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    Adding extra pvp events


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    Character name that is submitting it: HellDrake

    Suggestion type: Server

    Suggestion content:

    I think now that most players are full and to keep the srv population up ,there should be more pvp events implemented.

    Some ideas that i would suggest :

    1.  2v2 or 3v3 or even 5v5 pvp events in Arena map - it would be good if these were daily like the arena event. A party can be pre-made by players 10-15 mins before the event and register to an npc. The party would have a certain amount of points to split between them to make it interesting(or just randomly allocate points to players, for ex :RF would have lower stats but elf would have higher and so on, but the total for each party should be the same). Then there could be a random selection process in who fights with who. 

    2. Soccer event- we use to have this before, it would be good if this could also be implemented so players can join automatically.

    3. Castle siege - make this twice a week, maybe a 1h siege on a Wednesday with specific rewards such as 5% dmg for the winners on Sunday, or the priority in banning a certain build (let's face it the Sign of lords adding is boring) or anything else that would make Sunday even more challenging.

    The rewards can be the usual ,such as jwls/zen/ and top tier ones at low rates. 

    How the suggestion can bring value: i believe people will stay engaged with the srv for longer and it will make things interesting.

    I'm not sure of how easy or hard this would be to implement, or if it is even possible ,but it would be great to see some new pvp content.


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    • Group:  Members
    • Content Count:  138
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    People also waiting for this , ADMIN quote : 


    '' At some point in the future (probably winter), there will be new mix(es) for new obtainable items that will also use Artifacts, as well as more ways to obtain Artifacts. 

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