you will be asked to be level 400 in order to proceed. The Apostle will tell you to kill 20 x each monster from Barracks. The NPC for warping into Barracks is situated in CryWolf(60 235) or near Lorencia Bar. For the third part you will need to kill the Dark Elf in Refuge. So you will need to head back to Barracks, and to go to the Refuge Gate at the end of Barracks(120 170). Inside you will find the Dark Elf. By finishing the 3rd Quest, you will evolve, and you will unlock the Master Skill Tree (Press A). You gain master points by killing specific Master Level (ML) mobs. Maximum ML : ~200 !!! I strongly recommend you to test each upgrade of the skill tree (and not only) on the Test server in order to make sure that you will actually obtain the desired result! *** About the in-game events: -Chaos Castle: You can find the invitation for Chaos Castle (CC) at the shop from Lore Bar (Armor of Guardsman is the item). As you can see if you click on the Invitation, there are 7 CCs, 1 for each different level range. This invitation works for any level -only for CC, for other events you will need to craft the right invitation for your level- . Inside CC you will have to wait until registering stops (multiple players can join), and you will have a specific skin (so it will be quite hard to distinguish the players from mobs). Mobs have a very high chance to drop jewels inside CC. There will be a total of 100 characters (players+mobs), and the last standing man is the winner. The winner has a reward (from jwls to ancient items, etc). So you go CC for farming items/jwls. -Blood Castle: For Blood Castle (BC), you need to craft the right invitation based on your level (check server details for the required levels, or simply ask a player). Let's say that you have level X and you need the BC Y invitation. You need to find Blood Bone +Y and Scroll of Archangel +Y. Take these 2 items and a Jewel of Chaos to the Goblin in Noria, hit the Regular Combination button and voila. Then right click on the invitation when you are in safe-zone to Warp into BC. There the main goal is to cross the bridge, destroy the gate, and destroy the statue that will appear up on the throne, after killing some mobs. The player that destroys the statue will acquire the Weapon of Archangel, and he need to bring it back to the starting zone and click on the Archangel to get the reward and end the event. You can team up with your party against other players/parties. The experience gained in BC is being usually doubled, so you can use this event for level up too. -Devil Square: Just like for BC, you will need to craft the right Devil Square (DS) invitation for your level. You will need Devil's Eye, Devil's Key and a Jewel of Chaos for your Goblin combination. Inside DS the experience gained is being doubled, and the mobs might drop some end-tier spells, besides jewels and ancient items, etc. You can team up with your party for a faster kill. This event is used for leveling up. -Golden Invasions: From time to time, some maps will be invaded by some Golden Creatures (a message will be displayed on global chat). You need to find and kill these Goldens in order to receive some rewards. One of the basic rewards for killing these Goldens is the Box of Kundun (BOK). The level range for BOK is 1 ~ 5, depending on the level of the Golden that you have killed. By dropping this BOK, you will find an Excellent Item. Hunt more Goldens for finding all the items / weapons from a set. Details about spawn points and drop list at Info for each server. Also, check the server info for more invasions, like Rabbits, White Wizard, etc. -Illusion Temple: Once the event start has been announced you have 5 minutes time to go to the Illusion Temple NPC (Elbeland 55 240) and register for the level/reset range you are in. The event consists out of two teams(randomly generated - max 2 teams of 5 ppl) who will try to get as many items from the Stone Henge NPC as possible. Once a player has received the item he will be slowed. Returning the item to the base camp will get the team 1 point. The players will not be able to use their skills in battle. They will be granted skills only when killing adversaries. Also the players look will change just like in chaos castle. When you enter you are warped inside the waiting room until illusion temple starts, when it starts teams are putted together 'alliance' and 'illusion' team. Teams are random meaning u cannot chose your ally nor your opponent. In illusion temple the purpose of the game is to capture the 'illusion temple ball' located in the north and in the south of the map you must return these to a container at your starting place Note: your running speed while carrying the ball will decrease dramatically making u slow and easy to catch When the ball carrier is killed he drops the ball. When you return the ball to your starting place your team will gain 1 point. Max points: 7 When you kill an opponent you will gain 5 killpoints, this being your personal score and not from the team. These points are to use special abilities inside illusion temple. Magic shield order: 5p. Function: Prevents 100% of DMG, duration 15 sec; Resistance order: 5p. Function: Paralyzes the enemy for 15 sec; Tracking order: 10p. Function: teleports you to the Ball; Freeze time: 5p. Function: Takes enemy 50% of SD. Once the event starts, players who are in are assigned to a random team and get a team uniform. For each opposing player killed, the killing team gets five skill points which can be spent to temporarily improve their character during the event. On top of killing other players, there are 2 statues located in the event map, each holding an event ball. Each team's base also comes equipped with a pedestal, where players can bring back the event balls for points. Once a ball is taken from a status, both statues disappear. They reappear again once a team returns the ball to their respective base. The first team which is able to return the ball seven times first wins. So not only is it important to kill the opposing team as much as possible, but to also gather as many event balls as possible while preventing the opposing team from doing the same. The ball carrier will move in slow motion, so it's important for his or her teammates to work together to protect the ball carrier from the opposing team. Once a ball carrier is killed, disconnected or leaves the event, the ball will fall to the ground and is able to be picked up by any player on either team. -CryWolf Event: This event happens twice a week. In CryWolf is a Statue with some pedestals. At the beginning, at least one ELF has to stand on a random pedestal during the whole event. The last ELF mustn't move or die, because the event will be canceled. The Kundun army will spawn, and the rest of the players must defeat the army, and protect the Elves on pedestals and the Statue. Each mob kill has a nice reward, plus, if the event is finished, the WHOLE SERVER will get some bonus exp (for example, on Phoenix you get 15% bonus exp after finishing CW event). -Refinery Tower: Refinery Tower is the place where you can refine Gemstones, and turn them to Jewels of Harmony (with an 80% chance of success). The Refinery Tower entrance is located in Kanturu Relics(140 185). Sometimes the refinery is open(meaning that the Refinery Event was finished before by another player/s). If you find the Refinery Tower closed, you have to complete the event. First of all, you will need a Moonstone Pendant equipped, which drops in the same map from regular mobs. After acquiring the pendant, you have to wait for the gate to be opened. Once you are inside, you will fight Maya's hands and minions. After defeating them, you have to face the boss, Nightmare, which drops nice rewards when killed. After Nightmare is killed, the Refinery Tower will be open again for everyone for a certain amount of time. -Castle Siege: This event has a dedicated topic, since our system is unique. Check the forum info for your server ! *** -Wings: Wings are special items that can be obtained by farming and upgrading another items. There are multiple kind of wings: Small Wings, Level 1 Wings, Level 2 Wings, Level 3 Wings, Level 4 Wings. The rate of success for wings is influenced by the items that are used. For example, the small wings will be dropped from one of the rings that you will find in your inventory when you first log in to the game. You need to be at least level 80 to be able to drop this ring. For Wings lvl 1 you need to combine some low tier items at the Goblin(Noria). Wings level 2, 3, 4 are just upgrades from wings lvl 1, and you need to acquire certain items for each upgrade. I will give an example of basic Wings lvl 1 combination: Careful, DL / RF cannot equip any level 1 Wings ! Below you will find info about some jewels too. First you need to go to the Goblin(Noria), hit the Chaos Weapon Combination button. For this combination you'll need an item at least +4 and +4 Additional Dmg/Def (add). I suggest you to use an item dropped by a Medal. But you can also upgrade an item to +4 (or more) using Jewel of Bless and Jewel of Soul. You can upgrade your item to +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6 with Jewel of Bless in a 100% safe way. Just drag it into the item. You can't go higher than +6 with Jewel of Bless. From +6 to +9 you will need to use the Jewel of Soul, but here the chance of success is not 100% (your item level can go back from +2 to +1, +7 to +6, +8 to + 7, etc, or from +8 to +0). If you want to some Additional Damage / Def (ADD) for your item, you need to use a Jewel of Life (JOL). By dragging the JOL into the item you will sum +4 ADD. If you drag another JOL your item will go to +8 ADD, etc. Careful, the JOL can also downgrade the ADD (from +4 add to +0, +12 to +8, +12 to +0, etc). Max ADD on items: Usually +28 Max ADD for Goblin: +16. If you upgrade your items up to +16, your general chance for Chaos Combinations will be increased. If you exceed +16 ADD (+20, +24, +28), your item ADD will be count as 0 or smth. So for our Chaos Weapon Combination we need an item at least +4 and +4 add and a Jewel of Chaos. You can raise the levels of the items for a better chance of success. I have used a Plate Helm +8 +12add for a 62% chance of success, then I used a JOL to upgrade the add to +16 for a 100% chance of succes and the Chaos Weapon has been created. I got it +2 and +0 add. For the next step we need again our Chaos Weapon to be at least +4 and +4 add. You can upgrade your current Chaos weapon with Bless, Soul and JOL or you can go for another combination. I'll go for another combination. Damn, I got a new Chaos Weapon, but this time it's +1 and +0 add. Better upgrade the previous one from +2 and +0 add to +4 and +4 add. For step 2 I will use the +4 and +4 add Chaos weapon to create the wings. Click on the Goblin, and hit the Regular Combination button. Now insert your Chaos Weapon and a Jewel of Chaos to create the wings. But wait, my chance of success now is only 11%. I will upgrade the Weapon to +5. Meh, not good, 13%. I will upgrade the ADD to +8. 19%. We need more. Wait, there says that if I add a Jewel of Bless or Soul to the combination the rate will increase. Let's see. 24% with a Jewel of Bless. 28% with both Bless and Soul. We need more. There says that we can add a +4 and +4 add item to increase the rate. I will find another item. I just got a Lightning Sword +5 and +4 add. 46%. I need a better item. By the time I got me another Lightning Sword +7 + add 4. Let's try the combination with this new sword. 68%. And if I add my old Lightning Sword +5+add4 I get 86%. I just hit the Combine button, and I got some Wings Level 1 for Elf. If your combination succeeds, you can get Wings of Satan (for Dark Knight / Magic Gladiator), Wings of Heaven (Dark Wizard / Magic Gladiator), or wings of Elf, random. Now we can equip our wings (if they're matching our class), or we can trade them. Wings level 2 are just an upgrade from wings level 1. Now DL and RF can create their own wings(capes). If you want to upgrade your lvl 1 wings to lvl 2, you will need a Feather (for BK, SM, MG, ELF and Summ) or a Crest of Monarch (for DL / RF). Both the Feather and the Crest of Monarch can be found in Icarus by killing mobs. Your need 1st quest to be able equip these wings. I suggest you to raise the add of the Wings to +12 or +16 for a higher chance. I have a pair of lvl 1 wings of Elf +1 +12 add, 1 chaos and 1 Feather. My chance is 53%. There it says that I can add again an item to increase the rate. But this time it has to be an Excellent item. Luckily I already have a Skull Shield +7 +luck +add8 +zen and I get a 87% chance and I got some Summoner Wings level 2 +HP. Again, the wings will be random (in case of success). For DL / RF capes use Crest of Monarch instead of Feather. Wings level 3 For wings level 3 you need 3rd quest in order to be able to equip 'em. You need these items for your Chaos Combination: -Condor's Flame: has a very low drop rate in Swamp -Feather of Condor: you need to craft this item -1 Jewel of Chaos -1 bundle of 10 Bless -1 bundle of 10 Soul -1 Jewel of Creation -an Excellent item +9 +add4 at least The max rate of success for Wings level 3 is 40%. Feather of Condor combination ingredients (max rate of succes 60%) : Wings lvl 2 +9 +add4 (you don't need more for wings) + Ancient item +7 +add4 (at least) + 1 Jewel of Chaos + 1 Jewel of Creation + 1 bundle of 10 Soul. Tip: always use +16 add on items for the best success rate at Chaos Combination (where the ADD does matter for the combination) I suggest you to use high-tier ancient items (Hyon Sword or/and Gywen Bow) at least +9 +add16 for a higher chance. For example with Wings of Dragon +9 +add4, 1 bundle of 10 soul, 1 chaos, 1 creation and 1 Hyon Sword +9 +add16 I get 30% chance of succes. If I add another Hyon Sword +9+add16 I get 60% chance of Succes. Another way to increase your chance is to upgrade your ancient item to +10. With only 1 Hyon Sword +10 +add16 I get 53% chance of succes. After crafting the Feather, we can go back to our basic combination: Condor's Flame, Feather of Condor, 1 Jewel of Chaos, 1 bundle of 10 Bless, 1 bundle of 10 Soul, 1 Jewel of Creation and an Excellent items +9 +add4 at least. For this combination I have a Rune Blade +9 +add16. My chance of success is 25%. I suggest you to use MG weapons for this combination. I can upgrade my Rune Blade to +10 for a 38% chance of succes or bring another Exc item +9 +add16. If your combination succeeds, you will acquire a pair of random Wings level 3 (Capes for DL / RF included now) with random options. I just got a Cape of Emperor +ignore for DL with 38% chance of success. When it fails : All the items that were put into the combination will disappear. For Wings level 4 we have a special topic, please check it out. *** About Gens: Maybe you have noticed that you can not access the "Battle" maps. That's because on these maps only the members of Gens are allowed. Gens is a PvP system, and you can earn contribution points and reward from PvP against the opposing Gens. There are 2 Gens families: Vanert and Duprian. You can join any Gens family by going to the special gens NPC, near Lorencia Ring. After you have joined a family, you will free PK the opp family in the battle maps, and you can't see opps names on battle maps. *** We also want to offer you the best gameplay, so we have created a Special Series of Events, made by staff. More details here ----> https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1651-osp-weekly-events-monthly-competition-legends-group/ This is only the basic guide for you to start.We strongly recommend you to browse the info for your server! Google is sometimes a good source too.  I will let this topic open for any questions .
      8 points
    10. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward): Don't need a reward, hard work to make this possible was done by others, not me. Suggestion type (server/website/forum): Website Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough): Hello, for the past few months a bunch of players started a community driven discord, functioning as a free market, focusing on giving new players a community to get knowledge from and giving them the opportunity to get recruited by the big guilds and experience endgame content. It's already greatly increasing player retention thanks to the work of the players who scout for newbies and propagate the server in game. The official discord server is quite dead, the phone number verification system discourages most people from participating in discussions on the official server and it really functions more as a hub for official statements by the Oldsquad staff than a place that brings the community together. Most servers have an official discord that functions similarly to what the community driven discord has achieved but on top of that people are able to speak their minds freely without the fear of getting banned or punished. It greatly increases player retention as due to the afk nature of the game many new players wrongly assume the server is dead or barely alive when they join, then leave after a couple of resets never to return. Ever since MagicGagi has started this initiative to hoard all new players in one place, giving them the opportunity to interact with the veteran players on their oldsquad journey, ask questions and form connections with others, player numbers started rising and new people who previously left before they got a chance to get to the endgame started staying. I think adding a link to the website with an invite to the community driven discord (with a disclaimer saying it's unmoderated by the oldsquad staff) might greatly improve player retention and make the game feel more alive. Almost everyone I talked to assumed the server is dead upon joining the official discord and a big chunk of players didn't even manage to find the invite link to the official discord. In this day and age most game communities congregate on discord so it would be a big step up if oldsquad supported this initiative. Here is an invite link to the discord, you can check the state of it for yourself and make your decision based on that. https://discord.gg/jepmShvrZK How the suggestion can bring value: mentioned above
      8 points
    11. Alex.

      A new chapter

      As the title implies, i want to address something that has been discussed before and is probably on everybody's mind. First, i would like to state that i don't think anybody is playing OldSquad for the fact that it is season 6, a season that is known for few bugs. I think everybody that is playing oldsquad, is playing because of the quality of the server that admin was able to create, his ideas, vision and most important because of the community and friends. Secondly, i think that there are no season 17 servers out there that could stand a chance in my opininon to a NewQquad server S17. I'm 100% sure that no changes or fixes to season 6 could ever bring to OldSquad the amount of players a S17 would bring and i honeslty believe that S6, the way it is right now is at its peak, but ofc if admin belives that it can get any better, who am i to say no. I would love to hear ur guys impression about the future of OldSquad and if you would like to move forward, play a new season and of course, play with a lot more ppl that would join.
      8 points
    12. You should all start playing different servers for at least 1 year and then maybe you will finally appreciate our work. But I admit, it was our fault that we gave you too much from start (great gameplay, great features, great support, great stability, great fairness and seriosity) and you got used to it thinking you deserve it and even more than it, trashing every single detail that wasn't perfect for you. The love and hype I had when I've built this project was blind, I never expected that I was building a toxic community. A community that know to respect and talk nicely only when it is in need of info / support OR when everything is "perfect". A community where people are "sweet-talking" with us in the front side while cursing, insulting and disrespecting us in the back side. A community that even with hundreds of real players and guild-limits can't have more than 2-3 guilds, and even those guilds are disbanding on their first real lose or even on their first win. A community that can't take a lose or accept that others are just better and either insult each other, create dramas, accuse of hack, exploit, luck or simply create excuses. A community that literally begged us for unbans of ips/hwids promising that they've changed just to repeat their shits. A community that had multiple opportunities to bring feedback but it was either totally ignored, used for personal benefits or used as a way to complain without adding any value. I can keep going, but it is enough. We had the potential (technical & dedication) to have a great, long term place, but we started wrong, we never thought that the playerbase would be our downfall, we were focused too much on the product. Would have expected a different outcome with mature people aging 25-30+, but it wasn't the case. I started this project when I was 20, spent many of important youth years working with pure passion on this project 18/24 and had BLIND hopes of reaching something...unrecheable. That passion quickly went lower and lower as the years passed and the "community" was being built, and I started to realize what environment I am actually working in. The reason Gion was co-opted was exactly because I was sick of handling people anymore, and decided to focus purely on technical aspects if I wanted to continue the project, passing most of the human-interactions to Gion. Yes, I used to be a GREAT guy towards everyone here (because I am the same in real life), and it only backfired to me and I was fooled again and again (same as in real life). What's left here? A pure business without a soul. Our projects are free to play for everyone, but as WE WANT them to be. Take it or leave it. As long as there will still be some players left and especially enough money to be a feasible business we will still be here. When it will be over, it will be over, no hard feelings, we have nothing more to prove and no time to waste anymore at this age (especially since we limit ourselves to such an old game when we can do way bigger, 2022 things). What's for sure right now is that this Phoenix was the last non-reset type of server on OldSquad, as it was stated before its launch, as a last-shot on non-reset. In terms of Inception, there will also be radical changes on how it will be operated starting from this year. We'll slowly build our own S17 behind the scenes, with a fresh community built from 0, this time made it right. Some of you are clearly welcome there, some of you probably not. Topic is closed now since there won't be any other Phoenix. #WeMadeMUGreatAgain.
      8 points
    13. Squadron (captiongenerator.com) LETS SEE WHAT YOU GOT @Voyager
      8 points
    14. TwoCheeks

      Squadron, we're back.

