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  • Iwant2Fap

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    Iwant2Fap last won the day on December 27 2019

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    About Iwant2Fap

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    1. Welcome to the champions club, brother!
    2. I totally agree with you. I stopped playing this game 10 years ago and had to try it again because of "childhood memories".
    3. Hi I feel like the games economy is controlled by those that started early on with this game. They can farm on higher maps and receive better items and sell it on the market in order to gain more valuables than someone that has to grind to reach reset 1. Is there any chance to make the drop rate of special items, like Gondor feather 2 or 3 percent higher on lower maps? (an example) Also when players reach level 200 they get other classes such as MG and DL cause the standard classes are typical to play with. Could there be any chances to get those characters at certain levels? like after 1st reset? Also MG dominates in pk combat since resets are limited to 30 so most of the main characters when pking will be MG and RF Also currency should be more important than others I feel like. When I drop silver medals, an item can give me up to 1 mil to resell it at a shopkeeper. Zen has a lower value than an average item. Either the items have to be lowered by price or zen should be "harder to grind". Searching parties on the other hand is difficult on higher maps. You see parties with 4 guys helping each other and youre trying to join that party, but they won't allow you to get better loot. Which makes it unhealthy to do so in my opinion. Making parties with 5 people gives more exp and more enjoyable to play with. Guilds that recruit their own nationality is something I noticed ingame. Shouldn't people be allowed to join a guild with another nationality? A little bit overtaught, but it feels like some guilds are uncomfortable talking english I assume? By doing that, the community itself becomes "outsiders" and "insiders" by my opinion. I had that experience in other servers back in the days when the majority of players played from 1 country and the minority became outsiders. Is there a possibility for a 2nd server to start in order to reduce lagg in some areas? My game gets very laggy after a certain amount of time (overload of players in 1 map?) Might there be also more spots to farm on? like Davias 4 or LT 2 and 1. Those spots are empty and need monsters in order to get lower players spread out for more activity. Activity wise I know the staff is implementing new systems such as Blackjack and Soccer league in order to get more fun in to the game. Can I suggest we add horse races in Lorencia? It seems very fun to me. Could we also marry with other characters in the church and get more involving with the community to learn each other instead of grinding all day. Overall the game is unique and I believe you guys will reach top 3 the upcoming months. Keep doing your best buddy ! -- Iwant2Fap --
    4. Hello Before my first reset, I did the quest for my SM After that I had 4 points for every level, now I get 3 points after resetting Is it normal or do we have to do something else?
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