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  • gamerul1

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    gamerul1 last won the day on December 15 2022

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    About gamerul1

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    1. Buying goat statue credits/toca/jewels. Buying edr seed sphere, ref, HP %, HP
    2. If i try upgrade a filled socket item from +9 to +15 in case of fail will I lose the seed sphere? (assuming Im using toca)
    3. I read that. Im at 12k energy. 10 points in ml(should be 10% extra) and it increased HP by 10(vit over 1k). Maybe after i reset will fix itself.
    4. Oh ok thanks. So i can for example use offattack for 5 hours in the morning and 5 hours in the evening If I want.
    5. From what I noticed the talent is bugged. No matter how many points i put in it hp stays the same.
    6. I agree with this. Most spots are taken by the same players for weeks.
    7. Trading titan set+9+luck for brave set+9+luck or +0 and 60b 30s
    8. Buying w3 bk Wings+luck or +13 message offer here or in game mail Serafin
    9. You only gave half an answer. Whats the other half?
    10. How does offattack timer works? a. It offers 5 hours every day and timer resets at midnight? Or b. It offers 5 hours and timer resets every 24 hours?
    11. What if I take ss for each step of the trade? Will I get refund in case of scam? This rule ia stupid lol gives power to scammers and says big fu to ppl that donated for those credits...
    12. How do I trade more than 500 credits for items without risk of getting scammed?
    13. I took a snip. It also says +4 is max value.
    14. Is the information about pend/ring from muonlinefranz relevant here?
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