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    Filter last won the day on December 19 2023

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    1. agree. even adding option of 2 for 1 at goblin would help. Not everyone likes every aspect of the game. And not being in top alliance/having maxed out equpement makes it not to fair - giving even more advantage only small group of playes (i know that at the begining it will mostly help them - but in a long run it will make this feature more accesable to entire population)
    2. hmm, it says will wont count , not - they will get deleted anyway - proposal - maybe not delete them? If someone is gathering ob's to do statue is blocked
    3. Hi, question. Does quest 9 still remove old OB from inv/store? I remember some time ago it did, however now description says they just cant be used to finish the quest and they do not get deleted. And second one - just to be sure - after GR quests 3,6,9,12 does not give additional reward besides posibility to do qreset? Thanks
    4. i gave up doing 3rd wing. if i will not buy one , dont want to waste my nerves on bugged goblin
    5. i am not asking about opinion when it gets bugged ^^ i know that higher than +16 gets bugged. I am asking for solution or opt reset from my item.
    6. Hi, I wanted to craft condor flame. I have all the parts ready. When i had a anc item+10+16+L it was at 26%. When i increased opt further - unfortunately up to +28 the chance is now 5%. Is there a way to fix that bug or remove opt from my item? Thanks
    7. thanks, maybe it would be beneficial to change the message then i am reading those gold messages and didnt spot it. Thanks !
    8. It is a new char - DL, i have never been to battle map and dont have access yet.
    9. Each time i try to enter CC it says I have to leave party. I checked on every char in account - no party. I tried /re off and auto, i try to relog. Nothing helps. Any advice?
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