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  • Endorphin

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    Endorphin last won the day on February 25 2022

    Endorphin had the most liked content!

    1 Follower

    About Endorphin

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    • Guild: RAMPAGE

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    1. The whole text was " Imi e frica sa nu imi dai vreuna, sa lesin si sa..." And my guards are following me
    2. We're not running for records. We dont play alts or pvm chars. We didnt had so many points in first 4-5 days from long time ago. Every week we was struggling to keep a chance for ob5 reward, but many times we lost. Whats going on with you this week? And dont say we are running 7/7 buffs coz this is a bullshit.
    3. https://postimg.cc/HJMtGQF1 I post more if it needed, ibrahim
    4. https://postimg.cc/PLMxD1hW
    5. https://postimg.cc/8JNwz90Z Badabing, whats wrong with you this week?!
    6. I dont need to provide something. I didnt know about this till Monkey report it and nobody need to provide something. The guilty ones needs to provide something in their help, but seems Lanaya told us more than we need to know. Why whould you do something for months if it doesnt work? You just hope to work and dont test it more? You think I used erf in lorencia before imperial because I liked to log that char everyday? I used because you pushed us to get better and better time. So dont come again here with your speach "if it worked", coz it worked 100%.
    7. Are you their advocate? You seems to be too much involved in this case. I dont need to prove nothing. I know, not I think, you cheat. Even a blind man can smell your shit did to win gaion every week.
    8. We already checked, mr Banana, but meanwhile someone changed the settings to save your ass. Dont try to be so clever, coz we're not so stupid like you think we are. Too many ppl from your guild is involved to get permanently ban, so chill down.
    9. Hope its good anytime, but you can be a little more realistic.
    10. I think its time to move all the items guys You should save something before everything will falls apart.
    11. 31k vit? I heard someone bypassed much more OMENN, you have a snitch in pt😂
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