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  • rikihz17

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    About rikihz17

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      Dominican Re
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    1. Hello, it's me Jayce. I had a power shortage 30 secs before ending and we were 5-0 ahead with around 30 secs left. Would appreciate If there's something you guys could do for me.
    2. Seems someone is salty towards BDSM people ^^. Nice way to storytell by the way.
    3. Make it so when you get dced on an event you can go back in. So annoying when someone dc's in IT or BC and they relog and you're left with one less member. I'd appreciate a lot if you fixed it for phoenix.
    4. That's actually a pretty good suggestion imo. Would pay for that myself.
    5. Yeah well, let me tell you something. I really like the concept of what your private servers do. The events window and the constant events that motivate you day to day to play and stuff, and i was fine with NoRR, but as many people have stated and you yourself did, it isn't like people will feel their effort was kinda dumped when from 350 active players it drops down to what, being optimistic 200? It's going to force us to either quit or play alone which mu as an MMO can feel very lonely. Anyway, i will stay on NoRR And try phoenix when it comes out because i respect and like what your servers bring but for me, the most important thing a mu server can have is longevity.
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