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  • xDoseD

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    About xDoseD

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    1. not cry just adressing an issue that needs to be sorted! you guys abusing and manipulate the IT rewards system which give you an unfair advantage over others and then u guys shouting and accusing there is no competiton in this server all are noobs ofc it will be like that while you fuckers have an unlimited access to an IT rewards system which give u a huge boost and progress over other people
    2. @Gion every morning Null (basically Alex Kenshi and Chuk party) abusing the IT system via Anydesk they manipulate the groups to make sure the afk chars they are entering via anydesk will be on the rivalry group it makes the morning IT's unplayable which is ruining the whole event and fixing them a constent rewards every day /warn system doesnt work well as long the party order is fixed by odds and even numbers they will always fix the group on how they see fits for their benefits how to fix this? instead of pairing the groups in order of which player enter such as group num1 will be the player who entered: 1 3 5 7 9... and second group will be players that entered: 2 4 6 8 10 Make the pairing system completly RANDOM like a shuffle, that way hopefully the abusing will decrease
    3. if u guys luagh on such matter as the holocaust maybe u guys areant humans like u said u getting called by other form of life but humans i bet it has something to do with ur sick sense of humor
    4. once a photo get edited it not valid anymore nor can be provided as an authenticcal evidance case closed try harder next time...
    5. Alex i feel bad for you bro that you decided to quit, you are a really cool and chill guy its a shame you surrounded by jerks people who ruined your game play experience you are better than most of them you deserve to play with pleasent people instead of those scumbags
    6. cockroach you still here? lol you should go touch grass while you in ban, damn how loser a human being could be . you really push the limit on the loser scale, i give you that.
    7. since you are not worth my keystrokes i'll let you keep imagining how i keep insulting you, because this is gonna be my last replay to you, have a shitty life cockroach under my shoe
    8. Wow so many curse words from such a small and insignificant human being. You are nothing, you are a loser, you are thin air to me, you are a vaccum, a complete void, your existance is nothing, even an Ant is more importent than you. your lost wont hurt anybody no one will notice nor will care.
    9. ohh dont be mad because of ur ban go touch grass a little you are insgnificant human being no body care what u think and gion doing his job so stop crying little whinee boi
    10. if that what it takes to make u respect the using of the /post so be it you are implemanting a bad vibe to this server we just want to cut it out thats all
    11. what the matter Darknizard are you mad? poor baby go wipe ur tears
    12. you better watch ur mouth we watch every move of you on the post and the slightly racist post will be posted here so think twice before u talk from now on
    13. the thing is Chakundah is knowing all the tricks on how to be bypass the rules without getting ban it doesnt mean u shouldnt learn him a lesson once and for all, him knowing the loopholes of how to get avoid getting bans doesnt feels right and fair he said many times dirty jews , free plaestine! and all the harsh talking he makes sure to say throughout his alt accounts cuz he know how to get away from punishment but as far as i noticed he is the most toxic racist player on this server he and his flocks who follow him like a sheeps will ruining the enviroment of this server if i was u i would kick that shit out of him from this community the most toxic and racist player i have ever encounter on online game what a disgrace of human being
    14. Lmao the most racist person on the whole server come here to lecture us about racism what a sick scumbag
    15. no i am saying its old photo that irrelevant to the present 2 years is long time what was then was then u got accusion bring evidance from the current time otherwise cut the bs and go kill budges boys
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