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    1. https://imgur.com/a/PAgJftY https://imgur.com/a/dKUSujK https://imgur.com/a/2I4gzTn https://imgur.com/a/HeDo6Ce https://imgur.com/a/GGb0gOl This isnt even the first time this has happened. Since the Inception ended this person just insults people almost daily and even makes racist remarks. He logs in, stats insulting and some people engaged with it and said stuff back. Im not reporting them, cause they have every right to retaliate for that kind of behaviour. I do not want to see this kind of toxicity. This server can be better when you have good enemies but this person here does not deserve to be here. Today racism continued: https://imgur.com/a/dool70x Edit: added new post to first post.
    2. https://imgur.com/a/tOixI1b again this kid cant take a PK ..
    3. https://imgur.com/lG7pwOM
    4. Very bad language from daddyChuki from Duke, he will not stop even with whatever mute/ban you give him, he will join on every character https://ibb.co/4Z9Cbn3 https://ibb.co/Lvc4JjG
    5. Respectabilule Endorspin, If you are such a benevolent and lovely person, it does not behove you to lash out and call me a ladyboy on /post, as well as say that the only reason I offered to help Monkey financially was in order for him to let me suck his banana- creative, but degrading to your pristine character nonetheless. (I let that one slide and didn't take a lovely selfie with you on it). Mind your language and mind your business. mmk? In the meantime, sleep safely in the presence of the OldSquad city guards. They are doing a fabulous job at keeping the cities safe. dawi-
    6. Same guy doing it again. Nobody nothing yet he still at it. https://imgur.com/a/zaKDIji https://imgur.com/a/kDiSGaB
    7. still being racist ..and now even calling admin noob..pretty sad keyboard worrior. https://imgur.com/a/7DxqfZz
    8. https://imgur.com/a/eKOEyI6 Images speak for themselves. No other comments
    9. Here we go again... Bad language, bad language as always, how many times? I think you muted him Sunday 12H but looked like he get away with it faster. I don't know how many warns he can get, I think it's time to give him a beautiful break with all this beloved language he is having with all players, even he asked his members of guild how to swear on Romania language(very bad way) which totally unacceptable, I would love to explain the words he has been using in the screenshot as google translate can't help with such words. Thank you and have a nice day! https://ibb.co/3FJkmnD https://ibb.co/vVQ39tw https://ibb.co/2cTx5NM
    10. https://ibb.co/bbj69qp https://ibb.co/WVm9YfC https://ibb.co/9wbkRx6
    11. https://imgur.com/MBFJX0P clearly calling raffy "dog"
    12. https://imgur.com/a/uMgpnMR Dude got killed while pvpquest and got a bit frustrated i guess .. but the language aint something i can tolerate
    13. He obviously asking for report https://ibb.co/2PzmqmC https://ibb.co/mDHgYGt https://ibb.co/HHtyDNC
    14. https://imgur.com/6Rd9SF1https://imgur.com/6Rd9SF1https://imgur.com/6Rd9SF1 Here is the provocateur who complains that he is being threatened. And he do this all the time!!!!! But this time is my turn to report this noob who swearing all the time and talk shits!!! https://imgur.com/a/RXzYC2Q
    15. https://imgur.com/VFL0WFJ gion, would be nice if you can confirm it is chukundah just so he wont respond to this post like he does to every post in forum. thanks
    16. https://imgur.com/a/od42Hog .. out of nowhere
    17. https://ibb.co/z7vfwMR TzH2O being very rude after gens.
    18. https://ibb.co/gSJm8Zy Out of nowhere he called me "dog", he should be more polite it is only a game after all.
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