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  • Banana

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    Posts posted by Banana

    1. On 6/6/2024 at 6:42 PM, Azir said:

      Hello everyone, with this question first I mean no harm,  just I am curious about how really the rules are and what are we allowed and not allowed to do (because some of the things we see in game is kinda unfair).

      The topic is about the rule with entering with 1 character (Main / Alt) in any events, but most particulary about CC and CS.
      I will address the question to Gion/admin if possible, obviously we dont want answers of players -  who go around that rule and enter with more characters in CC 2/3/4/5/6/7 at same time with using VPNs or any other way to change their IP and get few rewards at a time since not many ppl enter the lower CCs and its a free win most of the time. (Same is for CS - Badabing is using more than 1 character per player for more PVP artefacts + rewards + buffs for the battle).

      So we have a video of that, proving and seing their afk players on statues and in the hall for farming stamper points as 2nd character per player.
      Just asking if this is fair, allowed and can we do it as well? (and if yes- why there is restriction of playing only 2 MUclients on 1 PC / IP and restriction for 1 character on1 IP for Imperial/DS/BC/CC/CS and etc.)
      If we cant stop someone from going around that rule of the server, why dont we remove it and everyone to do what abusers are doing already to go ahead and free farm.

      PS: its not nice/fair to see 1 player going in 4 CCs at the same time to get more rewards since we are allowed to join 1 CC event per time + having people on CS who clearly are playing with 2 or more characters and win more points for their Guild.

      Is that not possible for my grandma and grandpa play the game?

    2. 2 hours ago, Endorphin said:

      We're not running for records. We dont play alts or pvm chars. We didnt had so many points in first 4-5 days from long time ago. Every week we was struggling to keep a chance for ob5 reward, but many times we lost. Whats going on with you this week? And dont say we are running 7/7 buffs coz this is a bullshit.

      Dose it matter with pvm chars? Why dont you guys make pvm build? ADM stopping you guys?

      IF there is no record of the last week, how people can imagine the difference?

      There are many scenarios:

      1. They are bad at Gaion now, but what reason? No buff (doople, elf)? Running with 4 or 3?

      2.You guys can make more pvm build (no need to be full pvm).

      3. I have seen you do it with 5 doople buffs ( including edr crit ?)

      4. You can have vip to make more runs


      Before thing become clear, just dont guess or saying nonsense.


    3. 1 minute ago, Endorphin said:

      I dont need to provide something. I didnt know about this till Monkey report it and nobody need to provide something. The guilty ones needs to provide something in their help, but seems Lanaya told us more than we need to know. 

      Why whould you do something for months if it doesnt work? You just hope to work and dont test it more? You think I used erf in lorencia before imperial because I liked to log that char everyday? I used because you pushed us to get better and better time. So dont come again here with your speach "if it worked", coz it worked 100%.

      Before you putting anyone into prison. You will need to provide enough evidence. Here only your words, how it possible? only your G mate believe that. 

    4. 31 minutes ago, WhoKnows said:

      Banana is same Lanaya we can all notice it location, same time joining forum, also same way of typing.

      Just stop it and don't come to us with "If I'm guilty". 
      You clearly are exploiting a bug of buffing in crywolf and then come to us maybe selupan, maybe medusa and gaion fights. 

      I hope Gion will track your items and set that you've been trading around to your friends and not just ban an empty account.

      You want some more information? I can be anywhere.



    5. 1 minute ago, Endorphin said:

      We already checked, mr Banana, but meanwhile someone changed the settings to save your ass. Dont try to be so clever, coz we're not so stupid like you think we are.
      Too many ppl from your guild is involved to get permanently ban, so chill down.

      You checked and you did not save any evidence? How can ppls trust you? Provide something please. 

      The only 1 who can change the sitting is ADM. Are you referring to him?

    6. 53 minutes ago, snap4ik said:


      Energy RF applies same logic as (it was before ....) for Energy ELF. 
      1) You buff Cry Wolf
      2) You move to other map, and the buff you keep is the one from CryWolf formula :)

      It is RF buffs and RF buffs work on normal sever. Could you please try with elf to see how it works?

      Seem you know those kind of thing for years. Why don't you report it earlier but just after you got ban? Have you use it at any fight?

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