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  • Me0ne

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    About Me0ne

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    1. Please ban him is 3rd time ! https://ibb.co/v3bCQvk
    2. 2nd time ! BAN HIM https://ibb.co/SmxTgmH
    3. https://ibb.co/yVX3S2r Is not normal to swear about family on post !
    4. Me0ne


      is a rare set and that must mean an expensive set but atm has 0 value untill you make tradable, is very hard to make a set and u can `t make a deal with it.. Whats the point of those items ?? Make them tradable like everything on srv to give more value on set coz a lot of ppl stays with 1 item min on inventory because of good opt and can not make a set .. Give value to the rare items!
    5. Can u ban all members from Ms13? so u can stay peaceful with all your boys from Hardcore on the server ! Or you just help them nice and slow to dominate the server untill they get 40 vs 10 ? Will be sad times for Genesis from this db ! @in banned list we can see just index0811 insulting staff, but the DL from other account is banned to but isn`t on web this is a mistake ! is easy to get ban for insulting staff without a proof on forum . We must guess what was that insult , the rules must be for everyone to see all the players the reason for a ban ! If he insulted you put a print on forum for all ppl on the server to know why he got banned and to be a lesson for the rest .
    6. when he banned me the post was made by Chukundah , so guys u are not Chukundah and for that Gion doesn`t have any interest to take decission`s on time. Same here, if the post was made by Hardcore friends don`t worry in max 1 hour u get banned.Gion and Gioconda = BFF
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