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  • Azaad

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    Everything posted by Azaad

    1. Agree, I also notice it, its a privilege brought to old players, and they have a lot of privileges already, FO sets+15, wings lvl 4, how a new player can compete with those things?
    2. 1-Hi there, i suggest to increase the global chat post to 1 mil zen cost/post becouse there are to many spam posts, bad language post argues between players in global chat, messages that are constantly repeating in a short period of time. 2-Another problem i've seen is that guild notice message doesn't work, why? fix it. 3-when you are texting and tipe "O" that window puping up, it's annoing, fix it. 4-Guild master assistant cannot accept players in guid, what it's purpose then? just to be there without no function? fix it. 5-EE elf is useles, ok i got it, but it alterate characters and gameplay experience. 6-Fenrir items drop maps had been alteretade, and also for other items i understand, from crywol, to kalima 6, WHY? to offer benefits to old players who keep Full stats characters to farm? and nobody else can farm? right?:)) 7-BC and DS levels also alterated, and BC entryes limited, again WHY? You don't play with us every day, we play, so let us play,. 8-I would be nice to add some credits reward from RR and GR, i dont know if you have it, haven't notice it. 9-Make BC and DS every 2 hours, who's ideea was to make it every 3h? it nonsense, it's ruins the gameplay activity and fun, again, you don't lvl up with us day or night, we do it, so let us play. 10-MAKE/CREATE A WEBSHOP from where we can buy exc items with credits, how the hell you expect from new players to compete with those old players who have FO sets+15 and FO wigs lvl 4+15?, there will be no chance to defeat them in any competition with items from market or in game events...it's madness for nerw players and monopol and preferences for old players. When a new player come and see this, he's going away becouse he will realize that he will never be able to defeat those FO characters with lvl 4 wings. I guess you like to hold the server with 20-30, same old players, same old players with FO sets wings, rings, pendants, who nobody new can ever beat them in CS or events! 11-It would be nice if you implement for the server that max lvl of wings will be lvl 3, lvl 4 is already to much. 12- most of spots in rakleon and other high lvl maps are holded by characters who already have lvl 400 and cannot do anything about that, what you wanna do about that? we w8 few days until that character realise he is lvl 400 and decide to reset and free the spot?, try to do something about that. You can disable "original position" from muhelper, so we can be moved by earthstrike(DL), lightning(SM) or weapon skill(BK). 13- and there is another thing, 2 credits /vote? :)))) c'mon, only good thing in here is the weekly reword, but not that substantial, you could raise it to 5 cred/vote, if you want more ppls get involved to vote. 14- Why ingame events are with limited time? leave it so we can enjoy finding them, not underpresure... 15-Why firsts 5 reset sistem for new players doesn't work? 1st at level 350 y typing in game command: /reset 2nd at level 360 3rd at level 370 4th at level 380 5th at level 390 6th and all the rest at level 400 16- We could use few, or more spots in Rakleon. In the end, i just wanna say, that we are very few players on server, many of them who plays with 2 chars and others plays with 4-5(throught VPN), bring some joy in game.... I know there will be nothing to do about those above, but i brought them on table to think about it, making a better server.
    3. This report is for Cenzura player for bad language in global chat.
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