      Hi everyone ! We are excited about the Project Phoenix#3 and we will reunite again as Squadron guild. The server seems to combine the high-paced aspects of reset servers with the classic game-play of non-rr, which we enjoy the most. Along the years, we played with many good players that will start on this edition of OS. And we realize is impossible to reunite with everyone under the same guild. This edition we will start as two parties, around 10 people and we intend to recruit as many new players as we can. We are convinced it will increase the competition and give new opportunities, for us also, to meet new people that enjoy the game as we do. The Squadron will be focused as usual on the pvp side of the game, CS as main objective, big bosses fights and applying pressure on the maps. So if this gameplay suits you, we definitely want you in our team ! Add me on discord TwoCheeks#5899 Thank you!
      8 points
    15. Reporter

      [Interview] Mu3rTe

      This interview is about Mu3rTe, one of the best players in our community and one of the most respected by most of the top players from our community, if you read past interviews you will find his name in the words of many top players interviewed from guilds who have been fighting each other for years. He is at this moment (the moment I started the interview) ranked no 1 on Soul Master reset rankings and Castle Siege Tank ranking, but what amazed me and made me want to take this interview is the fact that this player, on the last Inception, started very late, about 2 months from the start of the server and in about 1 month and a half he reached the 1st place. He is the only player I know who managed this performance, and I also want to mention that when he reached the 1st place, the top players from that data base had not given up playing actively yet. Reporter: "Hello, Mu3rTe, and welcome to The News Paper Hall of Fame ! Mu3rTe:" Hello, Reporter and all other players that are reading this " Reporter : " Can you, please, give us a description of yourself? Name, age, occupation, hobbies, etc. ? " Mu3rte:"My name is Bogdan, I am 31 years old. I am currently working as a 2nd mate on commercial vessels, hoping for promotion soon. I don't have many hobbies, but I like listening to music and playing DOTA or Mu. So far my addiction to DOTA is over, huh, finally. All that remains is this MU. " Reporter:" Regarding this Covid 19 pandemic, did it affect you?" Mu3rTe:"I was really thinking it will, but it seems that I was lucky, my family and friends are safe, my arrival home wasn't delayed, so far so good. Still, I am disturbed to see the many people who don't follow minimum precautions. " Reporter : "When did you start to play Mu Online? " Mu3rTe:"It was so long ago :)) I would estimate 15 years ago, but can't say I played properly until just few years ago. Many long brakes, since I was passionate about DOTA. " Reporter : "How did you find OldSquad ?" Mu3rte:"Some of my old buddies told me about it, they were playing for 2-3 editions. " Reporter:" Can you name them?" Mu3rTe:" I can't remember 100% who, but it could've been either Psyke or Scheau, but once in game I found many familiar names." Reporter: "How much time do you spend/day playing mu OldSquad (average)? " Mu3rTe:"A lot :)) Roughly 12hrs a day. " Reporter:" Where does Mu3rTe nickname come from?" Mu3rTe:"Nothing special, mostly to represent that when I come, all the enemy troops will die " Reporter :"What nicknames did you have in the past?"" Mu3rTe:" Always Mu3rTe in Mu, I have various alts, most of the time Bobolina, b0gdaN." Reporter: "Do you have any VIP activated? What types of VIP did you use since the start and why?" Mu3rTe:"Currently using Dealer because of the extra entry, if you have resources, 1 extra entry makes a huge difference, otherwise Hunter is better. In the first 2 weeks we had Hunter because lacking of the jewel of chaos. Both VIPs are important if you wanna be in top and to maintain there, the competition is tough, ok, maybe not so hard... " Reporter: " How did you and your perma manage to get in top since day one ? Can you reveal us "the secret"? " Mu3rTe:"I can't say that there is a secret, they just thought about the best strategy, meaning best kill speed and survivability, therefor 3 MGs. They wished I was a MG also but that can't happen :)) Since it's early game, it is obvious that who is more active gets the benefit. More than this, you must have a plan, if you have spare time you could check on test server that was opened early, monster's lvl, monster numbers, some spots have bad spawns, many small details that counts in early. The problem is when you want to stay in top, check where enemies are farming, what items they have, and how lucky you are to get timely spells. You could sell a fire burst with 1k credits.. outrageous but still some people did it Whatever mechanics you may know, unless you test them, they could be different, since OldSquad is a hard-worked custom server and keeps improving. Other than all this, there must be a good atmosphere within the party, and if possible for them to be as dedicated as you, otherwise it will get stressful, and unhealthy environment. Another thing that propelled us further than any other time, it is because of the pull we made (not possible anymore), players cried about, complained about, ADMIN satisfied them. It was not a special thing to do, just you had to move your mouse, but I guess its easier to look at the screen and complain " Reporter:" What about HoF rankings, how come that you got only 1 trophy so far (on this data base)? Is it that hard? " Mu3rTe:"I never cared about HoF, they just came one after the other. SM it is not a character that shines early, and it's very item dependent if you wanna have impact in HoF. So far it's hard because of the characters that get extra points, 220 points per reset is huge early, but no worries " Reporter :"Since you are top no. 1 Soul Master player on reset rankings, and you were tank number 1 until last week, can you reveal us a few tips about Soul Master pvp build ? Can you reveal your stats ? It is early yet on this data base, but where should a newbie add ML points after he finishes quest lvl 3? " Mu3rTe:"This is to early to tell, all builds have weaknesses. It is not a fixed point for which you should aim, don't have many pvp performances except CC, but I can say that if you don't make lots of hp it is quite pointless. More important than this, you should focus on getting more resets so you can be more versatile without losing too many things early. ML is same based on what is required for your party during exp or during CS. All characters evolves and shines during different stages of the game, it is important to take full advantages of the situation. Myself I don't prefer lots of HP, I am an aggressive type therefore energy and agility. In castle siege it's a different story, because SM is so bad early compared to others, there are not too many options than to go for tanky stats so you can get full advantage of the characters. For now I am no1 at CS tank because ppl were afraid to focus me, not because I was immortal :)))) " Reporter :"What advice would you give to a player playing on this server for the first time, what should he do to get to the top places? How should he build stats on Soul Master for pvm ?" Mu3rTe:"To reach the top from first time you need a strong and active party. Make all events daily, BC and DS are very important to maintain chaos balance early, always save entry for bonus time. Calculate and evaluate spots frequently, choose your best exp. If you wanna be PVM, you must rely on your party for the first few resets. Build plenty agi and some VIT for survivability, than top up energy. It is quite bad for hunting goldens early game " Reporter :"What characters do you think are the best for PvP ? And for PVM ? Mu3rTe:" Overall PvP, considering later stage of the game, vitRF is the one giving me troubles and the most easy to play I could say. There are better chars, yes, BK, SUMM but they require little more skill. PVM It's another story and complex based on your playin style. Overall spot wise eMG is the choice." Reporter: "Speaking of permanent party... Can you tell us a few words about the importance of a permanent party on OldSquad, and a short story about how you and your permanent mates got together? Is this the best permanent party you ever had?" Mu3rTe:" Perma party is important if you wanna enjoy the game to the fullest, and here I mean participating to Castle Siege. Without a perma party is is more challenging to climb the ladder and collecting items specially now when you can only have 2 accounts per pc. It is not impossible if you wanna play alone, sometimes it can be more relaxing. To have a perma party many times can be challenging, unwanted and puerile dramas, stress and being on the edge... so don't forget that this is a game, we play for pleasure not to fuck our brains for crap. About my party, I was asked by mafy if I wanna play this edition, so here I am:) they have a bigger history behind, I only know mafy, Redbull and Russu, we played sometimes. I can't say that it's the best party I ever had, but so far it's the most stable, yes, some drama from time to time, but we are still the 5 people from the beginning, that is an achievement so far " Reporter: " You are now a Hardcore member but some "voices" tell me that in past you were a Squadron and a GROM member, is it right ? " Mu3rTe:"Yes, I was in Squadron before, but GROM, no, very briefly 1-2 weeks at some point " Reporter : "Why did you left those two great guilds? What happened? " Mu3rte:" Grom nothing to say about, I was at some point I even forgot the reason, usually when I need to go for work, my char could get in the hand of other people, I left my account few times and some other got it, so maybe was one of those times.. About Squadron, last edition of inception was very imbalanced, agiRF was out of proportion, so I decided I should join the opposition in order to make things little more challenging, nothing hidden behind. " Reporter: " Do you think that Hardcore is invincible this data base ? Until now your guild has 4 wins in a row,, who is leading Hardcore during CS? " Mu3rTe:"I don't believe in concept of "invincibility" , I do believe in team play, active members and organization. As long those are here, everything is possible. Anyhow, the way the server is set-up, you can't win forever, I am sure we will lose at some point and there is no shame in losing, it is important to see how to move on. During CS, all suggestions are open if we could benefit from them, but in order to not make confusion, it is better if just some people speak. Roles are divided beforehand, and we are adjusting according to situations. Still it's Mu.. it's not some badass strategy game once the basics are learned, the winners are those who execute better. " Reporter :" There are rumors that Diamond helped HARCORE two weeks ago on CS, are they true ? " Mu3rTe:"I don't know who started rumors about this thing, but I am happy that there is more activity in CS, this way it is more challenging, from my knowledge, nobody from Hardcore asked any1 to do something for us, and I congratulate DIAMOND for doing their best and playing fair and square." Reporter:" On the last Inception Data Base, you started 2 months after its start and in about a month you reached top number one ranking, there are rumors that you didn't even have a permanent party when you started playing! How did you manage to get this performance? I guess a lot of people want to hear the full story from beginning to end " Mu3rTe:"Well, thanks to the system ADMIN designed, to catch up is so much easy. When all people have resets and almost instakill in DS and BC, even if you start late, build some tanky stats so you won't die and have full benefits from it. When people are 10-15 rr, you can make reset in devil square cause of the bonus exp. It was hard at beginning, you will die on all spots, but if you are active and come back, exp is easy also, when you start later, many party are disbanded so you can fill some places. For me, after 2 or 3 rr I joined Chukundah's party and I was dying on spot many times in karutan2, went bc6 few times got 1 hit, but didn't stop, perseverance and being active helps a lot. Also Gaffney changed his character to BK and he gave me his Sphinx set, it did help a lot, I can't say I was all alone. Later on due to imbalanced guild powers, I joined HARDCORE with mafy, we gathered some players from broken parties, some of them were much higher in reset than me, but exp was going smooth. Once I got some resets, I went full dmg build, and destroyed all events not many contesters in BC DS, some tried but... and this was it.. 2 months playing non stop basically :))" Reporter: "What do you think about last Castle Siege? How was the atmosphere in Hardcore? What do you think about Purge reconstruction? What about the evolution of Diamond?" Mu3rTe : "Last CS was in top 10 Castle Sieges that I played, I am happy that more guilds decided to come, the fight for switches was very intense. We had some advantages, Diamond GM and his party was below 300 lvl, but they did a great job. The atmosphere in guild is as good as always, we were excited to play again, we had some missing key persons also, mafy, but we did good. I don't know about Purge, it just seems a different name, same people, maybe they will manage to refresh themselves, I had bigger expectations. About Diamond they look promising steadily improving, each CS having bigger impact, they hold the crown for quite a while and had huge impact on switches, I hope they will maintain integrity and play the way they did so far." Reporter : " Do you read the News Paper ? " Mu3rTe:"Yes I read the News Paper, some articles are very entertaining but got to admit, the dramas collects more views." Reporter : " Do you believe in superstitions? Do you think that the Castle is Cursed? " Mu3rTe:" I do not believe in superstitions, but I do think that your way of thinking can affect your lifestyle. I sometimes I am wondering, how can so big dramas happen, when in fact it was just some crap. Mainly the curse comes from people's mentality. " Reporter : " Did you see what happened to the guilds that held the castle? If it is not the "curse" (which can be defined by greed, selfishness and pride), what could it be to destroy the most of the guilds in that way?" Mu3rTe:"From what I notice, other than those 3 you just mentioned, there comes also the real life problems, that affects our mood and lets say our sensitivity. One more could be that the problem are not addressed in a calmly manner and solutions are very often overlooked. People should see beyond problems, problems appear every day, but we have to pass over. If somehow MU creates problems for your life, better make some changes. " Reporter :"What do you suggest to improve on NewsPaper ?" Mu3rTe:"Fake news seems to be the key to our society, so maybe make more of those :)) " Reporter: "On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you like this data base ?" Mu3rTe:"Many changes, many improvements, I guess it should be a 9 " Reporter: " What would you change to this server? What do you expect from the following servers?" Mu3rTe:"So far many changes satisfied my needs, at the moment all looks good. I don't have expectations, I just take what it is and make best from it. " Reporter:" Two guys from your permanent party are members of the council, what do you think about this project? Do you, mafy and Endorphin talk about council often?" Mu3rte:"The project is very good and the reasons behind are on point. We don't speak too much, we just have a laugh from time to time, when some councilors are frustrated when something is wrong just for personal reasons. " Reporter: "There are some rumors on the server that say VIP affects the concept of "play-to-win gameplay", what do you think of these rumors? Is a player who is active able reach the top without donating? Do you and your party mates donate/donated? " Mu3rTe:" I like it that it keeps improving, and slowly slowly getting to that point as a "play to win". Still, VIP affects a lot, but why I like this server is it that you can farm your credits for VIP quite easy if you are active. Myself, as a player who never donated, I am the proof that you can be top without donating. This edition maybe, my party donated for me at the first week so I wont drag them back lucky me. From what I know, they only donated first week " Reporter: "I have 5 challenges for you, do you accept them? " Mu3rTe:"Yes, go ahead " Reporter :"Challenge no 1: I need the names of the 3 players you respect the most on OldSquad and the names of the 3 you dislike the most on OldSquad." Mu3rTe:" mafy, Makiavelli, no third one I dont have dislikes, maybe from time to time some personal vendettas. " Reporter: " Challenge no 2: Tell us 3 things you like most about our staff team, and 3 things you don't like about them!" Mu3rTe:" I like ADMIN cause he tries to improve this game, Gion and Reporter doing good job, nothing else. I dislike that Gion is always in a hurry, sometimes he doesn't have time to give rewards " Reporter:" Challenge no 3: Tell us 3 things you would improve on our server and top 3 things you like the most" Mu3rTe:"I like the stage system the most, giving a balance sentiment so therefore CS are more enjoyable, various times I played on other servers there was a huge discrepancy. I like the CS system, this way you can enjoy 2 hours rather than 5 ending minutes. I like the automated system for events giving a fair chance for all players. I can't say I would improve many other things, since ADMIN is doing a great job implementing our thoughts and ideas. He comes with great ideas also. " Reporter: "Challenge no 4: Due to the fact that you were a member of the most important guilds on this server, call us in order which are the 3 strongest guilds you have been in, with details about each one, of course." Mu3rTe:"Well, I would say that Squadron was the strongest guild overall, accumulating all past editions I played. I played there also, but it was a grim atmosphere, many afk times, but they were gathering people to come play at CS. Hardcore comes second, being a relatively fresh guild, I do like that people are active, hunting and doing events, and you can always find somebody to chat if you want. On third place, might be GROM but they were shady, even resorting to cheats, can't say much otherwise. " Reporter:" Challenge no5 :I need you to share with us a "dirty" secret, a shameful and funny incident that happened to you playing MuOldSquad." Mu3rTe:"For sure there are many as such, need to jog my memory here I could say the most funny was, When I went in vacation, my party wanted to surprise me and lvl up my w3 wings to +13 or something, unfortunately, Makiavelli forgot to put talisman... and so I was without wings:)) spent like 1 more month without, trying to find w3 +lk. " Reporter:" Thank you very much for time and patience, I wish you GL on all your plans!" Mu3rte:"Without fun there is no sense of playing it ! GL to you, Reporter! " This was Mu3rTe's Interview, one of the best players from our community, I am happy to finally do this interview because I wanted to take it since last year !
      8 points
    16. Reporter

