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  • Titanium

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    Everything posted by Titanium

    1. Just to be clear most of my previous post was meant as a response to what Tekashi69 said especially the bitching part In all fairness i think you as a staff do a good job maintaining the server .Everything from drop rates ,CM rates, spots, events, market is well organised and it makes the game enjoyable.And yes we are not veterans and yes we played on GMO prolly why we are not accommodated to the reset part but I do understand the need for it now.As i said before im not against opening a new server and i do wish you the best of luck with it. We prolly should have done more digging into the reason why these resets happen.And yes ofc having like 20-30 people online playing makes no sens to not reset the server.And if over 200 online no reason to reset it also. Thank you for clearing that up. What we dont agree with is resetting one because a select few got bored which we initially thought. Now about CM rates item drops and so on. I see some people being unhappy about the fact that some players managed to get decent gear in a short amount of time. And i do agree its a bit frustrating having the same people winning every event, invasions pretty much all the good stuff but i guess thats the benefit of being more dedicated to playing this game.No matter what game you play those who invest more time/effort will be way ahead of the casual ones.Im a casual player myself i cannot play the game 24/7 so i dont expect myself to be even with those that do that. Thats of course if they play legit. So i dont think lowering rates and generally making the game harder will benefit anyone because its always the same story : those that invest time/effort/money into the game and know how to play will be ahead no matter how hard it is. If they wont have a acc set next time they will have a exc set long before the average player because they good at playing this game and got the time/coin to do so.So there will always be a gap.Try to not see this as a race too much and enjoy the game more.
    2. funny how someone can complain about bitching by bitching himself. We just wanted some info about how things are going to move on considering this came as a surprise the launch of a new server i mean even tho as stated before people havent reached max lvl or gear on nonrr not even close. And nobody is contesting the need for cash on a private server its only natural. However if the play2win notion is something this server prides itself with there shouldnt even be a discussion about donating in here.Let those who want to donate do it and stop asking those who arent to do it. A game needs both donators and free2play people.Donators provide the cash needed and free2play people provide a better gaming environment for all so both are equally important. Im not against opening a new server by all means i wish you the best of luck with it even tho nonrr is going to loose some population maybe we'll get lucky and have the annoying people leave and the real nonrr dedicated players stay. We just wanted some clear information about how things gonna end up because this popped out of nowhere. I still dont understand the need to rr a server after 8-12 months because the way i see it(maybe im wrong) a brand becomes a brand by being steady. You dont see Levis jeans sell pants one year then shoes the next year then hats the next year and so on prolly not the best comparison but you get the point. Resetting is most likely the fastest way to get cash flowing even tho in a long run i do believe cash would flow either way because seeing a private server being steady which doesnt happen to often that will attract more people to it meaning more donating possibilities. But yes we do enjoy a free service and its not up to us to contest these things were just giving player feedback as it was asked of us.
    3. if this is the new project can we expect the other servers to become long term ones? Meaning no fresh start on those for a long period?I ask this because i dont want to invest time in one server just to see all my work down the drain in a few months.
    4. Hope yall dont plan to reset the server in a couple of months...all the great mu servers out there had one thing in common and that was stability.Getting to like+15+full socket ,max lvl ,max everything might be easy for a certain few but for the majority it isnt. Please take that into consideration.
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