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    Suggestion for future updates - horizontal progression


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    • Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward): Doink
    • Suggestion type (server/website/forum): server
    • Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough):
      As we all know mu online is a heavily gear/level based game. That's not a problem in competetive sprints but for the more laid back permanent server it creates a barrier of entry for new players - having to spend 3-6 months grinding pve before you get to compete in your first boss fights is a sufficient deterrent for most new players as is. In the previous update we got old rings, which I believe is not the right direction in the long run. Vertical progression adds new content for the veterans of the server but only deepens the gap potential new players have to overcome before being able to compete in almost any event or participate in pvp. Old rings are a perfect example of vertical progression - new items are released and they blow old items out of the water (power creep) - making the grind even more dissuading for new players who are wondering whether it's worth it to spend 6 months grinding before they get to the endgame.

      In contrast to that, horizontal progression adds new content, new items and goals to grind for for everyone, while not making the previous items obsolete and not extending the time new players need to sink into the game before they can become relevant/competetive. Meanwhile vertical progression creates an even bigger gap between veterans and new players as to obtain artifacts necessary for crafting old rings one must be able to be competetive in both pvp and endgame pve.


    A working example of horizontal progression on oldsquad are excellent ddi sets versus socket sets - both are viable and have their use, what determines which option is better for you is your class, build and playstyle. Same thing with grand reset giving only 3k stats and 5% extra damage - technically vertical but it's in a similar spirit to horizontal and a good direction to make the game playable quick instead of gatekeeping content behind months of afk farming.



    • How the suggestion can bring value:
      Help new players stick around and keep the player numbers healthy long term while still giving people goals to grind for. Less barrier of entry for new players, more build variety.
    • (Optional) How would you personally implement your suggestion (your vision):
      If old rings were implemented as horizontal progression, they could perhaps have less defensive stats and less hprec than best in slot rings obtainable from budges, trading the defensive bonuses for more offensive stats (dd, edr, etc). This would make them best in slot for pve and for killer characters while jewelry obtainable from budges could stay best in slot for beefier characters who benefit more from extra dd/hp/ref/hprec. Not saying to change old rings now but I think it would be more healthy if future content was made with all of this in mind.


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    Not a bad idea. I think the best way to achieve this is to use what already exists in the game. I.e. the exc sets and weapons, 380 sets and weapons etc. Make them competitive with the socket items based on individual character stats - 380 sets are pretty much there already, but they are 1 per class. Exc sets are many, including the rare sets. And this to be achieved once items are made + 15. At lower tiers, they can still be "weak". So it would give the players the options to all look different and still be top- farm for 3 opt sets etc.

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    • Group:  Members
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    I dont have any specific ideas what to add for the progression but the overall idea is good. Support.

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