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  • Solcy

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    Posts posted by Solcy

    1. 22 hours ago, Reporter said:

         I missed the last Castle Siege, so I started to ask questions here and there about what happened, and the short story sounds like this:  At the last castle siege, "NONE crushed Smurf from the beginning to "the end"  (if you can say that, because the fight lasted for like 30-45 minutes).

         When I tried to reach NONE side version, I found first Coco online , he redirected me to Krass and Tool, as Krass was the voice during the last fight, and Tool is an important member of  the guild, who takes part in their strategy build. I started a short interview with them, you can read it on the end of this article.

        On the other side, I got a few Smurfs participants at the last Castle Siege opinions, and they, mostly, are the same : NONE can not beat them on equal number of players, but they won because they have at least twice more members active than them(no one from Smurf's active players that I got in contact with didn't want to be interviewed).


         At the end of my research I found out from NONE leaders that HOSTILE is considering to disband the alliance,  probably not now, but that's a possible scenario. The Curse is doing his "thing" there, on the other side I saw that some members started to quit Smurf guild, and they are getting weaker on each week (at least on Castle Siege).

          Judging by the signs from today, it doesn't look too good in the future for both sides, as NONE with Aqvila been inactive for an undefined period ( you will see what I am talking about in NONE's leaders interview), and losing the advantage they got from HOSTILE active members, will they remain strong enough to face the next opponents? Also Smurfs seem to tilt because even if they thought that if the Castle Siege will be on Sunday they will have a chance to win, obviously they were wrong, as NONE knocked them out in less than 1 hour, and now (again) they complain about numbers ....

        Since I didn't found any Smurfs players to give me an interview, let's see what NONE leaders said , below you can see a short interview: 

      Reporter: "Hello, Krass, Coco just told me that you were the voice of NONE, during the last Castle Siege, is it right? "

      Krass: " Yes, it is right. "

      Reporter: "Can you tell us what happened ? "

      Krass : "Well, basically Smurfs didn't manage to Seal last Castle Siege, that's why we won with a very big points gap...we tried our best, so their Guild Master couldn't seal. The strategy we planned worked so well.  "

      Reporter: "What was NONE Castle Siege strategy, and which players from your guild involved in the strategy for Castle Siege? "

      Tool: "We had a plan to keep Yami away from throne room, so we had SMs Ice Storming last gates, to slow down their momentum, and AEs icing him, and we killed him there and walk out again, did not matter if there was other enemy inside. Krass is the author of the plan, I was just icing the gates more or less.  "


      Reporter: "How many players from Smurf attended to this Siege? What about NONE's?   "

      Tool : "Smurf - not enough, us = didn't count. "

      Krass: " Around 4 parties we had, and Smurfs 2 or 3 (maybe)."

      Reporter: " Have you discovered Smurf's strategy? What was it ?"

      Krass : " Well, their strategy is basic, just kill switch and seal, which is sooo basic and sucks."

      Tool: " We staid where we were supposed to :) apart from that, hadn't seen any logic on the attack they could have, at least use a second  DL with summon to get their gm in to throne room more often, but i don't know, all want to be DPS, i guess, they don't see the usefulness in summon."

      Reporter: " So, are you saying that Smurf guild basically sucks ?"

      Krass: " Not literally, base on siege and compare to us, they Sucks!!!"

      Tool: "Well, no, not me , they have few skilled players, but because they can't gather enough force, they know they won't take the Castle, so they just come in for fun, I guess. That would explain the straight forward game play of theirs."

      Reporter : "I tried to get in contact with your GM, but I couldn't. Why is Aqvila offline? "

      Tool : "He said he will start working on his porn star carrier more seriously, and he needs more time."

      Reporter : "So Aqvila abandoned the game ? This means The Curse is hunting your guild? "

      Krass : " Aqvila didn't quit ... he will still play every Castle Siege. Also, he still involves on our group chat."

      Tool : "I would not say that it's THE CURSE , it's just life."

      Reporter : " How did you lost the castle to Smurf, in the past?"

      Tool: "A lot of people were off."

      Krass :" A lot of people were off, and there was a BUG ?"

      Reporter :" What BUG?"

      Krass: "I don't know, but that's what I heard from the others... Anyway, literally loads of ppl were off." 

          Some questions from past are still unanswered. and new ones are coming to the light:

         NONE's Antidote for Curse was in Aqvila's hands? What will happen with them without him?(as now there are rumors that HOSTILE will disband ally). Will the remaining leaders continue to keep NONE's supremacy on Phoenix, even if HOSTILE breakes the alliance?

         Smurfs are so weak that the Castle Curse broke them down in short time after they lost the Castle?  They seem to struggle and cannot find the power to bring enough forces to at least stand up 2 hours of fight vs NONE, second week in a row...

      Please report on something worthwhile as a change.