      [Interview] Gion

      Helloooo, OldSquad Community! This is an interview I've been wanting to take for a very long time, it's an interview with my editor, can you believe it? What Reporter will interview his own editor ? Well, on OldSquad everything is possible and I'm glad to have this privilege (I just want you to know that this interview is exclusive and confidential, so if you read it don't tell anyone, please). I want to share my first memory I have with this player / judge / event maker, and more recently, since Admin decided to leave the "football field" and just get into the coach's shoes, he's not that old but it's like Murinho! So Gion isn't just my editor, he's been the chief of staff in the game for a few months. Uh, Oh, again I got off topic, well, let's go back to my previously idea, I was a new player on OldSquad, I didn't know anyone and I see an Admin online -> Gion, I start talking to him and he's not on any pedestal, he talks to me easily, as if he was a simple player, so I'm amazed: a server populated, hard to play with admins who don't think they are gods? WTF? Something is wrong, he is always naughty, he has a sense of humor and he is always active, and I changed my mind instantly about this server, before I had tried many servers, so boring, those with high exp were interesting for a few days but this one at first view looks like it will last at least for few weeks, so I chose to stay and play here, I could write novels but let's limit ourselves to the interview of this editor of mine: Reporter: "Hello, Gion, and welcome to the NewsPaper Hall of Fame ! " Gion:"Hello, sir! I am glad that you have introduced me as well, it is a honor for me." Reporter : " Can you, please, give us a description of yourself? Name, age, occupation, hobbies, etc. ? " Gion:"My name is Rares, with the last 's' being read as 'sh', some Romanian thing. I am 23, and currently I study telecommunications, and you know , I can say that I also study MU Online, by any means. Mu happens to be also a hobby of mine, alongside music and things related to sounds/comms engineering." Reporter:" Where does Gion nickname come from?" Gion: "It was kinda random, my idea at the moment of creation(2014-2015) was that I wanted to use a common name, but as it is written in Romanian, so the common name was 'Ion' -> 'John' into English, and then 'Gion', as we, Romanians, write it. " Reporter: "Tell us the story about how you got to play this game and how you got to be the chief of staff on one of the only server of MU Online which promises months of play, not just days / weeks? " Gion: "Well, since me and ADMIN were classmates since the 1st grade, we have a long story together. Long story short, ADMIN introduced me to this game about 11-12 years ago, if I am not wrong, since then we played together a lot, then, one day ADMIN came up with the idea that if we don't find a server for our expectations(and believe me, we didn't), we have to build one." Reporter: " Have you ever been a player on MuOldSquad?" Gion: "Yessir, on different ocassions." Reporter :"How did you manage to get the Admin to trust you? (of course we need a story)" Gion: "I'm glad that you asked. As I said, ADMIN came up with the idea that we have to build this server. At the beginning he created the server on his own, with us, the real-life friends, being just players and only sometimes helping with small things, like doing an event for the players that were active at that moment, or things like these. He basically started everything on his own, and then, after the work volume has increased he reached me, because, I guess, he knew that I enjoy this game like .. a lot." Reporter : "How did you both come to the conclusion that this server needs a NewsPaper? Whose idea was it?" Gion: " We thought about it because looking at how nice and good the players are evolving around, like there are lots of unexpected situations, 500 IQ plays, etc that must be seen by everyone, so we wanted our players to feel that what they do will be acknowledged. We are creating, together, the History of OldSquad, The MU Continent of Legend, exactly as you say, with a lot of work, dedication and 'blood' from the deadly battles. " Reporter: "Does Admin pay you real money for the work you do??" Gion: " Since we are all doing this out of passion, I think that money talks are a bit offtopic. " Reporter: "What are your responsibilities, is this like a part-time job or maybe more like a full-time?" Gion: "My responsibilities, and there is only one, in my opinion, is to make sure that everyone has a good time and a fair shot in the competitions, whatever they are." Reporter: " What makes you keep doing the job you do?" Gion: "As I said, I consider myself a student in MU Online by any means - technical, social, I even learnt how to manage a situation where there are some misunderstandings. I also get to know a lot of new people. It's basically you, the whole community, that keeps me doing it." Reporter : "Many times when I had the opportunity to talk to you, you were tempered regardless of the situation, ... where do you got so much patience from? How do you succeed, you and Admin have such different temperaments and yet you are best friends (it seems to me). What is your explanation? " Gion: " I think that knowing each other for so much time and playing together got us into having the same mentality and values, regarding this game. Also in real-life we are different but still best friends because even we have different personalities, knowing each other helps us to get the best out of each one. It is like an out-of-the-box experience, in terms of MU Online, me and ADMIN are the same person, same thoughts, like a multi-core processor, but it is still one piece." Reporter : " Is it hard to do what you do? Give us some examples of difficult moments you have faced since you were part of the staff" Gion: "It is not hard, not for me, the guy who always looked up to do something like this, I had previous experiences as a server administrator before, and not only MU. I cannot say that it is 'hard', it might be mind challenging, but I would not label it as 'hard'. You asked for an example: It was a nice evening of Phoenix, I was hanging around the server, just doing random things like answering PMs, etc, and while I was walking around the maps, I get into Relics, pass the safe zone, and there were some players apparently fighting. I pass them by a few steps and then I stop. By the time, one of the teams killed the other one, I think that they were organized in teams, and one of the guys there came to me and started attacking me (ofc, he was not really attacking me because the GM char has immunity), but I have answered with one shot that killed that guy, because why not. What came after this deserves to get in a novel: his whole guild came back and started to accuse me that I help the other team. They even started to cry on global chat, etc. The situation was more complicated than what I have exposed, but let's not concentrate on it, since you got the main point out of it. Since then I choose very carefully how to interact with the players. Btw, I don't even remember the names of those players, neither for the 'criers' nor for the team that 'I was helping', so you can understand my huge interest to kill some random player in a random map. " Reporter : "I guess the work you do here on the game has a lot of challenges that keep you connected to the game, reveal to us the most intense challenges you have had lately" Gion: "The most intense challenge around is to maintain the server and come up with fresh stuff, but with the help of ADMIN and the Council, I hope that we are managing this." Reporter:" Every time a new database is released on OldSquad, a lot of new things appear, where do they come from?" Gion: "Most of the things come from, obviously, the previous experience. That's why each of our new version is breaking a past record. We basically improve the game constantly, as I said, as a team." Reporter: "One of your many new projects is The Council, what do you think about this project, does it bring the expected results? Are these Council members active? Give us three examples of requests / discussions between staff and board members that have added value to the gameplay. " Gion: "I think that this idea is the next step towards total democracy in MU, since we try to have a council member from 'each side' of the server. We do not discuss about Council in terms of activity, since there in only one channel where we debate the upcoming things, vote, suggest. I think that in this way we can hear you, the players, easier. I cannot name specific things, because we try to discuss everything there." Reporter: "Have you ever played a normal character while being part of the staff?" Gion: "Yes." Reporter: "What happened to Grom and DEADCATS, why were they banned and what is your opinion about ADMIN refusing to let them play for so long?" Gion: "I think that when they were banned I was only the Event Manager, so I was not really into them things at that moment. But I am sure that they lost their right to be around here for a reason, because, as you know, we are giving paroles sometimes." Reporter: " Do you believe in superstitions? Do you think the Castle is Cursed?" Gion: " I do believe in energies which may be translated into curses, so yes, I can say that I believe in curses." Reporter :" Because you should already know what's next, It's time for challenges, and I've prepared five for you, do you accept them?" Gion: " All of them, ese". Reporter:" Challenge no 1: Tell us the funniest two memories related to MU online, one in which you felt ashamed of what you did and one in which someone else did something funny!" Gion: " The funniest one , and I think that ADMIN can agree, was one time, long ago, when me and ADMIN were playing together on a server on which there was a special Elves' spot in Arena, with its entrance blocked, like when you tried to pass through it and you were not an elf, it pushed you back. Since the spot was only for Elves, any other character reported on that spot was getting one to three days ban , I don't remember for sure, but at least one day, and it was like this because that pushing entrance could've been abused with SM's teleport (as they knew until then, and they still don't know ^^). So I got into an argument at school with ADMIN which led us into a minor beef. I want to mention that at that moment ADMIN had a DL and he was ahead of me with a couple of resets, and it is obvious that when we got home after school, ADMIN was PKing me non-stop, chasing me everywhere, not letting me to do shit. I was mad as fuck, so later that night, when ADMIN went to sleep, I switched to my ~273 level BK, whose name ADMIN remembers as it was yesterday ^^, and started to move ADMIN from a regular spot towards the entrance of that Elves' spot, having in mind to sabotage him somehow, I was thinking to report him that he was trying to kill mobs from the outside of the spot/yard. But when I got there, I tried to do the impossible: I have skilled ADMIN until I pushed him THROUGH that gate. It was a premiere, and the last time when that happened. Now I had him pinned: he was inside the spot, still attacking, because at that time we used own clickers, but now I had to report him without anyone to notice my scam. I created another forum account and reported ADMIN. He tried to defend himself, he even told the staff that it was me, because he knew my alt, but no one believed so ADMIN ended up being banned and the case was closed. This is also the situation that I feel ashamed for, because that was simply not a fair win. But it was a win tho ^^^" Reporter:" Challenge no 2: Tell us about one of the moments when you and Admin quarreled, with details of course, and how you managed to get over ! " Gion: " We do not argue over decisions here, on MU, because we take a decision by evaluating it from all points of view. But I've just answered previously to this one^^." Reporter:" Challenge no 3: Tell us the three biggest guilds that have ever played on the server (in your opinion), and name 5 players you liked, with reasons of course." Gion: " The best three guilds, in terms of gameplay: (the order does not matter) Hardcore, Squadron, and a Greek guild from the 2019 Phoenix, I don't remember the name well. Also, I cannot name certain players, but I want to shoutout ADMIN, Mitsakos, Nina, also shoutout to Reporter and Wanheda, players which I will never forget. The list continues, but you asked for 5 namez." Reporter:" Challenge no 4: What has been your biggest disappointment since joining OldSquad? " Gion: " My biggest disappointment is that the competition is not as it should be. Take for example the current case: first party from Inception is way ahead of the others. How is this possible? And I even hear guys complaining about it. How can you? How could they get so far while the other parties were killing them and stealing their mob's kills? Oooh, because no one PKed them, no one did what they did (party composition, decisions). That's why I am disappointed." Reporter:" Challenge no 5: I know that being part of the staff and always having the need to make decisions, sometimes they can be wrong. Describe the moment when you made such a decision that you regretted and if you did anything to fix that decision." Gion: " When we realize that we made a wrong decision we simply admit it and change it asap." Reporter:" Thank you very much for your honest answers, keep up the good work you do!" Gion: " Thank you for having me, it was a pleasure ! Cheers ! " This was the interview of Gion, a young man, even though he is my editor, I learned a lot from him (despite the age difference between us) a man who brings great value to this community, yes, I know what's next to say, that the Reporter kisses his ass, well due to the fact that he earned my respect, I will make this sacrifice although (speaking only between us) I don't think he likes that :). I hope him to continue the work he does, and that together with Admin to take this server to higher levels, still giving their best!
      8 points
    17. I have a new idea that I will try to exploit tomorrow, not sure yet if it will work but I will try my best. Basically, I will try to move only some of the maps into a new sub-server, but without having that sub-server active at all. This would mean that you will teleport to Icarus, for example, just like you would teleport to crywolf (to another sub-server), and the map will be held only there (in sub-server). This would keep everything (almost) as it is while splitting the load into multiple sub-servers. Will let you know further details.
      8 points
    18. Many players are wondering who Reporter is and why is he anonymous, why does he do this, and if he abuses the game with his position? Well, at this moment, the Reporter is just me (a random player), I am doing it for several months and I am doing everything in my power to have fun on the forum with the only purpose to increase the level of involvement for players in the forum and for our community. It is very likely that sometimes I write only the first appearance of an event in my articles (maybe I have only one sided part of story) , but if shit happens and I am wrong, I admit it publicly. I do not consider myself a perfect Reporter, but I consider myself a man with a strong spine and this means that I am able recognize my mistakes publicly, a mistake should help everyone to evolve by not repeating it, no matter the circumstance. Plus, I am trying to deliver publicly the News, which I am personally picking, as soon as possible. If you look at the things constructively, this community has many hundreds or even thousands of players, and it deserves all the best! To be a Reporter inside this community means that you have to voice publicly the community voice, and this means to be equidistant even if you are a player. You have to put the job in the foreground, maybe you have incomplete information, sometimes a Reporter can only express the point of view that he gets on the ground(in game) , so I always must be careful what to write, in order to avoid controversies. But if I have strong arguments or evidence, I can do it with my eyes closed, I believe in the freedom of speech , I believe in this project in which I am involved, and I hope that freedom of speech will always win! I believe in truth and I will refuse to publish a lie, being aware of it. I will always refuse to believe that the accuracy of my articles is prejudiced by my pride as a player, or the pride of the people I play with, I will always criticize mistakes (even if they are mine, or Admin's) and I will always bring due respect to those who deserve, regardless of the camp they belong to. Being a Reporter means more than being an admin, an admin can make hot decisions, without thinking twice or he can be as proud as he wants, but he has to be even cause the only main judge on this server is Admin. I believe he acts always to increase the value of our community, maybe sometimes he does mistakes, even him can act without caring for the moment and ban someone just cause he was rude. He is right in 99% out of all cases , but I care, I care about all the players (I have an affection for those who put their soul in this game, some of these people make some big mistakes, and some of them do those mistakes because they have the impression that they have the absolute truth and that they have to reveal it to all the server, without thinking twice, without "sitting in Admin's chair"). I also care about all the articles I write, and, if I am wrong, I blame myself. Tho when I have a story to tell , especially when I am one of the most spiritualists, and I get an interview or just an anonymous opinion I commit myself to say it without being constrained by staff or other "forces". Let the truth (even one sided) go public ! When that time will come and I will give up being a reporter (or I will be fired), I hope that this project will continue and that the new Reporter who will take over this job will surpass me and raise the written press to the highest level. Until then, the Reporter is me, just a random player, trying to get involved in the community, to take its pulse, and publicly transmit the most important things that happens in our servers and to interview the top players. I do not consider myself a super player or a super star cause I have this job, and I do not think that Reporter should be looked at like this, everything about NewsPaper must and should be about the community. I apologize as a human being, in this way, to those who felt offended in the written articles, but I can assure that those articles have been written with heart and soul and they will be written in the same manner, for the only thing that matters: to bring truth to light and to get our community stronger! I have it in the signature, but I feel the need to write it again: "Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment! " So guys, feel free to judge me, to reply in NewsPaper, to like or dislike my articles! Feel free and speak truth, I will always appreciate it and I will do my best to write the truth down for our community. Best Regards, Your Reporter, the one that OldSquad Community has at this moment!
      8 points
    19. Flames and lightnings were seen, and thunders were heard in the Valey of Loren last Sunday. Castle walls were shaking, clouds of smoke and dust rose from the gates of the castle, a battlefield in its terrifying splendor, earthquakes that were felt in Lorencia, and the noise of the weapons and the screams terrified the church of Davias, the fight was unbelievable, Squadron did not let the guard down, not even for a moment ! Since the first assault they have continuously attacked, and, when they had to, they defended almost perfectly. I say these things because the fight was more balanced than the one that took place in the previous week, but Squadron lacked something.. A glimmer, a moment, they only needed a few more minutes, and they could've decided everything in their favor. This didn't happened because Rampage, as they used us to, were closer to perfection than Squadron, the difference was made only by the desire to succeed, when they defended all their Dark Lords were fighting as one, as if something mysterious was controlling them, they were defending the switch as if the last piece of life they had been dependent on that button. And the last 5 minutes were their key. ATTACK and Assasins guilds took part in this fight but were not yet ready for this fight, both guilds brought too few players, ATTACK failed to hold both switches in the same time to let ZaZaX register. Assasins started well, but were overwhelmed by the power of Squadron and Rampage, personally I was pleased to see these two guilds taking part in Castle Siege and I hope they will find solutions to become even more competitive! After this fight, Rampage came out to be the winner Guild, but something strange began to happen in this guild, which by brute force and organization dominated Inception for three weeks .... was hidden, seemed lost, everything it was so normal until now that I thought it had finally disappeared, but these first signs are already visible and I realize terrified of how cruel and ruthless he is, he sought weakness until he found it and when he found it showed the colts and started biting heavily from the most solid guilds on this server, this week the first signs that The Curse did not disappear were shown at Rampage, mafy and Trompeta left the guild after some internal fights, later this week I see RuSuLeTzZz offline, I try to find out what happened but I get hit by an unnatural silence, no one wants to say what happened and I don't understand anything. I take a look at the Squadron guild and I see that they have not escaped the ungrateful anger of this wretch Curse, Devex left the guild after this Castle Siege and there are rumors that he would like to go to the Rampage, Sc0pt also left and made a small guild in which he took some players. Because this new guild registered to Castle Siege there are some rumors that Squadron has joined the second guild to slow down Rampage on switches, Is this a new strategy? Or is the curse who leaves you for a while to believe that you have triumphed and hit you when you did not expect it, so fast and so strong that only the great Guilds manage to stand up and engage in battle with him again the next day.
      8 points
    20. Thanks for your votes guys. We have a winner, Inception will be the first place where EE's won't be mandatory for the gameplay so everyone can have fun without depending on an alt-char or on other players alts in order to progress. It's a huge step towards a good direction, in my opinion, in a direction where alts will be slowly but surely out of gameplay so everyone can focus on his main char, raising both activity and economy. The following changes will be applied for Inception: - Maximum of accounts per IP+HWID will be 2 instead of 3. - Heal & SD Rec. skills are out of the game (you won't be able to find them anymore). - Greater fortitude & Greater defense will only increase dmg/deff with 1 on Server1 (basically, useless). - Ice Arrow now requires at least 7000 energy in order to be used. - Greater fortitude & Greater defense will have a decent power on Server20 (CS,Crywolf,LoT). But they are still nerfed to around 50% of their normal power from previous editions. - Elves now have 3 different directions to build up: 1. Pure PvM build based on AGI+STR for max dps. 2. PvM-PvP build based on AGI+VIT. 3. PvM-Support build based on AGI+ENE with ice arrow as stun in PvP/PvM and with buffs for CS/Balgass for their teams. - All mobs/bosses will be adjusted in terms of damage & hp to match the new concept. We're really excited to see how everything will play out on Inception and we hope that you'll enjoy it! #MakeMUGreatAgain!
      8 points
    21. 8 points
      7 points
    23. Doink

      vRF Hotfix (Genesis)

      Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward): Doink Suggestion type (server/website/forum): Genesis Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough): vRF got overbuffed and is currently outperforming every killer/dps character by such a large margin it's pointless to play anything else as a killer/dps. they have the best PVM performance in game without having to alter build from PVP - their pvp and pvm builds are the same after 2nd GR the tweaks to fix RF performance ended up scaling VRF burst damage so high they oneshot every other character besides excessively high vitality builds while being quite tanky themselves. There is no counterplay, running doesn't work as VRF sticks to targets way better than other melee characters and unlike getting iced by an ice elf you can not react with teleport other as the burst is too quick. On top of that they have built in undispellable ice from their mobility + burst skill - chain drive. This forced everyone to play insanely high vitality builds to have a chance of survival in group fights high vitality is only available for RF in CS resulting in vRFs dominating every other class. Tanks die in 2 hits, everything else in 1 hit. 15k vitality elf with blue fenrir, mana shield, swell and rf buff gets onetapped (chaindrive + pss skill) in CS with no counterplay by a single rf. Thanks to RF not suffering from the pitfalls of BK and SMG it is possible to assemble a pack of coordinated ragefighters and oneshot everything in your way. The only possible counter to a strat like that is another pack of ragefighters. Killer bk is supposed to have a similar role to VRF but unlike VRF it suffers from AOE reflect from combos and cyclone "walk back" bug pigeonholing it into a tank role (even with the 10-30% incoming damage increase). With 15k vit cap a single combo in a clump of people oneshots the BK. To top it off landing consecutive combos on the same target in a mass group fight is incredibly hard to pull off, meanwhile VRF gets all the perks of combos with just having to hold right click and cast 2 spells off cooldown in no particular order or timing while getting undispellable ice procs and sticking to target with minimal effort Ice arrow on the RF doesn't work - they can pounce on you through ice and keep moving with chain drive - full tank Ice elf outside of CS with close to 30k vit, blue fenrir, mana shield and swell died in 2 hits with DD procs... the best and only counter to VRF as of now is VRF... We have entered a heavily dominant VRF meta where other dps classes mostly serve to buff up the RF. Every time a class gets this dominant and oppressive it negatively affects the overall gameplay and forces players to metaslave and play whatever is OP. Unless ragefighter is tweaked to fall in line with other classes we are looking at everyone being forced to play ragefighter until the next big patch (3-4 months) in order to stay competetive. Class and build diversity along with a lot of horizontal progression elements are one of oldsquads biggest selling points, most other servers function in a way where certain classes are garbage while 1-2 classes outperform everything else. I'm 100% sure it is possible to find a middleground where vRF does not over or underperform. We went from vRF being useless in PVP to being the singlehandedly easiest to use and strongest pvp and pvm class in game in a single patch. How the suggestion can bring value: restore character diversity and viability (Optional) How would you personally implement your suggestion (your vision). Carefuly tweaking vRF pvp and pvm damage, potentially nerfing ignore defense. Ideally in a way so ragefighter still stays the melee assassin character/tankbuster it's meant to be but with possible counterplay.
      7 points
    24. GetFukt

