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  • Dominic

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    Dominic last won the day on December 26 2024

    Dominic had the most liked content!

    About Dominic

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    1. Top 1 pussyrat. Where are all the STARKS who cried so much about reports? Once again proving that IF WE DO GIVE THE OPPORTUNITY - they will report. Just back then u guys didnt have shit on us. Enjoy your free server.
    2. Teamfight BK suck mostly because weapon skill moves opponents too much.BK is just good char to annoy someone but in crowded teamfights is shit. But i guess its never meant to be teamplayer char. Let it wait for opponents in Duels, CC, Arena and leave it out of Medusa/Selupan/CS?
    3. There is one day in week that we must do it later at the day. Couldnt do it during medusa either. And yet you are afraid and block Gaion. Rest of the days we done gaion first thing after reset, always giving you advantage. What a pricks! Endo u can fuk off too, always unfair player, u been done it many times too. Guilty as Emperror. Losers are afraid to lose more, what can i say. Antigamers suck!
    4. I mean registering 3 alt guilds as defenders. You are obviously happy for no enemies. Enjoy your farm gayroby.
    5. You are saying that but with no proof - why would i wanna waste my time blocking someone to enter gaion? You are lying as usual. Afraid to lose Gaion, you pull this antigame "trick". You confirmed that you are TOP1 in something and that in a douchebags ranking. You suck hard, RestDL
    6. Yes, many people could do gaion in 1h. Its not just our party tht you ruined but also another 2 parties chance to go to gaion on friday. Lowlevel Emperror, perhaps u learn one day how to play fair.
    7. Usual STARK/RAMPAGE playbook. Block CS, block Gaion, block everything? And then u cry why no enemies.
    8. we cry so much :)) " cause there are people to be helped, people that play on this server, people that feel ignored until the "moderator" decides to reply to their answers/complains/requests whenever he feels like" - @Lucifurr wants to help ppl :)) - cryy Maybe if u post less u feel less ignored
    9. He is protected, nothing will change
    10. @Apokalypse "but on behalf of deffending the blamers in the screens, im sure they just dont flame witohut any reason" are you serious?
    11. How would admin like to play if u cannot get rid of that kind of spam in game? Really have to turn off all chat entirely? Or will there finally be something done for it?
    12. Players who were involved in the show: @Me0ne, ixtab, ripvietnam(knightmare), @LucifurrLucifer, @SantaCameCallMeBob, @DeepHouseEroby Just for future knowledge for all other players.
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