    2. 4 hours ago, Shuryk said:

      And again, that people are trying to customize the game for himself. I am tired, all play, hunt and dress as they see fit, all fighting for their things, skills and features. What makes you think you see the big picture ? Why I tried to make a Fenrir and you say that it gives me a priority than it is the better compared to your W3 and my W2, or AE, why can't she use all skills in CC? but you're allowed. DD its a problem now because its more easy to make a good set than a good weapon.

      look from a different angle, and stop trash-talking.

      I have good weapon and still hit like noodle :(

    3. 1 hour ago, DarkMaster said:

      @Solcy It's not about one shot but yeah that bug was ruining PVP. 

      But overall compared to other classes DL seems to be weakest. In PVP maps we're complete 0 now cause Fire Scream was disabled due to bug and chaotic doesn't work as it should, GM says it's latency but should you improve it's damage or fix it somehow. If I hit it like 5 times and just 2 damages shows up it is bullshit, we tested it in PVP and Fire Scream seems to be a lot better than Chaotic.  @ADMIN Chaotic works a lot different in Normal server and CW, please test it.

      I have an issue with Ice arrow having a huge delay between when it hits, maybe that's latency also.

    4. SM is already not very good so i don't see what the complain is, maybe i just need more ML.


      AE ice arrow is fucking bugged, it's supposed to ROOT you in 1 spot, not completely stun you so you can't attack.

      DDI is way to high, you have AEs here (SupremeElf) tanking more damage than vitRF and good bks.


      Let AE remain as top tier PVM, not god tier PVM and PVP.


      And don't forget, everyone's IP address can STILL be pulled off the website.

    5. 13 hours ago, RedBuLL said:

      I was in IT6 few mins later. In my team was Ancorana, Kenshin and MrRua against SupremeElf and another players. As u thinking the problem is at SupremeElf. Something is going wrong with this elf or with elves in general. Most of the time the ball was at her and we didnt take the ball because she dont die. Ok, you can say Im a weak bk, I dont have w3, but she is like me, with w2 wings. Just look what set have Ancorana, w3 for her and Kenshin. Another thing is when someone registering, I hit only miss, miss, miss. Have a nice day! Cya

      Have to agree here, even when we broke her SD we could only hit her max for 100 damage, DDI is scaling way to hard here.

    6. 9 hours ago, Exilia said:

      Yes, the battle may not have been balanced with the amount of players each guild had in there. But the event will never be unbalanced as long as all the guilds participating has the possibility to bring equal amount of fighters on the field. Therefore Smurfs had equal chance to defend the castle, their troops just chose not to. Hopefully next fight will be more close and entertaining, and hopefully we get to play it on a day that suits the majority of the player base. Peace :bandit:

      Chose is a strong word considering most people have family/life/work on a SATURDAY.

    7. reporter is making threads about IT now? After you legit went AFK because your team mate didnt have a +15 set?


      1.  On one side are the top players who get in party with low ones for example a char lvl 380+ 3 rr and top gear lends in pt with 4 zen dressed chars EMG, EDL and  ERF. Their complain is that they do not have chance vs other team and they think low dressed chars should not go in IT, they warn low players as antigame. Fact - Server Events are designed to help characters get ahead +0+zen or +15 +dd + ref, there is no difference.
      2.   On another side are the newbies or the players who reseted and don't have lvl for top IT in consequence joins with alt, they are warned by the top gear guys, they have the right to enter because IT is not only for top chars, they complain about top chars behavior.  Fact - Server events don't have a gear requirement and anyone warning low geared players should have the warns applied to your account instead.
      3.  And there is a 3rd category of players, the ones who play main EE (few ones but they exist). In the last update, the EE was "banner" from IT by ADMIN because they break the balance of IT. They complain about why emg doesn't break the balance and EE does - Fact There are some EE mains but most players would say they "main ee" to help friends win, it would be exploited. EMG isn't giving huge buffs to players that would break the IT balance.

      If everyone wants to "balance" IT there is a few things that can be done.

      1. Enable AE iceshot. -  I understand why it's disabled but the best PVP skill for AE being disabled really nerfs the class.
      2. Make IT entrance requirement = no armor / wings / fenrir/horse/ demon/ ale / food/ etc, WEAPON +0 from shop only :D

      Just some balance thoughts.


      It doesn't really need to be balanced though, just nerf the rewards slightly, make it a few more times daily and everyone would cry about it less. Right now IT is all about "RNG" anyway.

      Next Article - Gaion Temple nerf after the "Top Players" "exploited" the shit out of it for weeks and made hundres/thousands of jewels.

    8. 2 hours ago, salam said:

      As the GM of NONE, my hope is that this won't happen to us. We and our allies have a strong core of players bound by friendship and team play, not by items or level.

      If we lose, this will only make us come back stronger. If we win and keep Lot, the server might receive a nice surprise ;)

      My wiener is also 14 inches.

    9. i left after the game was over


      nvm i see it..

      At the moment system does consider a game finished only when the time is passed (15 minutes). That's why you receive warn if you leave before event is over even if you already won. I will add a check tonight if only one team left online at the Event it won't give you warn if you leave.



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