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  • DirtyJeansDirtyLife

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    Everything posted by DirtyJeansDirtyLife

    1. Nice one, I reaaaaaallly dont understand what is going on
    2. Well than provide that I am wrong... you pmed me trash not me.
    3. https://ibb.co/gSJm8Zy Out of nowhere he called me "dog", he should be more polite it is only a game after all.
    4. https://ibb.co/wpyyCfX Tokyo (Oven )call us "Fucking Jews" on Lithuanian language, it is on same level as "Fucking Nigger".
    5. So sad, he think he is better than Romanians but he is just a immigrant. Romania rocks!
    6. Alex take a look, the one who had to be chilled, is your friend.
    7. Chukundah why is he playing with his luck than? I mean every other person that write such thing getting banned probably.
    8. That's true, From what i see Chukundah is not only provoking, but also telling some one to end his life - in my point of view it is much worse then any insult or racism.
    9. https://streamable.com/jrf379 the video above is one of the reasons.
    10. Well, I muted for this already. Anyway, you and your friends got protection and special treat here, you and your friends can say whatever you want while others getting banned for it - it is quite simple to see if you scrolling forum posts. I think, even if you were saying the worst thing can be, you'd be still protected .
    11. In my opinion, Dirty Mexican and Sell your mother is a joke as well so, no jokes here probably. If i wasn't joking, i would say "Tokyo, you sell your mother for 60 days", but as long i said "sell your mother for 60 days" so it was a joke and still got muted.
    12. Well i saw an offer of 50 euro. evidence speaks.
    13. My eyes see 3 minute difference, same position of your characters - 100% abuse.
    14. It's not your nick, It is free nick so chill man. You don't have ownership for this nick. And Brownie is a cookie, i think you start to getting paranoid man. https://www.loveandlemons.com/brownies-recipe/
    15. Man get lost, this nick is free and that's it. Keep your racism with Tokyo, but as long a nick is free and its not racist it can be opened any nick we want.
    16. it is not your nickname anymore, since you and tokyo opened a bakery or pizzeria with Oven + 999heat.
    17. Well, If Mexican for example work as dish cleaner, he will be dirty after it.
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