Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward): Doink
Suggestion type (server/website/forum): Website
Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough):
- using the web wallet to store jewels is a really great way to have an accurate overview of your jewel balance, instead of your jewels being scattered all around different wares/characters/alts. The main issue is withdrwaing the jewels, if you're crafting anything it gets very time consuming withdrawing 10 jewels at a time and then waiting out the incredibly long cooldown before you can withdraw 10 more. With many mixes requiring 400-500 jewels, this turns into a huge ordeal. Increasing or better yet fully removing the withdrawal limit (There is already a check in place which prevents withdrawals if you're out of ware space) would completely eliminate this issue and greately improve user experience.
How the suggestion can bring value: Improving user experience