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    Found 8 results

    1. GAIA Luckster To be fair, it was necessary to block the main players, but such rules..... Initially, I didn’t know that Luckster was also from Hardcore, and I tried to persuade him to /warn GAIA. but a guild member told me what him is Emperror. Previously, although not so popular, IT was interesting, now every day these guys "abuse the distribution rule" more and more and the main characters go into one team and the secondary(alts) ones into another and stay afk and get free reward.
    2. Cyjus

      Bug at CC

      Hi! I'm not sure if this the correct place, to report it - if not, just move it please. I've noticed that I can't use UPGRADED (via ML) vitality buff (from RF class) at Chaos Castle. Since I put some points into it (so when it was "normal" buff) everything worked fine. Sincerely Cyjus
    3. Hi i wanna report one bug from imperial we did 4 day's the best time but some how we did not recive 24 point's we only recive 18 https://ibb.co/m8jZzcx
    4. https://imgur.com/a/NXlkrap https://imgur.com/a/3QjBLcW Punish such a behaviour! Ban them of the IT event for a while ... the game itself is fun if you are not spoiling events ... i don't care about your stupid dramas, at least ensure you play the game(events) properly...
    5. Wanheda


      (sorry. only place on genesis forum where im allowed to post.) Hello, i was thinking to make rare items like they used to be, to be able to move them in vould, and transfer character with them. is a pretty hard set to make, and it is a waste to keep seling them for zen or using them on w3...
    6. He got reported many times in Guild chat for antigame in IT. Hardcore is permanently farming IT like this, thus ruining the event for everyone. If you can trace how many IT's he joined and his performance would be surprized how many Illusion Temples are farmed like this. Ofc they are using VPN, in case he joined 1x IT in morning(alt) and 1x IT in evening(main), chances are high whoever got this alt didn't use vpn since there was no need for it. Just double check his IP idress if it mathes with any other (small hint Hardcore) and plz ban him too from IT. I dont like reporting players, but this pissed off too many people already!(Screen shots on link) https://imgur.com/a/FhrLk1B
    7. I dont know where to post this, so i post it here. are you kidding? You did IT shit. He takes my invitation from the stash, then tells me I need my ticket to come in? what the hell did you do , this is pathetic. https://postimg.cc/FdbDSB5t SOLVE THIS SHIT!!!
    8. ZaZaX

      Raid Gens

      What happened withe the Raid event 1:00-7:59,it was not,WHY!!!???😎😎😎🤣🤣🤣
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