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  • DeepHouse

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    DeepHouse last won the day on March 21

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    1. Until he s not gonna start from nowhere the trashtalk and racism , it s fine for me
    2. Your ''plan'' is as stupid as you , increase DEF ? No mate , RF need to have low def and big damage . Or we should make RF stamper maybe idk . I think he did exactly the right thing with the update, RF can t be a thing anymore in Arena , duels, battle map mass fights (if AOE spam rf can t approach any target) . But he is still decent in Castle Siege , and medusa/selupan . He still has the highest damage (even with the nerf) , but his def and hp now allow to be killed way more easy than before. Right focus on rf`s --> easy kill .
    3. You sure you read the patch notes? And even if you would be right, rf has range 3, melle class, no fenrir so no movements speed. Range classes have range 5 , summ vs rf no sd both , till i get to you with my range 3 , you should be able to kill me . Everyone was happy at first after the update (yyeey RF is fucked, haha roby) till we changed the playstyle on rf, now the cry begun again . [UPDATED] Reduced RF PvP Damage by 4%, reduced PvM Damage by 25% & increased PvP damage received by 6%. [UPDATED] Reduced RF HP gain from Vitality from 2 HP / per VIT point to 1.8 HP / per VIT point.
    4. I see , ok i understood now . So you saying , doesnt matter if full sd vs full sd summoner beat rf , it matters just hp vs hp . @ADMIN remove HP of rf from the game , and we play just with sd pls.
    5. Battle map , summoners can use debuffs, easy kills RF`s , Arena you can see on the ranks top 5 no RF there, CC our summs raped lot of times your RF`s and BK`s . I ll record that too np when i ll have time . But why you dont do that yourself ? Come here with proofs and videos, stop barking without any evidence of what you are saying .
    6. https://imgur.com/a/JfK6uQS EDIT : Racism from him on the forum also https://imgur.com/a/rN5XnHn . Hope i m not punished again for calling him moldovan --- > https://imgur.com/a/z27RDa5
    7. That was probably edr + double , but even though i did that dmg , had no chance vs him , cause summoner melt RF sd in 1 second , you can see that in the duel i posted. Anyway , i ve came with solid arguments and proofs. Your only argument till now came from my video, where i get obliterated from marlboro. In continuation i ll post some duels i saw, not including myself , so i m not accused that i m underperforming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btb0jLp85NY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kwYHamZZVM So i`m gonna ask admins maybe a 2nd nerf to RF so kolea can finally be happy . While he cries, good summoners are doing this : https://imgur.com/a/2k7jjgY . Cry it`s free moldovan P.S. I`m very sorry to everyone for the offtopic to this thread , kolea started this circus about RF being OP, so i had to answer him . We should discuss here about those weapons not about kolea`s imagination .
    8. You just proved you are just a talker , and have no knowledge about the game . I dont do same damage to all classes, to BK i do 10 k edr, to sm i do 4k, to summ i do 3,5 , etc . You have not a single clue about what u type . And that applies to everyone , you with summ , you do more dmg to rf /bk , and less to other classes, so your dmg is different depending what class u attack .
    9. If you would had any knowledge about the character you would know that RF miss about half of his shots in average . So split that calculation you made in half . Also big mistake you made , i dont do same dmg to SM or SUMM etc. as i do to BK . To SM or SUMM i do way less damage , but you like to be a hater , or you are just noob .
    10. Dude what u mean about events ? Events are team based not 1v1 , ofc u lose if your organization is shit . Or you numbers is just lowers than us , that is happening on events . Not because RF is OP , you become more senile each post you type
    11. This is how Rf perform vs a good summoner , so mr moldav citizen can stop crying about rf , i even had 1 elixir extra in this video , even with that i lose to 0
    12. I actually sent videos to the staff how is rf performing vs any class , what have u done ? Except crying here ? Without any proofs of what are u saying
    13. I never said i m french , i m romanian not ''rumanian'' that lives in france , and the phrase ''frog lover'' which you spammed it on post towards me i found it provokative , and responded in consequence .
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