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  • SpArkieS

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    About SpArkieS

    • Birthday 02/09/1990

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    1. Hi, I have a problem trying to open two accounts of MU Online on the OldSquad server. According to the rules, you can run up to two instances of the game on a single PC, but I can only open one. This issue started two days ago; before that, I was able to play with both accounts without any problems. I have already formatted my computer and reinstalled everything from scratch, but the problem persists. Every time I try to open the second instance, the PS GameGuard screen appears, but the game doesn't start. I don't receive any specific error, I just can't open the second account. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Is there any solution or additional configuration I should check to be able to run both accounts simultaneously? Thanks in advance for the help!
    2. Hello everyone! I'm experiencing a small issue with the font size in OldSquadMU. The letters appear a bit small, and I'm finding it difficult to read the text properly during the game. Does anyone know if there's a way to adjust the font size or modify some settings so that the letters appear larger and clearer? I would greatly appreciate any help or suggestions you can offer. Thank you very much in advance, and have an excellent day!
    3. Thank you very much for your prompt response, I will. 😁😁😁
    4. Dear all ! I'm playing a character Energy Elf . I need to find orb of greater defence and heal, but i train in Devias ( monster Worm ) in 2 days and did not drop orbs. Someone can guide me where can find orbs? Thanks for your help !
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