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    Salut , sunt OCBEminem , fac acest TOPIC pentru a-mi cere scuze in numele tuturor jucatorilor care au fost jefuiti!

    In apararea mea , eu am fost plecat 2 zile la herculane lasand contul si parola varului meu (15 ani) pentru a-mi farma , copilul si-a facut de cap crezand ca o sa fiu mandru de el , insa el a facut cea mai mare prostie din viata lui ... e copil nu am cum sa ma cert cu el sau sa ii explic fiindca nu o sa inteleaga . Imi doresc sa ma intelegeti macar 30% , e singurul server pe care mi-a facut placere sa ma joc , motivul pentru care ma joc este nostalgia pe care mi-o ofera si bucuria de a ma juca MU ca odinioara :).Nu a fost niciodata genul meu sa fac lucruri de genul , sunt un om cu 2 copii , serios asumat si echilibrat nu este genul meu . Sunt de acord sa imi cer scuze si personal la telefon , whatsapp , facebook ,discord ce vreti voi !! Eu sunt liderul unei echipe de 70+ oameni , echipa OCB , multi dintre noi ne-am apucat aici pe server doar ca nu e o placere pentru ei sa joace fara liderul lor . Imi asum greseala de a lasa contul pe mainile altcuiva , si inca o data imi cer scuze in fata tuturor , stiu ca sunt responsabil dar trebuie sa intelegeti si frustrarea mea nefiind de vina . Sunt de acord sa ramana banul pe contul OCBEminem , pot incepe cu un caracter nou de la 0 ! Pot restitui si din itemele , jwls furate doar sa luati legatura cu mine .

    Pentru a mi se scoate banul ... trebuie ca toti sa ma iertati si sa-mi oferiti acordul de a juca din nou pe server ... adica sa lasati cate un mesaj cu "OK , te primim innapoi" sau orice de genul !





    Hello, I'm OCBEminem, I'm making this TOPIC to apologize on behalf of all the players who were robbed!

    In my defense, I was away for 2 days in Herculaneum, leaving the account and password to my cousin (15 years old) to help me, the child messed up thinking that I would be proud of him, but he did the most big stupidity in his life...he's a child, I can't argue with him or explain to him because he won't understand. I want you to understand me at least 30%, it's the only server I've enjoyed playing on, the reason I play is the nostalgia it gives me and the joy of playing MU like before :). I've never been my type to do things like that, I'm a man with 2 children, serious and balanced is not my type. I agree to apologize in person on the phone, whatsapp, facebook, disagree, what do you want!! I am the leader of a team of 70+ people, the OCB team, many of us started here on the server only because it is not a pleasure for them to play without their leader. I assume the mistake of leaving the account in someone else's hands, and once again I apologize to everyone, I know that I am responsible but you must also understand my frustration as it is not my fault. I agree to keep the money on the OCBEminem account, I can start with a new character from 0! I can also return stolen items, jwls, just contact me.

    In order to get my ban out... you all have to forgive me and give me permission to play on the server again... that is, leave a message saying "OK, we welcome you back" or something like that!










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    As we mentioned earlier: no report = no case. So if you manage to make the players accept your apology, then it should be fine on our side.

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    Suntem de acord sa dam innapoi in credite , jwl !!!!

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    24 minutes ago, AlexMG said:

    Considering the fact that they acted as other guilmates and they scammed a lot of people in very short ammount of time (as far i as i know they did that with all guilds), since they can't give anything back to repayfor their mistakes, their excuses mean nothing, so i hope he remains banned, otherwise this can turn other people easily into doing the same. 
    It's like somebody stealing your money then giving you an apology without giving you the money back. 
    If they went to admins for checking logs and starting giving ppl back their stuff, that might have changed things, but all they do after masive scam is just apologise so no thanks, keep ur apologies and ur ban.

    That's all folks. 

    Should Admins check logs? Does the reported one not know who did he scam? This case is entirely based on players.

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    Adminul ar fii acceptat totusi ca persoana in cauza sa joace de pe alt dispozitiv ,de ce sunteti atat de rai ? Eu ma fost pe cat de corect posibil cu voi explicandu-ma ..dar oare voi sunteti ?

    Daca as fii avut alt pc practic m-ar fii lasat sa joc totusi intr-un fel sau altul fara stirea voastra 


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    Just now, OCBEminem said:

    Adminul ar fii acceptat totusi ca persoana in cauza sa joace de pe alt dispozitiv ,de ce sunteti atat de rai ? Eu ma fost pe cat de corect posibil cu voi explicandu-ma ..dar oare voi sunteti ?

    That is because you can do it without us ever knowing it, unless you admit it on purpose

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    Please Ban all of OCBD IP and HWID. This behavior is unacceptable really. No use playing with this kind of people. 
    Pushing the blame to someone who don't exist. It's retarded. We don't need these kinds of player.

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    • OCBEminem, Marius, I don't believe a word from what has been said. I've helped you with items and you talked to me as being the owner of the account with all the information about yourself, your family, your YouTube channel, your LoL "career" etc while trying to scam me at the same time. You had the audacity to school me on behavior for refusing to give you an item for free after the slew of free items I gave you.

    I don't know if anyone has reported you or not, but here you go:


    I may have conflict with some of the players here, and that is fine. It is inevitable really. But your kind is something special, something nobody should face, regardless of how shitty they are.

    That said, there is no place for you here. If you miss MU go make your own server where your clan can scam eachother and see who can be the most creative at it.