      Feedback from Players

      Phoenix Semi-Hard x30 Feedback Hope this is at least read and considered. 1. Economy A. I don't believe the hard economy system was successful. The lack of jewels leads to every item being traded with primarily credits (P2W). This transition to P2W is not the OldSquad server we all love and remember. B. With the new Box of Kundun system there is no more incentive to hunt and compete for Box +4/5. With a majority of the drops being complete garbage (Vine gloves + mana from Bok5) you've introduced so much additional RNG to an aspect of the game that is already RNG heavy. This makes the server feel more and more like a mobile phone game where you are gambling 24/7. C. I believe the jewel drop rate needs a buff. There are not enough jewels in the economy for anyone to build cool sets, consistently game on wings, yolo +15 items, etc because the jewel drop rate is abysmal. D. Zen drops - At some stages of the game I was struggling to even buy potions. - I don't think any changes are required, it seems much better now. 2. Blacksmith A. Removing this system would slow progression and let non-donators at least have a chance to compete. I recommend removing the +9 - 12 aspect of the blacksmith but keeping the + Luck option. This paired with VIP purchases should provide enough profit to maintain the server. Ideally I would love to see 1 VIP system introduced, with a price increase of 5 euros, and the only additional credit option would be adding luck. 3. IP Limits A. This is something I agree with. I'd hate to see a server full of alts just farming. Sadly, the IP limit isn't working, the system is still being abused and people are playing 10 - 15 just to increase their chances for jewels and zen (See 1.C). 4. Balancing A. BK - Overpowered monster / Takes a brain to play. - I think this class is fine. It's primary job is to be a killer and it does take a bit of skill to play. B. DL - Level 1 - 350 It's broken, but balances out and falls off as levels progress. - Ignore SD on horse is a bit silly. C. SM - Weak as shit level 1 - 350+ and requires good items. - SM needs a lot of love and investment but they really shine at later stages. - Balanced Well. D. RF - Level 1 - 300 it's pretty shit. requires decent items, falls of late game (ML++). - Needs a few tweaks, shouldn't be able to 1 hit everyone while walking around with 5k++ HP. E. SUM - Late game monster. Takes a while to get going. same as SM, balanced well, requires investment. F. AE - The main PVM class. Ice arrow should have it's duration reduced and should have some sort of diminishing return if you're just holding 1 person in place with Ice arrow. G. MG - What a fucking joke, literally only useful to play as EMG. Low Range - Check, Low Defense - Check, Low Damage - Check. This is quite literally the worst class on the server. More to come soon.
      7 points
    25. Hello OldSquaders & Guests, It's something else that marks the beginning of autumn, outside of the weather, the (re) start of school / studies and so on and that's our INCEPTION! We are eager and proud in the same time to officially announce the 5th edition of our signature server - Inception, the server where everything started, the server that is so loved by many of you that are waiting every single year to experience it once again, to conquer our world and to fight once again for supremacy. Edition after edition, patch after patch, we've all been witness to the beautiful evolution of this server, to the high level it reached in terms of gameplay and the unique things it offers to be considered one of the best international *resets* server. Never aiming for anything less but greatness, this edition is coming stronger than ever, with even more changes towards a balanced gameplay and a high level competition as you're all used to. Inception # 5 - Back to Origins - Starting officially on Friday, 10 September 2021 at 19:00 GMT+3 (mobs spawning at 20:00 GMT+3). Public Test Server will be opened for public with 5 ~ 8 days before the start. So, spread the word, gather your teams, and prepare for a new journey! The crown is waiting for its kings! Some of the new things / changes that this edition will have: Now there will be a ML limit on each Stage as following: When ML is released after 10rr Stage, maximum ML is 30. After 15rr Stage is done, maximum ML is raised to 70. After 20rr Stage is done, maximum ML is raised to 110. After 25rr Stage is done, maximum ML is raised to 200+30 (really slow extra 30 ML). Instead of raising with +25%/+20% based on each ML interval, the ML experience will instead raise with +15/+10%. Jewel of Creation will no longer be dropped from monsters (only events / part of rewards from the existing alternatives). Instead, Jewel of Creation will be released on drop from monsters only when Sockets are also released. The same will apply for Spheres (they will only be released to drop from monsters - Vulcanus - only when Sockets are released). Guild System is reworked: All characters classes can now have the same amount of Members in Guild (no longer DL advantage). Maximum number of players in guild will now change with Stages as following: Maximum number of players in guild at start: 20 Maximum number of players in guild after Stage1.1 (5rr): 22 Maximum number of players in guild after Stage 2 (10rr): 25 Maximum number of players in guild after Stage 2.1 (15rr): 27 Maximum number of players in guild after Stage 3 (20rr): 30 Maximum number of players in guild after Stage 3.1 (25rr): 35 Introducing World Bosses Invasions: While Medusa had her own "army", into Cursed Dragon & Bloody Witch Queen, Selupan thought he's strong enough alone, but the past has proven him wrong. Learning from his own mistakes, he has built a new army of himself, that will attack our world 2 times per day, 1 set time (evening) and 1 random time (any period outside of evening). He has 4 minions: Dark Mammoth, Dark Giant, Dark Coolutin & Dark Iron Knight. They will all invade in the same time, each of them on a different map (yet to be decided). They are harder to beat and they offer World Drop (anyone can pick their drop) as well as credits for everyone in their range when they die. Dark Iron Knight - Very high damage, lower HP / DEF, can have special abilities, spawns in a normal map (free PK near them). Dark Mammoth - Low damage, very high HP / DEF, can have special abilities, spawns in a normal map (free PK near them). Dark Giant - Medium damage & HP / DEF, can have special abilities, spawns in a Gens map. Dark Coolutin - Medium damage & HP / DEF, can have special abilities, in his 25x25 space, the zone is NON-PVP (no matter mercenaries or not). World Bosses will be released after Stage 2.1 (15rr). More info about them later on. Minimum 2 Fridays/Saturdays per month there will be a special event organized by Gion: Soccer Night (free for all, random teams with registered participants). Guild War (2v2 / 3v3 / 5v5 between teams/guilds). Except of Kundun, first bosses will only be released after the BoK+5 Goldens are also released (compared to last edition when they were released before BoK+5) - which means after Stage 1.1 (5rr). Gens Raids will only be released when Mercenary Squad is released as well (5rr Stage). The EXP bonus on Gens Maps will be only 5% instead of 12% until Gens Raids are released. Now there's a cooldown on the Warp Character from website, you can only warp once every 30 minutes. Exception: You can warp any time to Lorencia, without a cooldown (but it will reset your cooldown for rest of maps). Stage Rewards improved: Now except of the items won on Stage 2 & 3 (10rr & 20rr), the winners will also get the stage progress reward. 2 options items from BoKs will be more rare than they were, while luck will be seen more often instead. Instead of having a higher chance for luck but a lower one for 2 options on higher BoKs, there's now a higher chance for luck and lower chance for 2 options on lower BoKs, and vice-versa for higher BoKs. All BoKs now have a 2% chance of dropping items with 3 options. First part of Quest 3 has been reworked: Instead of being based on luck (some people farming it too much while others finish it really fast) the items dropped for quest will be gathered only from a "special" invasion, where mobs will drop the quest item with 100% chance. More info later on. Handicap from CS has been increased. We feel like it was too low as it was, not having too much impact on making the win harder multiple times in a row, as it should have. New Handicap: 1st win: On next CS the team starts with -1500 points. 2nd win (consecutive): On next CS the team starts with -3500 points. 3rd win (consecutive): On next CS the team starts with -6000 points. 4th win (consecutive): On next CS the team starts with -6000 points and 2/3 of VIT limit for GM (if limit is 15000 the GM will have a limit of 10000 VIT). 5th win (consecutive) and onwards: On next CS the team starts with -9000 points and 2/3 of VIT limit for GM. Maximum number points that can be reduced (by doing the upgrades) is now 25% of total Handicap points (instead of 40%). All maps (except of starting maps) will have -10 levels restriction when going "by walk" (something that didn't worked correctly until now). We've added 2 new (custom) gates in game, to the maps that lacked them from WebZen: You can now travel "by walk" from Kanturu Relics to Vulcanus (with -10 levels restriction) as well as from Vulcanus to Kanturu Relics (same gate). You can now travel "by walk" from Vulcanus to Swamp of Peace (same restriction, level 380 and 10+ resets) as well as from Swamp of Peace to Vulcanus (same gate). In order to discourage "same class stacking" in early game while also keeping the advantage of DL/RF/MG classes for "non-vip" players the following change is added: Until first "non-vip" player reaches level 200, DL/MG/RF will be able to go in maps at the same levels like rest of classes. After first "non-vip" player reaches level 200, the restriction will be lifted back. This is only for 0rr, where restriction is normally disabled. For 1rr+ restriction to maps is always up. Devias: Minimum level 15. Elbeland: Minimum level 20. Rest of 0rr maps: The "by walk" level of normal classes (-10 levels compared to the Move list of normal classes). Party EXP updated: Solo: 100% EXP 2 Players: 102% EXP. 3 Players: 104% EXP. 4 Players: 107% EXP. 5 Players: 110% EXP. 4 Players Gold (different races): 114%. 5 Players Gold (different races): 117%. The following exp rates will be applied no matter the races that are in party: Solo = 100%. 2 Players = 102%. 3 Players = 105%. 4 Players = 108%. 5 Players = 112%. Now, when there are ONLY 4 people in party, but all of them different races (Perfect Party): Everyone gets a "seal" with +5% EXP from the 4 man base exp (108%). If there are 5 people in party, and all of them different races (Perfect Party): Everyone gets a "seal" with +7% EXP from the 5 man base exp (112%). In order to apply the seal, a player from party must be in the 10x10 range of PM. If PM hasn't at least 1 other player from party in his 10x10 range, he won't get the seal alone. So: Leaving from the spot means losing your seal, but others on spot near PM does not lose it. If PM leaves spot and he's alone, nobody have a seal anymore, including the PM. Reduced the number of Giants from Lorencia to avoid "hot-spots" early game. More early game spots have been added: 6 spots in Devias (Devias4 -> down). 7 spots in Dungeon (3x Dungeon1, 4x Dungeon2). 4 spots in Elbeland (2x Elbeland2, 2x Elbeland3). Along with this specific changes, there are few more things that were updated during Phoenix and will be seen on Inception as well, apart from the fixes and improvements, as well as some unwritten changes (adjustments/improvements/small tweaks). The official info topic has been updated with the 5# edition information. Note: Keep in mind that the information isn't 100% final and it may suffer changes until the launch day, as we will receive your feedback. Official Info Topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/993-inception-official-information-everything-you-need-to-know/ And if you're curious about Arena Tournament - we hate that we still couldn't stop the "guild stacking" on the previous implementation, which destroys the fun that this event should offer. We have some new ideas for it (like randomly assigned players from Arena that will give extra points if killed during x seconds, which may help in forcing guild-mates to kill each-others as well) or going even further as virtually registering your character's guild when going at CS as your Main guild (no matter if you stay guildless or on different guild during the next week) and creating restrictions / bonuses based on Main guild and so on. But again, we're afraid that we'll spend again a lot of time on it and the result will be the same. Unless people start playing such Event for fun and quit tryharding, or unless you have real ideas that can prevent this things, we'll most probably hold on Arena Tournament. There's another option of transforming it into a guild/team based event, with teams and same tournament style, or, an option to transform it in fully 1v1 double elimination event. Also we're building the new Council group for this edition, if you want to be part of it feel free to contact either me or Gion. More info: https://discord.com/channels/364735762907922442/367652192821444608/874984233922330643 Cheers! #MakeMUGreatAgain!
      7 points
    26. A new feature has just been added on the server: "Anti-mobs-pull". From now on, if a monster does pass the 7x7 range of his initial spot, it will be teleported back to its initial coordonates where it was spawned first time. This will *hopefully* stop several unhealthy mechanics: Pulling monsters from other spots to your own party spot to gain extra EXP, increasing the gap by a lot between very active players and less active players. Pulling monsters from other persons spots (by accident or intended) that would cause exp lose to that party. Mobs running out from their spots so newbies being confused when they reach a place where a spot should be, but no monsters can be found. Pulling "harder" monsters to other persons spots to get the spot "for free", after the mobs does kill them. Note: This feature is disabled for events monsters, invasions monsters, bosses, etc. It only works for basic spot monsters. We believe that this feature will make our gameplay more healthier for everyone involved, very active or not. Please let us know if you find anything wrong related to this. Extra: Don't forget to register to our Soccer Night #1! Registrations will close tomorrow. Read here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4014-soccer-night-1-10102020/ Happy gaming!
      7 points
    27. Reporter

      [Interview] No1LiveEr

      This interview is about No1LiveEr, one of the most active players on Phoenix, and a key HARDCORE warrior, you can find his name on Phoenix's website Rankings even after he did quit playing weeks ago. He is also a very respected player on server since you can find his name on last interviewed top players like Crucify or Chukundah. I was trying to obtain this interview since Phoenix mid life time and we finally synchronized, so, let's turn it up: Reporter: "Hello, No1LiveEr ! Welcome to the News Paper's Hall of Fame ! No1LiveEr:"Hello to you, Reporter and community! " Reporter : " Can you, please, give us a description of yourself? Name, age, occupation, hobbies, etc. ? " No1LiveEr:"My name is Roland, I'm 34 years old. I currently live in Germany, working in a logistics warehouse. Like hobbies: I like to travel, to play games on PC/PS4. I like contact sports like MMA / Box " Reporter:" Are you going to play on this new Inception data base?" No1LiveEr:"Naturally, I will play with great pleasure. I can't miss it. " Reporter: "How much time do you plan to spend/day playing mu OldSquad (average)? " No1LiveEr:"Somewhere between 6-7 hours a day " Reporter : "When did you start to play Mu Online? " No1LiveEr:"I started about 16-17 years ago " Reporter : "How did you find OldSquad ?" No1LiveEr:"From some friends, they invited me to play on OldSquad. " Reporter :"What nicknames did you have in the past?"" No1LiveEr:"The first nickname, I think it was .... Massacr3 (if I remember correctly), then No1LiveEr, Ezal0r. " Reporter: "Are you going buy VIP since day 1?" No1LiveEr:"100%, normal " Reporter: " Is it so important to have a VIP since day 1?" No1LiveEr : "Yes, I think it's important" Reporter:" Since you are going to buy VIP from day 1, are you going to hunt the top and aim to be a stage breaker?" No1LiveEr:"Unfortunately, I never used to play for top, but I wasn't far from it either. As for the stage break, it is never known, there are always top, pro, active players who aim at that! " Reporter: "Do you think that VIP affects the "play-to-win concept"? Is it possible to reach the top without donating? " No1LiveEr:"It does not necessarily affect it, it depends on each player on how much time he can afford to play. Along the way you can probably slowly reach the top without donating, but in principle if you want to stay in the top you have to make small sacrifices, including donations. " Reporter: " How did you manage to hunt so many goldens on Phoenix? Can you reveal us "the secret"? " No1LiveEr:"A very good question :)) I always enjoy hunting goldens, it is my greatest pleasure related to MU. The secret lies in: ON almost all invasions I have patience, sometimes I wait for the invasion for 30-40 minutes in the maps I hunt :)) I never miss invasions when I am online, no matter what event it is (except CS, ofc). " Reporter :"What characters have you played on OldSquad so far? No1LiveEr:" "Magic Gladiator (strMG) and MaSsacr3 (SM). " Reporter :"What characters do you think that are the best for PvP ? What about PVM?" No1LiveEr:"For me, there are only MG on PVP and on PVM, but I think every character is good in both PVP and PVM " Reporter :"So, do you think that all classes are balanced? No1LiveEr:" Not really, 70% I am satisfied with the settings and formulas of each character. But they can be even better." Reporter :"What advice would you give to a player playing on this server for the first time, what should he do to get to the top places?" No1LiveEr:"First of all, a new player must look for a top guild in which to integrate and adapt quickly to the style of play. The second very important thing would be a permanent party with which to reach the top. The rest comes during the game. The third very important thing is the forum. There is all the information related to the server, related to game play, events etc. etc. " Reporter: "Did you have any permanent party on OldSquad ? Do you have one ready for this new data base? Can you tell us a short story about how did you meet those players and their names ofc.?" No1LiveEr: "The first time I played I didn't have a permanent party, but I adapted to the style of play on the server... I have a permanent party for the new database. I would like not to reveal the players' names that I party with, now. We have been part of the same guild for some time and we get along very well." Reporter:" What is the importance of a permanent party ?" No1LiveEr: "It's the most important thing if you want to be in the top, once again it makes the difference between a good player and an average one, of course if you manage to find the right players to take part of it (it can be really tricky if you do not trust that players enough to share account and etc. but I would never join a permanent party without knowing very well the players inside it. " Reporter: "There are rumors on the server that inside Rampage and Hardcore guilds there have been many quarrels between guild members, are they true? Why Rampage disbanded?" No1LiveEr:"I can't answer you because I don't know what happened, at that time I didn't use to play that much " Reporter : "Since we reached the rumors section, there are some that say that Obraznic was a friend of yours and one of your permanent party members. What happened with him, why did he get banned?" No1LiveEr: "Yes, Obraznic is a friend of mine and he played with me. Why was he banned? As far as I know, he tried to sell for real money, what is against the rules on the server. " Reporter: " Your guild lost most of the battles on the past Inception data base, but took revenge on Phoenix, what happened? How did you guys manage to build such a strong guild?" No1LiveEr: "I think that on Inception we lost as a guild due to the fact that many players gave up one by one, including me. The difference was made on Phoenix for the simple fact that we managed to build a much more united guild than on the last Inception, and many of us had a lot of free time due to the pandemic. " Reporter: " Will Hardcore return, or maybe should I say continue, since you, guys, dominated Phoenix, in force, are you ready to dominate this database same as happened on Phoenix ?" No1LiveEr:" Hardcore will return without a doubt, but will we dominate this database as well? I can't know for sure what will happen, but what I can say is that we will not give up easily " Reporter: " On last Inception data base, Snook and Alex were a part of your team, then on Phoenix they started with Hardcore, then they left the camp and went to Squadron, what happened?" No1LiveEr:":)) In few words ... I don't think they are worthy of Hardcore" Reporter: "mafy or RedBuLL .. will one of them be the guild master of Hardcore this data base? " No1LiveEr:"Unfortunately, none of them. " Reporter: "I think you already read all the features about this new Inception data base, what would you change to this new server? What do you expect from this new Inception data base?" No1LiveEr: "Hmm a very difficult question ... I mostly like the idea itself and what has been implemented. What I would change would be the reward at each stage, I consider that they are too small. Regarding what expectations I have from the database .... I hope there will be more than 2-3 guilds participating in CS " Reporter : " Do you read the News Paper ? " No1LiveEr:" Of course, yes" Reporter : " Do you believe in superstitions? Do you think that the Castle is Cursed? " No1LiveEr: "I'm not a superstitious guy. The castle is not cursed .... The castle will always belong to those who are very united and able to adapt and counteract as quickly as possible. " Reporter : " Did you see what happened to the guilds that held the castle, even yours (Rampage)? If it's not "The Curse", what could it be to create so much chaos inside a guild and destroy the most of them?" No1LiveEr:" I know very little about what happened in Rampage, but what I can say for sure is that not everyone can always be satisfied. And by chance itself we managed to create a new guild and at the same time to gather players who do not make waves and know very well their position in the guild and not only." Reporter :"What do you suggest to improve on NewsPaper ?" No1LiveEr:"I don't think any change is needed. You, as a Reporter, do your job very well and I am always eager to see what other articles you do " Reporter: "Since a mate of yours was banned, what do you think about this rule related to the sale of items / accounts for real money? "The buyer receives free of charge what the seller offers if he reports to Staff." No1LiveEr: "I completely agree even if I was left without a friend (in game), but at the same time it is a rule that can be interpreted differently by everyone. Although the rule is big and loud, I am very sure that there are enough players on the server that manage to break the rule and to take advantage of it .... The temptation is great and there are many buyers :P " Reporter: "I have 4 challenges for you, do you accept them?" No1LiveEr:"Yes, I hope it doesn't take too long " Reporter :"Challenge no 1: I need the names of the 5 players you respect the most on OldSquad and the names of the 5 you dislike the most on OldSquad, with reasons ofc." No1LiveEr:":)) I like: -Makiavelli because he is a close friend and a loyal player and at the same time a team player -RuSuLeTzZz because he is a very ambitious player and does not give up no matter what happens and a good coordinator -mafy because he is an insightful player and attentive to whatever happens - Sparkle because he is a very good player from the old generation and at the same time a good CS player -RedBuLL because he is by far one of the best players on the Old Squad :)) I dislike: -CaddyLLac, KAIDO, Gh0sT, gre4ka, LordCiprix because they are players I never want to play with " Reporter: " Challenge no 2: Tell me what do you like most about our staff team, and what you don't like about them!" No1LiveEr:"Hmmm very hard ..... because I respect the dedication of the staff only, but there is always things that they can do better " Reporter: " Challenge no 3: Give us the names of the top 10 hardcore players that will join this new data base" No1LiveEr:"mafy, RuSuLeTzZz, RedBuLL, LeonidaS, mircy, pandemic, PoooC, Azir, HellDrakE, and, ofc, me :D. " Reporter:" Challenge no 4 : "Give us the name of the guild master of Hardcore?" No1LiveEr: "No1LiveEr " Reporter: "OMG, so, I just interviewed the guild master of HARDOCRE?" No1LiveEr: "Yes " Reporter: "WOW, this is what I call Breaking NEWS !! I wish you a lot of success in this new mission and may the curse you believe in, or not, stay away from your guild in this new database!" Reporter:" Thank you very much for time and patience, I wish you to enjoy this new data base and have tons of fun playing it !" No1LiveEr: "Thank you very much!" This was No1LiveEr's Interview, a top player, a really honest guy and I am happy to bring him inside the NewsPaper hall of fame!
