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  • AlexMG

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    AlexMG last won the day on April 3 2024

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    About AlexMG

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    1. let him report it if he feels i insulted him, don't act like server police when u one of the biggest trash talker out there thx. same for ur racist chukimuki
    2. i piss on ur grave u pussy ass racist bitch. Given 3 forum warn points. Restricted from posting - 23 hours and 59 minutes
    3. We were having a friendly converstation, if he feels insulted, he should be the one posting it, not a crybaby who has no strings to it.
    4. Please explain to me where i used BL to insult a player? Go try again plz.
    5. https://imgur.com/a/hpWhcYG As we can all see, our server / forum "heroes" from hardcore strike again by the abusive method where they send 1 guy out in the server post so they can target and report all other players who the are in competition with (alth i don't like to use the word competition since there is none, thinking of the fact that they only play out here to be top 80) . As can be seen in the screenshot the keyboard hero chukundah stays in the back so he can "snipe" people out and show only the converstation that benefits him and his team. Many players will report they SS where you'll see that HC started this talk first with insults so this type of "rule abuse" that he does (as can be seen that in 1h he reported half of the server) should be punished so he stops being a crybaby all the time, while also not showing the whole conversation and holding back evidence and maybe start playing some MU. I am not here to contest shit, please mute me by all means, but this is pure evidence of how trash they are and that's all that needed to be showcased. Stop acting like heroes u fucking illiterate monkeys. You are the most racist, illiterate and dumb player out there in the wild and the fact that you got muted for racing 3 or 4 times in a row shows your real character. As stated, this is grown-ups PVP server, not a crybaby server for softcores. Respectfully, Pissing on shukudas grave, AlexMG
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