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  • Ichi

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    Everything posted by Ichi

    2. BL in cc7 hour ago @Gion https://imgur.com/a/09nmhxQ https://imgur.com/a/09nmhxQ https://imgur.com/a/09nmhxQ
    3. Up to you Boss @Gion, weather you will allow this kind of HYPOCRACY UNDER YOUR WATCH. Might reflect on your credibility too and to this server
    4. @Gion This is how you catch a VICTIM CARD USER. Started from saying: edited pics? really? and so old? Then to: this pics are from my friends : Lucifer/Obraznic, those guys really love me:) nazis ppl! The inconsistency of this man's responses are so OUT OF THIS SERVER. Sir @Gion, You are also aware that using the term "NAZI" is sooo way over DEROGATORY AND BAD LANGUAGE, right? When you really caught someone red-handed on their crimes/violation, YOU WILL EASILY KNOW AND NOTICE THINGS. Since the tagging is labeled as BAD LANGUAGE, right? Are you just going to allow this kind of AUDACITY and VICTIM CARD PLAYER under your watch?
    5. CenzzurA sent repeated death wishes and vile insults, including ‘f* you and your entire family, hope you die.’ This is obscene harassment and verbal abuse, creating a hostile environment. Please take immediate action. It was sent few days ago and I just found that you can report things like this here. I hid the identity of the sender because it was my friend who I encourage to play this server because I said it was good and he was shocked seeing player like that. @Gion https://imgur.com/0rAfA9j
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