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    1. ZotacVIP

      Fenrir items farming

      Character name:ZotacVIP Suggestion type:Server, Genesis Hello there! I play on this server since 2 weeks ago and I saw that you can actually farm Fenrir items only in Kalima6. WHY?!?! I mean there are only some 6-8 spots (that are occupied almost non-stop) right? Well, If a "newbie" would like to farm something it's kinda impossible (even for those who have for example 25 resets because you can't kill the other afk players farming on spots due to 20 reset difference). It's simply not fair for the other players. Why don't you leave it normal in Crywolf (and without fixed spots) so everyone can play & farm equally? Leaving it as it is you admins only privilege the pro players.
      1 point
    2. ZotacVIP

      Fenrir items farming

      Ok. So what now? I have to talk to other players, then wait for them (maybe it will take an eternity) to come and see If they agree with this or you gonna do something (physically)? In this case (by not taking any actions) the whole ,,Suggestions" area doesn't have much sense If admins can't take decisions just by themselves when appear even EASY THINGS TO FIX like this. I mean, my ,,suggestion" here is to solve a problem, it's not something you have to think a lot. And finally, If players come here (most of them If will appear will be pro ones, I can bet), what do you think they will say? I already know it:,,Kalima 6 it's fine, leave it as it is". So they can go on and have "monopoly" on K6. And you'll close this thread. End of story.
      1 point
    3. 1st of all i wanna say that last update seems really nice. i mean with new spots/mobs etc etc.. just 1 question.. do u really think making swamps+raclion battle zones was a good idea?? and i will explain it.. 1. best bosses are in these 3 maps.. swamps, raclion and vulcanus (k7 kundun and crywold are also nonpvp) and min 80% of server has D gens so that means like there is almost no pvp/war for bosses anymore.. just best pvm pt win drop. --->> boring 2. now with all these battle zones can every noob make 1 killer V gens and come clear all afk/hunt parties in these 3 high maps without take pk + he earn gens points.. and i wanna ask.. this is what u want from server? just afk free killing???? if yes then change this killing ee take triple pk too.. and NO they dont kill or fight for win a spot.. they just clearing whole map and go on to the next. 3. ofc u can say that i or we can also change gens or we can also do the same. well.. guess.. they gonna also change gens again and do the same thing. and there is a better idea.. just make these zones as it was and let people fight a little for the bosses or take pk if they want pk a party or something. i mean i cant really see whats the meaning or the fun of these battle zone when there is no battle but just afk killing.. thx for reading and sorry for my bad English
      1 point
    4. so if u want these maps for battle zones and not as exp zone why u added spots there?? or why u add spheres or flame there? or why u add flames with so low% chance? make swamps for example then with 5-10 mobs with random re spawn and then higher drop rate and let people fight for drop.. same with vulcanus and raklion.. this is what i understand as battle zones. and yes i understood your idea. i just wrote u how it works. if u think afk killing is battle.. its ok.. and about changing gens we have already gave a though. we just cant do it right now cause we own castle.
      1 point
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