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  • Gion

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    Gion last won the day on July 24

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    About Gion


    • Rank: Community Manager

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    • Guild: OldSquad

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    1. I think he edited it afterwards, he is banned now everywhere.
    2. Bad photo editing skills, don't be upset and re-edit your posts. The decision remains, we do not need such players.
    3. Please advertise, this is the message for racists
    4. How long does it take for you to understand that it is simply one of the worst behaviors to make derogatory comments towards a big group of people? We do not accept this around here. Both Carcalete, actually Knightmare daddyChuki banned for 2 days. Locked.
    5. That is because you can do it without us ever knowing it, unless you admit it on purpose
    6. Should Admins check logs? Does the reported one not know who did he scam? This case is entirely based on players.
    7. As we mentioned earlier: no report = no case. So if you manage to make the players accept your apology, then it should be fine on our side.
    8. Small insults used before makes the reported one ineligible for a warn, but since this was on global chat => daddyChuki muted for 6 hours. Locked.
    9. Overlordl +1 warn => muted for 12 hours. Locked.
    10. Basically this is a personal choice of the player to actually display his name. Different names and there would be nothing looking weird. Since we can never know when a player is using multiple devices/internet connection unless he wants us to know there is no apparent resolution for this.
    11. Gion


      Hello, dear Whore! So, as the sub-forum name is stating, this is a free chat thus you can't be restricted from using this game unless you get disrespectful towards the other players (not 100% sure about my events, but m'yeah).
    12. Contact us on our Facebook page OldSquad Community in order to troubleshoot this together if you are still going through it, and I think you just did.
    13. Provoking and then reporting is not one of the best practices, as the rules state. Locked.
    14. MrBlue +1 warn, total of 3 => banned for 1 day. Locked.
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