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  • DeepHouse

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    Everything posted by DeepHouse

    1. Yes , you respond my trashtalk (which in my oppinion it`s not reportable, cause in that case i would been the one reported not you), you respond me with racism . Fair enough moldav
    2. Make hotfix thread to the rules than , new rule : Reports must have atleast 10 prints , so we can assure otto he`s not harmed any possible way out of context .
    3. Didn`t come with any story , you started the stories
    4. Right here you said mr have no spine , you are not aware of what you type?
    5. Why you need full conversation ? I dont need to post full conv , i`m just proving your words are full of hate for a nation not just me . If you want to be logical , as you mentioned the word logic First , you said that your words are not racist , and i should google it Than , you said you are racist just towards me , and has no relation with my country You saw it s not working, so you said i`m provoking you , and you have full reason to be racist Than started to cry cause i ve made 4 topics, yes i will made another topic everytime you are racist again mr, and btw i have posted on this forum only people that reported me first . In the end , my moldovan friend , i dont care about the mute , as long as u take it , i m gucci . Look like you are very affected by the incoming punishment , it`s ok you still have discord voice where u can talk . P.S. I see you keep editing your posts to look better for admins , another sneaky way to impress them , you dont need to do that, have all evidences in my prints . I dont need to put 30 prints with full conversations, have multiple prints with full f4 on all reports.
    6. https://imgur.com/a/rhpuG3V This is the first interraction with you , when i mistaken you with vietnam , so from the very start you were racist towards Romania . In this print i m racist towards to vietnam (which i got days of mute , all with headup no problem, i m aware of my actions) ,where you should`nt be offended cause you moldav not vietnam, and you are answering me back that my nation it s trash , so cut the bullshit with being racist just with me
    7. Provoke to be racist ? That`s not an excuse mate , anyway if Gion considers So i`ll take my mute with headup , let s end the conversation and wait for his call , it s getting kinda ridiculous.
    8. Ok , i guess you woke up with vodka not coffee, stay sober moldav when u post to forum , you embarass yourself. Yes i call u moldovan, because your country is Rep Moldova , makes sense moldav no? I`m romanian , and you call me ''tsigan'' , how it`s that no racism moldav? Would`ve called me hi ''romanian'' , wouldnt be here , but it s ok , looks like afterall , romanians still have more spine . I did alot of trashtalk myself, but i took my punishments with head up , can t believe you stay and cry here like a woman , makes me vomit
    9. @Spawn Domnule ''cetatsean'' al republicii, nu o da in definitii de google , se vede foarte clar din printuri ca esti rasist in joc , mai nou se pare ca esti si pe forum . Cel mai tare mi se pare ca ai inteligenta desavarsita sa zici ca esti doar cu mine rasist si ca nu faci referire la o intreaga etnie/rasa , pai ba inteligentule (daca as fi ''tsigan''), sunt eu singurul ''tsigan'' de pe pamant? Esti prost?! Jignesti un intreg neam bai fane din grajd , iar in legatura cu lectura, atat ''itsi'' zic , mai bine prost ca mine decat destept ca tine . P.S. Provocat , neprovocat , nu ''itsi'' da dreptul sa fii rasist , nu iti poti stapanii emotiile pe joc si trebuie sa recurgi la astfel de replici ? Suporta consecinta ca un barbat ,nu mai plange ca o femeie . Cry is free moldav . Iti dau si varianta in rusa , ca la romana am vazut ca nu te pricepi deloc Господин "гражданин" республики, не давайте в гугл определениях, по отпечаткам очень ясно, что вы расист. У вас также есть идеальный интеллект, чтобы сказать, что вы со мной только расисты и что вы не имеете в виду целую этническую принадлежность/расу, ну, умный (даже если вы «цыган»), я единственный «цыган» на земле? Ты дурак?! Вы оскорбляете целую нацию больничных фанатов, а по поводу чтения я так и говорю: лучше глупый, как я, чем умный, как ты.
    10. https://imgur.com/a/anlBg2N https://imgur.com/a/9Cfs2Uk Racism of mister moldovan citizen on forum >>> https://imgur.com/a/LsH5YDD https://imgur.com/a/XagfSkd https://imgur.com/a/dXiFd0k (in case he decides to edit the post )
    11. https://imgur.com/a/cerRd30 https://imgur.com/a/uJ977tc https://imgur.com/a/G2HTHDp https://imgur.com/a/dTHF6VC https://imgur.com/a/u5pS6a8 https://imgur.com/a/dk5CXnb Foarte agresiv si rasist acest cetatean din rep moldova
    12. Lewl , that was fun to read , damn destroying this garbage just in a few phrases . He should rename recyble-bin after this conversation . The ''wanna look smart guy'' was exposed, he`s just a nerd 🤢
    13. Why are still accepted posts without showing date/time ? I dont get the point of that , anyone can come with a print from 2 months ago
    14. People also waiting for this , ADMIN quote : '' At some point in the future (probably winter), there will be new mix(es) for new obtainable items that will also use Artifacts, as well as more ways to obtain Artifacts.
    15. I agree , delete the RF and BK from game so k0lea can win a duel finally with summoner (best duel char)
    16. I can see that , you reflect in real life this ''coward-undercover job'' you are trying to do here? From your posts , it s clearly you hate our guild so much , so obviously you are a badabing, cause you take it very personal and emotional . And yes we take very seriously the game, that s why your guild stays online in shifts 24/24 on swamp spots, while us 90% of ppl enter just on pvp events (some neither those) . You guys spend the time staying online farming zen , meanwhile we have jobs , families etc. Take care of you
    17. ''The most toxic guild is still proving themselves to be who they really are'' . Who are you still trying to impress? xD Got rekt ingame, quited, but still posting on forum , i guess once a loser forever a loser. Maybe garry and chucky will wake you guys , and try not to be so emotional on online games, just a game , life`s go on . Love you
    18. Block CS i cryyy . you mean getting rekt in valley trying to register signs ? XD
    19. Why suddenly post screens without showiing hour ? Why you try to deceive the admins , your print is totally different hour from my prints P.S. He totally afirms that he s not racist, and his issue is just with me , print nr.8 deny his words , he s mad at a whole country.
    20. Why so mad smeagol ? Did i steal your precious or what ? What s happening to these badabings , all time so mad , they release anger here
    21. Clearly visible i love my fans equally , no differences . Feel free to show your love to big uncle , my beloved nephews <3. More love , more text to read to admins , more desperate you look . Love you
    22. Parts? All prints are with full f4 , but showing just the text. Didnt posted the start of conversation , where i responded on your start of racism, but i saw u continue with it , calling me a gipsy for atleast 10 times . Let`s let admin do his job
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