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  • Garbage

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    Garbage last won the day on September 8

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    1. There were multiple suggestions. Im not spamming, im expanding to the suggestions about mutes and punishments. 2 cent pussies who wear their cap backwards like a 12 year old basement dwelling virgins should pay more attention to the entire topic.
    2. And I wont bother trying to explain it to you. 😉
    3. GMs dont have to respond to bad language posts if there arent people like you around to cause them. The community will be better without bullies. If people like you, chuki and other racist guys will find a new home far away this server might see better days.
    4. The difference is that almi deserves it. Im probably getting more fresh air than you lot put together but doesnt matter. You guys need to update your lines because most of you speedran that 2nd gr like there is no tomorrow and then you say stuff like "get some air". Yeah, sure. Pathological liars like you who only focus the game 24/7 need to get some air and take a break. So used to telling others what to do. And the ones that didnt speedrun spent their every minute dueling a making 1v1 builds to bait people into gambles. I would gladly accept the job to take out the trash.
    5. It would be easier to act like decent humans and recruit people not trying to act all smart on forums and believing that you have the intellect to make the correct suggestions to better the game when you only have self-interest in mind. But it is not easy for you, especially for Endo who always have to have the last say in the matter by using some corny line like "go outside". If you say things like "you only win by numbers" and then you guys win evening selu and medu by numbers, dont you see the irony here? People would agree with lower numbers but you guys are talking so arrogantly that you think that you are better than us with the same numbers. No one would want to agree to it since you dont want to have a good fight, you want to get the upper hand and the opportunity to use crutches so you could then win and talk shit and flaunt your egos. People like you and cici who only care about their skills in this game have no business giving out suggestions. Maybe it is you guys who need to go outside when you take this game so seriously that you have to prove that you are the best. Think about it.
    6. Nah. Dont need to change CS for fairness if you cant step up. You calling yourself grown-up is ironic since you are one of the most racist and toxic person on the server. Makes me think you dont go outside enough when you actually think that you contribute anything to this server lmao.
    7. Because he doesnt care. He is only waiting for S18. Every fear he has that this server is full of viets and alts is purely false too. Plenty of decent players(new and old) who dont need the shit he brings to the table. He is delusional thinking he is somehow helping the server. His behaviour is making it only worse.
    8. No. It is good that the server is actually a hard server where you have to play in order to get items and explore the game. This will be exploited quickly by all players not just the vietnamese so maybe try to think up a better proposal with that tiny racist brain.
    9. Take a good hard look in a mirror when you spew those words. I may not have the screens but ive seen you. Also I like how some of the infinity/bada members are decent humans and actually help others and instantly you say that it is a joke. If you only farm in k7 and grind GR you might not have a clue what other players are up to.
    10. Perfect example from the HC/rampage/null attitude toward other players. Only belittling others and never taking the responsibility of their actions and words.
    11. Chuku reported the bug? Where is the evidence that he reported anything rather than trying to flip this around and making him the "good guy" while being the most toxic person on the server. Where is the evidence that the same thing was done by SuperStar? And you tone it down too with your "cringe" and "cry" talk kid. The adults are talking.
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