    I bid you adieu 


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    ++no bro u use my ppl name to scam my ppl

    i told u i bet u out soon now look what happen

    1sign (1) (1) (1).png

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    Aham... dupa ce te-am ajutat cu una cu alta am fost prostit apoi. Nu cred ca poti sa dai inapoi tot ce a fost luat. Plus ca increderea in numele tau sa dus. Chiar daca vei juca din nou i-ti dai seama ca nimeni nu o sa te ajute cu nimic si nimeni nu o sa te bage in seama. Din partea mea ai scuzele acceptate .

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    1 hour ago, Error said:

    Aham... dupa ce te-am ajutat cu una cu alta am fost prostit apoi. Nu cred ca poti sa dai inapoi tot ce a fost luat. Plus ca increderea in numele tau sa dus. Chiar daca vei juca din nou i-ti dai seama ca nimeni nu o sa te ajute cu nimic si nimeni nu o sa te bage in seama. Din partea mea ai scuzele acceptate .

    Error eu de fiecare data am vorbit frumos cu tine si daca esti baiat destept iti dai seama doar din vorba ca pe contul cand s-au facut rele nu am fost eu si a fost copilu ala iar daca nu ma crezi mai mult de atat eu nu am ce sa fac poti sa vii pe live-urile mele sau chiar te pot suna apel video in privat si vorbesti si cu copilu' ala !

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    10 hours ago, OCBEminem said:

    Error eu de fiecare data am vorbit frumos cu tine si daca esti baiat destept iti dai seama doar din vorba ca pe contul cand s-au facut rele nu am fost eu si a fost copilu ala iar daca nu ma crezi mai mult de atat eu nu am ce sa fac poti sa vii pe live-urile mele sau chiar te pot suna apel video in privat si vorbesti si cu copilu' ala !

    Em am zis ca i-ti accept scuzele. Mai departe nu mai tine de mine. Eu am inteles situatia. Succes mai departe.

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    On 7/22/2024 at 6:17 PM, OCBEminem said:

    Salut , sunt OCBEminem , fac acest TOPIC pentru a-mi cere scuze in numele tuturor jucatorilor care au fost jefuiti!

    In apararea mea , eu am fost plecat 2 zile la herculane lasand contul si parola varului meu (15 ani) pentru a-mi farma , copilul si-a facut de cap crezand ca o sa fiu mandru de el , insa el a facut cea mai mare prostie din viata lui ... e copil nu am cum sa ma cert cu el sau sa ii explic fiindca nu o sa inteleaga . Imi doresc sa ma intelegeti macar 30% , e singurul server pe care mi-a facut placere sa ma joc , motivul pentru care ma joc este nostalgia pe care mi-o ofera si bucuria de a ma juca MU ca odinioara :).Nu a fost niciodata genul meu sa fac lucruri de genul , sunt un om cu 2 copii , serios asumat si echilibrat nu este genul meu . Sunt de acord sa imi cer scuze si personal la telefon , whatsapp , facebook ,discord ce vreti voi !! Eu sunt liderul unei echipe de 70+ oameni , echipa OCB , multi dintre noi ne-am apucat aici pe server doar ca nu e o placere pentru ei sa joace fara liderul lor . Imi asum greseala de a lasa contul pe mainile altcuiva , si inca o data imi cer scuze in fata tuturor , stiu ca sunt responsabil dar trebuie sa intelegeti si frustrarea mea nefiind de vina . Sunt de acord sa ramana banul pe contul OCBEminem , pot incepe cu un caracter nou de la 0 ! Pot restitui si din itemele , jwls furate doar sa luati legatura cu mine .

    Pentru a mi se scoate banul ... trebuie ca toti sa ma iertati si sa-mi oferiti acordul de a juca din nou pe server ... adica sa lasati cate un mesaj cu "OK , te primim innapoi" sau orice de genul !





    Hello, I'm OCBEminem, I'm making this TOPIC to apologize on behalf of all the players who were robbed!

    In my defense, I was away for 2 days in Herculaneum, leaving the account and password to my cousin (15 years old) to help me, the child messed up thinking that I would be proud of him, but he did the most big stupidity in his life...he's a child, I can't argue with him or explain to him because he won't understand. I want you to understand me at least 30%, it's the only server I've enjoyed playing on, the reason I play is the nostalgia it gives me and the joy of playing MU like before :). I've never been my type to do things like that, I'm a man with 2 children, serious and balanced is not my type. I agree to apologize in person on the phone, whatsapp, facebook, disagree, what do you want!! I am the leader of a team of 70+ people, the OCB team, many of us started here on the server only because it is not a pleasure for them to play without their leader. I assume the mistake of leaving the account in someone else's hands, and once again I apologize to everyone, I know that I am responsible but you must also understand my frustration as it is not my fault. I agree to keep the money on the OCBEminem account, I can start with a new character from 0! I can also return stolen items, jwls, just contact me.

    In order to get my ban out... you all have to forgive me and give me permission to play on the server again... that is, leave a message saying "OK, we welcome you back" or something like that!










    Bad photo editing skills, don't be upset and re-edit your posts.

    The decision remains, we do not need such players.


    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    'Eu nu inteleg de ce nu ti-a dat ban si pe forum pentru poza asta editata :)

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    2 hours ago, Error said:

    'Eu nu inteleg de ce nu ti-a dat ban si pe forum pentru poza asta editata :)

    I think he edited it afterwards, he is banned now everywhere.

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    Copil idiot. un mesaj fara diacritice, iar cel editat, cu.

    Fontul celui de-al doilea text bubble a cam cu 0.1px mai mare.

    Dupa cuvantul "daca", cuvantul "îmi" si celelalte care urmeaza nu sunt in aceeasi linie; sunt mai jos.


    Nu inteleg cum pot trai unii idioti cu ei insisi in asa hal. Vai si amar.

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