      7 points
    28. Release date: Anytime until Sunday's Siege. We're proud to introduce you our totally new concept related to CS that we've work on during last weeks. We really do believe that the new CS system will be much more fun, balanced, competitive, fair, rewarding and interesting compared to its previous state since WebZen created it (and we've adjusted a little in CSV1). Note: Even though we've announced that the new CS will be on Wormhole as well this week, we've decided that it is better to monitor only one CS at a time (as they are on the same time). Due to this, we've decided to let only Inception on the new CS on this week (and only next week on Wormhole). Note2: We consider the new system in BETA until it is played at least 2-3 times, so problems may appear as well as bugs/system crashes (taking into account the magnitude of the system), so we really need your feedback after each CS, where we will also be online to monitor it. Note3: On this CS, on Inception, CS will start with OldSquad as Defenders so everyone starts with same chances on this new system. Now, the part that you were all waiting, the actual CS changes, the CS V2 System: Improvements to LoT Permission concept: Now GM can give LoT access without the need of characters to be online/same server, only to exist. Note: It doesn't matter how you write the name in terms of upper and lower cases, just to be correct. Now you can join LoT only by command /lot. GM can give permission only to the characters that he consider 'worthy', ofc, he can grant permission to everyone from guild and not only. Exception: GM doesn't need permission to use /lot. Now GM can set the tax for entering LoT. By default tax is 300.000 Zen. Max tax that can be set is 15.000.000 Zen. Note: GM can use /lottax Number, where Number = a number between 300000 and 15000000. Now when using /lot you will pay the set tax in zen to the CS Money (that can be extracted from Senior by GM). Note: 70% of the TAX goes into guild budget on Senior and 30% is server-tax, which is deleted. Now you'll be noticed when you are being granted with access in LoT or when your access is removed. Now when you remove permission in LoT from a player, if he is in LoT he will be moved outside of LoT. Note: Permission can be removed only if GM is on CS server (crywolf/valley/etc.) Improvements to Killers part of Gameplay: Now default kill points is 10 points. Now default kill points will be raised randomly during CS time (it will announce when it changes). This anomaly can happen between 17:30 and 18:30 only. There will be minimum 2 changes and maximum 4 changes during this hour. First change will happen at 17:30. Duration of a change is between 10 minutes and 20 minutes but at 18:30 points will get to normal no matter how much left from last change. The value of points will always be between 12 and 25 during change. It will be announced to participants when Kill Points are updated. Now normal kills will be DefaultValue-ResetDifference between targets. Minimum value is 2 points. Note: This means that if killer is higher in resets than the target killed, the points will go down with 1 point for each reset difference. Note2: If target is higher than killer the value remains maximum (the default value), it won't go higher. Now GM points is 5x default kill points (can't be lowered with ResetDifference). Now TANK points is 3x default kill points (can't be lowered with ResetDifference). Note: TANK rule is being BK or DL with VIT+AGI >= 60% of total points. Introducing CS roles: Now Guild Assistant is able to use /assist in order to teleport to his GM. Cooldown: 120 seconds. Now Battle Masters will always get the normal kill points value (ignoring reset difference) - apart from their AoE STUN access. Now GA's & BM's will give 2x default kill points when they are killed (if they are not tanks, else they give 3x). Note: Both GA & BM's are set in the moment when CS starts, any further change during CS won't change the effects to other players. Improvements to CS Gameplay: Now you can "feed" kill points to other participants only if your Guild does have at least 300 points. DEF Points updated: You get 1 point in first 30 minutes after initialization (17:15-17:44) You get 2 points between 17:45 and 18:09 (25 minutes). You get 3 points between 18:10 and 18:29 (20 minutes). You get 4 points between 18:30 and 18:44 (15 minutes). You get 6 points between 18:45 and 19:00 (15 minutes). Now if Defenders GM is out of room his team will only get half of DEF points per second as long as he is out of room. Example: If current DEF points is 3 per second, if GM is outside of room the team will only get 2 points per second. Example2: If current DEF points is 6 per second, if GM is outside of room the team will only get 3 points per second. Now if Defenders GM stays near crown throne (between 174x/214y and 178x/217y) his team will get an extra 1 point per second. Example: If current DEF points is 4 per second, if GM is near crown his team will get 5 points per second. Introducing CS Builds: Now all CS participants can make a free rebuild during each CS (anytime during CS, but you can't stay in Valley without doing the rebuild). This means that you can play any build of your character, depending on your guild strategy and what is needed at that CS. This also means that Tanks are no longer part of normal gameplay - anyone can play Tank for CS, GM's are no longer doomed to make a character only for 2 hours per week of fun, as well as the stampers. This builds aren't kept, so at the end of CS you will get back to your previous build. With this change we're aiming to "fix" multiple things: Encourage new guilds to participate at CS without the need to depend on random players to sacrifice their gameplay for TANK in order to have any chance at CS. Encourage PvM players to take part into CS despite their build being PvM for the rest of the time, increasing number of CS participants. Bring a layer of "freshness" on each CS, as strategies can be changed/adjusted after each CS, nothing being "meta" for too long. Note: All current TANKS characters can get a FREE rebuild. Condition: Be a DL or BK with more than 60% of total points in AGI+VIT. Contact us for the manual rebuild. FIXED all statues & gates default values & upgrades from Senior as well as buffed HP, Attack Rate & DMG of Canon Towers. Info: Statues starts with 1.500.000 HP, 80 DEF and 0% Recovery. With all upgrades (that costs JoG & Zen) a statue will have 5.000.000 HP, 550 DEF and 3% Recovery. Gates starts with 1.900.000 HP and 100 DEF. With all upgrades (that costs JoG & Zen) a gate will have 5.200.000 HP and 520 DEF. Along with the fixes, we've also reduced the characters damage to gates/statues, so that repairing/upgrading gates & statues can bring a new layer of gameplay at CS for Defenders, that can opt to defend them and win extra time (& points). To compensate this advantage for Defenders, we are also adding 2 new advantages for attackers: Introducing Build Ban: Now The attacker with most sign of lord registered each week can BAN a build at that CS. This means that the banned build can't be used by all participants. Any build from the banned list can be banned including VDL/VBK, depending on everyone's strategy. Note: You need to register at least 300 Signs to be able to BAN a build, not only being first. Builds that can be banned (banned list): ESM, ABK, VBK, EE, AE, SMG, SDL, VDL, ERF, VRF. If a build is banned, characters from that class can't have more than 20% of total points in that stat. Example: If EE build is banned, an ELF with 32000 total points can't have more than 6400 ENE at that CS. Command for banning a build: /banbuild Build. Period for Build Ban is between Saturday 00:00 and Sunday 16:45. Note: If the highest sign guild doesn't ban a build between this period, no build will be banned for the CS. Introducing Handicap System: After each CS win, the winners will get a handicap for the upcoming CS. Handicap starts with weak punishments and goes harder as following: 1st win: On next CS the team starts with -800 points. 2nd win (consecutive): On next CS the team starts with -2000 points. 3rd win (consecutive): On next CS the team starts with -3500 points. 4th win (consecutive): On next CS the team starts with -3500 points and 2/3 of VIT limit for GM (if limit is 15k the GM will have a limit of 10k VIT). 5th win (consecutive) and onward: On next CS the team starts with -5000 points and 2/3 of VIT limit for GM. This Handicap system is aiming to reduce the time spent as CS winners for the same Guild. Now there is a maximum value of VIT that can be used at CS, depending on stage of the Game (Current Value: 15k). Exception: VRF. Now Town Portals will be deleted when you enter CS server. Now when you enter CS server if you have any Life Stones created they will be removed. Now after first 30 minutes, every 15 minutes the GM from the team with the lowest points at that moment will receive a Life Stone that can be used anytime during the CS. Note: If GM does leave CS server (switch char, disconnect, or going to server1) he will lose the accumulated life stones. Life Stone can be used by dropping it on the ground. After dropping it, it will take 1 minute for it to become "active". While a life stone is active, people that die from that guild will respawn from the place where the Life Stone is placed. Life stone does have 30kk HP and can be destroyed by opponents (before the activation minute as well). Now in order to access the CS NPC where you need to register signs (during signs period) you need to respect the following requirements: 1. Have at least 15 members in your Guild. 2. Have an average reset score bigger than 60% of top1 player resets. If you don't have those requirements you can't register signs, but you can still register to CS. Now Attackers that die at CS will respawn between end of the bridge and 1st line of gates. Now Defenders that die at CS will respawn between middle of 1st & 2nd gates and middle of 2nd & 3rd gates. Now in order to access the CS battle (stay in valley) you need to respect the following requirements: 1. Have at least 15 members in your Guild. 2. Have an average reset score bigger than 60% of top1 player resets. 3. Have at least 5 members from guild online on either valley or crywolf. If any of this requirements fails, you will be moved out from valley when you try to enter during CS. Checks are happening each 60 seconds (and you are noticed how many seconds left before next check). This last changes will (automatically) make it much harder for people to do "ghost" strategies, but still doable. Improvements to CS Rewards: Now if a CS guild makes over 4500 points at CS the GM will automatically get 7 days VIP at the end of CS if he is online (either extension to current VIP level or a new VIP for 7 days). Now at the end of CS, if the GM of loser guilds is online, he will get 1x GM Box for every 1500 points they made at CS (to split with the rest). Now at the end of CS, if the top3 killers are online & they have more than 300 points contribution (each), they will get 3/2/1 days VIP (based on their place) - either extension to current VIP level or a new VIP for 3/2/1 days. Also, the new Rewards System (not mentioned here) will be up on the next project/edition, that will change the vision about LoT. Improvements to CS info/messages: Now everyone can see current CS Points when they are announced globally (server 1 as well, not only CS players). Now current DEF Points and current Kill Points are announced everytime score is announced (only for participants). Now you can see current DEF Points and current Kill Points when you write /score. Now /score will only show teams that have at least 1 point. Now when writing /score you will also see your current points contribution to your team, as well as your current kills & the banned build. Note: Score will now show on the global along with current DEF/KILL points, and your contribution/kills & banned build as system message. Now CS winner will be announced on global (not only on CS server) - server1 can see it as well. It will also announce the runner-up with its points as well if it does exist. Now killing a GM/Tank will also show his name. Now killing a player will also notice you (points earned and player killed). Now there is a Top3 CS Killers (contributors) announcement on global each 5 minutes. It contains position, name, guild, points and kills. It is announced globally (server 1 can see the top as well). Now when DEF points are increased it will be announced for CS participants. Now when Kill Points are increased/decreased it will be announced for CS participants. Improvements to CS Characters buffs: Command DL build removed from CS server (useless). Mana Shield skill formula on CS server changed: Old: 2 + AGI/700 + ENE/3500, 30% max rate, 60s duration. New: 2 + AGI/800 + ENE/5000, 35% max rate, 90s duration. EE DEF skill formula on CS server changed: Old: ENE/20, 120s duration. New: ENE/18, 90s duration. EE DMG skill formula on CS server changed: Old: ENE/18, 120s duration. New: ENE/15, 90s duration. Sweal skill formula on CS server changed: Old: 10 + VIT/600 + ENE/200, 100% max rate, 60s duration. New: 5 + VIT/700 + ENE/250, 120% max rate, 90s duration. Critical damage skill formula on CS server changed: Old: ENE/30 + CMD/50, 60s duration. New: ENE/25 + CMD/200, 90s duration. Increase VIT skill formula on CS server changed: Old: 100 + ENE/4, 60s duration. New: 300 + ENE/7, 90s duration. Increase DSR skill formula on CS server changed: Old: 50 + ENE/10, 60s duration. New: 200 + ENE/14, 90s duration. Stern (stun) skill from Battle Masters changed: Old: 20 seconds duration, 4 kills required. New: 6 seconds duration, 10 kills required. Extra effect: People under Stern can no longer use Potions until it expires. Cancel stern kills required changed from 2 to 5. Extra CS changes: Crown changes: Old: GM lose 0.35 seconds accumulated on crown for every 1 second they are outside of CS room. Old: GM lose 1 second accumulated on crown for each miss-click on crown / lose of switch, etc. New: GM no longer lose accumulated seconds on crown when they are outside of CS room. New: GM lose 1.5 seconds accumulated on crown for each miss-click on crown / lose of switch, etc. CS Schedule changes: Monday 00:00 -> Wednesday 23:59 - Normal Register (at NPC) Thursday 00:00 -> Friday 23:59 - Signs of Lord period. Saturday 00:00 -> Saturday 23:59 -> Late Registrations (Website) - no signs accepted. Note: Manual registration rule for CS is now removed, the Late Registration from website is taking its place, with the same concept but now automatically. Note2: Period for Build Ban is between Saturday 00:00 and Sunday 16:45, if the highest sign guild doesn't ban a build between this period, no build will be banned for the CS. Maximum IP connections on CS server is now 1 instead of 2. As an END-note, we really hope that you'll like the new system and we can't wait to see it in action. Despite a lot of changes, we'll improve/adjust anything needed in the next period related to the new system, based on your feedback, until we have something 100%. #MakeMUGreatAgain!
      7 points
    29. Hello OldSquaders, Our team would like to sincerely wish you Happy Holidays and a great and bright New Year, full of joy and fulfillment! We want to also let you know that this month we're reaching 4 years since OldSquad was born! It was a pretty intense year that brought a lot of improvements to our community, from all perspectives, but most importantly, we highly raised our gameplay quality during this year. We had a great journey with Phoenix, that proved to be the highest quality server we offered until now, but it was also surpassed with the Inception project, our current project being even better than Phoenix. We've also greatly reduced the "major problems" a project may have and also increased our overall stability. In our opinion, it was a great year, and we're sure that we can make your experience here even better. We're constantly working to achieve "closer to perfection" servers, and we'll never stop until this game will be fully dead or simply unsustainable, which we're pretty sure it won't happen too soon. Thank you for being our players during this year and we really hope that you enjoyed your time spent among us! Now, speaking about the future, 2020 will be another "full" year, for us. If we speak about servers schedule, we'll continue our community with only 2 main servers (Inception & Phoenix), and, based on how Wormhole will succeed or fail with its mission, we may extend/improve such mother-kid concept or simply abandon it. Inception will always be the "autumn project" and Phoenix will be the "spring project". But, as we told you during this year, we're going to expand our community with a new, fresh, last-game version (S14 or S15) NonReset replacement, somewhere after 2nd part of this year, if everything will go well. We don't have any info for now but it will take a lot of time to learn about it and then create something worth of OldSquad. We currently have our "to-do list" with some important things left that we want to bring: CS System V2. A full PRO guide in playing our servers competitively. Forum reorganization and Info reorganization. Personal notification system ingame based on your own character class/reset stage. End-Game Quest system especially for Inception. And many other smaller things and improvements that we plan to do for our systems. We also want to extend our to-do list with your own feedback, so we're opening a 4 YEARS Feedback Topic, where we ask your feedback that may help us to improve your future experience, more info here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3530-4-years-feedback/ Kind regards, OldSquad Team. #MakeMUGreatAgain!
      7 points
    30. The seventh episode of Castle Siege was written last Sunday by the strongest guilds on Inception, a controversial episode in which some important moves were made in the game of the kings of Inception. I will start by telling you how the battle for the Crown unfolded: As in previous editions, Rampage prepared the defense, seemed proud and confident on them, although they had some missing players, they managed to bring about 20 warriors to the battlefield, the fight started, and they seemed to use the same tactic as in the previous weeks, the Dark Lords were defending the buttons, they had a few warriors trying to kill everything in their path and the smaller ones in the guild were trying to move their enemies with all they could: weapon skills, lightning spells etc... they were a united team that tried their hardest to stop the enemy, as long as possible, and to prevent Voyager from registering the seal. On the other side, we have the Squadron, they planned all week the attack strategy this time, with any price they will take the Castle. They attacked from the first minutes and after they managed to register, they implemented the strategy, the ones from ATTACK passed for their part, like PlayBoys, these two guilds only made anti-game throughout the fight in favor of Squadron sabotaging RAMPAGE. Rampages resisted only the first hour, then, being overwhelmed numerically, they began to give way, but they won the sympathy, because they fought to the end even when it was clear that there was no hope of becoming winners again. Instead, the Squadron can rejoice that they finally managed to put the crown on Voyager's head, but they cannot be very proud of this success because their ambition combined with incompetence from the past forced them to resort to tricks that are not exactly admirable... many people do not understand why they resorted to dirty things especially since in the past they were several times about to conquer the castle with their own forces in an honest fight. Now they are crowned with glory but also with shame. In the past, these things were considered illegal by Admin and were punished. Inception is the first server on OldSquad where anything is allowed at Castle Siege, and probably from now on we will not have any part of clean fights because the unwritten rules have been violated, and Rampage will probably use methods similar to those of the Squadron, because I don't see how any guild could win the Castle fighting against 3 guilds. What happened can not be reversed, but I do not understand how Rampage were so proud and confident (we can even say blind) because they did not see this coming, if no one would have suspected the ATTACK anti-game, I even mentioned in the previous article that there were rumors on the server that Sc0pt created PlayBoys guild just to make Squadrons' dirty games. As a result of this Castle Siege, the Curse continued to break pieces from Rampage, a guild that is being hit more and more as if it wanted to break it into millions of rams. If before this Castle Siege, those in Rampage managed to bring back mafy, they lost RuSuLeTzZz, who was the voice of the guild and who seems to have quit this game. K4spAr0vPL and Pershing left the guild probably because internal fights and after Castle Siege, Snook, TheKing and Alex probably also left cause of internal fights. I did not see recruits and it seems that this great guild is heading towards the end of the battle giving way in front of the Squadron, but also of the Curse. On the other side, those in the Squadron recovered Devex and as for Sc0pt and the others who appeared out of the guild it is clear now that no one left guild, they only went out to do Squadrons dirty things, so they are stronger than ever, it is rumored that the Squadron plots now against ZaZaX and the ATTACK guild, because they promised them access to Lord Mix and after they won the Castle they would not honor their dealings. Will Rampage guild win the fight with the Curse ? Will they recover and win the Castle again? Will they fight honestly from now on? What other surprises will the Squadron prepare next Sunday? Squadron heroes are pleased with the result of this victory, but are they proud of the way that they have achieved it ? Do they not wonder if they could win without selling their soul? Can't betrayal turn against them? The answers to these questions are hidden among the secrets that the future holds for us and we will surely find them out once time reveals them one by one.
      7 points
    31. Hello, The Stage 2 is close to its end, so the new patch is incoming. We'll take this opportunity to also make a full maintenance on our systems. We expect it to happen at around 17:00 tomorrow (Saturday), it will take 5-30 minutes and, while reconnect can work, it is not guaranteed so make sure to be online (or leave the characters in /offattack). We have both good and bad news. The good news is that the incoming patch is pretty big, covering both stage content and new content/features that will add another layer of gameplay and economy to our server. The bad news is that we are working on many things simultaneously and couldn't finish all of them yet, so the patch will be split in 2 parts, first part will be released tomorrow with stage content, fixes and updates while the 2nd part will be released in few days, along with new features/gameplay changes. Also the mercenary rework didn't started yet but it will come as well hopefully in 7-10 days. The 10rr exp will be unlocked before the actual patch from tomorrow (exactly when stage is over). Expect to see nice things in the next period. Thanks for being part of our journey! Kind regards, OldSquad Team #MakeMUGreatAgain!
      7 points
    32. Reporter

