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  • sombraX

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    sombraX last won the day on November 2 2022

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    About sombraX

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    1. Seems that the Admins dont wanna make any changes...Sad..
    2. So alot of ppl agree with this change or another, but still agree to change something. Hope Gion will answer on this or ADMIN. Cheers,
    3. If they want to stay perma online with 7 devices good for them but i dont think so. Anyways the ppl here are mostly agree with, dont know why so much hate
    4. Thing is we talk about Icarus making something like BC/DS, i think we just changed the subject here.
    5. Gion, you talking about making Icarus as BC/DS, we help even more the others who already use 5 chars inside? Explain this, cuz in this moment making nothing, will be each spot with 5 chars that means 1 player lol. And Mael im not talking about you, is about all of the players, good for you to get all items with Cash and dont play the game, maybe others wanna play it not just pay it. Cheers,
    6. Mael, more spots cant be made, because they will be to close one from another and the same ppl would farm x2 spots not just 1. So thats not a solution, and if you wanna play fair, dont use VPN ( no offence ofc). Cheers,
    7. -Character name: sombra -Suggestion for Inception server. Hey there and first of all good job making this server. After some days playing here i just realized that some players ( alot of them) just using VPN so they can log in with more than 2 accounts. Not a problem with this if the admins doesn't to ofc, but the thing is when you go to Icarus you find all spots full and they all are inside with more than 2 accounts, even with 4 taking more than 1 spot. Problem is that the other players who just play normal, has no chance to farm in there, they get even PK if they try to get a spot. -My suggestion is, if its possible to make this map, Icarus acces just like DS/Bc, meaning 1account/IP or account/Device. -So this way more of the players can farm inside, and the market wont be so Overpriced with Icarus drops. Ofc this is just my opinion, i let you guys/girls to decide about this. Cheers,
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