      The Begining of Stage 2

      After a month and a half since the beginning of Inception, our top heroes have activated the second stage, and they started to dig a hall to bury the first Stage. The server will probably balance again, although this stage will be shorter than the other because the characters are much stronger, they get more experience thanks to the Mercenary Squad , and if they will do the experience events daily, probably in about 7 to 10 days they will break this Stage and we will finally enjoy the desired events like Illusion Temple, Gaion and Mirror Events, and another "big boss" will spawn (Bloody Queen). Also, another hot features will be unlocked in Stage 2: -access to Character Market; -you can upgrade the items on site up to +12, not +11; -access to PRO VIP; -the stats limit raised from 8k to 16k. When this stage will be over, an important moment of the game will start, because quest level 3 will be unlocked, alongside with the possibility to do the Master Levels. I am curious how the top will evolve and what strategies the most powerful players will adopt. Phoenix server showed us that those who played for Master Level and gave up resets were far more powerful than the players who played for resets and exp., of course we cannot compare Phoenix with Inception, but the Master Levels are not to be neglected, and those who will go this way will have to give up the normal levels and the top of the resets, in exchange for the sacrifice, players who choose to go after the Master Levels will gain time to fight for the top events and the riches they bring (Blood Castle 8, Illusion Temple 6, Devil Square 7). It is likely that these players will dominate the server in the short and medium term. I also have a question for the NewsPaper readers: What strategy do you, guys, think is the best?
      7 points
    33. Another episode was written by these powerful heroes who fight for the supremacy of Inception, it was a scandalous week, intense battle took place on the forum but also in the game. The most disputed ones were related to the riches of the Castle Siege and it is my obligation to write about them, I asked (as you well know) here and there, and all I can say is that some have appreciated these riches which, moreover, are not to be neglected. Some players said that it was too early to see items with 3-4 options on the server at the time, others said that the 380 lvl sets from Lord Mix are too easy to do, that they will unbalance the server and that Rampage will never lose the Castle. There are those in Rampage (and not only them) who say that it is normal for the guild that owns the Castle to have these privileges, they argue that it is not so easy to make these 380 items and that, besides the contribution of an entire guild they equip one character per week, they also provoke all the others who have no part of it to enter the fight and stop crying without taking part in this enchanting event. Admin argued that 380 items are not as powerful as the players thinks and that all the people who complain now have been indifferent or even asked in the past for Castle Siege to have better rewards to awake players interest in this event. The days passed one by one and Sunday came, bringing the most important event on the server, the war for supremacy. Rampage warriors sucessfully defended for the second consecutive week the castle, and as in the other weeks, several guilds have registered but only one has really dared to show, that is of course Squadron. This powerful guild led by Voyager knows the taste of riches from the Lot and Lord Mix. These brave warriors came to Castle Siege to end the Rampage era and to restore balance on the server, they want to take RedBuLL down from the "Iron Throne" and re-seat Voyager. They came prepared for a life and death fight and it was seen from the first moment when the assaults began. Rampage started defending with the parties divided on switches, intense fights took place on the both switches, Squadron managed to register with little delay, losing a little time that does not matter so much at first. Rampage regroups and conquers the castle on the first assault, the fight continues and the Crown moves from the head of RedBuLL to that of Voyager continuously, as if it does not know which head to choose . The first hour passes and everything is balanced, Rampage fail to distance with more than 1500 points and the Squadron fighters take courage, another 30 minutes pass and everything is equally balanced, we are at the most important moment of the fight, anything can happen, every minute, every second, every mistake matters enormously, wrong steps are not allowed at this point in the fight. Voyager puts his hand on the crown and Squadron equals Rampage to points. Those from Rampage return quickly to the throne room and RedBuLL registers successfully, then Rampage changes strategy, the whole guild defends a single switch and they manage to delay the Squadron warriors quite a lot, but eventually RedBuLL loses the Crown again, Squadron approaches dangerously, the score is as tight as any wrong step matter, Rampage take the crown again quick in the last 10 minutes but if Squadron manage to register one more time they will be winners... But the defense of Rampage resists, they are strong, a strong wall like a rock which repels all attacks, time runs out and Rampage manages to win this battle. A battle in which even the last 5 minutes mattered, it was sensational!!! Both guilds behaved professionally. At this moment, in the Rampage and Squadron there are only about 50 top players, not a single guild other than these two is able to recruit the rest of the top players and try to rise to their level? Why is Assasins guild still registering but not participating? Is it true what the rumors say and they don't want to attack Rampage because they are friends? They don't care about the LordMix or LoT? What about ATTACK Guild? Why they are sleeping ? What strategies will Squadron and Rampage develop considering that SD potions have been nerfed? Another highlight of this week is worth mentioning: Admin is testing and needs your support to release a new event that will be very fun!!! I hope you will find this event interesting it is called "Old Squad Soccer League", for more details please check the link: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3414-oldsquad-soccer-system-league/
      7 points
    34. https://www.captiongenerator.com/1427602/Yami-wants-to-win-CS
      7 points
    35. This is just all fun , we don't hold any grudges on anyone nor do we blame anyone . Just for the meme's! Claud=Twocheeks
      7 points
    36. Hello, On 29.07.2024 (Monday) at 19:00 GMT+3 (Server Time) we'll have a global maintenance on our systems. Genesis will be down for 45~120 minutes. You will also have to either update the client via Launcher (after Maintenance is over) or download the new Genesis client that will be uploaded on that day after the maintenance, in order to continue playing. The following update will be up on Genesis after the Maintenance is over: ! IMPORTANT UPDATE: We're changing our servers rules (for both Genesis & Inception Sprints) as follows: Rule 2 & 3 (Insults & Racism): 1. Character bans are now removed as part of the punishment(s). Players will no longer get banned on Characters for either Insults or Racism. 1.1. Warns are no longer given for any type of reports, as well as old warns are no longer taken into consideration. 2. Now any type of insults, bad and/or abusive language, direct/indirect racism, etc. towards players will be punished with MUTE on Account(s) + IP from 6 hours up to 120 hours, as long as it is correctly reported. 2.1 The amount of MUTE time will now be decided based on case-by-case scenario and/or gravity (and/or previous history/antecedents) at the sole discretion of the staff. 2.2 Any decided MUTE time is final and can be different compared to similar situations. 2.3 Contesting a MUTE decided by staff in order to create dramas (accusing of giving an either too big or too small MUTE time) can get the involved contestant(s) banned and even HWID+IP banned, without further explanations. 2.4 The "provocation" part of the old rule is now removed. Instead, if the one who reported did also used bad language/insults towards the reported one (even if they were "smaller" or indirect), both the reported one and the one who reported will be MUTED. 2.5 The deadline for reports is 24 hours from the moment the BL/Insults/Racism happened, reports that pass the deadline will not be taken into consideration. Rule 5 (Selling for Real Money): 1. When reporting a seller for real money, no matter what it is involved in the initial offert (be it only an item, multiple items, or the account/character itself), the one that reported will receive the entire account that is banned for the real-money selling. 2. There's now a deadline of 24 hours to report a seller for real money, from the moment the initial sell proof/offert is created that you are presenting to the staff (not counting any ulterior discussions/proofs needed, only the initial one). 2.1 If the deadline of 24 hours is passed, you will no longer receive anything for the report, but if you report it past the deadline, the person & his accounts will still be banned. Rule 7 (Insistent Non-English Messages in /post or Gens Chat): For the players-made reports, the punishment is from 3 hours up to 24 hours, at the sole discretion of the staff. For the real-time staff catches in-game, the punishment is from 30 minutes up to 3 hours, at the sole discretion of the staff. Changelog: [ADDED] Released 2nd Grand Reset: If you reach 1 GR, 55 resets and level 400 you now unlock the 2nd Grand Reset. In order to do the 2nd Grand Reset you need to type /grandreset. Rewards for 2nd Grand Reset 2x PvP Artifacts & 2x PvM Artifacts. 2 weeks of Golden Fenrir (that can't die). 2x HoF Badges. 50 extra free points for each new Reset after the GR [that are accumulated up until 50 resets, where you'll have 2500 extra stat points compared to 50rr chars with only 1 GR]. 160 extra free points for each new QReset after the GR, between 50 and 55 resets. [so at 1 GR and 55rr you'll have 3300 more points compared to 55rr chars with only 1 GR]. Improved quests rewards when doing them again. Extra +1% Damage for every reset after 50rr. [with a total of +15% at 2 GR and 55RR]. [!] Higher top position. Requirements for 2nd Grand Reset Your character on Server 1 (Normal Maps). Level 400. 1 Grand Reset. 55 Resets. 1.800.000.000 Zen. 2x2 inventory space for Golden Fenrir. Extra info The EXP rate for 0-55 resets is a linear EXP with a 10% rate of the normal (NON-GR) EXP. The Quests are reset, you can start them again at 50 resets & all restrictions/requirements for the Quest System are being kept once you start them again. Note: After reaching 50 resets you must use /qreset again in order to progress to 55 resets. You keep the same amount of bonus % Damage as you had before the 2nd GR (earned from qresets & 1st GR). Each new reset after 2nd GR costs 200.000.000 Zen. [UPDATED] Quests System on 2nd GR: Objectives: Quest 1: Kill 110x Bloody Monsters Quest 2: Kill 3x Golden Budges & 5x White Wizards Quest 3: Win 3x Illusion Temple Events Quest 4: Kill 70x 'little' Rabbits Quest 5: Finish 9x Doppelganger Events Quest 6: Hunt down 4x Death Kings Quest 7: Kill Goldens: 30x BoK+1, 24x BoK+2, 20x BoK+3 Quest 8: Hunt down 3x Nightmares Quest 9: Give David 1x Old Box 2 and 2x Old Box 3 Quest 10: Kill 16x Derkons Quest 11: Finish 7x Imperial Events in less than 200 seconds Quest 12: Win 5x Chaos Castle Events Quest 13: Kill 65x BoK+5 Goldens Quest 14: Hunt down 8x Kunduns, 8x Witches, 5x Cursed Dragons Rewards: The first 2 quests from each tier will now reward you with: 25% chance for 1x DD Seed in Sphere. 10% 1x Old Box 5. 32.5% 1x PvP Artifact. 32.5% 1x PvM Artifact. The Quest Skip times on the 2nd GR quests are 4/6/8 days, based on quest tier. [UPDATED] Reduced the Zen cost of Resets between 0 and 50 when having 1 GR from 150kk per reset to 60kk per reset. [UPDATED] Increased the EXP of 0-55 resets & 1 GR by 50%. [UPDATED] Reduced the Quest Skip times on 0 GR from 1/2/2 days based on quest tier to 1/1/1 days. [UPDATED] Reduced the Quest Skip times on 1 GR from 2/3/4 days based on quest tier to 1/2/3 days. [UPDATED] Highly increased the HP & DEF of CC7 monsters. [UPDATED] PvP Artifact from CC7 can now be obtained ONLY by remaining the only character alive (basically it is no longer given as part of the CC win that can happen when time's up, and more than 1 character is still alive). [ADDED] You can now convert PvP Artifacts into PvM Artifacts and vice-versa. You need 2x PvP Artifacts and 500 Credits to get 1x PvM Artifact. You need 2x PvM Artifacts and 500 Credits to get 1x PvP Artifact. You can use /changeartifact <pvp|pvm> command in order to make the conversion, as long as you meet the requirements. Typing "/changeartifact pvp" will convert 2x PvP Artifacts into 1x PvM Artifact. Typing "/changeartifact pvm" will convert 2x PvM Artifacts into 1x PvP Artifact. This conversion is not meant to be a feasible, easy way to get access to the needed Artifacts, but more of an expensive, desperate way to get the missing Artifacts when you have too many from a specific type. [UPDATED] Increased the Enrage damage of Dark Mammoth & the Soul-Link Enrage damage of Dark Iron Knight. [UPDATED] Now when Dark Mammoth initially spawns, all characters in its 15x15 range are moved to lorencia. [FIXED] Anti-Hack error window getting stucked when trying to open a 3rd instance of the game. [FIXED] Anti-Hack closing the connection after ~3 minutes of reconnect time, it now allows up to 20-40 minutes of reconnect time, before closing the connection. [UPDATED] Maximum points in a single stat is now 30k instead of 27k. [UPDATED] Chain Drive Strengthener (ML) now also increases Chain Drive range from 2 to 3. [UPDATED] Reduced the PvP damage received by RF by 20%~40% based on attacking class. [UPDATED] Slightly reduced the stuck rate of RF when taking damage. [UPDATED] Increased the effects-power of Mana Shield, Sweal & EE buffs (CS) on RF. [UPDATED] Now if a BK has a mace & fenrir equipped, it can no longer damage other players with TS. [UPDATED] Increased the PvP damage received by BK by 10~30% based on attacking class. [UPDATED] Reduced BK's PvP damage by 10%. [UPDATED] Increased BK's Combo damage by 33%. [UPDATED] Reduced the stuck rate of BK when taking damage. [UPDATED] Increased the effects-power of Mana Shield & EE buffs (CS) on BK. [UPDATED] Cyclone Strengthener (ML - BK only), Slash Strengthener (ML), Falling Slash Strengthener (ML) & Lunge Strengthener (ML) now also increases the weapon skill range from 2 to 3. [UPDATED] Increased SM's Teleport cooldown from 4 seconds to 5.5 seconds. [UPDATED] Increased SM's PvP damage by 8%. [UPDATED] Reduced the Poison Resistance (ML), Lighting Resistance (ML) & Ice Resistance (ML) increases from 1.2%~9% to 0.38%~2.5%, since the actual resistance increase is way bigger than the % values. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage % inside Chaos Castle by 14%, now matching the Duel % damage. [UPDATED] Increased Fire Slash debuff duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds. [UPDATED] Increased Fire Slash debuff max rate from 20% to 25%. At some point in the future (probably winter), there will be new mix(es) for new obtainable items that will also use Artifacts, as well as more ways to obtain Artifacts. Cheers!
      6 points
    37. https://www.captiongenerator.com/2261411/HARDCORE-K7 https://www.captiongenerator.com/2261411/HARDCORE-K7 https://www.captiongenerator.com/2261411/HARDCORE-K7 This was a interview from gion to adriann darkyo and no1liveer trying to understand what happened @Gionwhy u had too do them like that man .. not fair.
      6 points
    38. Hello everyone, Did you miss me? Well, I don't know your opinion, but I definitely missed you! Today is a great day for Old Squad Community, a long-awaited one by many of the players who have already felt the taste of the quality of this server and, of course, the taste of the competition. The moment has come and we are pleased to enjoy this fresh data base with many surprises, from one data base to another we have seen these servers evolve based on the previous experience, we have enjoyed all those bloody "on the edge" wars, we have seen great guilds destroyed by the curse and turned in ash, we have also seen how some have managed to rise from their own ashes just like the sacred bird who inspired the name of this server, returning better organized and more motivated, with warriors led by pride, thirst for revenge and glory with great leaders who awakened an entire community, warriors who did not give up when everything was lost and made miracles overturning impossible situations, we saw battles won with pride but also shameful victories, we saw how hatred and pride turned strong characters covering them with shame, we felt many times the sour taste of disappointment seeing warriors we admire falling prey to recklessness, we all lived shameful but also glorious moments, everything happens here, dear readers in this beautiful community of which we are all part. A pleasant surprise was announced recently on forum by the founder of Squadron, TwoCheeks, a leader that is known as one of the most respected in the History of OldSquad, a leader who announced that will bring back the strongest core of this Legendary Guild and not only, also promising very interesting fights for supremacy. We already know that every database we have seen many guilds that we can say that are legendary, but we have also seen "unexpected" changes in the battle for supremacy and new guilds that have managed to amaze the entire Community. I wonder what will be the name of the guilds that will rise this time to face them? We already know the names of some legendary guilds who felt the taste of victory on the eternal battlefield called "Valey of Loren" so, will it be Hardcore? or Dynasty? or maybe GROM? Will we see guilds like ATTACK or a return of some from the distant past like NONE? Will the battle for supremacy bring us new guilds? There is still time to find a guild that matches your type of gameplay, you can ask around: https://discord.gg/zjNSMPNc One thing is for sure, time will reveal us the answers to all these questions and more. Having said that, all I can do is to wish you a lot of fun and I hope you relive all the feelings mentioned above! May the Curse stay away from you!
      6 points
    39. ADMIN

      5 years of OldSquad!

      Hello OldSquaders, This month we're celebrating 5 YEARS since OldSquad was born! 5 years of ups and downs, 5 years of hard work & dedication, 5 years of MU at the highest possible level in terms of competition, 5 years of both failures and successes, 5 years of dramas and beautiful stories. Damn, looking behind it's been hella' fun journey, a hard one but a fun one. We would like to thank you once again for choosing us as the entertainment provider and sticking with us for such a long time! Hats down! 5 years of epicness deserves an ... epic gift! So ladies and gentleman, we're releasing one of the most complex, interesting & unique PvP events in the entire MU Community: Arena Tournament V2! General Info Arena Tournament features 7 different rounds, each round taking place 1 time per week, at 20:30 19:45 Server Time. There are 3 different Event Types: LMS - Last Man Standing, KotH - King of the Hill & LL - Last Laugh. Both LMS & KotH have 3 different Specials, more info above. In order to register to Arena Tournament you must write /joinarena when the event is popping (and before it gets closed). After event is closed, it will start in 1 minute. You can't attack other players before the event does start. Maximum 60 slots (LMS) / 40 slots (KotH) / 34 slots (LL). Duration is 15 minutes for LMS/KotH. No maximum duration for LL. You can't join while being in a party. If you join a party anytime during the event both chars will be disqualified from the tournament and moved out. You can't join the event with antidotes / sd pots. Any consumables buff (bless/soul pots, doppel scrolls, halloween, etc.) are deleted every second during tournament. You get a full clear off existing buffs when you enter the tournament. You can't move items (for example from store) during tournament. You are Muted during tournament. You can't drop items during tournament. You can't move to other maps during tournament. You get PK Stage 2 during tournament (to use only right click to attack, without CTRL). At the end of tournament you get back to your previous pk level / pk kills / pk timer. Info about LMS (Last Man Standing) Schedule for Last Man Standing is the following: Monday - LMS Special 1. Wednesday - LMS Special 2. Friday - LMS Special 3. Objective is to kill others while surviving. Every character does have 5 lives when they join. Dying will remove 1 life and will notice you the lives left. When lives are over, you'll be removed from the event & moved out. A character can only remove 2 lives from another character. After that, he no longer can attack that character BUT the other character can attack him (for at least 2 lives). Winners are the last 5 characters that remains alive. If the event time is over and there are more than 5 characters left alive, there will be a TOP5 made by Lives taken and then by lives that you had left. So if 2 characters have the same amount of lives taken at 5th and 6th position, the one with more personal lives left will take the 5th place, and so on. Reward for winning a LMS Event is the access to Sunday's round (where the real rewards are given, for everyone). If you win any of the LMS rounds you can't join other tournaments until Sunday. Specials: Special 1: Free For All, normal fight with characters exactly as they are. Special 2: Free For All, normal fight with ALL CHARACTERS receiving reset stats & points for 20 RESETS - more chances for lower players. Special 3: Class-Only fight, players can only fight with characters with the same class like them, during the Event, with characters exactly as they are. Note: During the Special 3, the limit of 2 lives taken is valid only if there are > 4 players left from the same class. If there are < 5 players left from the same class you can take any amount of lives from characters. Note2: Also on Special 3 there is only 1 winner from each class (last one standing), so total of 7 winners. Info about KotH (King of the Hill) Schedule for King of the Hill is the following: Tuesday - KotH Special 3. Thursday - KotH Special 2. Saturday - KotH Special 1. Objective is to farm as many Points as possible. Every character starts with 0 Points. Every time a character dies he will lose 4 points (unless the points are 0 anyway). Killing another character will give you 10 points. The 2nd time you kill the same character you will earn 9 points, 3rd time 8 points, and so on until you'll get only 2 points for killing the same character (and the value will stay at 2 points, no longer decreasing). After 15 minutes, the TOP5 characters with the most points are considered the winners. If there are more people with same points like the 5th player, the winner will be picked randomly. Reward for winning a KotH Event is the access to Sunday's round (where the real rewards are given, for everyone). Specials: Special 1: Free For All, normal fight with characters exactly as they are. Special 2: Free For All, normal fight with ALL CHARACTERS receiving reset stats & points for 20 RESETS - more chances for lower players. Special 3: Class-Only fight, players can only fight with characters with the same class like them, during the Event, with characters exactly as they are. Note: Also on Special 3 there is only 1 winner from each class (the one with highest points at the end), so total of 7 winners. Info about LL (Last Laugh) Last Laugh is the final Tournament, where the prizes from the week are also given. Last Laugh is held on Sunday. Only winners of KotH & LMS from that week can join the Last Laugh. So maximum players on Last Laugh is 34. If you have lower resets than the highest reset player from the LL, you will receive extra stat points to add for the tournament based on the difference of resets between you and highest reset player and also based on your class. The points are added when the Arena is closed, so you have 1 minute to use them. There is no set duration for the LL but there are 3 rounds: Round1: LMS Round During this round you need to eliminate players while surviving. The round is over when there are x amount of players left in the Tournament, as following: If there are more than 30 participants, Round1 is over when there are 20 players left. If there are more than 26 participants, Round1 is over when there are 18 players left. If there are more than 22 participants, Round1 is over when there are 16 players left. If there are more than 18 participants, Round1 is over when there are 14 players left. If there are more than 14 participants, Round1 is over when there are 12 players left. If there are more than 11 participants, Round1 is over when there are 10 players left. If there are more than 8 participants, Round1 is over when there are 8 players left. All LMS rules are applied. Round2: KotH Round During this round you need to farm as many Points as possible in 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, TOP8 characters with most Points will be qualified for last round (3), rest of players will be eliminated. Round3: Last Laugh - Final Round A virtual bracket will be generated for the 8 players left, it will be based on the Points gathered during round 2 as following: TOP1 points will play vs TOP8 points. TOP3 points will play vs TOP6 points. TOP4 points will play vs TOP5 points. TOP2 points will play vs TOP7 points. Then each character will be moved to a different Arena cage where the matches are being played. In cages you are playing 1v1 with your opponent. Both chars start "chained" and game is starting in 5 seconds. The first character to kill the other for 2 times will advance in the bracket (Best of 3). You do receive a clear of all buffs/effects after a kill and you start from different corners again. SD is not restored during the match. After winning a match you advance in bracket and either wait or face your next opponent from Winner bracket. After winning/losing a game you will be redirected to a new cage. After each finished game, if your SD is not full, you will receive a Complex Potion that you can use in first 5 seconds of the next game, to restore your SD to full. You need to be fast! Players that lose in the Winner bracket are being sent into Loser bracket where they face other losers. Games on Loser bracket are the same as on Winner bracket (Best of 3). If you lose a game on Loser bracket you are eliminated from Tournament, if you win you advance in Loser bracket up until Grand Finals. Grand Finals are BO5 (Best of 5). Arena Tournament V2 will be released on Sunday night, and there will be 1 week of BETA period. During BETA there will be no rewards for winning, instead, you will get 2x Jewel of Chaos for each REPORTED, CONFIRMED & FIXABLE BUG you encounter during the week. So try your best to bug the Event! Note: We do expect some problems during BETA, so take it with a grain of salt. Also we're waiting any suggestions / feedback related to it as you play & test it. #MakeMUGreatAgain!
      6 points
    40. Reporter

      [Interview] Crucify

      Crucify is a player who seems to have appeared "out of nowhere" and in a relatively short time he managed to amaze us all, creating a Rage Fighter that is by far the best at Castle Siege Pvp, also he currently is ranked as 1st in the overall voter rankings, he has voted 246 times so far, and ranks 1st in the Gens rankings, in the past 7 days he has managed to make 180 raid kills and to accumulate 7257 points. Reporter : "Hello, Crucify ! Welcome to The News Paper Hall of Fame! " Crucify :" Hi " Reporter: " Can you, please, give us a description of yourself? Name, age, occupation, etc. " Crucify :"My name is Turgut, I'm from Istanbul, Turkey. 21 y/o and computer engineering student(6th term). I like traveling, still traveling cities in Turkey but I want travel between countries soon (I'll go Oulu university, Finland for study next year if we can get over this covid shit :P), also I like swimming. " Reporter: " Oooh, 21 y/o that makes you the youngest player from News Paper Hall of Fame! When did you start playing Mu Online? What nicknames you had in past? " Crucify :"Hahaha, yea :)). I started before, 7 or 8 years ago on a season 2 server with my cousin and played season 2 for long time (he's 28 y/o and he was playing over 10 years, unfortunately he is not playing on OldSquad because he don't have much free time), it's my 3rd or 4th higher season server than season 2. I used Lykia, Tr0uble, Hargreave, Prophet but last 4-5 years I use Crucify on every game. " Reporter: "How did you find OldSquad? Can you tell us a short story about your first steps on our server? Have you came alone? What was your first permanent party, what was your first guild, etc ? " Crucify :"I found Oldsquad on Xtremetop100. I checked first 10-15 servers(specially depends to webshops/services) and I saw that it's the only Play2win server. I started with my cousin and his friends on this year's Inception after 150-160 days server starts(we give a break like 1y and just wanted to play mu without for rank) then we see new server Phoenix coming. My first guild was Vikings at Inception. But even we were not in same guild, AlmightySM and Odyssey helped me and my friends too much. On Inception I was at stable party with my friends. But on phoenix they didn't play at beginning because they had no time so i was alone. My first permanent party is with Peps-Reborn-Deave-Arya but it didn't last long. Then we make stable party with Azir-Arseling-StrongOne-Skippy and now I'm in stable party with Azir-livy0u-Sosu-5GSP0RT and playing with Azir all the time(on events,bosses etc) " Reporter: "What do you think about this server and community?" Crucify :"Inception was good but I think admin is too busy to deal with Phoenix (pvp invasions fixed after 50days, disconnect problem took long too and there are always another bug). But I like this server, characters are balanced(hope admin solve ctrl bug soon) and if you are active you don't need to donate for credits. About community, mostly good, but there some toxic players " Reporter :" Did you started to play on Phoenix since day 1?" Crucify: "Yes" Reporter: "Do you have any VIP activated?" Crucify :"Not for now, I started without vip and make 150lvl sm for create rf, I usually buy vip when I got more than 3-4k credits before reset. Otherwise, I keep them for some upgrade. I buy hunter if I'm going to afk for couple days and pro for weeks that I play active(if i had credits :)) " Reporter: " How much time do you spend /day playing Mu Online? " Crucify :"It was like 4-5 hours, but in this covid situation and my father has some issues with his lungs I'm at home 7/24 for 40-50 days(also my university start to online lessons) so i spend like 8-10 hours for mu and watching some tv series when I'm not playing mu " Reporter :" Oh, sorry to hear that about your father, I hope he gets well!" Crucify :" Thanks , he needs to stop smoking for 'go better', but he doesn't" Reporter :"What advice would you give to a player who recently joined the server? What should he do to get to the top places or to get inside a top guild?" Crucify :"First of all they have to play active for all events specially BC/DS, for faster growth. When they are active for events they can join most of guilds and it becomes easier to hunt and they can find stable party in guild. " Reporter: "You said earlier that you joined Old Squad for its real play2win concept, whats your opinion now? There are many players, especially the new ones, but not only those, who say that they have no chance to reach the top because they do not donate, how do you comment on these statements?" Crucify :"Not 100% play2win, but it's much more better than other servers, someone can still donate a lot of money and get set easily but they always stay noob, even if they have full set, there are so many players like that in server, also so many top player without donate even single cent :)). All they have to do is play active." Reporter: "Isn't that all the play2win concept definition?" Crucify : "When you say play2win people think that there are no credits/vip/premium services, that's why I said not 100%, but pretty close" Reporter : " You are 1 reset behind Alex, the RF ranked no 1 in general main rankings, what happened? How come you're so far away?" Crucify :"As I said, before covid I was playing like 4-5 hours per day sometimes less and didn't join events so much, and I was really behind when I start to play-hard, that's why I didn't participate at the first 2 CS." Reporter:" What classes have you played in the past? Is Rage Fighter your favorite class?" Crucify :"I play Dark Lord usually on season 2, I tried Rage Fighter on my first season 6 server and i liked it. After that i always play Rage Fighter when it's available on server, and yes, looks like my new favorite class " Reporter: "You are currently the No. 1 Rage Fighter in the following major Old Squad ranks: Castle Siege pvp rankings, general vote rankings, and gens pvp rankings, how did you accomplish this? Crucify :"For Castle Siege, I tried so many combinations for str/vit ratio on test server, I think it's the most important reason because I was wearing plate set luck dd (which is not really good compared to my opponents) on third cs and I was the best RF, again. For gens rank I wait raid most of time and thanks to my friend Azir for calling me on raid if I sleep or afk for some reason. For vote just put an alarm " Reporter:" Can you reveal us a few tips about Rage Fighters pvp build? Can you reveal your stats and/or ML skill tree? Crucify :"If I give my stats away, every rage fighter will use them, so only advice that i can give is to find best str/vit ratio with your weapon ^^ " Reporter :" Speaking of permanent party, do you have one ? Can you tell us a few words about each member and a short story about how you guys met and got in a perma?" Crucify :"Like I said before, I was in a permanent party with Peps-Arya-Reborn-Deave, but Peps left us because we were not active as he wants, then we all split. After that, I saw that Azir was looking for a member for his party so I joined them. After few players left/joined, it became a really good party. Azir is a really funny guy and really active on events, like me, he is the reason for my fast growth :). Livy0u is a really nice guy and he really likes to help ppl. Sosu and 5GSP0RT is in our party for just 1 week, so I don't know them very good but they both seem nice too. " Reporter: "How important is, in your opinion, a permanent party on OldSquad?" Crucify :"If you want to be in top, you have to be in permanent party with shared anydesk/teamviewer information for remote control(or give phone number, like I did at first times:)) " Reporter: "Tell us about Hardcore, how were you and your party recruited in this guild?" Crucify :"Actually, I found my party in Hardcore. I started Inception after 150-160 days and I remember Maki, mafy and few more player from Old-style(I wasn't in guild, I just saw them on top). On Phoenix I saw them again and I wanted to join because they were strong on Inception " Reporter:" There are rumors that the Hardcore leaders and members are greedy, this being the main reason why many players left this guild, how do you comment these rumors ? " Crucify :"Not the leaders, just members that left/were kicked from guild were greedy (not all, but most of them). If the leaders were greedy, they wouldn't make Senior set for player that they didn't play together before :)). We share everything in guild. If more than 1 people ask for the same item, it doesn't matter if they are in their party or not, they give that item to more active one " Reporter:" Hardcore, 2 weeks ago, lost the fight for supremacy with a big difference of points in favor of Squadron, what happened? " Crucify :"So many ppl from our main guild were busy for that day, and we took some players that don't have set from alt guild Alliance. But still 3 players didn't come and 2 players were afk at CS, so we play with 20. " Reporter: " Wiggle and Squadron, the guilds you've been fighting with for so long have been disbanded, do you think the players of these two guilds will unite against yours?" Crucify :" I'm sure that they will, otherwise game will become really boring :))" Reporter: " What do you think that are the reasons why these two guilds were disbanded? " Crucify :"For Squadron, I'm sure that most toxic player, Chukundah (or his another personality Tokyo that he uses now), is the one of reasons. For Wiggle, they call us greedy but I think they are the greedy ones, because 380 weapon for guild master is not the best option atm, it could be better if they gave boxes to one of rage fighters or blade knights. " Reporter:" So, do you think that The Curse hit them so bad that they disbanded? Wiggle and Squadron are the latest victims of this cruel Curse ? Crucify :" What is The Curse ? Defeat on CS maybe? I mean I know what curse means but The Curse looks like something special " Reporter :" The curse is defined by the greed and inside scandals that comes with the fight for supremacy, also spoil share between guild members, those are the main reasons that usually most of the guilds that held Castle disbanded, for more details please start reading this: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3453-phoenix-curse-history-of-castle-lords-and-guilds/ " Crucify : "Yea, looks like this Curse hit them " Reporter :"During last Sunday, your guild easily won the fight for supremacy, what did you do differently? " Crucify: "Participation was better for that CS, we played as 25. Also some ppl from EliteS came to our guild before couple days and some of them participate CS, they did a great job too. Reporter:" How do you comment on rumors that your guild is copying Squadron in developing strategies on each battle? " Crucify :"They always have excuses :)) " Reporter:" It is rumored on the server that you are the main weapon of the guild, that without you Hardcore would not have managed to win some of previous battles because you found Trippy's "Achilles' heel", managing to kill him most of the time. How do you comment on these rumors?" Crucify:" They won before I participate CS, so I doubt about it. In my opinion Rusu is the most important person on cs because he directing everyone on voice. Sorry about stun on last cs, bro :))" Reporter : "Related to Lord Mix, from what I've seen, you're the only Hardcore Rage Fighter with a Lord Mix set, but you aren't the biggest in the guild. How were you chosen for the first set? Did the other Rage Fighters players from the guild agree to let you have this first set? Crucify: " Yes, they voted about it, the reason that I got the first set is because I was the most active rage fighter in guild and I am the best rage fighter in server even with plate set, you can see on third CS ^^" Reporter:" Who is taking the decisions in Hardcore? " Crucify: "Council. 1 people from every permanent party(some parties 2-3, if they are active most of time) in council so we take decisions together " Reporter:" Hmmm, it sounds like the newest project of Admin, so, do you already have a council where guild decisions are made? Can you name the members of this Hardcore Council?" Crucify: " Redbull, Shady, Maki, No1, Rusu, Mafy, Azir, Darkyo, Fane, Moonlight, Takeshi " Reporter:" Lately, more and more players are complaining that they have been scammed in the game, trying to buy items at prices that the market does not allow, thus being tricked. They are outraged on the forum and ask the admins to take action, what is your opinion about these events?" Crucify: " Admin is right about it, in my opinion, because this is a limit for prevent pay2win and make jewels more valuable. But still scamming is for dishonorable guys, like Chukundah. Rusu shouldn't trust him at first but I think he thinks that chuku has honor :)). Hope no one trusts him anymore." Reporter : "Do you have any enemies in the game?" Crucify :"No, I'm really new on OldSquad Community. I just don't like few toxic players but they are not strong enough to be 'my enemy'. " Reporter:" Can you tell us about the funniest moments you've experienced on OldSquad?" Crucify :"We played Inception with my friend, WhoAmI, and AlmightySM helped us so much, as I said before. When we started on Phoenix, we thought that we can join Attack guild with AlmightySM. Anyway on first day of server, WhoAmI, me and 3 other friends (that are not playing anymore) were leveling in Devias 4 and another party came and tried to KS us. WhoAmI really got pissed off and started to argue with them, then they ask us which guild we will join and WhoAmI says we will join Attack and 'kick your asses'. The funny part is he argued with Speedy(Wanheda) and his party. Only after we realized that he is one of the founders of ATTACK :)) " Reporter:" The number of online players started to decrease lately on Phoenix, what do you think that are the main reasons?" Crucify :"I think main reason is that Admin is not active and there are always another bug, i just got 3 warn from IT today morningm but I didn't participate. I was going to BC and I was warned. Also server is not easy, so new players get bored and leave. " Reporter:" Do you accept a few challenges?" Crucify :"If I understand right, you ask about players on challenges and I don't know players, I just know players in Hardcore. Am i right? " Reporter:" Well, first of all you need to accept the challenges. Who knows? It might get tricky. There will be several questions and one request, and I need details on each answer of yours." Crucify :" Nvm, I am in :))))) " Reporter :" Challenge no 1: Tell us the names of the 3 players you respect the most on OldSquad and the names of the 3 most toxic persons on Old Squad." Crucify :"I respect most Azir, mafy and Rusu and 3 most toxic players are Chuku, TrueSquad and gimiurhelm " Reporter: "Challenge no 2: Tell me 3 things you like most about the staff team of this server, and 3 things you don't like about them!" Crucify :"Admin is not active, i don't like it like everyone. Gion being too soft about bad langauge, he should give more warn/ban for swearing at family values. And Reporter looks like Squadron fan instead of neutral (no offence but everyone who can read newspaper about cs can understand that :)) " Reporter:" Challenge no 3: Give us the name of the 3 best pvp players on OldSquad !" Crucify :"Rusu, Zutto(only if he's not using macro, I don't understand about macros) and me, ofc ^^ " Reporter:" Challenge no 4 : What do you like most and what you dislike on Old Squad game play" Crucify :"Events are so important, you cant do any shit with 7/24 afk. Dynamic exp is amazing for encourage new players. Alliances can't participate on CS, so it's good, you have to make strategy instead of bringing so many ppl in the Siege. I don't like website blacksmith, especially add luck to items. There are always bugs, as I've said before. And Non-pvp events are annoying :)) " Reporter:"Challenge no 5(the in game request) :Give us a print screen with you ML skill tree build!" Crucify :" " Reporter:" Did you register for the Soccer Event tonight?" Crucify:" Yes, I was registered, but I wasn't lucky enough to be chosen" Reporter:" So, would you like Gion to increase the limit of participants?" Crucify :" Yes, it would be better i think. More players = more competition " Reporter:" Do you read the News Paper?" Crucify :" I did it only for this DB" Reporter:" What would you improve on NewsPaper ? Crucify :"Hmm, maybe you can start new series like daily things for every week, only top guild players read The War for Supremacy series. For example someone get banned today for selling item for real money. " Reporter:" Well, now I will argue about the lack of time, imagine that I am a player too and I spend 60% of my free time doing reporter job, so i am focusing on what I think that really adds '+' value for The News Paper " Crucify :"Yes, but I think that players can report to you for that daily things, with screenshots maybe, but yes, it requires so much time, it was just idea :)) " Reporter:" Since you already told us what should be improved, what do you say about all the unique and futuristic things added by Admin to a season 6 server (merecenary squad, all the / invasion, / entries, / info etc.)? Do you know that no one says anything about the cool things and only the bad ones are in the forums spotlights ? Crucify :" Except non pvp invasions, they are all useful, but I hate non-pvp invasions. " Reporter:" But not when you where a newbie and you will not stand a chance to hunt a gold when someone stronger comes and you already 60% killed it " Crucify :" Good point ! " Reporter: "Thank you very much for your time, patience and for the pure honest answers ! Now it is the time to let you send a message to the staff and to the friends/enemies !" Crucify :"Thanks to you too, I really appreciate it :)). To staff, pls feedback more on bugs. To my friends, let's destroy OneStepy too. And to my enemies, I don't have enemies :)) " This was Crucify's interview, a young player on our community, a player who has created the strongest Rage Fighter so far, and also a really nice guy, the interview lasted much more then I expected because he is a really nice guy and we also chit chat about a lot of things! Thank you again, Crucify! Wish you all the best, and I hope your father will stop smoking and he will get better!!
      6 points
    41. ADMIN

      Patch - 05.12.2019

      Release date: 05.12.2019 at around 17:35 - There will be a small server restart. Reconnect is not guaranteed so make sure to be online. After thousands of lines of code and hundreds of tests we are ready to bring you a reworked from scratch Mercenary Squad system, that we would like to simply call it Mercenary Squad V2. Special thanks to @minimal.ro for his feedback and suggestions that inspired the V2 rework. Note: A full reset to Mercenaries will be made. Note2: Don't forget to update the client after the patch is live! Mercenary System V2: New Features: [ADDED] Mute List Feature Now when you start a quest you will receive Mute on characters online & on any new character you try to log in as well as disabling the option to open a store. Mute will be removed when Quest is failed, retried, repelled or finished, along with the store access restore. This will prevent "friendly quests" as we got used to. [ADDED] Black List Feature Whenever you finish a quest with a Target (kill or repel), the target will be added to the blacklist. Blacklist targets can't appear as quest targets for up to 7 days since they were added to the blacklist. [ADDED] Challenge Feature Now when you are being targeted in a Quest, you will receive a global message, "You are being Hunted!", every 1 minute, in first 5 minutes from quest. During these 5 minutes, you can type /challenge. If you do this, you and your Target (which you don't know) will be moved to a Colosseum Arena, each one in a different side. The first one that will die will lose (means Target will successfully Repel or Hunter will successfully finish the Quest). Both players won't be able to move from the Map until the "duel" is over, or one of them will exit game. If Hunter leave the game before any of them dying, he will fail the quest & lose 50 points. If Target leave the game before any of them dying, he will lose 100 Points and Hunter will get to retry the quest. In Colosseum, both Repel points reward and Quest points reward are increased, for the Challenge. You won't gain any PK level in the Colosseum. [ADDED] Quest Normalizer Feature Now Mercenary Quest will first try to assign you targets based on resets interval as following: It will look 5 times for Target with same reset like you. It will look 6 times for Target with -1/+1 reset compared to you. It will look 7 times for Target with -2/+2 resets compared to you. It will look 8 times for Target with -3/+3 resets compared to you. It will look 9 times for Target with -4/+4 resets compared to you. It will look 10 times for Target with -5/+5 resets compared to you. If it doesn't find any target during this 45 tries, it will look for Target with any reset. [ADDED] PvP Info From now you can see anyone's PvP info (including yourself) when writing /info CharName. By default it will show only PK Kills. If the player is part of Gens it will also show Gens Family. If the player is part of Mercenary Squad it will also show Mercenary Points, Quests and Repels. [ADDED] Mercenary Bounty The old reward (gemstones) is now replaced with Mercenary Bounty. Mercenary Bounty can only be gained from Quests & Repels. Mercenary Bounty drops can be adjusted in time based on economy & stage. Mercenary Bounty drops: 82% chance for Gemstone, Jewel of Harmony, Jewel of Creation. 15% chance for IT Ticket(1), EDR/CRIT/DMG/SPEED Scrolls, 100 Antidotes. 3% chance for TOCA, Flame of Condor. Updates: [UPDATED] Now when you are in Battle Maps you won't gain Mercenary Points. [UPDATED] Now when you are in Battle Maps you won't be targeted for Quests. [UPDATED] Now you will gain Mercenary Points only out of safe-zones. [UPDATED] Now you won't gain Mercenary Points in Events maps & other inaccessible quest locations. [UPDATED] Now you will gain 1 Mercenary Point every 7 minutes instead of every 10 minutes. [UPDATED] Now if you leave game or go to Server 20 during quest time you will fail the quest. [UPDATED] Now Points earned from Quests/Repels are Dynamic: Now Points are based on the kill type (normal or challenge), repel (normal or challenge) and reset difference. Now Default *Normal* Quest Points reward is 35 Points. Now Default *Challenge* Quest Points reward is 45 Points. Now Default *Normal* Repel Points reward is 45 Points. Now Default *Challenge* Repel Points reward is 65 Points. Now the formula of points added is DefaultValue +- ResetDifference*2. Minimum points gained: 10. Maximum points gained: 85. [UPDATED] Now you will lose Mercenary Points when you are being killed as Quest Target (and only Quest Target, not for Repel). Formula: 1% of current Mercenary Points. Minimum points lost: 5 Points. Maximum points lost: 60 Points. Note: If you already passed the Seal Upgrade requirements you won't lose the Upgrade no matter if you go back under Points requirement. Note2: Points lost by dying as quest target or by leaving the Challenge can't go under 0 (minimum points value is 0). [UPDATED] Quest Retarget won't happen automatically anymore. You can retry by typing again /pvpquest when your target is gone/inaccessible. In this way you can choose for how many times you retry. [UPDATED] Now Quest extra reward is progressive: You gain 0 Mercenary Bounties as extra reward when you have < 500 Points. You gain 1 Mercenary Bounty as extra reward when you have between 500 and 999 Points. You gain 2 Mercenary Bounties as extra reward when you have between 1000 and 1999 Points. You gain 3 Mercenary Bounties as extra reward when you have over 2000 Points. You gain +1 Mercenary Bounty for every extra 1500 Points after 2000 (at 3500,5000,etc.). [UPDATED] Now Repel extra reward will always be the same amount of Mercenary Bounties that the Hunter would get based on his Points (if target has 0 Bounties as reward Repel will be 0 Bounties, etc.). [UPDATED] Seals System: Now you will have both ML Seal & Normal Seal active in the same time. Now each Seal will show you current seal level & bonuses. Normal 3rd level seal and ML 2nd level seal visuals are different. Now Normal Seal will give you +5%/+10%/+15% EXP based on level. Now ML Seal has only 2 levels: Level 1 = +6% ML EXP, and it is gained when Normal Seal reach Level 2. Level 2 = +12% ML EXP, and it is gained when Normal Seal reach Level 3. Requirements for Level 2 changed from 1200 Points & 10 Quests to 1600 Points, 8 Quests & 4 Repels. Requirements for Level 3 changed from 3500 Points & 30 Quests to 4500 Points, 25 Quests & 12 Repels. [UPDATED] Bonus EXP on Battle Maps is now +12% instead of +15%. [UPDATED] Mercenaries no longer gain Gens Points from online time in Battle Maps (only from RAIDs). The new Merc System will try to make sure that the playerbase is split in both Battle Maps and normal maps. In our vision, the new changes should make the gameplay balanced for 3 types of players: Casuals can play normally (without battle-maps and merc squad) with 100% EXP and no extra rewards. Semi-Casuals can play normally + battle maps when they are active, for extra 12% EXP and chance for Gens Rewards. Active players can play fully with Merc Squad (higher gain in long term). Advantages & Disadvantages between Battle Maps & Merc Squad: Advantages for Battle Maps: Battle Maps are giving constant high EXP bonus without any effort except online time. Battle Maps are safer than being Merc, as there are only 3 RAIDS per day to motivate killing AFKs. Chance for good rewards. Can be killed only by "half" of players (different Gens). Disadvantages for Battle Maps: Less maps/spots to play around. Harder to find/make party due to Gens Family restriction. First levels can't be played in Battle Maps as there are no very low Battle Maps. Lower ML exp in Vulcanus (even with the extra 12%) compared to Swamp Merc. Not guaranteed rewards & unscalable rewards. Monthly Contribution resets. Advantages for Merc Squad: High amount of maps and spots to play around. Easier to find/create party due to no Gens restriction & enough casuals playing in the normal maps. EXP bonus can help you in first Maps. EXP bonus has impact on Events (BC/DS). Higher ML EXP compared to Gens (in Swamp). Guaranteed rewards that are scaling. No further Merc resets. FUN. Disadvantages for Merc Squad: You need to reach at least Seal Level 2 to surpass Gens Bonus (with BC/DS extra EXP). Never safe AFK except in Crywolf. All PvP restrictions are removed versus other Mercenaries (for some this is an advantage I guess). No short-term gain. You need good effort to progress in the Merc System that will pay-off only in the long-term. We hope that you'll love the Mercenary Squad V2 as much as we loved to work on it!
      6 points
    42. Reporter

      [Interview] RedBuLL

      Hello again, This interview is a about RedBuLL, he is the first player to achieve the most desired thing at the moment on Inception, the first Reset! This interview had two sessions, so if some questions doesn't seem up to date that is the main reason and I think I could talk to him endlessly . Reporter: " You are the first player to get a reset on Inception server. Congratulations!!! " RedBuLL : " Thanks, mate! You should also congratulate Makiavelli and Rusuletz. They were almost all the time online. " Reporter: " How did you manage to achieve this first reset, can you reveal us "the secret"? " RedBuLL : "Its not a big deal. I play with 4 good and old players of this server. We make a good team. And it's not about me, it's about all the party. I was the 1st player because I was the most inactive from the party haha. " Reporter : "Did you expect, a week ago when you started playing, you to get the first place and to be the first to reset ? " RedBuLL : "I was expecting to be in top 10 because, as I said, I play with Makiavelli in party 😂 😂 " Reporter: " So, you have a permanent party ... How many members (real players ) does it have? Can you name them?" RedBuLL : "My mates are Rusuletz, Makiavelli, Sparkle and Darkyo. " Reporter : " So, five individual players, no alts in party?" RedBuLL : "Yes, we didn't used alts, just when some of us were off for rr " Reporter : "Can you reveal the names of those alts from your permanent party ?" RedBuLL: " Clemence is mine, but I can't reveal you their alts. Ask them if youu want to know .They are nice guys, so you might get an answer." Reporter: " Can you tell us a short story about how you guys got together?" RedBuLL : " The first time when I heard a new server will start, I talked to Makiavelli, I asked him if will play, he said yes and he told me that we will going to play with some old friends of him: darkyo, No1L1v3r and I don't remember the other name atm. , anyway ...those friends of him didn't joined, except darkyo, so in the day before server start we wanted to join Sparkle and weew , they already wanted to play with us but in the last day before server start, Rusuletz contacted me and asked if he can join my permanent party , I said yes and here comes the fifth member. Me , Rusuletz and Makiavelli already played in same permanent party on last NonReset server, but me, Maki and Sparkle played mu since 97d season on same server, we had known each other for many years ." Reporter: " You was ranked as number one for at least 4 days in a row, you did the first reset on the server, then you were overtaken by FKinGCunT, Trippy and Zutto. What happened? " RedBuLL : "I was waiting my mates to get rr. We wanted to stay at the same lvl, to enter in the same ds/bc. darkyo was 1 or 2 lvl behind me , so we had to step back and wait. " Reporter: " So you sacrificed the first places in the top to wait for your friends, why do you think the others did not do the same as you? RedBuLL : " Yes we are a team and I don't want to be somewhere I don't belong. That place is for Makiavelli, and I think the gap between them and the others from perma was much higher then ours, and they knew that their friends will rr in the night and they cannot be online at that hour (my opinion... I don't know for sure)." Reporter: "How much time do you spend/day playing mu OldSquad (average)? " RedBuLL :"I work 2 days and 2 days I'm free. So when I'm free I spend 4-5 hours maybe at pc, but to be honest, at this beginning I spent more than that." Reporter :"What about the members of your party? Did you had any "dead" moments (times when no one was in a permanent party) this week?" RedBuLL :"Yes, in one of the nights, after returning from 12 hours of work, I had to be on guard, after taking over the reins of the party, at no 30 minutes I fell asleep 😂😂 a few hours later Makiavelli woke up and found all the characters in safe areas " ....But dead moments except that are maximum 2 hours/day. " Reporter :"When did you started to play Mu Online? " RedBuLL : "I play mu from 2003 or 2004, in any case the first db of former mudex. In 2007 I purchased a PC that, maybe you can not believe, but did not go without mu if we do not put the mu at least in the bar, it blocks in about 30min. This is why I was forced to play mu without wanting it " Reporter : "How you found OldSquad ?" RedBuLL :"I searched Google for mu servers, and after I entered on OldSquad also found Psyke with whom I also know in reality life...So I stayed to play this srv. " Reporter : "When did you started to play Mu OldSquad?" RedBuLL :"In springtime of 2016." Reporter :"What nicknames you had in past?"" RedBuLL :"I started to play with MuMaster on mudex, and after few years I switched to this one. On Pheonix I was Endorphin and other nicks for alts were Clemence and SunShine. " Reporter: "Do you have any VIP activated? You have this VIP since you started Inception?" RedBuLL :"Yes, all from our party got hunter vip from 1st day. " Reporter :"Because you are the first player on the server to reset, can you reveal us a few tips about DarkLord starting build? Can you reveal your stats ?" RedBuLL :"Yes, I'm ene dl. This is all I can say.(If someone got critical dmg I want to buy). 😂😂 " Reporter :"What advice would you give to a player playing on this server for the first time, what should he do to get to the top places?" RedBuLL :"He should be friend with Makiavelli, not with Psyke " Reporter :"What strategy do you have for the future?" RedBuLL : "We can't reveal something that we don't know 😂 😂 " Reporter :"Do you have any enemies in game? " RedBuLL :"No, I don't have enemies(except Psyke, ofc). " Reporter: "Did you had any in past ?" RedBuLL :" No, I didn't. Of course, I may have quarreled with some people sometimes, but I didn't hold the hatred against them." Reporter :" Which is your favorite character in game ?" RedBuLL :"BK, for sure, but Zutto didn't quit yet, so I made DL. " Reporter :"And why not play BK?" RedBuLL :"Because he is too good. I didn't beat him yet as bk. Maybe this is my chance. @Admin pls make DL stronger haha " Reporter :"Who is the player, or players, which you dislike the most, in this server ?" RedBuLL :"I can't say that about no one. I dislike just when someone is using bad language. These guys should be banned. Not just to get warns. " Reporter :"I see that you and your party members are in Squadron guild, how did you managed to get in ?" RedBuLL :"I am playing with them from NonRR srv, 2 DBs ago. Rusuletz and Makiavelli were also in this guild. " Reporter: "From what I see, there are many players with different personalities in the Squadron, have you had any conflicts in the guild?" RedBuLL :" Yes, I had a conflict with Twoochecks, about a very good item. He doesn't play now, but probably he will play at many CS. (We didn't insult ourselves, just because each one had different opinions)." Reporter :" Does Squadron have an enemy guild?" RedBuLL :" Maybe GROM, it was the only one." Reporter :"As you can see, there are several guilds registered, but none of them have reset players(yet), except Squadron, do you think you will have a fight?" RedBuLL : "I don't know. If will not gathering many players on and up for CS we can have problems. " Reporter :" Does Squadron guild have rules related to drop, invasion, sharing/selling things, etc. ?" RedBuLL :"We currently do not have any rule written on our discord channel, but we usually give free items or charge a symbolic fee.Regarding the lot we usually do not sell outside the guild until most have finished sets. " Reporter :" Do you read the News Paper? " RedBuLL :"Yes , I read all the news. Are you a real journalist? Every article is amazing. " Reporter : " Thank you, I am not a real journalist, I discovered this side of mine here on OldSquad, I will tell you a short story about how i got this "job" : When I read the announcement about the Reporter project, many ideas came to my mind and I said to try (although I tried after a few weeks after seeing the announcement), Gion contacted me the next day, I had some kind of interview of engagement with him and with Admin, where I shared my ideas which, with Gion's help, I managed to write these articles you see in NewsPaper." Reporter :"I do not want to bore readers too much with details about me and my job so we can continue the interview, of course if you please. " RedBuLL : "Sure, ty for answer." Reporter :" Did you play on the Phoenix server? " RedBuLL :" As I said when you asked me about nicknames, yes I played with a bk, Endorphin" Reporter : "Have you read the Castle is Cursed chapters?" RedBuLL :"I read all the articles😄:" Reporter :"Do you believe in superstitions? Do you think that the Castle is Cursed?" RedBuLL : " No, I don't believe this. " Reporter :"But did you see what happened to the guilds that held the castle? If it is not the "curse" (which can be defined by greed, selfishness and pride) what could it be to destroy the most of the guilds in that way?" RedBuLL :"I think the sale of very good items outside the guild creates some internal conflicts." Reporter :" Do you think that after the ancient items will appear in the Land of Trial and the Squadron will be the owner of the Land of Trial, will there be battles inside the guild?" RedBuLL :"Maybe, I can't say no or all the ppl will be happy, but we are not at first DB together and we share almost all items. And about me, if someone need an item from me, I'll give it with pleasure, no doubt." Reporter :"What do you suggest to improve on NewsPaper?" RedBuLL : You should make a topic Gossip girl, where to post rumors and gossip. " Reporter : "This is a nice idea, I will think about it Ty for Tip " Reporter: "On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you like this server?" RedBuLL :" 8 " Reporter :"What do you like the most in our server, and what you dislike? " RedBuLL :"I like that these exp steps have been set so that the top ones do not go too far and in everything the admin did on the server. It was somewhat innovative. " Reporter :"If you could ask ADMIN any questions, what would be the most important ones that comes through your mind ? " RedBuLL :" Admin, when season 14 will be released?" Thank you for time and for answers, and I wish u good luck ! As you would expect and as I've already gotten used to on the Phoenix server, this is the first of many interviews I plan to take on players who have a major impact on the server's life and come to light like the sun's rays at sunrise.
      6 points
    43. Reporter

      The Castle is cursed ?

      Castle Siege History, First guild to own the Castle on Phoenix was BDSM . They held the crown for several weeks and they lost the castle in MuPPeTS favor, Evangelion (the guild master of BDSM) disbanded the guild a short time after that defeat. One of the reasons was: internal fights ripped them apart because they divided in two different guilds, half of them followed Evangelion and merged with Catarina`s team, so that's how a new guild was born :Smurf The other half followed Ganja in a brand new guild named HOSTILE and then merged with NONE , this "upgraded" NONE succeeded to create a top and a strong guild who took the Castle from MuPPeTS. MuPPeTs , the second guild who owned the castle on Phoenix seems to also tilt, and follow BDSM direction because they lost (or kicked) a lot of players (only 15 players inside guild before next Castle Siege), will they be strong enough? Will they try to find the resources to rebuild? Or just disband as the last Castle owners? One thing is sure, last Castle Siege MuPPeTs was just a shadow of the guild who took Castle from BDSM and dominated Phoenix. NONE, the third guild who owned castle and dominated server got new fresh blood after merging with HOSTILE, and they did to MuPPeTs same thing that MuPPeTs did to BDSM, now they are "on the wave", the only guild who can challenge them at this moment seems to be Smurf. I guess that time will tell us how the story will be written, also will bring the answer to the main questions : "The Castle is cursed ? Is this just a strange coincidence that the second guild who got and lost the castle is almost history? What will happen to NONE if they will lose the castle?" We'll keep you all up to date after each Castle Siege so: To be continued…..
      6 points
    44. Reporter

      [Interview] Catarina

      Hello, This is the first interview from many that I will try to make. At this moment, Catarina is a VIP OldSquad player because he is ranked number 1 on 3 of our rankings, Castle Siege, PVM and Gens. We all want to hear how he did that, what he thinks and MORE! So, you can read his answers in this topic, and I really want to thank him for the time and answers (I am fan of any ranked number 1 player, so I will try to interview all of them, because they got ranked number 1 doing things better than the others, so they deserve to be called an OldSquad VIP): Reporter: "At this moment you are the first ranked on Castle Siege, PVM Rankings and Gens. Congratulations!" Catarina: "Yes, thx." Reporter: "Can you tell us how did you accomplished that?" Catarina: "At the CS I am trying to fight the ppl with no gear or little HP, like Summoners, elfs, for easy kills." Reporter: "PVM Rankings?" Catarina: "If I be in home and play active, then all time I am trying to kill bosses and golds" Reporter: "And Gens?" Catarina: "Most ppl stay on spot and don't leave, they lost party on spot, gens... when we have pvp invasion then you must kill different gens" Reporter: "How much time do you spend/day playing mu OldSquad(average)?" Catarina: "Active, maybe 4-5h" Reporter: "When you started to play MU Online?" Catarina: "Hmm long time ago, version 97 I start" Reporter: "Don`t name servers, not relevant, years will be fine." Catarina: "2010" Reporter:"How did you find us?" Catarina: "On XtremeTop100 server list" Reporter: "When you started to play OldSquadMU?" Catarina: "189 day ago" Reporter: "What nicknames you had in the past?" Catarina: "Mefisto" Reporter: "How are your stats build and how do you think is better for pvp?" Catarina: "Summ need only 2 items ancient to make DD (double damage), str for use stick, some points add to agi/vit for speed and dsr, rest ene, I think it would be good options for pvp 1vs1. If you want to be good on team fight, you go vit and agi, and u be debuffer and u have reflect" Reporter: "And for pvm?" Catarina: "for pvm the most important is energy, our multiplier" Reporter: "Do you have any enemies in game?" Catarina: "no" Reporter: "Did you had any?" Catarina: "we kill each other but only on pvp invasion, no, no have" Reporter: "Who is your favorite player? (the one you respect the most) Catarina: "Coco" Reporter: "Who is the player that you dislike the most in game, not hate just dislike?" Catarina: "no have" Reporter: "There are rumors that Yami, the guild master of Smurf, is your character, is it true?" Catarina: "Yami is my friend, and sometime i play him" Reporter: "What you like the most in our server, and what you dislike?" Catarina: "nice ppl play here and here is good atmosphere. Some time we kill boss and we don't get rewards....or boss left map when invasion is not finished" Reporter: "If you could ask ADMIN any question, what would be the most important that come into your mind?" Catarina: "try fix that;p" Reporter: "I saw Smurfs registered to Castle, will you do it this time?" Catarina: "we can try:] that the only game where we need to be lucky to win" Reporter: "What alts do you have in game?(name only if you want but you can say classes)" Catarina: "rf and ee" Reporter: "Which is your favorite character, is it the Summoner?" Catarina: "SM" Reporter: "One last question, it came when I was online, today" Reporter: "Some players complained about you, they claim that you use hacks, how do you comment?" Catarina: "im be cleare" Reporter: "Thank you for time and tell me if it is fine to post this on forum, just say yes or no" Catarina: "Yes" Thank your very much again, Catarina, continue doing the job! If anyone does have questions that you would like to see on the next interviews don't hesitate to friend email me (in-game) at character name Reporter.
      6 points
    45. Gion

      News Reporter

      Hello ! We would like to introduce you our new concept : OldSquad Reporter What does the Reporter do ? The OldSquad Reporter is just like a normal reporter from our everyday life. He will report the news in a new section, "OldSquad Newspaper". The main objective for our Reporter is to gather news from our MU server and post them into the new section, but he can can create any type of content, that's why we need a creative person Job brief We are looking for a passionate reporter to participate in the creative cycle of a news story by investigating and writing rich and unbiased "scoops". Responsibilities · Collect, verify and analyze thoroughly newsworthy information · Assemble findings into a stable story · Publish or broadcast news stories · Receive assignments or investigate news leads/tips · Abide by journalism’s ethics and codes · Contact, interview and research sources Stay up-to-date with the latest current events in the “beat” by studying papers, attending events etc. Requirements : -Ability to gather, write and edit news -Broad knowledge of headlines -Integrity and morality * -Excellent communication, lobbying and active listening skills -The Reporter has to be impartial * Applications You can send the applications for this Job on our facebook page, OldSquad Community, so both me and ADMIN can see them. You can create this "application" however you want, we like creative people. Please do not forget to mention your basic info (like character name, etc.) Joining the team & Reward After your applications will be examined by us, the contacted person will receive the needed info, the Reporter account on forum, and the Reporter character in game (helper character, with /track and /hide commands), and he will enter the test period for 3 days. If everything is ok, the Reporter will receive Dealer or Hunter VIP (at his choice) on his account, active as long as he will be Reporter. If everything goes well again, after the first month, the VIP level will be upgraded to Professional. The reporter can be rewarded even with real money, depending on each case.
      6 points
    46. I think it's my turn, I'm not so good in this kind of stuff but let me present a short story Mammed entering DS with a though "my alt mutant will win it like always noobs" : DS ended -> ->
      6 points
    47. @ADMIN on fast hand lame but still ... at least something ...
      6 points
    48. Hello, A lot of you are wondering what you can do with credits or how to obtain them so I will make a little guide to help you out. Credits are the virtual currency that we use on our site. This is the only thing that we give for Donations (we don't use WebShop, CashShop or things like these). Important: In order for the credits table to be created and your credits to be actually counted, you need to log in to site first, that's how you "activate" this table. How to obtain credits? As I stated, the first method to obtain them is via Donations (you will get 1000 credits for 10 euros, 1600 credits for 15 euros, 2200 credits for 20 euros and 3350 credits for 30 euros (via PayPal or Card). You can also donate via BANK TRANSFER, contact us for more info. Donations aren't refundable unless we decide so, in special cases. The other methods to obtain credits are: - Vote for US (1 vote = 2 credits, you can vote every 12 hours on 2 sites) - 8 credits / day. - Go on every Rabbits Invasion and farm Rabbits (4 credits per killed rabbit) - 60 rabbits per invasion, every 6 hours. - Sell your own Items on Market for credits. (Maximum price of 2000 credits/item, 10% tax). - Sell your own Characters for credits (Minimum price 2000 credits, 20% tax). - Win Weekly Tops: Weekly Voters: 200 credits 1st place, 198 credits 2nd place, ... 2 credits 100th place. Weekly BC: 150 credits 1st place, 145 credits 2nd place, ... 5 credits 30th place. Weekly DS: 150 credits 1st place, 145 credits 2nd place, ...5 credits 30th place. Weekly CC: 150 credits 1st place, 144 credits 2nd place, ... 6 credits 25th place. - Hunt! Every Boss/Mini-Boss give credits as follows: Golden Goblin: 3 credits Golden Soldier: 3 credits Golden Rabbit: 3 credits Golden Titan: 4 credits Golden Devil: 4 credits Golden Vepar: 4 credits Golden Dark Knight: 4 credits Golden Crust: 5 credits Golden Tantalos: 5 credits Golden Golem: 5 credits Golden Satyros: 8 credits Golden Iron Knight: 12 credits Golden Twin Tale: 12 credits Golden Napin: 12 credits Golden Budge Dragon: 12 credits Golden Derkon: 15 credits Great Golden Dragon: 20 credits White Wizard Orcs: 5 credits White Wizard: 15 credits Dark Elves: 25 credits Cursed Dragon: 30 credits Nightmare: 40 credits Kundun: 40 credits Bloody Witch Queen: 50 credits Medusa: 55 credits Selupan: 60 credits Balgass: 80 credits What can you do with credits? - You can Buy Hunter VIP (1000 credits for 7 days). Advantages can be read in the next section. - You can Buy Dealer VIP (1000 credits for 7 days). Advantages can be read in the next section. - You can Buy Professional VIP - Unlocked after Stage 1 (10rr) is completed (1800 credits for 7 days). Advantages can be read in the next section. - You can Buy Players Characters from the Character Market. - You can Change Race (4200 credits) - No limit of resets to use this function. Note: There is a 5 days cooldown for changing the race (on the same character). - You can use Blacksmith to Add Luck on items (500 credits / Item) - You can't use it on Wings (Level1/2/3). - You can use Blacksmith to Upgrade Items from +9 to +12 (180/260/380 per Upgrade/Level) - You can't use it on Wings Level 2&3. - You can use Blacksmith to Add +ADD on items - Make the item with +12 ADD, from +0/+4/+8 - (300 credits / Item). - You can Hide Info (Hide Location + Inventory with 500 credits for 4 days). - You can Change Name (1000 credits). - You can Transfer Character to another Account (1000 credits). - You can Reset Master Skill Tree (2500 credits). What are the advantages of VIP? VIP-Hunter: - DL, RF, MG from Level 1. (Default: Level 200) - +15% EXP. (Default: 100%) - +15% ML EXP. (Default: 100%) - Max Elf Buff Level: + 40 levels and + 2 resets. (Default: 250 level & 1 reset) - Module Discounts: 3%. (Default: 0%) - +8% chance for Soul, Life & Harmony in items. - Lower level mobs for ML exp. (95 instead of default 105) - Lower zen for resets: 80% of the default price. (Default: 100% - based on each reset) - Extra warehouse: 3. (Default: 2) - Off-Attack maximum duration increased with 5 hours. (Default: 5 hours) VIP-Dealer: - DL, RF, MG from Level 1. (Default: Level 200) - +8% EXP. (Default: 100%) - +8% ML EXP. (Default: 100%) - Max Elf Buff Level: + 25 levels and + 1 reset. (Default: 250 level & 1 reset) - Module Discounts: 3%. (Default: 0%) - Market Sell Limit: + 100%. - +5% chance for +10 -> +15 chaos machine mixes. (can not be displayed by game client -at Goblin-, but it is added by server) - +25% Zen. - Extra rate for DS/BC invitations mix: + 5%. - Max entries per day +1 for all events except Illusion Temple, Imperial & Dopple. - Lower zen/delay for post: 115.000 zen & 5s delay. (Default: 150.000 zen & 10s delay) - Extra warehouse: 3. (Default: 2) - Off-Attack auto-pick unlocked. (Default: No auto-pick) VIP-Professional: - DL, RF, MG from Level 1. (Default: Level 200) - +20% EXP. (Default: 100%) - +20% ML EXP. (Default: 100%) - Max Elf Buff Level: + 80 levels and + 4 resets. (Default: 250 level & 1 reset) - Module Discounts: 5%. (Default: 0%) - Market Sell Limit: + 100%. - Lower level mobs for ML exp. (90 instead of default 105) - Extra rate for DS/BC/IT invitations mix: + 5%. - +15% Zen. - Lower zen for resets: 90% of the default price. (Default: 100% - based on each reset) - Max entries per day +1 for all events except Illusion Temple. - Lower zen/delay for post: 135.000 zen & 5s delay. (Default: 150.000 zen & 10s delay) - +8% chance for Soul, Life & Harmony in items. - +5% chance for +10 -> +15 chaos machine mixes. (can not be displayed by game client -at Goblin-, but it is added by server) - Extra warehouse: 4. (Default: 2) - Off-Attack maximum duration increased with 7 hours (Default: 5 hours) and auto-pick unlocked. (Default: No auto-pick) Enjoy farming & using credits!
      6 points
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